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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah gave Mei-Lien a strange look when the redhead told her that she was going to try to find more information, but finally she shrugged and said "alright. I'll try my best." The shapeshifter, however, didn't reply, though in the blink of an eye Mei-Lien found herself in a place far more distressing than the room her body was in.

A few yards in front of her the shapeshifter was standing in the form it had seemed to prefer earlier, though all around them as far as the eye could see was every sort of torture device Mei-Lien could imagine, and some that she couldn't, some clearly intended for erotic torture, others obviously not, intended only to maim and kill slowly. The sky above them was a light purple color, and the air smelled of incense, though that wasn't particularly reassuring. "Welcome to my little world. I'm not quite sure how it came to be my world, no one seems to understand that. But here it is, a world all to itself, with me as its sole goddess" she said, and then giggled. "You, while fighting your way through a strange castle where everything is out to rape you, have committed to come to a world where anything and everything could happen to you at the discretion of a monster who has already fought you once. If I were less honest and upstanding, I would disregard my word and break you in so many ways. I could use every one of these machines on you before your little mage friend even blinked." Still, the shapeshifter smiled warmly, and continued "but now I'm done making my point. Tell me, what is it you wish to do?"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

In the bleak mindscape she had been pulled into, Mei found a staggering variety of all kinds of painful and even more painful-looking contraptions of torture. The shifter was there as well, in the guise of the same young woman it had previously been when they met. Despite the confident swagger in her speech, the redhead was not too impressed by her statements. "One of those lawful evil types, this one..." she thought as the final words came out from the shifter's mouth.

"What do I want..." she gave a fake thoughtful pose as the question was presented. But before the shifter could know it, she turned to face the thing and smacked her squarely to the nose as hard as possible. "No, the question here is what YOU want. I'm not here for anything more than information about this place, but that's not going to come out from your sorry hide until I've brutalized you enough, hmmm?" she gave her reply, rubbing at her slightly aching fist.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The shapeshifter wasn't expecting Mei-Lien to attack her, and the blow to the nose stunned her a bit, sending her staggering back as she clutched her now slightly bleeding nose. She made no sign that she was in pain however, instead grinning as Mei-Lien said her piece. "Information, huh? Not much of a price. You should know that there are a few things I wouldn't be able to tell you due to sacred oath, which I'm certainly not about to break. Other than that, I'll gladly tell you what you want to know once you've paid me, and I might even throw in a little extra as a tip of sorts. Until then..." she said, standing up straight again and letting her hands fall to her sides, a little bit of blood trickling down from her slightly crooked nose and onto her lips, which she licked up, "have at me to your heart's content."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As soon as the shifter had shown her stance of submission, Mei's leg flew up at the side of her head, knocking the woman-guised creature down in a hurry. The possible damage she had just caused was of no concern as she sat down onto the thing's back, pinning her down. With almost spiteful motions, she grabbed an arm and held it strongly while grabbing a finger. "And snap." the fighter said as she stretched it backwards, right through the normal limits as the digit snapped. "Always wanted to try this. Now I can do it so many times..." she remarked as she methodically went through the shifter's fingers, almost enjoying her cries of pain. Still, it was something the creature had likely gone through many times before. But, there would be time enough for lenghty abuse, even if it wasn't new and inventive. Setting her hands around the shifter's throat, the redhead leaned back to apply a stranglehold of sorts as she looked around for some fun device to use.

Once she had figured out a suitable contraption to use, Mei dragged the shifter to a nearby stretching table by her hair. Once the creature had clambered onto it, she flipped the other on her stomach and had her lay there face down. After having attached the chains, the redhead cranked the wheel enough for the tension to cause pain as limbs were pulled, leaving the situation there once she had found the sweet spot. Letting the shifter have her fun, she went over to a nearby rack of tools, taking up a sturdy pole of wood. With the stick in hand, she crept up on the restrained shifter who was mostly unaware of what was coming, lifting up the pole and bringing it down on the woman-thing's back with a loud crack. Initially, the fighter tried to do the whole thing with cold, brutal precision and strike at different areas of the body, but soon tired of such nonsense and just started landing blows as fast and hard as possible.

Once her arms were tired and the stick had cracked in two, Mei went over to the tool rack again to search for some other instrument. "And all of this will not amount to anything with that regeneration ability of yours..." she remarked, looking at the tools and taking up a version of the stick that had tiny spikes on it as she waited for a brief reply before the torture would go on.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With little warning Mei-Lien delivered a powerful kick to the side of the shapeshifter's head, knocking her flat onto the ground and then jumping to sit on her back. The redhead then grabbed one of the shapeshifter's arms, tugging it up and taking hold of her pinky finger. The shapeshifter squirmed in anticipation under Mei-Lien, until finally the redhead pulled the finger slowly back, further and further until it broke with a sickening crack, drawing a deep groan of pain from the shapeshifter. Mei-Lien did the same to each finger in turn, drawing progressively louder groans until finally the shapeshifter was letting out satisfying cries of agony. Having run out of fingers to snap, Mei-Lien spun around and grabbed the shapeshifter's throat, squeezing and pulling back as she looked around for something interesting to torture her victim with.

The shapeshifter began to make slight choking sounds just as Mei-Lien settled on a device. She gasped for air when the redhead released her, and then was dragged by the hair over to a table not far away, one she would recognize as a device meant to stretch out its victims. She laid down on it, but Mei-Lien quickly flipped her over, shackling her in face down and then moving over to the crank. Slowly the redhead turned the wheel, stretching the shapeshifter's body taut and then some, until her joints and bones began to creak under the strain, causing her to let out another pained groan; she tried to squirm, but was held too tightly to do so. As Mei-Lien left to find another tool the shapeshifter panted, unsure of what was coming next. She didn't have to wait terribly long, as Mei-Lien smacked her hard in the back with a solid wooden pole. The shapeshifter let out a loud yelp of pain, shaking as Mei-Lien rained down blows precisely on different parts of her back; the small of her back, her shoulderblades, her lower back and buttocks. Shrill cries of pain escaped the shapeshifter's lips, though Mei-Lien could see a little puddle starting to form on the table beneath her crotch... Clearly she was enjoying this far more than her screams were letting on. After a time Mei-Lien gave up on being precise, simply slamming the pole down on the shapeshifter's back with as much force and speed as she could manage. With a final blow the pole snapped in two, and the shapeshifter let out one final satisfying scream.

With that phase of the proceedings over, Mei-Lien searched for a new tool. "In this world there is no death. I could do the same to you and worse if you wanted, and you would be fine soon afterward. I make the rules here, after all" The shapeshifter replied to Mei-Lien, her voice shaking a little from both pain and excitement as she wondered what Mei-Lien had in store for her next.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Pshaw, as if I wanted to be tortured by some pain-crazed weirdo like you... and this thing is boring and useless. Too fast." Mei gave an absent-minded reply, looking at the spike-lined stick. It was not a suitable tool for what she had planned. Instead, she took up another pole like the previous one, driving a single nail through it near the tip. Returning back to the table, she readied a swing, taking careful aim and driving the long nail into the shifter's thigh as the pole smacked into her. A hole was left behind as the redhead pulled away her stick, soon starting to trickle some blood. "That's what I was looking for..." she thought, this time keeping up her careful approach as the nail pole continued to cause further bodily harm in her hands, creating neat lines of some 4 to 7 holes in the shifter's limbs and body as it smacked into her. Soon, there was a carpet of bloody puncture wounds all over the creature's back and lines as the pole finished it's job. Despite all the blood the creature was leaking out, Mei still flipped the pole to it's not-nailed side and smacked her some more with it to inflict further damage and take the most use out of her tools. Soon, the second pole broke apart as well, leaving another instrument that had outlived it's usefulness. Tossing the remains away, the martial artist-turned-torturer went back to the fancy rack of stuff to think about a new plan.

After some time spent on looking through the tools, Mei picked up a few long nails and a small, ridiculously sharp blade bit that might've once been part of a straight razor. Setting them aside, she went to briefly release the shifter from her stretchy position, only to flip her unabused front upwards and re-apply the bindings before straining the limbs a little further than before. "Now this is where I get to have fun..." the martial artist said in a half-voice she grabbed a pair of tongs and used a nearby fire to heat up the nails she had picked up. One by one, she hammered in the searing-hot spikes using a piece of the stick left over, piercing the shifter's wrists and ankles with them. As the creature writhed, the fighter took some time to admire her handiwork. It was a beautiful scene of torment, but still needed something more, and that's why the blade was there. Climbing onto the table herself, the redhead hovered over the shifter with blade in hand, a storm of ideas now in her head. Slowly and purposefully she took the blade into the shifter's lips, cutting into them shallowly and tracing the outer lines of them with the sharp piece, just so much that she began to bleed. Once there was blood, she leaned forward to exchange a kiss with the thing, getting her own mouth bloodied as she held up the smooch for a while.

"Beautiful.... just not enough..." Mei remarked at the creature, her own lips dripping a drop of the shifter's blood as she said it. "But that is something I'm going to correct. This here allows me to." she continued, looking at the razor-sharp piece of metal. Turning in place, she began to cut up the shifter's legs, forming elaborate, swirling patterns into the creature's muscles as she traced their forms shallowly with the blade. The same repeated on the arms as well, moving the process forward as more blood started to flow wherever the blade formed the intricate patterning. Once the limbs were done, the redhead turned to face the gasping thing again, this time moving backwards a bit and leaning forward to trace the lines of her well-formed midsection with the heavily-bloodied piece of metal. Grabbing up the creature's breasts next, she pulled upwards from the nipple of each orb and traced a spiral down and around each with the razor, forming neat circles on them.

After a few minor muscle-tracing cuts to the shoulders and neck area, Mei moved on to the final piece of her work, the face of the shifter. From the corners of the eyes, Mei cut down towards the neck, mimicking trails of tears as she went along the facial area with her used blade. Despite the already cut lips, she pulled another pair of trails from the corners of the mouth as well, evening the look before cutting the words "dirty slut" into the shifter's forehead using the symbols of her native lands. Rising up and of the table, the bloodied martial artist admired her handiwork. The designs she had carved were elaborate and beautiful, though one might not think about such things when they were applied onto a human being with a sharp object. Even if this was the real world the victim wouldn't likely die, though they would be scarred for life, both mentally and physically.

Throwing away the blade, Mei looked at the shifter with a pondering look. "Should I still go on.....?" she thought aloud, seeing her "victim" still laying there.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei-Lien’s words kept the shapeshifter guessing anxiously as to what would happen to her, waiting for some indication. The wait was almost painfully long, until finally the redhead drove the nail into her thigh. The shapeshifter screamed out in shock and pain as she was punctured, though Mei-Lien thought she could detect a hint of a moan in the outcry. Again and again she slammed the nail into the shapeshifter’s skin, creating neat little columns and rows of puncture wounds, each drawing a cry of pain. By the time Mei-Lien had sufficiently marked up the shapeshifter’s back with bloody pockmarks, blood had started to pool in the table from the small trickles running all down her back. That done, Mei-Lien turned the pole over, using the side without the nail through it to slap the shapeshifter’s back repeatedly. Little drops of blood were scattered with each impact, and the shapeshifter let out increasingly hoarse screams and groans. Even as her blood dripped down onto the table, so too did some of her love juices, and it became harder and harder for the abused shifter to keep from making noises of pleasure with each smack. Finally the pole broke in two just like the other had, and Mei-Lien went back to the drawing board to find something new to do.

Finally, after gathering her materials, Mei-Lien unshackled the shapeshifter, quickly flipping her over and binding her again. She could see now all the tell-tale signs of arousal all over the shapeshifter’s body; her nipples were hard as rocks, and her flower was glistening with her honey. Mei-Lien then tightened the rack again, even tighter this time, until she could hear the shapeshifter’s joints actually pop; any more and all of her limbs were likely to dislocate. This drew a hoarse groan from the shapeshifter, though her eyes lit up with something that approached glee as she watched Mei-Lien heat up the nails. When they were finally ready the redhead brought one of them to the shapeshifter’s wrist, hammering it through the flesh and bone and into the table with one of the poles. The shifter seemed to try to scream as the searing hot metal was slowly pounded through her, but no sound escaped her lips, or at least none that a human could hear. Three more nails were hammered into her other wrist and her ankles, nailing her to the table with excruciating pain, though bizarrely when it was done she seemed even more aroused. She laid on the table, her head shaking and writhing in place of the rest of her body, which was stretched too tight to move in such a way, though still she watched Mei-Lien, waiting for something more. Soon it happened, as Mei-Lien jumped onto the table, scooting up until she was hovering over the shapeshifter, the razor blade in hand as a bit of blood smeared onto her legs. Slowly, carefully, the redhead began to cut up the shifter’s lips, barely slicing them just enough to draw blood, carefully tracing around them as blood began to run down the shapeshifter’s chin, cheeks, and into her mouth. For a brief moment Mei-Lien leaned forward, hovering just over the shapeshifter’s lips, which quivered in anticipation. Finally their lips met, and the shapeshifter enthusiastically returned the redhead’s kiss, smearing her blood on Mei-Lien’s lips and whimpering into her mouth as the cuts stung wonderfully.

Finally, after some time making out, Mei-Lien pulled back, dripping a little bit of the shapeshifter’s own blood onto her face, commenting on the shapeshifter’s beauty, or lack thereof. "Ye… yes… please, make me… beautiful…" she whispered, her voice hoarse from her screams. Mei-Lien soon took her up on that, turning and began to carve art into the shapeshifter’s skin. She cut swirling, elaborate patterns into the shifter’s legs, drawing whimpers of mixed pain and pleasure. Blood trickled through the grooves and down the shapeshifter’s legs as Mei-Lien moved on to her arms. The patterns got more elaborate, the swirly, beautiful designs more at home in a painting or on a statue than on a human body, and yet this part especially seemed to turn the shapeshifter on, her whimpering moans intensifying as Mei-Lien moved on to cut into her stomach. Her face was twisted with a mix of pain and pleasure, a tense gasp escaping her torn lips as Mei-Lien took hold of one of her breasts. Slowly she cut a spiral pattern down the fleshy orb, causing the shapeshifter to throw her head back and fully moan, unable to contain her pleasure at being carved up. Mei-Lien did the same with the other breast, and then scooted up the table, hovering the razor over the shapeshifter’s face. The shapeshifter quivered with anticipation, barely able to contain herself as the razor slowly made its way towards her eye. Mei-Lien cut a trail from the corner of her eyes towards her neck, a trail of tear-like blood running down her face. Mei-Lien did the same to the corners of the shapeshifter’s mouth, and then cut words into her forehead that she didn’t quite understand, but she had a good guess given the context, and she let out one last moan.

With that done, Mei-Lien got up off the table, smeared in blood, as she admired the work of art she had created. As blood ran all over the shapeshifter’s body, so too did her love juices, which were pooled significantly beneath her crotch. "Ahhhh… please… a little more… I’m so close" she groaned out in reply, clearly lacking just a little bit to push her over the edge to orgasm after the intense torture.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Even with the cut-fest completed, the shifter hadn't yet gotten off on it. "Damn, you are one strange piece of work..." Mei remarked at the torn-up form still getting stretched on the table of torture. "Though there is something else I had in mind, so just you wait." she said, going over to the woman-shaped creature, grabbing her nipples and pulling upwards brutally at the carved breasts for a while. After giving a quick slap to the face of her victim, the redhead went back to the tool rack, looking for the instruments she planned on using as a finishing touch.

It did not take her long to find the looked-after tools, a whole bunch of long, thin needles. They reminded her of acupuncturist needles, but were much longer. With the bundle in hand, she went back to the table, taking a single needle between her fingers and wiping it across the bloody trail she had created before on the shifter's face. "Should I stick these in you?" she teased for a while. But she had no patience to wait for too long herself, and soon Mei was sticking in the sharp pieces of metal into neat rows along the shifter's limbs. Then, she turned the pain dial up quite sharply, starting to pin needles under the creature's nails, toenails first and then the fingernails.

Once that little show was done, she moved up to the shifter's already carved breasts, tugging at the nipples once more. Without too much of a warning, she pierced the nipple with a needle horizontally first, then adding another horizontal one to form an X with the two before adding a final one from the top of the nipple, sticking it in so it sticked upwards from the thrice-pierced nipple. This process was repeated on the other boob, accompanied by quiet chuckles of abuse-induced joy. Mei had been getting kicks out from the whole procedure of agonizing the creature, and now showed it. The trail of needles started going down the shifter's midriff, a pointy object embedding into her skin every few inches. Poking a needle just above the creature's womanhood, Mei looked at the dripping hole with a modicum of disgust. "Getting off on something like this..." she remarked, taking a hold on the perked-up clit and doing the final act on it, giving it the same cross-and-impale treatment with three needles that she had given to the nipples of the woman-creature. Surely this would be enough to give the shifter it's release.

Once the whole needling thing was done, Mei went to retrieve the razor-sharp blade she had used before, straddling herself over the shifter's form once again. "So, information. Tell me everything you can about this place. Why it's like this, what is that gloomy room we are currently at, what is behind that door and what could happen if we went there. Everything." the redhead said, using the needles pierced through the nipples of the shifter to pull up at the tortured breasts, switching which orb to abuse every now and then while simultaneously cutting some new markings into the creature's face with her other hand as she listened to the explanation.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The shapeshifter took on a look of anticipation as Mei-Lien tugged upward on her stiff nipples, letting out a slight gasp as her abused breasts were pulled taut. When Mei-Lien slapped her and walked back towards the rack she looked on eagerly, her body in desperate need of more. Her eyes grew wide as she saw the needles Mei-Lien was carrying, following the one with her eyes as the redhead rubbed it against her bloody cheeks. "Ye… yes… please!" she cried out, the wait while Mei-Lien teased her more of a torture to her than the actual torture. Finally Mei-Lien began sticking the sharp metal into her skin, in neat rows down each arm, and then her legs, each prick drawing out a lusty moan. Just when the shapeshifter thought she was done with that, the redhead jammed a needle into the soft flesh beneath one of her toenails, prompting a pained groan. Mei-Lien filled the space under each of the shapeshifter’s toenails with needles and then moved on to her fingernails, which prompted a whole new kind of pain as the broken fingers had to be held to jam the needles in. With that done the redhead tugged hard on the shapeshifter’s nipples again, this time suddenly piercing one with a needle. The shapeshifter cried out in pleasure as Mei-Lien pierced the nipple three times, then moving on to the other with a chuckle; her torturer’s enjoyment of the situation seemed to turn her on even further, as her moans and yelps turned into lust-filled affairs. Slowly Mei-Lien stabbed needles in a trail down her carved up stomach, and she whimpered as she realized what was to come next. As Mei-Lien put a needle into her mound her pussy practically gushed juices, and the shapeshifter made weak noises of anticipation as the redhead grabbed her intensely engorged clit. After a brief wait she began to impale it in the same way as she had the shapeshifter’s nipples; the shapeshifter let loose a loud, high pitched scream of ecstatic agony, her eyes rolling back in her head as her love juices squirted out forcefully, her entire body gripped in the throes of an amazingly powerful orgasm. For almost a minute the shapeshifter was nearly unconscious with pleasure, finally coming down somewhat as Mei-Lien climbed on top of her, razor-blade in hand.

"Ahhh… Hahhh…" the shapeshifter panted as Mei-Lien pulled on her pierced nipples and carved more patterns into her face. "This place… You surely know about the two races on this island… the original inhabitants and the invaders, represented by your mage friend…" she started, letting out a moan or whimper each time Mei-Lien abused one of her breasts or cut into her face. "This castle was built by the original inhabitants, not that long ago in the grand scheme of things, once the invaders had already begun to build their city, and the fate of this island was already sealed. This was the first line of defenses beyond the forest, which they used to great effect to stop the invaders. But after a long, bloody combat the invaders took these castle walls, slaughtered everyone inside, and burned it down to its foundations." The shapeshifter had a look of absolute bliss on her face as she told the story, basking in the afterglow of her orgasm. "And then we rebuilt it in a few hours. The demon who runs this castle now gave it the strange configuration you’ve no doubt noticed for a specific reason. Often, when it becomes known that a demon is living in a place, cultists come to try and kill them. This castle arrangement, full of monsters, is meant to break them before they get there, to turn them into good little masochistic sluts… ohhhhh… just like me…" she moaned out, pausing in her story for a brief moment to enjoy a particularly hard tug on one of her nipples. "That way the demon has new toys to play with, or at least can make them into good toys. If not, then she can always use them as breeding tools for more monsters. As for that room, your friend is right. It’s a reminder of the purpose for being here. We didn’t just wake up one day and decide that we wanted to come to this island, no. The demon was given a mission. Many long centuries ago this island was given to the invaders with the help of the Gods, but in the intervening years much has changed. The people have become wicked and uncaring, and have turned away from the proper path. And so this island will be taken away from them, and returned to the ones who will use it best. As for what lies behind that door, the demon does. If you fail in your assault of her, she will probably enslave you, either as her personal toy or as a breeder, but she may also kill you if she’s particularly unimpressed. Does that answer your questions?"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Taking the stiry in completely, Mei pondered at it for while. "So, this place is a stronghold for an invading army of demonic and bestial creatures... That's a fun fact to know." she thought aloud, imagining how Hannah would take the news. Hopping off the shifter, she tossed the blade away for the second time. "I got what I came for, send me back." the redhead announced her desires, keeping the stored info in mind as she thought about this queen of a demon and how their meeting would go. She wondered if the abyssal creature was outright hostile or had a more diplomatic approach before the hostilities would begin.

Only one way to find out, getting back and going in to meet her in person.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Before you go" the shapeshifter started, and a blob of flesh began to separate from her legs, "I want to give you your tip. I enjoyed myself thoroughly, it's been a while since I've had a session as good as this one." As she finished the blob moved over to Mei-Lien, hovering in front of her. "Touch it, and it will be absorbed into you. You'll get a small portion of my healing factor; not a lot, but it will save your mage friend some energy when she has to heal you, and in worse cases it could be the difference between death and simply having a very bad day." As Mei-Lien touched the blob, a strange feeling washed over her as the shapeshifter's bizarre skin was absorbed into her body. After a few seconds the feeling subsided, and the shapeshifter said "feel free to stop by again, any time" and in the blink of an eye Mei-Lien was back resting against the wall in the strange room. "I think I understand now" Hannah said, and proceeded to start telling Mei-Lien about the demonic origin of the place, which of course she already knew.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Letting the funky ball of flesh enter her, Mei soon found herself being the same as usual when the odd sensation it caused subsided. She looked at the shifter still trapped in the table, getting the final words from her before returning. "I'll think about it. If I'm able to return after seeing that demon woman you were talking about." the redhead replied, appearing back at the gloomy room and in her proper body once more.

As Hannah explained the things she had deciphered, Mei added in the things she was missing by using her own knowledge obtained from the shifter. With a certain degree of excitement, she prepared for a meeting with the demon behind the door, considering what different outcomes it might have.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah seemed thoroughly confused at Mei-Lien's knowledge, and finally she asked "how do you know all this?" When that question was answered to her satisfaction, the two would enter the door to the demon's chamber.

Inside was a wide, mostly empty room, much like any other in the castle. However, at each corner of the room was a small cell; in each cell was a young woman, all of them being raped by various monsters, some of them obviously quite pregnant with the beast's offspring. In the center of the room was what looked to be another young woman in humble magician's robes, though her skin was a light purple tone, and she had curved horns atop her head. "Why have you come? Well, the mage need not answer, I already know in her case. Why have you come, Mei-Lien?" the succubus asked, the voice easily recognizable to the redhead as the voice that had been in her head when her body had fallen under outside control.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Did a small service to that shifter thing. That's how" Mei replied, not seeing it necessary to inform Hannah what the deal exactly was. With her brief reply, the fighter pushed open the door and entered into the belly of the beast, the room where the apparent keeper of this castle held court.

And the place was not too much of a surprise to the redhead, considering all the rapey creatures they had seen previously in the place. A lot of monstrous rape and impregnation went on in cages set into the four corners of the room, like filthy, cum-drenched monuments. And in the epicenter, there was the demoness herself, of course. She hid her form in robes, looking somewhat unimpressive at this point, though that could change if things got hostile. "So it's you who was talking to me that one time. Well nice to meet you too. What am I doing here? To see different things. To explore. For some reason I'm now here, seein what this place has to offer. So far, not that much besides rape and torture. Not very impressed with that."


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The succubus grinned wickedly as Mei-Lien spoke, replying "Exploration, eh? A valid reason I suppose. Though I must say, I don't believe you when you say you're not impressed. I seem to recall getting a different picture when I was looking into your mind, girl." The succubus slowly walked towards the two adventurers, as seductively as she could manage given the plain robes she was in. "And now what will you do? Now that you've seen mostly everything? Will you try to walk away, or will you fight me for the sake of fighting?" she asked, a pitch-black lance appearing in her left hand as she did so.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Seeing the demoness approach was somewhat of an intimidating and and slightly sexy-looking thing. She knew well how to move in an attractive manner, as expected from a sex demon. "I'm not quite sure actually what I should do. But with that thing in your hand, I'm sure battle is going to happen. Since I doubt you're going to let us go without some sort conflict." the redhead replied, not making a move to attack yet but maintaining a state of readiness in case she was attacked.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"There doesn't have to be a battle, but it never hurts to be prepared" the succubus said, smiling widely. Suddenly Mei-Lien felt like she was underwater, the world seeming heavy and the sounds magnified and obscured at the same time. She heard the succubus say "now, become my slave, little fucktoy" and she took a step forward, against her will. For a few seconds it seemed like a wonderful idea, but suddenly the world seemed to return to normal as the redhead fought off the succubus' mental influence. She frowned at that, saying "I suppose it wouldn't be that easy, would it? Very well then. There's something about you, I won't have you leaving" before getting into a defensive stance with the lance.

15/15 HP

6/6 FP

5/5 FP
3/3 MP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Just for a moment, there was this strangest of feelings in Mei's mind. Like everything had become more loud and heavy. And the idea of becoming this demon's personal abuse-toy seemed like the only way to cure the strange sensations. "FIGHT IT!" her conscious snapped at her when she took an unwitting step forward. The mental yell awakened her from the hypnosis, and the demoness prepared for a battle once she saw the spell broken. "If you intend to make me become your follower, it ain't happening without you beating me first!" the fighter shouted her challenge, entering combat in a more cautious way than usual. This was a fight that would change how she went forward after it, so she had to play it safe.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)


M 14 vs. 18 S, Miss!
H 4 vs. 11 S, Miss!
H 14 vs. 23 S, Miss!
S 21 vs. 19 M, Hit!
M 21 vs. 17 S, Hit!
H 9 vs. 13 S, Miss!
H 3 vs. 18 S, Counter!
S 20 vs. 20 M, Miss!
M 7 vs. 12 S, Miss!
H 22 vs. 23 S, Miss!
H 19 vs. 16 S, Hit!
S 8 vs. 4 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien cautiously charged forward, attacking the succubus perhaps a bit too cautiously, as the demon easily blocked with her lance. She then jumped back, twirling the lance around and blocking the arrows Hannah fired at her. Almost lightning quick she then jumped forward to slam Mei-Lien in the side of the head with the shaft of the lance. This allowed Mei-Lien an opening to land a punch to the demon's stomach, which unfortunately didn't seem to do much to the succubus as she jumped back again to slap away Hannah's arrows, even having time to launch a bolt of black energy at the mage, slamming into her. She wasn't able to land a blow on Mei-Lien, however, though she managed to block a swift kick from the redhead with her lance; this left her open to one of Hannah's arrows, however, which shot through her lower arm. Again, the succubus seemed unphased, and then jumped to feint at Mei-Lien and then stab her in the side of the stomach when she jumped out of the way. "You're not bad. You're not good either, but still, it counts for something" she said, mocking Mei-Lien as she pulled the lance out.

13/15 HP

4/6 FP

4/5 FP
0/3 MP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With utmost care as her intention for now, Mei moved in to attack. Her fist was quickly intercepted by the demoness' lance however, and followed up with a side smack from the shaft of the pole weapon. This was a punishable opening for the fighter though, as she was inside the attack area of the lance's sharp tip. With a brutal punch to the gut, she sent the succubus back for a brief moment. Still, the demoness blocked and evaded the following attacks with the best of them, showing that her clothing betrayed a skilled warrior instead of a mage. With the final act for now, the tip of her weapon pierced it's way shallowly into the redhead's side. "OWW FUCK!" she yelled upon getting poked into. "Well see about that when this is over." Mei replied, keeping her pain in control after the initial outburst as she moved forward to attack more.