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Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Just hug and hold her! USE Extreme actions and reactions! Cry for her loss!
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Wow clueless goomba considering their shape you think they would know every penis joke in the book

"educate" her now the way to her town about the finer points of sex slowly of course backing off when needed and befriend the girl slowly win her trust.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

We don't wanna be a ghost sex fiend do we!? I mean we need real friends not just potential flings just like the poor Goombette does. Try to be a genuine real friend first; then if romantic/sexual feelings begin manifesting themselves between you and she opens up to sexual activities later; then you can do the smutting. Ask about her grandma; but be sure to be cautious and delicate. Talk about Magic, Goombas, and MagiGoombas. Talk about hobbies, studying magic, the Peach Gang and Wendy more. Friends are a rare and precious commodity. Real, true friends you can count on are some of the greatest gifts any person can receive after all.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

The disembodied voice before me has a good point - just avoid that friendzone. Nobody's immune to it
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Fuck : I'm tired, my chinese poets were lazy today, I had to kick their asses.

So, I'll say just one thing, as a RP-gamer : "Kill her and rape her !" (otherwise, you can switch between the two, as you want)
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

I'm not sure how this whole ghost thing works, BUT MAYBE SHE'S A BOO NOW.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Ellen floated closer to Viorica, and gently hugged her, the Goomba froze in her tracks, slightly wincing and tensing. "I... I'm sorry, I really don't know when to shut my mouth... My condolences.", the goomgal relaxed a little, and as she didn't look overly comfortable with the sudden embrace. "It is fine, it isn't your fault, I just... I miss her..." Ellen pulled away, and an awkward silence fell for a brief time. The first to act was Viorica, who continued to walk, with Ellen trailing after. It wasn't long before they came to a crossroads, with one path continuing forward, and one path on the left and another on the right. A sign was nearby, arrow pointing right read "Goomshire", the one pointing forward was illegible, and the leftwards one read "Shadyglade Forest". There was another sign pointing towards where they had came from, which naturally read "Sunshine Port".

To reach Goomshire, they would have to cross a little bridge over a small creek, with the town gates close behind it. From the crossroads, Ellen and Viorica could spot a pair of goombas standing watch... Or were supposed to at least, instead busy playing dice or something in the sandy road. The girls hadn't been noticed yet, and decided to step aside and behind a few bushes, in order to formulate a plan. "Any ideas how we get in there?", Viorica looked a little nervous, clutching her wand for comfort. She hadn't thought things through by the looks of it. "Well, it is still early day, and I for one would rather not wait around until nightfall... And I can't turn invisible, not in the daylight like this.", the Boo looked skywards. Not a cloud in the sky, the sun shining brightly down upon them in the late dawn. Viorica looked around herself a little, biting her lower lip. After a few moments of part-worrying and part-thinking, the Goomba spoke up. "I... I know of a pipe nearby that we could use, we could get into the town that way but... No one ever uses it anymore, and there might be thugs down there, or maybe wildlife or other such critters.", Ellen was quick to follow up. "That, or charging right in and hoping for the best I guess. Anything else you can tell me of the pipe?", "Weeell, it is some underground ruins, some old town that existed ages ago, theres a lot of such ruins all over the island, and this particular one might've been an old outpost or a small fort or something, not big at all... Very few people know about it, mostly me and... and my grandmother, one or two others in Goomshire perhaps. The exit is located in the backyard of my house."

Charging headlong into danger by going straight into Goomshire, or spelunking through ancient ruins with who-knows-what down there... A tough decision, and Ellen could use some advice.

-Ellen Stats-
HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
Status: Fine!
Lvl/XP: 1, 9/100XP

4/50 Yellow Coins
3/10 Items

3 Mushrooms
Room 6 Key
-Viorica Stats-
HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
BP: 1/3
Status: Fine!
Lvl/XP: 1, 0/75XP

2/50 Coins
1/10 Items

1 Mushroom
Room 5 Key
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Time to get some plumbing done.

Maybe there're badges down there! Just like, try not to get too hurt and stuff.

Also ask Vio if she knows Tattle or Headbonk.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Spelunking eh? What's the worst that could happen!


Remember to look out for damsels, diamonds and gold. In that order. Also, remember to find a fireflower and flush out the pipe first and foremost. Don't want tentacles to catch you too easily now.
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

You should go spelunking throught the ruins. Maybe there'll be some dildo-spike pit traps~.
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

while in the ruins keep chomp behind your party *yes he is attached to you and you feel what he feels yadayada but I am pretty sure it takes alot more for him to get hurt* stay slightly head of the goomba and make sure she understands to keep a spell ready just in case
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

These others have it all wrong. The "guards" are just two lone goombas, no better than the ones you fought earlier, except that this time you have the element of surprise, and a mage at your side. Rush in and beat the shit out of them!
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Mysterious pipes? Everyone knows they contain conviniently placed gold coins and other Phat Lewtz. Go to, eh?
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Go and rape their pipes to show who is the bigger, better, and bitcher!
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

ZzZz ... zZzZ ... Huh? What? Oh, crap, I over slept again.
I'd say, better safe than sorry. Head down the pipe and wait for sun down.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Ellen nodded, her mind made up with the help of the voices, the Boo gently hugged Viorica. A mildly awkward embrace, but the Goombette seemed a little appreciative of it at least. "Show me the pipe, we're going in that way, no sense making a ruckus.", Viorica nodded, and would guide the Boo along into the bushy vegetation next to the road and further down the stream. There was an inconspicious log there, stuck in place by two large rocks. On the other side of the stream was a grey and dusty pipe barely visible. While not impossible to find with some chance, it was well concealed.

The Boo had certainly swooped through pipes before, but it was a sensation she thought she'd never quite get used to. Just below the pipes opening it was all pitch-black darkness. No matter how much light you tried to shine down there, it could never reach more then a foot or two. Still, the two girls and Chewey hopped into it one after another. The darkness surrounded them, and they barely had any concept of time or space, or if they were even falling down. Perhaps they were falling up or left or right. Pipes were odd creations, and they seemed to follow their own rules. And then it was all over, and they neatly exitted underground, now standing on packed dirt and stone. The cavernous area was dimly lit by crude, crescent moon-shaped stones that cast a lightblue sheen over the area around the fort. There was an underground stream separating the pipe area and the fort itself. A heavy and old bridge provided access though.

"Brrr, creepy place, and I've lived most of my life in a haunted mansion!", Ellen spoke quietly, hugging around herself a little. It was cold here. Not freezing, but certainly below comfortable temperature. Viorica didn't seem too bothered by it, but then again she was wearing more clothes then a t-shirt. "Haunted mansion? Sounds neat! I love studying old places~ Among other things of course, like, all the things!", Ellen rose a brow, wondering if the Goomba was entirely sane or not. Who liked studying? Oh wait, that reminded her of a question one of the voices had... "Hey, by the way, you know anything about 'Tattle'?", Viorica made a little spin, facing the Boo. "Hmm? Oh, Tattle? Yeah, I know a little of just about anything~! Point me at something you're curious about, and I'll let ya know what I know!", huh, surprisingly convenient. Ellen hadn't imagined her first friend-to-be would be a walking, talking information booth. Nor that a Goomba could be so well-learned. All she had ever heard about them were that they were lackeys for any thug or wannabe-boss out there, the underlings of underlings and so forth.

"Gotcha, that head of yours will be useful~", there was an ever so slight tone of coyness and implied lewdness to the Boos voice. "Thanks! I love studying! Ancient ruins, old books, newspapers... Everything is a source of knowledge, and knowledge is power you know!"... innuendo that once more flew straight past the goombettes head. Ellen sighed, earning herself a perplexed look from Viorica before she started walking, and her companions followed after her without complaint. As they approached the bridge, Ellen spotted something... "Wait, is that... a pile of bones?", as soon as she had said it, the pile started rattling, and then the bones bounced into the air, connecting to each other with clicks, and the empty eyesockets shone up dimly. A koopa skeleton by the looks of it! "What the heck is that?!", Ellen cried out, looks like it wouldn't be a walk in the park going through these ruins after all!

Viorica stepped forward, her eyes twinkling blue with glee and excitement, and then spoke with a ~mysterious~ tone to her voice. "A Dull Bones! A creature from a past era, from ancient times, risen again by dark magics or by an unsatisfied will! Despite their appearance, they are not quite as brittle as they look, and will only go down by a mighty blow!", Ellen groaned, and held her right hand back, with practiced co-ordination, Chewey quickly whipped his chain forward, letting the Boo grab hold of him and swing him forward, barking excitedly, but the first swing wasn't aimed to strike the Dull Bones, but rather to pick up momentum, and with a cry, Ellen smashed Chewey into the skeleton creature! "IT IS CREEPY!"... And then the Dull Bones became a Dusty Bones, utterly pulverized as the Chomp smashed straight through it, leaving nothing but a pile of bone-powder and smashed bones behind. Viorica just stared blankly at it all, even pouting a little, as if disappointed with such a fast victory over the creature she had just tried to make out as a worthwhile adversary.

Great. Ancient bones that ain't willing to stay down and dead, just great!

-Ellen Stats-
HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
Status: Fine!
Lvl/XP: 1, 12/100XP

4/50 Yellow Coins
3/10 Items

3 Mushrooms
Room 6 Key
-Viorica Stats-
HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
BP: 1/3
Status: Fine!
Lvl/XP: 1, 3/75XP

2/50 Coins
1/10 Items

1 Mushroom
Room 5 Key
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Tickle Viorica for making them seem stronger! Punish her!
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time


Oh, you got it already. Sorry about that. FUCK UNDEAD THINGS! Um, yeah. Let's get out of here as fast as we can, okay?
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time
