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Mary (the64bitbot)

Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The two men look at each other, confused as Mary offers a surrender. As they shrug, she darts out of the room before they can say anything, leaving them scratching their heads.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary starts to dash away, hoping one of them would be slower than the other when they chase her.

Of course, it seems like they didn't chase her? When she realizes this, she slowly makes her way back to the room, listening in at the door.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary can hear the muffled sounds of speaking, but all she can make out is what in the five Hells her problem was... and a bit later a ready? and then the sounds of whipping resumed.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary slowly opens the door. "You didn't chase me?" she asks curiously, noting who was in the room, although from the listening she made out that she had misinterpreted what happened.

"I'm sorry, it seems I made a mistake." she says quickly after, still sticking her head through the door.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The men look fairly annoyed with her by now, especially the one she had blasted, who was leaning heavily against the wall. You probably did, but that's likely our fault for acting so aggressively towards you. Granted, we thought that was part of the plan.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"What plan?" Mary asks with innate curiosity, as she steps into the room, doing her best to look non threatening.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The man nodded towards the girls, still tied between the floor and roof, looking rather frustrated themselves. The girls are masochists, we come out here every so often because it's off the beaten path. We thought you were one of their friends or something. The girls nodded, and the man shrugged and rubbed his head, still smarting from Mary's attack.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Oh...I'm sorry." Mary said again, before placing her staff down and doing her best to pick her sultry voice up again. "Is there any way I can make it up to you?" she lets out a sly grin.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The men looked at each other briefly and then to the girls, then back at Mary. Which end? the one who seemed to be taking the lead asked, holding out both his whip and a rope, allowing her to choose her part in the little game.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary pondered for a moment, not quite sure which to pick. Well...I did hurt one of them...so they might not be very nice...but on the other hand..."

Mary was obviously having a hard mental time, before deciding to flip a coin. It came up tails, meaning she decided to let herself get tied up.

Mary pointed at the rope without a word.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Alright then, little lady the man said with a chuckle. Just be warned, we don't pull many punches. He quickly and skillfully stripped her naked, and then tied her arms tightly behind her back, heavy knots at her wrists and elbows. He continued on until she was tied much too tightly to move, a knotted rope digging deeply into her pussy and her panties tied into her mouth as a gag. The men then hoisted her up with another set of ropes, tying her to the roof of the cave such that most of her weight was supported by the crotch rope. Everyone ready? the leader asked with a smile as the men picked up their whips. The other girls eagerly nodded yes.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary was quite surprised at how quickly they had tied her, though it's not like she was resisting, but she wish they'd let her keep her clothes...though maybe it was for the best, with those whips.

Mary cries out as the rope digs into her folds, thinking what an amazing feeling it was. Her panties in her mouth made her giggle and blush. "How embarrassing..." she thought.

Being hoisted off the floor caused her to moan into her gag, as the feeling of her weight being supported by the crotch rope caused her an amount of pleasure she was unused to, as well as a large amount of pain as tears formed in her eyes. She quickly nodded when the man asked her, a muffled yes going through her gag.
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Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Well then, back to it. With that, the men began to whip the three women. Mary would notice that perhaps the one whipping her was going a little bit easier on her than the others were, even though she had given him a blast of energy to the face. Even so, it was still painful, and welts began to form on her stomach and breasts where he hit her, then on her back and ass when the men moved around. Still, it was oddly arousing despite the pain, and Mary began to moan into her gag with each lash. After a seeming eternity, the men pulled them down to the ground and untied their gags, then forced Mary up against one of the other women, a stunning young woman with long auburn hair who began to give Mary a passionate kiss, clearly excited by the presence of a stranger.

As the two of them kissed, the men undressed and moved into position behind the girls. Mary gasped as she felt the man briefly tease her folds before pushing his way in, fucking her with firm, long strokes. She gave a brief look sideways towards one of the other women, and saw her man fucking her roughly in the ass as she cried out, her screams echoing off the walls of the cave. Gratefulness at being let off easy probably passed through her mind as she felt the weight of the leader press down against her back, his hands firmly squeezing and caressing her breasts as he pounded her. Now I'm gonna cum in this tight little pussy of yours he whispered into her ear, speeding up his thrusts until he filled her with his warm seed. The feeling drove her over the edge into a powerful orgasm, and from the sound of the room the others found themselves in the same condition. The six of them collapsed to the ground panting, as the girl in front of her began to kiss Mary anew. After a short recovery time, the men got up and began to untie them.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary yelped at the first couple of whips, wincing at the pain piled on top of the already tight tie. Though she was grateful to the man for being gentle on her, even though she had blasted him before. The lashes soon stopped being only painful, starting to quickly build pleasure as each strike sent her squirming in her tie, digging the already deep crotch rope further into her.

As she was lowered, she started to pant as the gag was removed, surprised when she was forced into the kiss with the other girl, quickly returning the favor as best she could. As she felt the man play with her womanhood, it took her a moment before she realized what was going to happen.

"No wait I didn't agree to th---nngh" Mary started, biting her lower lip when the man entered her, still unused to the feeling, even with the tentacles before.

"Well I did hit him with a magic blast...I guess it's the least I can offer him..." she thought before muttering "Ok..it's fine" under her breath. She wouldn't admit it...easily, but it was quite exciting being pounded so roughly while tied. She started to moan as the man played with her breasts, enjoying the attention.

Her eyes opened wide and she shook her head when he whispered in her ear. "No please...not inside." she whispered back, fruitlessly. The man sped up until he released himself inside of her, causing her to go over the edge, moaning loudly as an orgasm over took her, her body clenching up and holding his member firmly in her as all her muscles tightened and her toes curled, until it was over and the man had left her. Mary weakly kissed back as well as she could when the girl kissed her again, idly having thoughts of the three punishing her for her mistake by entering her at the same time. She tried to banish the thought. "Oh no I'm becoming some sort of slut..." she thought.

She was relieved when the men untied her, though kind of longing for more...

"Um, sorry again." she said meekly. "What now?"
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

It's fine, honest mistake the man said. Thank you for joining us the girls said in unison, giving Mary a brief hug and a kiss on each cheek. We're probably going to head back to town, personally. This cave is nice and all, but we don't really have reason to be here besides this~ The five of them gathered their things and waved at Mary as they left her behind in the now empty room.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Um wait...when will you return? And um, which way to town?" she hastily asks before they leave.

After they leave, Mary decides to check out the shiny in the cavernous room, the party was a nice distraction and all, but she had treasure to find.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Oh, we generally do this about once a week. Town is about a mile down the road outside the cave, you really can't miss it. With that, the group left, and Mary made her way to the other room. The shiny thing was a chest, fairly ornate and silvery, sitting to the side in the room. Before Mary could get to it, she felt a tentacle grab at her, hoisting her up into the air, and then slapping at her breasts, beginning to dissolve her dress once again. She found herself aroused by thoughts of what it might do to her

Tentacle Beast
6/6 HP

3/5 FP
1/10 AP
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Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Ahh damnit! Not again, I really don't want to have to conjure another dress....even though it's not that hard." Mary fights having a pointless excuse in her argument with the anger of her clothes once again leaving her. She sighs as she tries to blast the thing, hopefully freeing herself, and even more hpefully not landing in a comical fasion, or with her skirt upside down...which it already was.

"At least it's a dark cave and there's no one around to see." she tries to comfort herself.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

1 vs. 15

Mary once again settled into the pattern of missing her target spectacularly.

15 vs. 4

And again the tentacles hit her, and she could feel herself getting tired already.

Tentacle Beast
6/6 HP

2/5 FP
1/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary sighs, deciding to try something different. "If I give up will you be nice and let me keep my clothes? And maybe be gentle?" she tries to yell at the tentacles, deciding that she probably isn't about to win this fight, and doesn't really want to keep it going for too long.