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Catch all for my stuffles

Re: Catch all for my stuffles

I'll buy the a copy of it. Is it going to be printed in hardback or paperback? Also what is it's genre?
Re: Catch all for my stuffles

Thanks. Fantasy Genre, probably printed in whatever i can get. But don't hold your breath. It prolly won't happen for a few years, but I'll post here when it's in stores lol.
Re: Catch all for my stuffles

It sounds delicious. I will probably read it quickly. Also does it have romance?
Re: Catch all for my stuffles

Now it's on my wish list.

Canine grin? Pointed ears? Green Hair elfin woman? How did that even happen?
Re: Catch all for my stuffles

Yo, check back here for a new short story tomorrow. this is a rough draft of one i actually finished inspired by this song:

You better take it from me
That boy is like a disease
Your runnin your tryin to hide and your
wonderin why you cant get free

He's like a curse
He's like a drug
You get addicted to his love
You want to get out but he's holdin you down
cause you cant live without one more

He's a, a good time cowboy casanova leanin
up against the record machine
Looks like a cool drink of water but
He's candy coated misery
He's the devil in disguise
A snake with blue eyes
And he only comes out at night
He gives you feelings that u dont want to
You better run for your life

Oooohhh Oh
Oooohhh Oh

I see that look on your face
You aint hearin what I say
So I'll say it again cause I been where
you been and I know how it ends you
cant get away

Dont even look in his eyes
He'll tell you nothin but lies
And you want to believe but you wont be decieved if you listen to me and take my advice

He's a good time cowboy casanova leanin
up against the record machine
Looks like a cool drink of water but
he's candy coated misery
He's the devil in disguise
A snake with blue eyes and he only come
out at night
He gives you feelings that you dont want
to fight
You better run for your life
Run, run away dont let him mess with
your mind

He'll tell you anything you wanna hear
He'll break your heart its jus a matter
of time

But just remember
He's a, a good time cowboy casanova leanin
up against the record machine
Looks like a cool drink of water but
he's candy coated misery
Devil in disguise
A snake with blue eyes and
he only comes out at night
He gives you feelins that you dont want
to fight

You better run for your life
Ooohhh oh
You better run for your life
Ooohhh oh You better run for your life
Oh You better run for your life
Re: Catch all for my stuffles

( there's the music vid <3 )

“Cowboy Casanova”

The young girl that entered the rowdy Texas bar straightened her pink miniskirt and pulled down the oversized t-shirt that covered her ample cleavage. Her cottonmouth-skin cowboy boots clunked a little on the hardwood floor as she sauntered her way over to the bar, red glittery lipstick flashing in the smoky light.

The bartender took one look at the girl in front of him and snorted. Her blonde curls and blue eyes gave off an air that she was only 16, maybe 17. He looked right at her and asked for an id, she smiled prettily at him and pulled her driver’s license out of her shirt. The bartender took it and try as he might to prove it fake, it wasn’t. She’d turned 21 that day.

She leaned forward on the bar, giving anyone looking at her ass fleeting glimpses of pale pink lacy underwear, a few shades lighter than her skirt. She smiled at him again and said, “I’d like a beer, and none of that pussy stuff, I want a Lonestar.”

The bartender blinked in mild surprise at her request, before fetching a glass and filling it up from the tap. “You want a tab?” he asked in a voice that sounded like someone dragging a wet cloth over a gravel driveway.

She batted her eyelashes and said, “That would be perfect. I plan on making my way around the dance floor a few times before the night is over, and a little liquid courage never hurt.” She took a sip from her glass and eyed the other patrons of the bar before settling on one very handsome man leaning up against the record machine.

Another woman saw her eyeing the man and said, “Don’t do it honey. That man there is bad news, trust me. He’s a snake with blue eyes, and he only comes out at night.”

The blonde rolled her eyes at the older, redheaded woman, “How would you know? You’re old enough to be his mama. Doesn’t look older than me, and I just turned 21 today.”

The redhead narrowed her brown eyes, “Now you listen to me, that man is no good, and nothing good will come out of you talking to him. He’s been visiting this bar for around 5 years now and he’s never looked a day older than right now.” The middle aged woman shook her head, “If I’d have know what he would do when I brought him here you can be sure I never would.”

The blonde giggled again, “So you are his mama.”

“In a way.” The redhead shrugged, “Go with another man tonight honey, that one is just bad news.”

The blonde ignored her, and sauntered over to the handsome man. She took in his blonde hair, chiseled jaw, blue eyes, tan and muscles in a glance. Closer inspection brought his clothes into focus. A white Stetson, blue flannel top, whitewashed jeans, and gator skin boots finished off his wholesome, country feel. He smiled, without teeth and said in a polite voice, “What’s a purty thing like you doin in a bar like this?”

She giggled appreciatively and said, “Looking for a man to take a few turns with me out there, and then maybe come home for a few turns there.” She took a long swallow of her beer.

He raised his eyebrows and said, “Well why don’t we skip straight to the goin home part? That dance floor’s lookin mighty crowded.”

She looked him up and down and finished off her beer, “Alright.” Then she headed over to the bar, placed some money on it for the bartender and headed out the front door, the man following behind her.

“We can take my truck.” He said, pointing to a rusty pick-up that looks like it had once been powder blue.

She nodded, completely overwhelmed by this stranger.

They rode in silence to her place. She didn’t even wonder how he knew where she lived; only concentrating on getting this specimen of manhood home and in her bed. They stumbled up the stairs, shedding clothes while engaged in a lip-lock. When they tumbled, naked into bed together, he finally grinned with all his teeth. She stared in confused horror at the fangs in place of his canines, and anything she might have said was smothered with the force of his will.

The vampire sank his fangs into her neck and drained her past death. He patiently closed the wounds on her neck with a little of his blood like he’d been taught. Laying her out on the bed, in a regal position he flowed into the form of a rattlesnake and bit the dead woman's calf a few times, before slithering out into the desert and his daytime den.

Review it alright? I'd like grammar editing among other things. Tell me what you like, what needs more detail, and what needs less.
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Re: Catch all for my stuffles


I love it ;)
Re: Catch all for my stuffles

No problem Dear, happy to help. ;)

Re: Catch all for my stuffles

new poem!

I wish for a woman with radiant hair
And skin so soft and fair.
I wish for a woman with luminous eyes
And a desire to watch the skies.
I wish for a woman to hold close by
To touch and kiss and sigh.
How I miss a woman’s touch
This, I miss so much.
A warm embrace under the sun
When the day is said and done.
Those soft curves and tender strokes
While the incense before us smokes.
A languid sigh, a naked stretch,
Caught forever in a sketch…
But alas, she is not here
That woman I wish to hold dear.
Re: Catch all for my stuffles

Sooo...... this is based off of a dream i had the other night.

Just the start, I know i want to continue it, but I need feedback first. Especially for the description of the Aliens.


The name of the ship was Galaxy Wanderer though she did more than just wander. She was a battle cruiser, sent to the third planet in an unremarkable system as a gesture of good will from the home of the Klarrins, which is their word for people.

These beings are humanoid in shape, but only in shape, and one of the few in the universe to be so. Their skin is varying shades of orange, and the darker the shade, the higher the caste. The eyes are yellow or green, and slit pupiled. They don’t have hair, instead they have a myriad of dreadlock like tentacles that can be moved independently, sort of like the humans’ mythos of the medusa, in a variety of colors. They share the same mammalian body plan as humans too, with all of the dangling extremities that entails. They reproduce in much the same manner, although they lay eggs instead of giving live birth. And usually only one child per family.

I am a twin. I was born from the same egg as my brother, though a lower caste than he. So when the chance came to leave the burnt umber soil and the branchless trees of my home, I took it. I left to journey to that insignificant, backwater blue planet called Earth by the pink, soft, and fleshy sapient inhabitants.
Re: Catch all for my stuffles

"Cowboy Cassonova":
It looks like a cautionary tale with a good use of metaphor for characters, and done very well. :3 The foolish one paid for her arrogance and ignorance.

'To Hold Dear':
Beautiful, poetic, quite powerful and rather heart-felt. It's easy to relate to if one is lonely.

'Dream Aliens':
It's quite interesting to hear/read the dreams of others, as it can sometimes be massively inspiring for the person as it's a good source of unrestrained imagination. In this case you've described them in a sci-fi realistic manner, and the latter part about an individual deepens their background further, leaving it open to expansion of info and such. :3

I wish I had more to say, but drawing a blank. *Frowny Dragon.* Anyhoo, please keep posting your work Chibi! *Hugs.*
Re: Catch all for my stuffles

..Sure? *Gives a muffin.* Hoped the comment-stuff helped. ^^'
Re: Catch all for my stuffles

yay Muffin!n -noms-

Yes, yes it did.
Re: Catch all for my stuffles

Yey for an update :3


The name of the ship was Galaxy Wanderer though she did more than just wander. She was a battle cruiser, sent to the third planet in an unremarkable system as a gesture of good will from the home of the Klarrins, which is their word for people.

These beings are humanoid in shape, but only in shape, and one of the few in the universe to be so. Their skin is varying shades of orange, and the darker the shade, the higher the caste. The eyes are yellow or green, and slit pupiled. They don’t have hair, instead they have a myriad of dreadlock like tentacles that can be moved independently, sort of like the humans’ mythos of the medusa, in a variety of colors. They share the same mammalian body plan as humans too, with all of the dangling extremities that entails. They reproduce in much the same manner, although they lay eggs instead of giving live birth. And they usually only have one child per family.

I am a twin. I was born from the same egg as my brother, though a lower caste than he. So when the chance came to leave the burnt umber soil and the branchless trees of my home, I took it. I left to journey to that insignificant, backwater blue planet called Earth by the pink, soft, and fleshy sapient inhabitants.

I joined up with the Galaxy Wanderer on her maiden voyage. She was the biggest ship I’d ever seen. And the biggest ship in our section of the galaxy still capable of going atmo. Her creaters were justifiably proud. She was ovaloid in shape, similar to the seagoing ships the humans used to make. Flattering their engineering would be essential if they were going to accept this peace offering and stay out of our corner of the Galaxy.

I’d read about their wars, and their culture, and seen some of their alien movies. I was very apprehensive about going, and about our involvement with them. However, it wasn’t as if we had much choice. If we engaged them in a head on fight, or even simply tried to stay away... they would fight and drag us out of whatever planet we fled to. They weren’t very advanced, but they were determined to never go down without a fight, at least according to their history. This was why the elders’ council decided peaceful negotiations were best. If we made these beings our allies, we wouldn’t have to worry about an invasion.

Or so the council hoped.

But I’d learned their history. I read about what their conquering bands did to the natives of their own species and I wondered, how will this help? If they pushed their own species out of place because of cultural and technological differences, how would they feel about a species far more advanced than they? If I were on the council, I would have voted to turn their entire system into slag. Make sure none of them got away.

But I wasn’t on the council. I was a low caste member of society and I was content with my place. I wanted more though. I wanted to see more than the duty surface of my home. And so... I went to Earth.

I’d never seen a blue planet before. Fish were rare and only fit to be eaten by the wise old men of the council.
Re: Catch all for my stuffles

Oh look, an update.

The name of the ship was Galaxy Wanderer though she did more than just wander. She was a battle cruiser, sent to the third planet in an unremarkable system as a gesture of good will from the home of the Klarrins, which is their word for people.

These beings are humanoid in shape, but only in shape, and one of the few in the universe to be so. Their skin is varying shades of orange, and the darker the shade, the higher the caste. The eyes are yellow or green, and slit pupiled. They don’t have hair, instead they have a myriad of dreadlock like tentacles that can be moved independently, sort of like the humans’ mythos of the medusa, in a variety of colors. They share the same mammalian body plan as humans too, with all of the dangling extremities that entails. They reproduce in much the same manner, although they lay eggs instead of giving live birth. And they usually only have one child per family.

I am a twin. I was born from the same egg as my brother, though a lower caste than he. So when the chance came to leave the burnt umber soil and the branchless trees of my home, I took it. I left to journey to that insignificant, backwater blue planet called Earth by the pink, soft, and fleshy sapient inhabitants.

I joined up with the Galaxy Wanderer on her maiden voyage. She was the biggest ship I’d ever seen. And the biggest ship in our section of the galaxy still capable of going atmo. Her creaters were justifiably proud. She was ovaloid in shape, similar to the seagoing ships the humans used to make. Flattering their engineering would be essential if they were going to accept this peace offering and stay out of our corner of the Galaxy.

I’d read about their wars, and their culture, and seen some of their alien movies. I was very apprehensive about going, and about our involvement with them. Though it wasn’t like we had much choice. If we engaged them in a head on fight, or even simply tried to stay away... they would fight and drag us out of whatever planet we fled to. They weren’t very advanced, but they were determined to never go down without a fight, at least according to their history. This was why the elders council decided peaceful negotiations were best. If we made these beings our allies, we wouldn’t have to worry about an invasion.

Or so the council hoped.

But I’d learned their history. I read about what their conquering bands did to the natives of of their own species and I wondered, how will this help? If they pushed their own species out of place because of cultural and technological differences, how would they feel about a species far more advanced than they? If I were on the council, I would have voted to turn their entire system into slag. Make sure none of them got away.

But I wasn’t on the council. I was a low caste member of society and I was content with my place. I wanted to see more though. I wanted to see more than the dusty surface of my home. And so I went to Earth.

I’d never seen a blue planet before. Fish were rare and only fit to be eaten by the wise old men of the council. I’d only ever seen one of our fish in a picture, and they are nothing like the fish of Earth. Ours are small and covered in hard bony plates with whiskers and a jawed mouth with multiple layers of teeth. They only have a tail fin, none of the other fins like Earth fish have. I’m told that our fish bear a remarkable similarity with an earth species called shrimp.

I don’t think they are all that similar, to be honest. I have seen Earth shrimp and they are nothing like the Gorchak fish. Earth has more diversity than my home too. Billions of species and many of them adapted for the same ecological niche!

There are even venomous species that can kill some of the larger mammals with just one bite. I’m amazed that anything on this planet has survived. The evolution of the prey is just as kinyessu, confusing. I made plans to visit as many human museums and zoos as I could. I wanted to see and to learn as much as possible about this odd planet.

But the first thing I had to do was get off of mine. And my parents weren’t exactly pleased by my decision. My brother runs off to join the Corps Officers, and he’s praised. I join the Corps fleet as a low soldier and they cry about their last son losing his life on some far distant planet.

“I will not have my last son dying on some wet planet,” My father thumped around on his one good leg and his crutches, having refused the cybernetic prosthetic when he lost it in the Loria skirmishes. “You need to stay here. Take up the family business.”

“Father, we grow Trinia trees for the people to eat. This isn’t the life I want,” I protested. “Besides, you and mother can still have another child. The edicts are different for twins. You can still have someone to look after the trees.”

My mother smiled at me before speaking, “You and your brother are just like your Father, Taavan. I think it will be nice to have both of you boys out of the house for a change.” She cast a look at my Father, “Don’t you think so, Deenin?”

His cheeks went a little more orange and I threw up my hands in disgust as he tried to formulate a proper reply to my mother. When he couldn’t she just laughed at him and I had to leave the room.

I know what they had to go through to get to my brother and I, but I’d really rather not be reminded of it. Besides, I now had the perfect opportunity to sneak off and get myself to the recruitment center.