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Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Atair inclined his head in a nod to the leader of the militia. "Of course." He smiled a little. "After all, avoiding pointing fingers at innocent individuals is what we're after here, isn't it?"

As the other siren read off of Keti's board once again, he put his attention on him, particularly trying to decipher his pantomime. Weeding out potential suspects with only bare clues to go on. This was not going to be easy. Not to mention he--a stranger--was going to be escorting the sirens through the village when the merfolk weren't the most welcome. His tails twitched, worrying that the trouble might not come from his charges.

Moving to stand with the two, he kept his voice low and as soothing as he could make it. "Come, let's see if we can find your second assailant."

It was possible that Norris was covering for someone. The evidence against him was clear, but perhaps he was trying to keep the second person from getting into trouble. Or perhaps he hadn't even known he was there. He may have been bewitched--but not by the sirens. Still, if Keti's claim were true and he couldn't speak or sing, then it would discredit Norris' claim. Unless the female were involved somehow. Still, they looked different enough that if she were the culprit, Norris likely would have accused her, not Keti.

A thought came to him and his ear twitched, fingers absently coming up to rub at the stone around his neck. Putting his attention back on the militia leader, he cocked his head to the side slightly. "Would you be willing, at least, to tell me if you've any other newcomers to the village besides myself?"
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Halfway through the mob negotiator's new declaration, Keti snorted in disgust. They expected him to identify a man who he'd only seen from behind, and who was already far off by the time Keti got a look at him, by just sight alone? This seemed more and more like a waste of time - a pointless concession made by a man who was certain nothing would come of it. Without noticing, Keti's jaw clenched in frustration, a small grimace forming.

His attention was diverted when the Nekomata began speaking. Keti had thought their keeper would take up a much more passive role - but it seemed he was wrong. The flower Siren breathed a sigh of relief - the Nekomata was much more likely to be cooperated with than either he or Nae. For the moment, he would stand next to Nae, keeping an eye on Norris in the back, watching for any strange behavior.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Azalia had a very bad feeling about this. It has been many years since the Accursed were defeated, but this place still bore their marks. The land itself was scarred - it'd never be the same again. As a dark mage, she knew quite a lot about the history behind the Shadowfall. All the tales were dreadful, but she never really feared such a distant threat. Now, in a place touched by it, she quickly began to reconsider her stance. The fact that they were heading in the direction of Dracholt didn't help. There were rumors going around that city, rumors that Azalia usually dismissed. Now, they were coming back to her mind with a vengeance. Though she kept her composure, the mage was not as eager to explore the ruins as she was before. Jontus, on the other hand, seemed to care only about them. Hopefully, he wouldn't make too many stupid mistakes...
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

Backing slowly away from the crowd, one hand delving into the pocket of her robes for a wand she knew would be useless, Alazais bumps into the other stranger to the town.. the one from the bar earlier. The contact dispels at least one myth about the Oracles - there's certainly a person beneath those robes!

Mind racing, she swallows.. and chooses the best way out. Hurried, quiet whispers to Celine.

"Obviously some kind of magical compulsion. Quickly.. pretend you've fallen for it, and capture me. They'll never believe an Oracle has fallen for their little spell so easily, but you might be able to convince them. And, if the fate of the world means anything to you... as soon as you can, get us -out- of this insane place..!"

Abruptly straightening, backing away from her only ally with horrified, wide, golden eyes behind the slitted hood.

"Yo-you...! You're one of them! Light take you all, is there no end to your madness..? Let me -go-! I mean no offence to your celebration, but I have a mission I am bound to complete..!"
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Frowning at her missed kick, Kriia immediately flaps her wings hard to make chase. "Your not getting away like that!" she calls out, racing up behind the fleeing harpy to grab at it. Inwardly she cursed at the rest of them looking like they'd escape, but to her this was about answers, not vengeance. She would have at least one to question if she could help it.

[AP 4 move to O8]
[AP ? to grapple]
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

When he'd gathered everything he needed he turned back to her with a small smile, taking in her posture and her rigid arms. "I'm going to need you to relax. Stretch out. Lay flat on your belly and hold your head in your hands, elbows on the bedroll so it doesn't hurt, and sit still."
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

For a moment Meaghan ignored Etiel, catching Saerus's glance and holding it with an aroused gaze of her own. However when Saerus stood, Meaghan suddenly felt a shiver run down her spine, a feeling of unease creeping over her skin. She watched the pair for a moment, running a thumb along the strap of her pack, and felt her heart leap as the blade was slammed into Etiel.

"Oh fuck," Meaghan said, and without more than a second's hesitation to take in the changes the man she'd fucked only an hour before was going through, turned and took off down the tunnel.

Her feet pounded on the ground as her legs pumped her ahead, driving her forwards. She occasionally glanced over her shoulder to check that she wasn't being followed by whatever beast Etiel was changing into. Hopefully he'd be too interested in the mouth wrapped around his prick to care about the courier he'd just sent running.

And so Meaghan was alone once more, taking off through the tunnels.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

While she had been almost ready to to strike an onlooker and make her best break for it. The words made her pause, though, for enough time for them to sink in. Celine nodded ever so slightly, so only the oracle could see it, then jolted slightly, pretending as if some mental force had suddenly overcome her. Perhaps a bit theatrical, but that's just how she was.

Doing her best to behave like a member of the crowd, Celine turned, wide eyed towards her target. For effect she let her finish speaking for roughly tackling her, almost achieving a bit of air time with a flying leap. She did her best to cushion the impact, though, and quickly slid around behind the oracle. She laced her arms in the other woman's in such a way she could easily hold her back and drag her around, though with a quick shift she'd be able to free the lady as well.

However, there was now a predicament. She really wanted to get out of there, still, and she was indeed holding her "hostage" near the edge of crowd, only a few forced steps away from being able to outrun everyone. Now everyone was focused on them, though, and she'd have to play along, and perhaps take them into further danger before there was an opening...
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

”No one else, unless you count ol’ Shayer, I heard he was in town at the moment. If anyone else does turn up, we’ll be keeping a close watch on them, especially if they turn out to be a dark hair elf,” he replied, although the last part was clearly somewhat mocking, they doubted the existence of this mysterious second man. Still, the group was free to enter the village and poke around.


It didn’t take long for the reality that Keti had come to realise to dawn on the others; having only caught a glimpse of this second man, whose description lacked any sort of distinguishing feature, it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack without being allowed to interact with said haystack in any way. There were plenty of dark hair individuals throughout the village and around a half dozen wearing that style of brown clothing the sirens had seen. Of those, half had their hair cut short, leaving them with three possible people who met the criteria they were looking for. Only one was a member of the militia, another was down by the wharf, working on some knots in his netting, glancing up coldly as the trio inspected the down. The final person was a woman, they noticed her hanging some laundry up to dry by her home and while at first glance the second person was assumed to be a man, given the distance and style of clothing it could have been her also.

So now they had three who matched the description and the entire time had been followed by the watchmen, to ensure they didn’t try anything funny. The question remained, where to go from here?
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

With Dracholt off somewhere to the east, the group slowly approached what increasingly became apparent as a small ruined fort. At the top of a harsher, more rocky hill, it made use of natural terrain, probably augmented by deliberate construction, to sit atop perhaps one of the best sites in this rolling grassland for such a structure. The walls were in severe disarray, crumbling down in more places than not and the structure itself seemed to have mostly collapsed, leaving a mess of dark stone. Slowly, the group made their way up the path to the entrance, where an iron portcullis lay broken and rusted beneath debris between the walls. Jontus took in a deep breath as they reached the entrance, but Nath moved forwards. ”There may be dangerous creatures nesting within here, we should take care until we know the situation.”
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

((And how many our escort, Inc? You said we were followed by 'the watchmen'.))

And given that he'd arrived with Shayer, Atair disregarded the information for the time being. Narrowing down the suspects had been a bit of a boon, given that they now only had three to concentrate on instead of the entire village. What was disheartening was that they had no real way to discern truth from falsehood, should they choose to speak to the individuals. Of course, a charmed individual would likely offer up information readily, but that wasn't an option, not if he wanted the sirens, and possibly himself, to keep their hides.

Taking a moment aside with his charges, he continued to fiddle with the stone around his neck, worrying it more and more the longer it seemed that he was in thought.

"We could try questioning them," he offered up. "See where they claim to have been and if others will back them up. Though I've no doubt that they would. Still, perhaps talking to them might shed some light on our little mystery here."

If that were the case, he'd put forth talking to the militiaman first. He was there to hear the situation and, hopefully, wouldn't take as much time as the others to question.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

"Ooh, ho ho ho," came the laughter of Auricael as she danced and twirled through the air. "So eager to join us, aren't you? Why don't you follow her example, little Oracle." Almost as an afterthought, it seemed, Celine’s enchantment passed over her but the girl’s lack of mental and magical defences caused this casual brushstroke of magical energy to stick, suddenly, her acting became reality, unknown to the Oracle, as she rapidly assimilated into the crowd.

((So it turns out having magic resistance 16 makes this kinda a bad plan))

Alazais herself felt a few brief probing thoughts of magical suggestion in her mind, if she needed any more proof that this was unnatural she had it; it seemed the twirling figure had waited until the crowd was entirely under her control before she was willing to risk trying to influence the oracle, she was either a lot more cautious than she appeared or genuinely saw the oracle as a threat. Still, the attempts were soft, gentle, perhaps devilishly so although she easily turned them aside. Still, this creature seemed to favour a soft, gentle invasion to one of overwhelming force, a useful peice of information to know.

Drifting over the heads of the crowd, the woman moved down to the small clearing in the crowd, where the oracle was now held. ”Come now, it’s not safe to travel by darkness, your mission can wait. Besides, are not the oracles servants of the gods?” she asked, a cruel smile across her lips as she reached a hand forwards to try and reach under the girl’s hood.

((Should Alazais try to slip out of Celine’s hold, she’ll find herself unexpectedly required to make a check to escape grapple, see rules/game mechanics thread for how do to do.))
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Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Nae wasn't exactly liking their options. To say that she was uncertain about even being able to recognise the dark haired elf was an understatement. Like Keti, what she had seen didn't amount to much and now she had to try to find the same individual. Their trip around the village didn't do much to reassure her either. Some of the elves looked like they could be the other assailant, but none more than the others.

"We should. We can only be told that we are wrong at worst. I just don't see how the second elf could have made it back to the village without anyone noticing." Nae commented as she crossed her arms and looked over to the men following them. She didn't enjoy being treated with such suspicion, it wasn't like it would be hard for them to hear her singing if she chose to.

""The elf in the milita would be my first choice as well," She agreed, turning her attention back to the Nekomata. "I guess we owe you for speaking up for us. I would at least like to know your name." She asks him, glad that they at least had the chance to try and clear their names.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Atair inclines his head slightly to the lady siren. "As I said, I'm looking for the truth. And possibly leads on," he pauses, "darker situations than this." Elaboration, it would seem, might be for a later time. "Atair, my lady. And I know this is Keti." He favors the male siren with a smile. "And you?" He puts his attention back on Nae.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Nae inclines her head a little at the mention of 'darker situations'. It wouldn't be hard to assume that some would be looking into the rumours that had her trying to convince Keti to return to the school with her. Still, that he would be here right now was a stroke of luck, at least for the time being.

"I'm Nae, it's nice to have the chance to look into this. I do hope we don't cause you any trouble with all this." She smiles, making sure to keep herself fairly quiet. She didn't want anyone accusing her of singing to sway the Nekomata, not with how things were going already.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

He spreads his hands slightly, a passive sort of gesture. "Trouble, if rumors are to be believed, is coming from all sides. If we can keep it to a minimum here, then perhaps that's a mark in our favor." He pauses, inclining his head as though a thought just occured to him. "On the subject of trouble," he says, his voice getting a little lower as well, "I've heard the accusations the elves are making about your kith. What might you be able to tell me about such things?" His brow arches, though is gaze flicks around, making note of the elves that are trailing in their wake. Perhaps asking about this now isn't a good idea, but he at least wanted to let the sirens know it was open for discussion.
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

Satuma uncoiled the length of her lower body and let it spread outwards in a curving "S" pattern as she lay on her stomach. She propped her chin in both hands and put her elbows on the bedroll. Her eyes glanced up at him, wondering if this was indeed how he wanted her to lie down.

"You're sure I won't look like I'm bored?" She inquired as she settled into the position, making sure that she was comfortable.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma nodded her head just a fraction of an inch. Nath's instructions made sense. They would all be wise to follow the veteran's lead, but she made no guarantees for the way Jontus might react to all this. The man was impatient to get his findings and hadn't shown signs of learning from his errant ways up in the mountains.

Satuma kept her hand cannon at the ready, with sword and wand at the ready just in case close quarter combat was necessary.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Azalia moved somewhere in the middle of the group, holding her wand in one hand. She watched the structure with a mix of interest and fear. She was more than happy to follow Nath's lead. Judging by the sorry state of the structure, it was more than likely that at least one family of wild animals had entered it already. They'd defend their territory from intruders, and they wouldn't back down like the rock wolves. This could be more dangerous than the previous fight. Tha young mage took a look around, taking stock of everything and glancing at her allies, to reassure herself and check out how they're doing. She was slightly worried about Goron. Poor guy probably wasn't taking this well.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

Celine isn't the only one with a taste for theatricality, and the Oracle emits a loud grunt as the elf slams into her, wrists quickly clamped between steely fingers. Grip tested, pulled from side to side, more for appearance than anything else... before the Oracle sighs, and quells her own, small struggles.

Auricael's gloating is not, however, unexpected, and that golden-eyed hood lifts to regard the so-called Goddess.

"As a servant of the Gods... I recognise their presence..."

And their absence

Thoughts bitten back, kept from her lips, before the white-covered head bows.

"...And yield to their suggestions. Travelling by darkness is indeed perilous. However.."

Robed head snapped back out of range of questing fingers, golden eyes lifted with an excellent imitation of suspicion.

"...Any God should know that it is a sin for an Oracle to bare themselves to the other races. Especially one such as I. If you need proof, great Auricael... then I will gladly remove my hood for you.. but you alone. Such is not... fitting, for the whole congregation."

Plan C was to go along with things.. claim to recognise Auricael as a Goddess, even if the enchantment had failed. Getting her alone would be a bonus.