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Tentacle Souls

Re: Tentacle Souls

D&C. Also we could seriously use a decent AOE sleep spell rather then the single target slime ooze. Otherwise go with Minor Telepathy.
Re: Tentacle Souls

LMAO you want an AoE?? USE THE LUST SPELL ON THE CROWD! Watch them start using those pitchforks in ingenious ways!

But seriously... Do D and tell the man to placate the crowd the best he can while we check on her. Oh and B I wish to see where this will lead! Mixing the crowd of angry villagers with the crowd of angry mercs should do nicely!

For Evolutions:
Minor Telepathy
Tentacle Arts II
(Healing) Slime Ooze II
Dread I (what... it's cheap)
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Re: Tentacle Souls

ACD. Give orders to let the mercs in and have the Necromancer brought to you while you inform the mob that you have taken over Blacks estate/property/resorces/whatever and that major changes will be put into place. Maybe ask for patience during the transition.
Oh, and if the minions dislike the change of power, inform them that they can either leave now, deal with it, or they'll be introduced to the buissness end of our tentacles, and not in the fun way.
Re: Tentacle Souls

D and C
Minor Telephaty
Dread I, II
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Re: Tentacle Souls

My bad guys, of course D can be as well as other votes.
Re: Tentacle Souls

I've changed my vote to D C2

We've been a nice guy for too long
Re: Tentacle Souls

ACD. Give orders to let the mercs in and have the Necromancer brought to you while you inform the mob that you have taken over Blacks estate/property/resorces/whatever and that major changes will be put into place. Maybe ask for patience during the transition.
Oh, and if the minions dislike the change of power, inform them that they can either leave now, deal with it, or they'll be introduced to the buissness end of our tentacles, and not in the fun way.

Re: Tentacle Souls

ACD. Give orders to let the mercs in and have the Necromancer brought to you while you inform the mob that you have taken over Blacks estate/property/resorces/whatever and that major changes will be put into place. Maybe ask for patience during the transition.
Oh, and if the minions dislike the change of power, inform them that they can either leave now, deal with it, or they'll be introduced to the buissness end of our tentacles, and not in the fun way.

Re: Tentacle Souls

D. We did do this partly to try and ensure her safety, after all...
Re: Tentacle Souls

A wins the A/B vote, ordinary C wins the rest, and D had the most votes of all.


You draw yourself up, trying the banish the fuzziness and nausea from your mind.

"The mercenaries are not to be let into the town," you command. There's too much potential for them to add to the trouble, a thought even more alarming now you can hear raised voices and cries from the street outside the window.
Hu'jet nods his head, hands pressed behind his back. "Meanwhile, I'll see if I can do anything about all the angry people outside."

"An excellent plan, sir," Hu'jet proclaims, before scurrying off about his task. Tch. Excellent might be overstating it.

Before you have chance to bottle out of it, you slide out of the room's window, knocking it ajar with two tentacles. Your pour out of it and land on the cobbled street outside, before climbing up the side of the building, just as you'd done before. You feel it's best to get a bird's eye view of the scale of the problem.
In no time at all you've made it to the top of the building and surveyed the town before you. It's, um, not good.

A great many of the town's wooden buildings are ablaze, fires crackling and roaring against the night sky. Bands of masked thugs are roaming the streets, looting what they can from buildings, murdering and raping as they go. The town's guards - what precious few of them you can see - are in disarray, fighting individual battles, no coordination whatsoever.
Just before you slide back down the building, a pile of corpses in an adjacent alleyway catches your eye. There's something off about them... a green hue to their flesh. Almost as if... they're diseased.
No. Surely not. You only hit a couple of soldiers with that plague spell, there's no way it could spread into a epidemic like this. No way at all.

Curious, you toss a weak Magic Sting into the pile of corpses - and almost fall off the building when they stir, batting at thin air. And now you look over the town again, you can see them - odd pockets here and there, preying on looters and civilians alike, dragging them screaming into darkened streets, falling on them in packs.

Well, so much for placation. Nothing to be done here, it's way too late.

OK. Nevermind. You slither back down the building, and a thought strikes you - what about the Necromancer? You immediately feel guilty for not remembering her earlier - though it seems likely in her imprisoned state she'll be protected from the town's self-destruction.
Climbing back in through the window to the room you awoke in, you find another of Black's old servants, apparently having replaced the absent Hu'jet. He starts trying to introduce himself, but you overrule him.
"Take me to the Necromancer," you order. He nods, head bobbing nervously, and beckons for you to follow him. He leads you through the building, down a series of ornate corridors, until you come to the room that had the Mournful Orb and Archcrystals. The walls are still covered in books and blue crystal growths, as it happens.

Under your watchful gaze, the servant pulls a level, causing a section of wall to rotate 90 degrees... and reveal the Necromancer's cell.
She's still bound by the black tentacles, but they've encroached in the time you've been gone, pouring down her arms and up her legs like a black sludge. She's slumped, exhausted, as black tendrils tickle her ass, and a sleek phallus rubs itself over her (thankfully still clothed) groin.
You let fly with a volley of magical attacks; high level Stings, Fire Bolts, anything, and quickly tear the insidious black noodles to shreds. Unsupported, the Necromancer topples to the floor, barely conscious.
You scoot forwards, wrapping a tentacle comfortingly around one of her hands. "Hello," you whisper, allowing just a touch of tenderness to seep into your voice. Completely voluntarily. Obviously.
Her eyes flutter, and a low groan escapes her lips. You squeeze her hand tighter, reassuring her that you're here now, and nothing bad is going to happen to her.
"I got Black; you're safe now," you whisper, trying to evoke some happiness.
"Drained... magic..." she breathes, and you nod understandingly. You feed a little bit of energy out of one of your tentacles into her body - nowhere near as good as a healing spell, but better than nothing. As the energy reaches her she sighs, then passes out completely.


Almost a full 24 hours later, she finally wakes again. You're still crouched (coiled?) protectively in front of her, and you can sense your new servants standing awkwardly outside the door, waiting to relay information but not daring to disturb you. They can wait.
The Necromancer sits up, yawning and rubbing sleep from her eyes. She spots you immediately and smiles, genuine happiness lighting up her face. You can't help but feel a little emotionally moved yourself. Never in several millennia have you known a closer ally and a truer friend.

Satisfied that she is at least mostly recovered, you finally divert your attention to the suited humans. "Enter!" you command, and they almost trip over themselves in their haste to report to you. If they're surprised to see you with the Necromancer, they're professional enough not to show it.

"Sir... the town is gone, sir," says Hu'jet, his head held low in an apologetic manner.

You decide to see for yourself. You set off for the roof again, this time taking the stairs for the benefit of the Necromancer, who staggers along gamely behind you.

The scene from the rooftop is actually quite beautiful in its way. The sun is just rising in the sky - not yet visible above the wooden walls, but its sets the sky aflame with its orange glow regardless. Some of the town itself has been reduced to ash and smoking embers, thick coils of the black pollutant rising into the air. A lot of buildings have just about survived, however - being made partially of stone is clearly an advantage - but they are in ruins, roofs missing, walls collapsed, piles of rubble blocking the streets. You spot one gang roving through the streets in the distance, still looting, and a pack of the Plague Victims in another street, eating something you're rather glad you can't see. You're sure there's more of both factions out of sight.
In fact, the only building that seems to have survived the carnage relatively unscathed in Black's old mansion, the roof of which you're now sitting on.

"Thoughts?" you ask the Necromancer. She tears her eyes away from the devastation and turns to you.

"You know that phrase about having to knock things down to build something better? I'm thinking... power-base." She grins, and ideas begin to fill your head...


What do you want to do with the Town? It's yours now.

Let's be randomly arbitary and say you only have time in one day for two of the options below.

Option A) Send out a squad of servants to deal with looters.
Option A2) Deal with the Plague Victims first.

Option B) Send a squad out to investigate the clutch of insect eggs that remain under the water baths, and see if there's anyway to get them to hatch without Atta.

Option C) Leave the town in search of mercenaries that can help with operation cleanup.

Option D) Go into the jungle on a reconnaissance mission to find resources that may be of help.

Other) What do you want the Necromancer to do?

Health: 90/200
Energy: 150/250
Morality: 12/100

Currently unlocked:
Fire Bolt I
Magic Sting I, II, III
Magic Cannon
Scale Armor I, II
Slime Ooze I (just sticky/slippery, no other effects)
Magic Shield I, II
Aura Detect I, II, 2.55, III
Perception I, II
Teleport I, II, III
Lust I, II, III (Magical Bolt)
Stealth I
Body Shock I
Entrapment I, II
Swim I
Levitate I
Shrink I (You can contract your now large body to 1/4 its size. Helpful for sneaking).
Ovipositor I, II
Invisibility I (You can turn completely invisible for up to a minute at a time. Thanks, Black).
Holy Beam
Holy Belief (if you have allies wielding weapons, this spell imbues them with a holy aura, greatly increasing the damage they do on undead and unholy creatures).
Holy Closure (a fine golden mist that prevents undead from being rewoken)

Still available:
- Thunder Bolt I (Like Fire Bolt, Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ice Bolt I.
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Levitate II (allows you to hover straight over even wider gaps).
- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (your slime makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- (Healing) Slime Ooze II (your slime heals those that touch it. Like with all slime effects, it can be turned on and off at will).
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Tentacle Arts II (20 Energy required. Recover HP through sex).
- Smog II (20 Energy required. Spray a thick, toxic fog over the immediate area, for concealment and poisoning attackers).

- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Entrapment III (30 cost). Small tentacles appear from the ground around your enemy and bind them to it. The tentacles are strong but not unbreakable.
- Re-Skinned Illusion III (30 cost). Use magic to change the outward appearance of a surface. Useful for laying traps, though not much help in the heat of the moment.
- Ovipositor III (30 Cost) Eggs can be laid anywhere in the body, vast amounts can laid, they hatch quickly and are totally autonomous AND loyal to you.
- Minor Telepathy (30 Cost). If you're close enough to another sentient being, you can pick of very faint snatches of their thoughts and emotions. Which of course can be very helpful for a variety of reasons...

- Illusory Duplicate (40 Energy Cost). Creates a magical duplicate of yourself that can slide around causing all sorts of panic, though unfortunately it isn't truly alive and can't perform any magic of its own.
- Aura Detect IV (40 Energy cost. The pinnacle of Aura Detection - see Cursed and Holy objects from far afield, allows you see even the faintest magical trap clearly, and can allow you to perfectly judge the magical aptitude of your foes).

People and Places:
This is to help me keep track. I've been doing everything from memory so far 'cause notes are for wusses.

Dimensional Nexus: An enclosed amphitheater with an abundance of people and Archcrystals to link to other dimensions.

Blue Archcrystal: Water Dimension. Something stirring in the deeps, but you have already released the central mountain from the control of the Necrofish.

Red Archcrystal: Fire Dimension. Vast dry plains overlook an endless sea of lava, with wooden ships improbably lined up against the cliff-face that separates them. Known for its demons and the wyverns that fly through the air.

White Archcrystal: Ice Dimension. Leads to a snow-encrusted mountain. Currently under the control of an army of metal men that you unleashed.

Green Archcrystal: Forest Dimension. Blue had a lair just outside of it, which you ransacked, and the forest holds all sorts of surprises, included a wooden town in a central clearing.

Stone-Grey Archcrystal: Unknown

Pale Blue Archcrystal: Cloud Dimension. A vast, barren, empty waste sandwhiched between two layers of cloud. Structures are few and far between, but there are many openings to different worlds below.

Dirty-Yellow Archcrystal: Sand Dimension.


You are the Tentacle Overlord.

The Necromancer is a close ally of yours. You joined forces with her in Blue's lair, and rescued her from Black's evil clutches.

Succubus: An ally.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Martha: Mermaid ally. Currently holding the Subtle Knife.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Paladin: Somewhat bitter ally. Powerful but unfriendly.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Dragon: A colossal, intelligent red Dragon that you freed (accidentally) from Blue's lair. He feels that he owes you a debt.
Current Location: Unknown.

Atta: An insectile female humanoid, with hard, shiny exoskeleton, lengthy antennae and timid demeanor. Powerful user of magic, but feels a strong connection to her home nest.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Elene: A woman wrapped in a fur coat. She suffered a terrible ordeal in the Ice Dimension, but you rescued her from the metal men and she's currently recovering thanks to the Paladin.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Necrofish: A half Merman, half-Angler fish monstrosity. Resides underwater, last seen when you defeated him in the Water Dimension.
Current Location: Unknown.

Hu'jet: A previous human servant of black, he now serves you, mistakenly believing you are the new embodiment of his old master. You see no need to remove this notion.
Current Location: Jungle Town
Re: Tentacle Souls

Depends on if the plague victims will die by themselves and if they can spread the plague
If they'll die off and can't spread the plague then A1
If they can spread the plague then A2, otherwise our new power centre will resemble DayZ
If they don't die by themselves then A2, mindless zombie husks are impossible to control

Our second action should be B, and let's hope you sentimental fools haven't killed off our workforce by sending Atta back to the Nexus, if the eggs are still active go to the Nexus and bring Atta back here to be our bug queen.

As for the Necrobabe, I think its high time her and the tentacle lord get intimate.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Depends on if the plague victims will die by themselves and if they can spread the plague
If they'll die off and can't spread the plague then A1
If they can spread the plague then A2, otherwise our new power centre will resemble DayZ
If they don't die by themselves then A2, mindless zombie husks are impossible to control

Our second action should be B, and let's hope you sentimental fools haven't killed off our workforce by sending Atta back to the Nexus, if the eggs are still active go to the Nexus and bring Atta back here to be our bug queen.

As for the Necrobabe, I think its high time her and the tentacle lord get intimate.

This sounds like a good plan.
Re: Tentacle Souls

A2/D. See if the Necromancer can controle the plague victims. If not, have her rest until she feels ready to help with clean up.
Re: Tentacle Souls

A2 and still deciding on the second. Guess I'll go along with D seems like a wildcard of benefits.
Seduce the necromancer.

Healing slime ooze
Lust slime ooze
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Re: Tentacle Souls

A2 and C

Find mercenaries and tell them that they won't have to deal with the zombies but that you'll pay them well to help out the ranks of the city guard.

Healing Slime
Re: Tentacle Souls

Long time lurker here. A2 and d, bone the necromancer. Ive wanted to see more of her since the cyclops.