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Mary (the64bitbot)

Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The tentacles paused for a bit, seeming to perhaps understand her. Perhaps. It brought her closer to the mass of gunk at its center, as if getting a closer look at her, and then carefully grabbed her staff, taking it from her if she allowed it to and propping it up against the cave wall. It seemed to be trying to comprehend her request, as if it had once been able to understand... After a few moments of strange, disquieting silence as it pondered what to do, it began gently rubbing up her legs and brushing her dress up towards her waist, then withdrew. It almost seemed like it was beckoning her to take off her clothes, as it adjusted to allow her to do so.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Hesitantly Mary allows the tentacles to take her staff, somewhat pleased that the beast was willing to listen to her. Though when it lets her remove her clothes she sort of sighs.

"Can't you just...have your fun while I wear them?" she asks, hoping it would understand her again, though she takes off her panties so it could enter her, at the very least. If the beast still seems like it needs her to take off the rest of it, she reluctantly complies.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The beast paused as Mary took off her panties, waiting for her to go further, and seemed to almost shrug as she didn't. In any case, it began to rub its tendrils against her inner thighs, and all along her legs, giving her all the massage he could in her clothed state. It began to gingerly press itself against her lower holes, and brought a tentacle up to her mouth, allowing her to suck on it or not. Gently it penetrated both her pussy and ass, and began to thrust them in unison. It seemed almost as if it was taking care to make sure she enjoyed it, when a very small, differently shaped tentacle slowly arose from the muck. It attached itself to the young mage's swollen clit and applied gentle suction, driving her to orgasm almost immediately. It continued fucking her gently at its slow and steady pace until she felt it swell and throb inside her, flooding her with huge amounts of its cum. When it had finished, it gently laid her down next to her staff and made its way from the room, apparently content.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary sort of sighed with contentment as it massaged her, gladly sucking the tentacle that came up to her mouth as payment for being gentle. She was quite happy when the tentacles filled all her three holes, doing her best to thrust back against them as she quickly rose in pleasure.

She enjoyed the slow pace of these tentacles compared to the first set that had raped her at the start. She was surprised when it spit so much cum into her, much like the first time, as she did her best to swallow what she could of the one in her mouth. She quickly put her panties back on, repairing her clothes, but deciding the leave the stains for now, as her mind was still lewd, before taking her staff and examining the chest.
"I swear if this is a mimic..."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary tried to open the chest, but found it to be locked, the lid not budging even a little bit. Which was more than just a little bit disappointing. The key would probably have to be somewhere in the cave, though, so perhaps not all was lost. As she made her way out of the room, she came back to the four-way intersection. She could either go back the way she came, or go north, along the path she hadn't taken yet.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary sighed at the chest. The key could be anywhere. She decided to head north now, seeing what was there, maybe she'd spot the key, or maybe she wouldn't. She certainly didn't expect she would.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

As Mary walked along, the path widened considerably. She saw a sort of stairwell cut into the rock ahead of her, either by magic or by a very powerful hand. As she walked toward it, she saw monsters blocking her path, and heard another one slide up behind her. This was not going to be good.

6/6 HP

Rope Demon

Tentacle Wolf
5/5 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary takes a look around, quite a bit of interest lights up in her eyes when she sees the rope demon, but she can tell that there's no way she can win this fight.

Mary tries to run away as fast as she can. "There is no dishonor in running from an impossible battle!"
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

10 vs. 7

Mary managed to dart past the two monsters blocking her path, nearly tripping down the stairwell as she ran. Eventually she came to a huge locked door, and she could hear the monsters pursuing her...
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"What is this, some B-Movie horror flick?!" Mary yells in frustration as she tries to shove open the door, preparing for the worst if she can't.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Just as the monsters were nearly at Mary's back, the door swung open and swiftly closed behind her. She found herself in a fairly large room, outfitted with what looked to be strangely comfortable furniture. When she looked around to see who had opened the door, she saw no one, which was quite puzzling. She was startled by a voice behind her. A visitor, a visitor! the voice cried out, perhaps a bit louder than was normal for someone standing so close. Mary spun around to find the source of the voice, and laid eyes on a a fairly short woman with long, flowing blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She only stood about four and a half feet tall, but the wings on her back indicated that she was some sort of fairy; for a fairy, she was really quite large. She was also quite naked, wearing nothing but her wide smile. She was quite voluptuous for her size. It's been so long since I've had a visitor, I've been so lonely! she said, grabbing Mary's hand and leading her enthusiastically toward a table. She then nearly sprinted to a nearby room and brought back a kettle of tea and some glasses for the both of them.
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Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Umm..." Mary started, trying not to start at the fairy...too much. "There's a bunch of monsters outside, they won't be able to get in, right?" she asks, as the fair drags her to sit down.

"But...thank you for saving me?" Mary wasn't really quite sure what was happening yet. "And...do you have any clothes?" she asked meekly.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Of course they can't, why do you think I live here? the fairy asked cheerfully as she set down the tea kettle. You're totally welcome she said, but Mary's next question seemed to throw her off as she poured the tea. Clothes? Why would I have clothes? she asked, tilting her head as if the concept were just utterly silly to her. She sat down opposite Mary and began to drink. So why are you here, anyway?
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary sighs at hearing that she should be safe here.

"Aren't clothes normal? Well...maybe not for faries I guess. But they can be cute, and feel good too." she says, trying to get her to maybe want some.

"I'm here looking for rumored treasure. Oh...I saw a locked chest before, you wouldn't happen to know of any key that's been laying around, would you?"

Mary starts to drink the tea, testing it, not wanting to be rude.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Oh... I've just never really worn them before. The fairy tilted her head to the side, deep in thought as she stared intently at Mary. I guess that makes sense she said, nodding and going back to sipping tea. I don't have the key to that chest. I don't leave my little corner down here much, actually. Back there is a way to get outside she said, nodding towards the area she had brought the tea from, I made the path myself not long ago so I wouldn't have to fight off all those monsters whenever I wanted outside. Mary noticed that the fairy was staring at her, but trying not to be too obvious about it.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary tries to think of a cute outfit for the fairy, conjuring one if she can. Maybe a little mini outfit that was like hers, but just sized for the fairy.

"Oh? Thank you, that'd be helpful, I'd much like to not find the monsters." she said first, drinking the tea a bit more, noticing the fairy staring at her.

"Um...if you'd like, I can stay a while, since you said you don't have company very often."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The fairy looked confused as a small, cute little dress appeared on the table. She looked at it a little bit suspiciously, not immediately sure where it had come from before she clapped her hands. Oh, you're a mage! she said. Her enthusiasm dampened a bit as she looked at the dress, seemingly conflicted about it. When Mary offered to stay, she blushed a little and looked away. I... I'd really like that she said, idly playing with her tea cup.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Then I'll stay for now, I could use a good rest after those monsters." Mary at this point realizes her clothes are still stained with tentacle spunk and tries her best to clean them off with her magic.

"Why don't you try on the outfit? I think it's look really cute on you." Mary says, letting her smile grow.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The fairy simply blushed and stared down at the dress for a long while before picking the dress up and slipping it on. She walked in front of a mirror and looked, intrigued by what she saw. Maybe... maybe it does look sort of cute... she said, rubbing at the fabric, her small wings fluttered slightly. It's a little itchy, though. She turned to Mary and asked, a little bit worried, do you like it?
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary tried to do some sort of magic to see if she could make it more comfortable for the fairy.

Mary nods at the question though. "Yep! I think it looks great on you."