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WTF, Anime????


Demon Girl
Jan 4, 2011
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Having seen a few anime that disturbed me, i thought i'd make a thread concerning moments in anime that were particularly shocking (in either a bad,funny or just plain wtf way). I'll start shall I?

Anime: Beelzebub
Re: WTF, Anime????

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni.
Everything. <3
Re: WTF, Anime????

Anime: FLCL

Part: Anything involving any character named Haruko Haruhara.
EDIT: Or, maybe just EVERYTHING.
Re: WTF, Anime????

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni.
Everything. <3


I remember watching a little on youtube. Freaked me out ever since...

The clip consisted of a girl furiously and repeatedley slamming her head into a kitchen knife, while a green haired girl laughed in an extremley pyscho way.

Was afraid of girls for weeks after that...

Regarding Fooly Cooly, people have been recomending it to me. While i don't consider myself an anime freak at all (Only ever finished about 20 odd anime) i am always on the look out for a good series to watch. Is it worth it?

edit: scratch that, just rememberd i'd watched several episodes years ago. And yes i have to agree, it's pretty much constant what the fuckery
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Re: WTF, Anime????

Welcome to the NHK: A lot of it. (Not everything, unfortunately)
Re: WTF, Anime????

Yes, there's only 6 episodes, but they have you going WTF until the very end. Then you say "Um, WTF?".

Now that Higurashi show sounds interesting... Hmm...

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Re: WTF, Anime????

Anime: Haiyoru! Nyaruani: Remember My Mr Lovecraft

WTF moment: I'll start from the title...
Re: WTF, Anime????

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni just contains lolis that love to laugh like the Joker and kill with sharp utencils. And a taser. Where the fuck do they get a taser?

I'd like to say that 80% of the Anime I watch is just ludicrous beyond comprehension, but it's really unfair to generalize like that.

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is like cocaine mixed with Japanese alchohol combined with more cocaine and the semen of Peewee. I mean Fooly Cooly had some cool moments, Pani Poni Dash is just cute.. But Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei? It makes Stimpy and Ren look normal and bland.

I wanna also say Panty and Stocking. But really, that show was meant to be crazy. And it is damn awesome. I also understand the jokes considering it parodies western culture! Finally an Anime without stupid subtitles that try to explain some lame joke occuring in Japanese context.
Re: WTF, Anime????

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni just contains lolis that love to laugh like the Joker and kill with sharp utencils. And a taser. Where the fuck do they get a taser?

Hence why i found the show incredibly scary.

Id never heard of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, ill have to check it out.

In terms of freaky, a classic one would be School Days, specifically the ending. Gah....

edit. Luppi, two things. First, i wish you luck on surviving a higurashi marathon. Second, lolwut, most epic suicide ever
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Re: WTF, Anime????

What about Puni Puni Poemi? It parodies everything about magical girl anime. Her sword is a fish skeleton. Oh, yeah, and it has a "hentai" scene.

"Mr. Potato-dono!!!"
Re: WTF, Anime????

What: Katanagatari
Where: The ending.
Re: WTF, Anime????

Hence why i found the show incredibly scary.

Id never heard of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, ill have to check it out.

In terms of freaky, a classic one would be School Days, specifically the ending. Gah....

edit. Luppi, two things. First, i wish you luck on surviving a higurashi marathon. Second, lolwut, most epic suicide ever

sayonara is probably my favourite anime, it is very weird though. I guess thats what i like about it.

higurashi isn't anywhere near as weird as its made out to be though. first season is excelent and second season is required reading to make the first seson make sense.
Re: WTF, Anime????

I found higurashi not so interesting as an anime, i'm gonna guess the manga and novel are better, but i didn't like how the characters kept being rebuilt and i sure didn't like how the deus ex machina worked, much like the umineko one, haven't seen the second season, so i'm probably missing out on some key information. Loved the ending theme tho.:)

I prefer something along the line of paranoia agent when it comes to complicate plots.
Re: WTF, Anime????

I hate to put this here, but Hetalia.

My wtf moments are at various points through the anime, but mostly at the ending credits. And Rome Singing... and Switzerland wearing girl's PJs, and Prussia. And Russia jumping from an airplane because he thought he would have a soft landing in the snow... or even England and the "Busby's Chair" arc...

On second thought, let's just go with the whole thing, apart from the revolutionary war arc. XD
Re: WTF, Anime????

I found higurashi not so interesting as an anime, i'm gonna guess the manga and novel are better, but i didn't like how the characters kept being rebuilt and i sure didn't like how the deus ex machina worked, much like the umineko one, haven't seen the second season, so i'm probably missing out on some key information. Loved the ending theme tho.:)

I prefer something along the line of paranoia agent when it comes to complicate plots.

I was going to mention Paranoia Agent. Haven't see it, myself, but to listen to my two friends talk about it and the "WTF, waitaminute! Get back here and explain yourself!" ending is enough to keep me from watching it for the time being.
Re: WTF, Anime????

I was going to mention Paranoia Agent. Haven't see it, myself, but to listen to my two friends talk about it and the "WTF, waitaminute! Get back here and explain yourself!" ending is enough to keep me from watching it for the time being.

God yes. Especially coming towards the end of the series. That was a serious case of wtf.
Re: WTF, Anime????

Heh, about wtf endings, the original ending for the evangelion anime is still one of the top wtf moment for me, not really hard to understand, but it's so anti-climatic, they had to make "The end of evangelion" cause of the protests from the fans. XD
Re: WTF, Anime????

With Higurashi it's not so much "weird", as just plain violent. Part of the chilling thing about it is how it keeps going back to feigned innocence, as if it were any other typical anime revolving around some school girls and the new kid on the block. When I first watched it I didn't get any warning, hadn't seen any clips before hand or such. Having just picked it randomly out of someone else's favourite list. It's a bit like if you were watching some Haruhi, and a few episodes in they all start brutally killing each other. And just as it's genuinely freaked you out, suddenly everyone's alive again and chatting happily around a table.

A pair of AMV's montaging some of the gruesome parts. Could be considered spoilers, so if you do intend on watching then might want to leave em.

Re: WTF, Anime????

I hate to put this here, but Hetalia.

My wtf moments are at various points through the anime, but mostly at the ending credits. And Rome Singing... and Switzerland wearing girl's PJs, and Prussia. And Russia jumping from an airplane because he thought he would have a soft landing in the snow... or even England and the "Busby's Chair" arc...

On second thought, let's just go with the whole thing, apart from the revolutionary war arc. XD

If you're homophobic, Hetalia Axis Powers is not for you :3

But yeah, it can be fairly wtf sometimes. I enjoyed it thoroughly, waiting on more episodes for the next series though.
Re: WTF, Anime????

If you're homophobic, Hetalia Axis Powers is not for you :3

But yeah, it can be fairly wtf sometimes. I enjoyed it thoroughly, waiting on more episodes for the next series though.

Yeah, waiting for season 3, lol.

Oh, oh! And the fact that Ukraine's tits ACTUALLY make noise when they bounce, which is like, all the time.