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Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

D wait till guard shift comes by or archmage wakes up then again offer to join us.

While waiting ask elf
Who lead the attack
why was the archmage spared
The condition of the sewers
What were the floating balls
Why did you call the tentacle a 'guardian' creature?

I choice this one XD
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Tie was randomized

Vandi sigh'd.
"So.. What if we just wait for your master here to wake up, would you then rethink the joining us?"

"Hmmph. I'll think about it"

"Well whole we wait, want to enlighten us on a few issues?"

"Well shoot it then."

"Your master's pretty powerful you say, so why did they bother to spare him?"

"I honestly speaking don't know. Maybe his reputation or status makes him a valuable prisoner or something."

"Even wise, can you tell us about the attacks? Like who lead attacks and all?"

"The traitorous princess fired the first shot, killed the king and casted some sort of invisiblity, her fighting was un expected, I always thought she was a poshy bitch with no real brain activity. It was not shortly after till the room started to get filled with berserk black creature's that took down rest of the royal guard and the staff. Master was able to take down several one of them and tried to lead me the mage quarter staff out but then some sort of group super agile black creatures was able to subdue us down, master got strangle'd enough to be passed out, other mage staff that were fighting either got killed or humiliated of they were women. I think the other dungeon at the opposite end of the castle might have rest of the girl casters. "

"Intresting.. So what did you call this dead creature here a "guardian" and whats with the orbs?"

"Well the orbs are what we used to contain and hold magical powers. The orbs control the chains and empower their set guardian. The orbs were over ridden to take the creature in here as their "guardian". The orb empowerment includes; Magical resistance up to 75% as long as the orbs are up. The orbs also home in on magical users that are lose to drain mana and stun."

"Really dodged a bullet there.. Any idea about the state of the sewers?"

"Ugh, why would anyone want to go there? The place smells and the most desperate peasants we hire to maintain them usually beg to have their sense of smell removed. Granted, it should be an easy way out of the castle and to the city streets, but that also requires effort due of the pitfall around the castle where the sewers drop to."

Jessica poked the corpse a bit.
"You know about the whole anti magic.. The orbs are shattered and the rest left are void, why was this thing still resisting my magic?"

the elf girl shrugged

"How the hell should I know, black tentacle creatures are big mystery even to the council, I'm just an assisant.."

It was then when the door to the door to the prison hall the girls were in opened up..
And in the door frame a pissed off black tentacle stood by, with wooden splinters around its upper area.

It was that creature that Vandi knocked out cold before with the stool.

It was pretty pissed off.. But it wasn't able to let it out much longer before an icicle spear punctured the thing, killing it nearly instantly.

Seems that the bearded 'master' was up.

"Master! You're awake!" The elf girl instantly ran to him to hug the guy.

"Yes yes, I'm awake.. Calm down Celine"

He gently pushed the elf girl away and kept his hand on his head, while forcingly keeping his eyes shut.

"God this pummeling headache.."

He sat down while still holding his head.

"..I really don't feel so good."

Jessica was getting bit unpatient here.
Treza was still indifferent.

Vandi kept her eyes on the situation between the elf girl and the 'master' guy.. She just figured might aswell try;

"So you guys wanna hop a long? We could do with extra fire power when trying to get out of this here city."

"Oh sorry but, I think I'm not in that good of a shape yet.. I can hold myself back here till I get more strength back. My body really isn't letting me get a move on as much as my mind is.."

"I don't want to leave master alone!"

"Dont worry Celine, I'm capable of keeping this place here fortified and shut.. Though a little company couldn't hurt. Infact... Hmmmm.."

The guy seemed to ponder about something.. He casted a little spell that made out a rune of some sort and hand signed Vandi to come closer..

"You seem to be the squad leader here so have this rune of recall"

Rune of recall get!

"I'll be placing a barrier spell up near the door shortly, use the rune to return here with who ever might be touching you at the time. "

"Got it." Vandi giggle'd at the whole touching part a bit.

"Now.. if you girls could visit the mage quarter at the 4th floor of the castle and get me some stuff, most specialy this large crystal vial with clearn cyanish liquid in it, that could get us a nice headstart to kill some of these bastards and get out of here safely. Also before you all head out, I'd still prefer to have some company down here.. Infact, I insist it"

Jessica coldly stated out;
"But not me. "

A) Lets move on to guardhouse
B) Lets move on to the sewers
C) Other?

1) Leave Treza to keep company and ask Celine to join in. (And possibly transfer the items along to Celine)
2) Leave Celine to keep company
3) Other if Other on the Other
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C - Lets head to that mage tower thingy majjiga.

3 - Vandi stays behind to question the archmage some more! Nah. Instead, we should just leave Celine with her master. We do need a meat tank *Cough Treza Cough* Still. Would be neat if Vandi sticks behind and appoints Jessica squad leader.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A2 in order to get to the castle we would need to force our way up out of the dungeons

Celine either is a low class mage or one hell of a crafty bitch either way bringing her along with out the man would prove... troublesome. Wring out a confession on why Jessica doesn't want to be a option on staying with the old man also ask if she can feel out her succubus friend.

If above is true C2 find the succubus and rescue the demon with any other girls we find
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A 2.

Celine was left with her master, whom let out a bit of a sigh, guess the guy might've preferred some more fresh company.

The girls went back to the mid section of the dungeon floor and carefully made their way up the stairs to the guard house.

Seems they were in luck;

The two creature's that were there before had left.
However there were a lot of slime stains on a few chests and the desks in the room.

Indeed, this guard house was pretty much emptied from items.
However there was rather heavy looking key hanging from the wall.
The key had a text; "Powder room" on it.

While Vandi was looking at the said key Jessica was able to find a small purse underneath a table.

Jessica gave the purse to Vandi.

Seems there really wasn't that much inside here after all.

There was two hall ways, one to the south which's door read "offices"
Another one went to East but the door read nothing however.

A. Go South to "offices"
B. Go east
C. Other?


Level 10.

Stamina 10
Willpower 8
Magic 10
Agility 15
Strength 10
70/70 mana

Dark arrows. 5 mana.
Shadow Claw. 25 mana.


Vandi can make more ammon for herself when needed.

Crafting items;


(wood, heads, feather or other light material needed)

Vandi is somewhat energized
Vandi is not hungry.
Accuracy. +5 to all attack rolls (permanent)



Dark wood bow(Bound by will).

Head -
Top -
Legs - Leather shorts. Leg quiver. 25 Steel arrows.
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Neck -
Finger -
Waist -
Back -

Iron dagger.


Backpacks and purses;
Small Purse
Rune of Recall.
PowderRoom Key.

level 12

Stamina - 9
Willpower - 7
Magic - 15
Agility - 11
Strength – 10

65/120 mana


Upgraded Shadow lash. - 25 mana a cast. Can attach to things like a temporary whip.
Rite of Dark Healing – 80% of maximun mana. Disables mana recovery for several hours
Shadow Jump – 45 mana a cast
Dark ice bolt – 20 mana a cast. Causes chills, can freeze.
Energy; Bit tired.

Hunger; Not hungry.

Black Tentacle Semen exposure. Sensitive and slightly horny, slight magic damage penalty (-1).


Head -
Top - Leather Bra
Legs - Leather shorts.
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Neck -
Finger -
Waist -
Back -

Steel mace.

Backbacks and the like;

level ?? Blacksmithe.
energy; somewhat energized
Items; Long shirt and a iron hammer.

other statuses; Black tentacle semen exposure. Sensitive (what a suprise) and slightly weakened.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C. I'm still for the sewers.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A raid the offices we might find the powder room
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A) Raid the office.

The group went down to the office area.
Behind the office door the hall way seemed to go down to south and then arch to east. At the east end there was a staircase going up.

There is a total of 5 rooms at this office wing.

"Well there's bound to be something in these rooms."

"Well lets get crackin'."

The girls backed down a bit and started with the first room from the guard house.
A small storage room, mostly for office items.
...There was pretty much nothing more than junk in the room.
Plenty of ragged and otherwise useless paper, dried ink bottles, broken pencils.. Broken stools..

Pretty much a waste of time.

The girls walked on to the next room right at the peak of the hall way curve.

This one was bigger than the other rooms, infact it seemed to curve accordingly to the shape of the hall way just like an "L".

As they walked inside the office, the door closed behind them and seemed to lock itself!


From the other side of the office room, behind the corner, dark tendrils slithered about.

What peeked from behind the corner was a slender, thinner and smaller than usual black tentacle creature.

It's multible thin tentacles wiggled in the air as it checked out the girls bodies with its rune like eye that was in the peak of one of its tentacles.

It prepared itself, so did the girls.

A) Attack (who does what etc)
B) Try break the door open and retreat.
C) Other?


Level 10.

Stamina 10
Willpower 8
Magic 10
Agility 15
Strength 10
70/70 mana

Dark arrows. 5 mana.
Shadow Claw. 25 mana.


Vandi can make more ammon for herself when needed.

Crafting items;


(wood, heads, feather or other light material needed)

Vandi is somewhat energized
Vandi is not hungry.
Accuracy. +5 to all attack rolls (permanent)



Dark wood bow(Bound by will).

Head -
Top -
Legs - Leather shorts. Leg quiver. 25 Steel arrows.
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Neck -
Finger -
Waist -
Back -

Iron dagger.


Backpacks and purses;
Small Purse
Rune of Recall.
PowderRoom Key.

level 12

Stamina - 9
Willpower - 7
Magic - 15
Agility - 11
Strength – 10

65/120 mana


Upgraded Shadow lash. - 25 mana a cast. Can attach to things like a temporary whip.
Rite of Dark Healing – 80% of maximun mana. Disables mana recovery for several hours
Shadow Jump – 45 mana a cast
Dark ice bolt – 20 mana a cast. Causes chills, can freeze.
Energy; Somewhat energized.

Hunger; Not hungry.

Black Tentacle Semen exposure. Sensitive and slightly horny, slight magic damage penalty (-1).


Head -
Top - Leather Bra
Legs - Leather shorts.
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Neck -
Finger -
Waist -
Back -

Steel mace.

Backbacks and the like;

level ?? Blacksmithe.
energy; somewhat energized
Items; Long shirt and a iron hammer.

other statuses; Black tentacle semen exposure. Sensitive (what a suprise) and slightly weakened.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A. Try to sheepherd it; Vandi fires off Dark Arrow, Jessica fires Dark Ice Bolt at it where it dodges, and Tezra tries to smash it where it lands.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A. Try to sheepherd it; Vandi fires off Dark Arrow, Jessica fires Dark Ice Bolt at it where it dodges, and Tezra tries to smash it where it lands.

Seems like a good idea to me, I second
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A. Try to sheepherd it; Vandi fires off Dark Arrow, Jessica fires Dark Ice Bolt at it where it dodges, and Tezra tries to smash it where it lands.

Jessica should also bwack like a chicken as she fires off those ice bolts while Vandi barks like a dog and Tezra baaaahs like a sheep.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


"I have feeling this guy's gona be slippery, prepare to try think a head more than usualy."

Jessica and Treza nodded to this idea.

Vandi was about to fire an arrow as the creature made a swift movement.
It's thin tentacle moved fastly attempting to take a grab on Vandi's jiggly chest, but Vandi was able hop backwards a bit.

The creature slithered downwards in a jumpy way, take a good position on the wall opposite to where it was.

Vandi focused as the arrow coated with the dark arrow coat and she fired at the creature.
But her arm shook slipped a bit, and the arrow latched to a wall way far from where the creature was.
- 5 mana, - 1 arrow. 24 arrows left

The creature had anticipated a more accurate attacked and jumped to the ground with its tendril all ready for another bounce!

Jessica did not waste her time, she fired dark ice bolt, she knew the creature was gona move so she fire'd it at an angle, barely nailing the creature as it was mid bounce.

It nailed the mid section of the creature where some of it's tendril begin, it looks like it really hurt!
It left a frost bite on the creature as it shivered from the strike.

Treza rushed right at ready to great overhead smash.
As Treza's hammer smashed down, the creature slipped underneath her.

Treza fell on her stomach as the creature pushed her off her feet, it's slimy tendrils moved across her stomach down to her vulnerable crotch, moving across her pussy as the creature slipped from under her to on top of her back.


The slithering slimy tendrils softly going across made Treza easily wet due of her sensitivity. Her legs shook and shivered a bit from it.

The creature took a pin grip on Treza and changed her position, lifting her lower body upwards, forcing her legs up, holding her upside down.



The creature was entangle'd all over Treza. Her struggle was really in vain.
The thin tentacles were teasing Treza, playing with her nipples, her clit, rubbing her wet crotch..

Vandi took her dagger and stepped towards the two. She wasn't going to try slash at it with force, it was way too well over Treza, and it's size made it hard to not hurt Treza. But she was going to have to release her somehow.

The creature was already ready to abonden Treza and dodge trying to use her as body block, but Vandi was able to make a slash down to up, away from Treza in which she was able to critically hit the creature as it was moving away, cutting a few of its tentacles.

It shrieked in pain as it landed away from the girls with its tentacles that had been cut flailing on the ground like a helpless fish.

The creature's rune eye glowed a bit as it formed magical glow with its remaining tentacle's. It was attempting to cast something..

But it went wrong. Oh so wrong.
The creature's last shriek sounded a bit like "oh shi-" as the glow on its tentacle's made a detonation of arcane and shadow magic, with little mana fragments radiation from the said detonation.

The creature spin a bit and collapsed to the ground, dead, from the detonation.

Vandi and Jessica felt a tiny bit refreshed from the detonation.
They both gained 4 mana from it.

Jessica's confidence went up as she felt even more refreshed after this encounter.
(Jessica level up! +1 Willpower)

"hehe.. What an amateur."

The eye of the creature still glowed a bit, Vandi was able to take out the rune from it.

Rune of Sight get.
Rune of sight; One time use item for increasing accuracy if in combat and improving sight (see in dark). Lasts for about half a day.

"This could be handy. " Vandi stashed it.

The girls we're now able to actually check this office room bit better with the creature out of the way.

Unfortunantly, they didn't find much here either. There were documents on the desk at the end of the room but it seemed ink had spilled on them making them unreadable and useless.

There we're not other interesting items in the drawers of the desk either, though there was a nice family photo of whom was probably who used to work here and his wife + kid.

Bookshelve of the office had no interesting nor useful books.


The girls went back to the hallway.

2 rooms down, 3 to go.

The next room was a small office. There was an untouched sandwich on the desk.
Vandi stashed it up.

Checking the drawers Jessica found a nice silky shirt. She gave it for Vandi to wear, it was bit tight though, Vandi's nipples busted right through it and didn't hide them too well being so thin material. Little support none of the less!

Treza found the best of the room however.
A Map of the castle! It wasn't a whole though. It seemed to miss the other floors..


Making progress.

The girls exited the office and went a head to check the next room on this office hallway

They opened the door to the room south of the stairs that would leave to 2nd floor of the office wing..

It was pretty odd, it seemed to be bit empty. The girl's stepped in to check it out better.

"Huh, why is this so empty.."

The floor collapsed.

The girl's dropped about two meters to find themselves in a hole, someone had removed the flooring completely underneath the room and the "floor" was just loose planks!

They were pretty much dropped into a pitfall.

Vandi fell on her side and rolled.
Jessica fell on her boobs pretty much with face down.
Treza fell on her butt.

"Ow.. What with the..?"
"A trap."


The ground moved a bit as Treza felt something tingling her crotch as she was still sitting there..
Three tentacles shot up underneath her! Two of them grapple'd her legs and kept them steadily split and pulled down as the third shot up with brute force right up her already wet pussy.


Treza's eye's widened up. The tentacle really shot deep inside her right out of nowhere with such force.


But before Vandi could act further than yell, three tentacle's shot them selves up underneath Vandi! Two of them coiled around Vandi, one holding her body and going underneath her armpits while the other coiled around her leg, forcing it up.

The third tentacle tried to move itself along her body to get underneath her clothing..

Vandi tried to struggle the tentacle's away. But her struggle only allowed them to take a hold better. The third tentacle opened Vandi's shirt and dived in her shorts.

"Hnnnnnghh...! Get.. Out.. Of.. There!"
It was rubbing her up. It felt rather good to Vandi though she hated to admit it.

Jessica was on her knee's as three tentacle's attempted to grapple her aswell!
But she backflipped out of the way, as the tentacle's shut up even further, revealing themselves to be attached to a single black orb like thing that had a rune eye in the middle. More tentacle's emerged from the sides of the dark circular creature.

"Aw hell no."

Vandi was about to get it and Treza was getting fuck up by a tentacle rather forcingly.. Then there was this creature really eyeing it up. Jessica's gotta act fast.

A) Jessica; Attack the creature eyeing you
B) Jessica: Attempt to release Vandi
C) Jessica: Help Treza out!
D) Other?

Jessica level up perk;

1. Lower Mana cost of offensive spells by 5
2. Shadow Agility. Reduce Shadow jump cost by half! (22 mana a cast)
3. Dark healer. Dark ritual effects your allies too


Level 10.

Stamina 10
Willpower 8
Magic 10
Agility 15
Strength 10
69/70 mana

Dark arrows. 5 mana.
Shadow Claw. 25 mana.


Vandi can make more ammon for herself when needed.

Crafting items;


(wood, heads, feather or other light material needed)

Vandi is somewhat energized
Vandi is not hungry.
Accuracy. +5 to all attack rolls (permanent)



Dark wood bow(Bound by will).

Head -
Top - Silk shirt
Legs - Leather shorts. Leg quiver. 24 Steel arrows.
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Neck -
Finger -
Waist -
Back -

Iron dagger.


Backpacks and purses;
Small Purse
Rune of Recall.
Rune of Sight.
PowderRoom Key.
first floor map

level 13

Stamina - 9
Willpower - 8
Magic - 15
Agility - 11
Strength – 10

120/120 mana


Upgraded Shadow lash. - 25 mana a cast. Can attach to things like a temporary whip.
Rite of Dark Healing – 80% of maximun mana. Disables mana recovery for several hours
Shadow Jump – 45 mana a cast
Dark ice bolt – 20 mana a cast. Causes chills, can freeze.
Energy; Somewhat energized.

Hunger; Not hungry.

Black Tentacle Semen exposure. Sensitive and slightly horny, slight magic damage penalty (-1).


Head -
Top - Leather Bra
Legs - Leather shorts.
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Neck -
Finger -
Waist -
Back -

Steel mace.

Backbacks and the like;

level ?? Blacksmithe.
energy; somewhat energized
Items; Long shirt and a iron hammer.

other statuses; Black tentacle semen exposure. Sensitive and slightly weakened.

Creature vs Vandi
42 + 10 (52) vs 82

Vandi vs Creature
5 + 5 (10) vs 35 + 10 (45)

Jessica vs Creature
76 vs 62 + 10 (72)

18 dmg
effect strength ( 1 - 10 ); 7

Foe chilled.

Treza vs Creature
20 vs 94

Treza struggle!
14 vs 27 + 10 (37)

Vandi vs Creature
90 + 5 (95) vs 41 + 10 (51)

6 * 2x weakness + crit!
36 damage.

Creature cast!


Event roll;
Room #3;
Room #4;

??? vs Treza
47 vs 10
??? vs Vandi
46 vs 10
Vandi Struggle!
28 vs 90

??? Vs Jessica
28 vs 76