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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 23 vs. 12 S, Hit!
S 21 vs. 7 M, Hit!
M 23 vs. 17 S, Hit!
S 7 vs. 19 M, Miss!
M 14 vs. 13 S, Hit!
S 16 vs. 10 M, Hit!

The two circled each other for a while, getting slowly closer to one another as they did, before Mei-Lien rushed forward, pounding the shapeshifter with another powerful body blow. She retaliated with a vertical slash to the redhead's shoulder, but Mei-Lien leaned into the attack, pounding away at the shapeshifter's stomach. Finally she was forced away by a slash across her own chest, but as the shapeshifter jumped back a bit of blood trickled out of the corner of her mouth. "Damn, remind me to keep you at a distance" she muttered, changing to a more defensive stance.

3/6 FP

3/8 HP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

There was tension in the air as the two sparring partners faced each other in a circular walking cycle, but Mei soon broke off once the distance was right, landing another vicious straight into the shifter's torso. Suffering a cut as she kept close, the redhead kept a focus on the shifter's midsection, if for nothing but making it somewhat enjoyable to her. Another slash finally broke her off, and the shifter's remark caught Mei unaware. "You fight an unarmed combatant, thinking I'm not going to get close? Silly thing..." she threw a reply, intent on giving the creature's defense something to really test it with. She would smash at the comrade with all her possible strenght.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 25 vs. 8 S, Critical Hit!
S 15 vs. 18 M, Miss!
M 16 vs. 6 S, Hit!

"Just because you're going to try doesn't mean I have to let you" the shapeshifter said, opting for a total defensive style meant to stab Mei-Lien if she got close. She missed when it counted, however, and the redhead threw a punch with all of her strength behind it, landing it square on the shapeshifter's nose. Her face simply caved in under the force of the blow, knocking her flat and separating her from her sword. Showing no mercy, Mei-Lien ran forward and stomped on the shapeshifter's exposed neck, crushing her windpipe and ending the battle. The shapeshifter laid there making choking noises for a few seconds before her body began to reform, and she slowly sat up. "Damn that was sloppy on my part" she grumbled, dusting herself off. "Maybe I should have taken on a slightly more powerful form, though this one should be a little bit stronger than you..."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"No no... my companion, that is just the wrong way to approach me..." Mei remarked as she saw the stance. Reading the incoming stab, she sidestepped only a little bit for the blade to miss, then reared her arm back to smack a devastating straight squarely into the shifter's nose. She could land the hit without too much fear, knowing the opponent's regenerative abilities. Seeing the other female fall, the redhead didn't flinch, moving up boldly to stomp on the exposed neck. There was a little bit of struggling and choking, but soon the shifter was back up, practically good as new. "Your other form some time back was a bit more powerful, if my memory is not full of holes about now. So, what next?"
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I was fighting two people then, I needed to be a little stronger. I like to try and keep fights balanced, they're more fun that way. Also more training value for you" the shapeshifter replied. "We can go again if you'd like. Maybe a little bit rebalanced. Of course..." she started, "know that in this place you cannot die, or rather, not for long, so I'm going every bit as all-out as you are" she finished with a creepy grin.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"She still wants to fight..." Mei thought, sighing. "If we must, then fine." she replied to the shifter. Taking up a new stance she, faced the comrade again. "One thing I wanted to ask. Your name?""
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"My name?" the shapeshifter asked, puzzling for a moment. "I didn't have parents to give me one, and I've just not used one" she said finally. "You can call me whatever you wish." She took up a defensive stance again, waiting on Mei-Lien.

9/9 HP

6/6 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Alright, I'll think about something." Mei replied as they faced off for the second time, moving in to attack once more. This time, she would try a different approach. The martial artist would attempt grapples and use her expertise skill to deal damage with them.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 11 vs. 10 S, Grappled!
S 8 vs. 12 M, Miss!
M 24 vs. 15 S, Grappled Further!
S 11 vs. 15 M, Miss!
M 19 vs. 14 S, Grappled Further!
S 6 vs. 10 M, Failure!

The shapeshifter wasn't expecting Mei-Lien to easily dodge her swipe and then take her to the ground in a tackle. "What the" she shouted as she tried desperately to swing her sword at the redhead, who was already in a good position on top of her. Mei-Lien was able to grip the shapeshifter even harder after a minute of struggling, dodging the sword swipes as the two rolled around on the ground and then putting the shapeshifter into a nearly immobile position as she tried to struggle out of it, having dropped her sword after a quick-thinking move on Mei-Lien's part. She didn't seem to be doing any damage, but she did have the shapeshifter in a bad position. "I saw earlier that you'd grown a pair of fangs..." she muttered as she struggled. "If you want to do damage this way, you can bite and either inject me with aphrodisiacs, or just bite to cause damage. Otherwise you can try to get me in a submission hold in a way that would break or dislocate my limbs. One of those three things should be your strategy" she finished up, giving Mei-Lien her advice on defeating her through grappling.

Shapeshifter (Grappledx3, Can't Attack, -3 to Escape)
9/9 HP

6/6 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Again doing an easy evasion for the incoming attack, Mei tackled down the shifter. After a slight bit of rolling and further settling her lock in, the redhead was suddenly adviced by the sparring partner about what she should be doing. Seeing it more appropriate for the situation, she would go for the breaking limbs path.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 20 vs. 11 S, Submission Hold!
Unopposed Roll, Success!

Mei-Lien kept wrangling the shapeshifter as she struggled, slowly but surely restraining her more and more. Finally the shapeshifter found herself unable to move, Mei-Lien behind and under her pulling her limbs tightly behind her. With a sigh the shapeshifter ceased attempting to struggle, muttering "now finish it" just before Mei-Lien tugged even harder, and with a sickening pop all four of her limbs dislocated. She let out a groan of pain as Mei-Lien slid out from under her, though soon enough she was as good as new. "This is starting to annoy me, this losing thing" she said, dusting herself off again. "Well, it'll be time for dinner right about now. Unless you want to squeeze one more practice session in, we can head back."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With practised determination, Mei worked her grip on the hold, soon pinning the shifter completely. When the words came up, the redhead did as she was asked to, breaking the limbs, which were almost repaired again by the time she got up from the ground. That regen ability just never ceased to amaze her. "Psha, don't wanna hurt your pride anymore. Let's just wait for dinner."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The shapeshifter gently poked Mei-Lien's face, a silent response to her pride comment, though her face seemed relatively happy. In a blink they were back in Mei-Lien's little room, waiting on the succubus. "If at any point you think a part of your transformed body could be used in combat but you aren't sure how, you can ask and test it out on me. Same with strategy in general. You don't live a few centuries without picking up tricks, and it's important that you get stronger from here." Soon enough the succubus came through the door, saying "Alright, it's time for dinner, and then I'm going to bed. It's been a long, hard day" in quite a loud voice, already turning to walk towards where the food was. The shapeshifter quickly followed, leading Mei-Lien to a large dining room with an ornate and large table in the center, with many seats at it. Two plates with food were set out at places next to each other, and there was one bowl of soup on the ground not far from those places, without utensils. As the two lovers sat together, it seemed apparent that the soup was Mei-Lien's meal, and that she was to eat it there on the floor.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Better to know about these strange new abilities than not." the redhead gave her reply to the teachy shifter. A bit more respect was earned that way. She was somewhat happy to have the shifter there as support.

And not too long afterwards, the mistress came to pick them up for dinner. There was brief hope in Mei's mind that maybe this would be an enjoyable part of the day, but that thought was crushed rather fast. Frowning, the fighter sat down on the ground, crosslegged as she began to eat the slop.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As Mei-Lien ate the soup, she found that it was actually pretty good, and definitely filling. The succubus and shapeshifter ate mostly in silence, only making a few comments here and there, though they could have been talking to each other inside their heads for all Mei-Lien knew. They ate pretty quickly, and when they were done the succubus walked over to Mei-Lien, squatting down next to her as she finished up her meal. "You seemed disappointed at this arrangement. Deal with it for now, you'll earn a seat at the table once you become a full demon. Now unless you have something to request of your mistress, I'm going to go to sleep, and we'll continue your training in the morning" the demon said, waiting for Mei-Lien's answer.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Despite it's looks, the slop in her bowl was actually eatable. Mei chowed it away in silence, shadowed by the two fancy women in their comfy tables and chairs. She was annoyed at being treated like this, but would have to bear with it for now. After her ascension, there would be time for payback if the treatment didn't change.

Once the demoness came to speak with her, Mei dropped her gaze when addressed. "No mistress... have a good night..." she replied.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Alright" the demon replied, actually patting Mei-Lien's head, "you're doing well. I was worried your pride might get in the way for you in this role, but you've suppressed it well. I can tell it's still there, though, you're a feisty one. Soon enough I'll give you jobs where that will be useful to you." She then got up and left, presumably for her own quarters after a brief kiss with the shapeshifter, who started to escort Mei-Lien back to her room. The redhead could talk to the shifter, ask for more training or perhaps something else, or simply go to bed when she got there.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After the demoness was gone, Mei went after the shifter, who seemed to have been tasked with taking care of her. They were back in her assigned room soon, with a few different options to to do. Not really seeing the point in doing any of those, the martial artist opted for having her rest. It was much needed at this point.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After a brief goodnight the shapeshifter left for her own bed, allowing Mei-Lien to curl up onto hers and fall into a deep sleep, more tired than she had expected after her own long day. She was allowed to wake up at her leisure, but soon thereafter the succubus came into her room, sitting on her desk and holding some sort of fruit. She tossed it to Mei-Lien, saying "good morning, slave. Eat your breakfast and then come with me." She would then wait for Mei-Lien to finish off the sweet-tasting fruit and then lead her to the room where Hannah had been, as the ropes from before slithered across the floor.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As the shifter left, Mei took the time off she needed, laying down on her bed and falling asleep soon afterwards.

In the morning, once she had rested to her heart's content, the redhead was greeted by the demoness and a fruit. Going along with the mistress' desires, she ate the thing in her own pace. Once the sweet product of nature had been nommed, the fighter left the room behind to start another day of "training". Somewhat unsurprisingly. they entered the room of Hannah's imprisonment from yesterday. The mage was not there, but something else that Mei was familiar with was. The many ropes that had bound her athletic frame previously now snaked up and about the floor, most likely waiting for her. "So, what will be the training of the day?" she asked, intent on just going along with it.