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Tentacle Souls

Re: Tentacle Souls

D - we should probably talk to Elene at least once after meeting her, its just polite. Maybe we'll ask her to come with us too.

After that 2 for the interogation as I doubt the Paladin will help us (we need to get our rape on with her at some point...) and Elene we know fuck all about.

Edit: Lets take Dread and Telepathy both to level two
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Gently, Succubus, speak to Elene. Right-o.


Ignoring the taunting disembodied voice, you slide across the ground to the Succubus, who smiles at you as you approach.
"My, how you've grown!" she giggles as you slither up to her.
"Well, I've been busy," you counter. "I have a proposition. Come and work for me in my new town, and you can put this boring Nexus behind you. And there's not exactly a short supply of men for you."
She certainly looks intrigued.
"Well, it's not as if I'm rushed off my feet here... and I suppose a change of scenery might be nice... what the hell! I'm with you!"
She extends a hand, and as with the Batape, you slap a tentacle into it, sealing the deal.

Before you leave, however, you feel it might be nice to check up on Elene. You slide over to her, watching as she turns away from Martha. She too smiles at you as you approach; since when were you so popular with all the ladies?

"Greetings, Elene. I hope you're feeling recovered?"
She smiles, and not for the first time you're struck by her beauty; brown hair hanging long over her shoulders (has she dyed it since last you saw her?) and though her face may be rather plain, it lights up brighter than the sun itself when she smiles.
"I'm well, thank you. I have you to thank for much of that, though I can't forget Martha here, or the Paladin." She turns to Martha, and runs her hand lovingly through the mermaid's hair.
"I'm glad to hear it." Satisfied, you turn to leave, but stop at the sound of a gentle cough behind you. Elene stands, looking nervous.
"I don't suppose... could I follow you too? It's just I've grown so bored sitting here... and I wouldn't get in the way, I promise..."

You're perplexed, though recover quickly. Well, it never hurts to have an extra pair of hands around the place...
"That's fine," you say. "The more the merrier!"

At this moment Martha rises up from the pool, clutching the Subtle Knife. Your gaze is drawn to her breasts - full, smooth, round - and only with utmost effort do you return to the conversation at hand.

"Take it," Martha says to Elene, pressing the Subtle Knife into her hand. "You'll have more need of it than I."

"Thank you!" Elene cries, and dashes forward to hug her friend (and only narrowly avoids impaling her with her own gift).

Once all the goodbyes have been made, you make once more for the Green Archcrystal - only to find your way blocked by the Paladin.

"Where Elene goes, I go," she insists. She glares intermittently at you and the Succubus, but seems set on her decision. You decide it's not worth arguing over.

"Fine," you concede, and finally, feeling a little bit like the Pied Piper, make your way back through the Archcrystal and to the town you've started to think of as home.


You soon arrive back in the throne room to a most interesting sight. The remaining eight mercenaries you employ are sitting on the ground, all of them with their hands tied behind their backs. All look strangely indignant. To the side of them stands Hu'jet - and for the first time since you met him, he looks almost proud.
Wait, did Hu'jet and his men round up eight well-trained and fairly lethal mercenaries by themselves? Fawning idiot, hidden badass, apparently.

"The mercenaries, sir, as you requested," announces Hu'jet, apparently retaining his ability to state the completely obvious.

Knowing that the following interrogation may not be pretty, you quickly send Elene and the Paladin to go and check on Atta and her hatchlings beneath the Town. Elene smiles at you as she leaves the hall.

The Succubus remains, looking hungrily at the bound men.
"My apologies for the indignity, chaps," you say to the mercenaries. "But I'm afraid I'm going to get to the bottom of who helped our recently lady prisoner escape. If you're innocent, you have absolutely nothing to fear. If not... well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, eh?"

"So... anyone want to own up now?" asks the Succubus, shaking her hips seductively. The brown loincloth she wears sways hypnotically from side to side, and her boobs jiggle in a most pleasing manner.
A few of the bound men glance at each other nervously. One of them coughs. The silence starts to stretch on.

The Succubus approaches a man at random, and slips a hand down the front of his shirt.

"My, my..." she whispers into his ear, pressing her breasts into his back. Her hand snakes its way down to his waist.
"You'll tell me all about the plot, right? I promise to touch you right... here..." she whispers, pecking him daintily on the cheek as her fingers close around his cock.
"I... don't know anything!" he stammers, and in a second her hand is whipped out of his pants. He stares at her, looking crestfallen.

"Anyone else?" she calls, looking around at the circle of men. She picks another at random, and stalks towards him, running her hands seductively along her legs as she goes.
"Tell me about the plot," she whispers, pushing him down to the ground. You get the feeling that even if the man weren't tied, he'd be powerless to resist.
She lowers her head to his waist region, and starts undoing his trousers by hand, slowly unlacing them, dancing a hand along his inner thigh. The trousers soon slide off and expose the man's full length, standing firm and erect - a good six and a half inches.
"Tell me and you'll get everything you want," breathes the Succubus, licking the man's cock all along its length. She kisses the swollen head, teasing him but denying him true pleasure.

"It was me!" screams a man - the one sitting next to the guy currently being blowed.
"We have our man!" proclaims the Succubus, diving over towards the confessor. She knocks him to the floor with ease, then straddles him, sitting on his chest.
She then leans right in, dangling her breasts just in front of his face.
"Why'd you do it?" she whispers to the man, before gyrating on top of him, shuffling her hips down his body, closer to his crotch.
"For Stormcrow," sobs the man. "The woman you took was the Princesses' best friend, Alayne. I couldn't leave my Princess - my beautiful princess - without her only friend in the world. Oh god, that's so good, keep doing - ah yes..."
The Succubus is riding the man, thrusting against his hips, whilst keeping him fully clothed, denying him the penetration he so desperately wants.
"So I broke her out after her ordeal was over, when no-one would expect it. I killed her guard, and slung the rope over the wall to make it look like an outside job. Please my lord, please be merciful, I've confessed everything!"

The Succubus looks at you. You confirm her thoughts.

"The Tentacle Lord thanks you for your confession," she sighs into his ear, rubbing his chest with her hands. "This is your reward."

She suddenly kisses him, full on the mouth, wrapping her legs tightly over his waist as she does so.
You hear slurping noises as their tongues and lips mash together, and once final thrust at his groin results in a wet patch spreading over his pants; apparently he didn't need penetration to cum after all.
But the kiss doesn't stop. It goes on, more than a minute, and still she's snogging him, pinning him to the floor with her legs. The man starts to realise something is wrong, and starts to try to beat her off with his arms - but his blows are weak and ineffectual. His strength his leaving him, and still the kiss goes on...

His skin instantly turns gray. It crumples, like paper, falling from his flesh. His eyes vanish. The Succubus sits up with an almighty smacking noise as their lips finally part - then belches hugely. She's grinning from ear to ear, and her blue skin practically glows with the power she's absorbed. The remaining mercenaries look stunned.

"I trust no-one else has any conflicts of loyalty they want to tell me about?" Silence. "No? Good. Hu'jet, untie these men and return them to their work."

Hu'jet bows, and sets about loosening the mercenary's bonds.

The faint sound of marching drifts in through the sunlit windows...

Confused, you look up, just as the throne room doors burst open. Elene and the Paladin stand there, one smiling and the other frowning (no prizes for guessing which is which). Behind them stands... Atta? She's holding her staff aloft and standing tall and proud, looking happier and stronger than you've ever seen her. And behind her...

Insect warriors. Hundreds of them, stretching as far as you can see. All 6 feet tall bipeds, shielded by their rigid green, iridescent exoskeletons, compound eyes glittering like gems in the early morning sun. Each one has a pair of blade-like, extendable forelimbs.

As you look on, stunned, Atta gives a twirl of her staff, and all the regimented rows of Insect Warriors drop to one knee before you.
"Three hundred soliders," comments Elene, smiling cheerily at you. "All would give their lives without a thought for Atta, and by extension you. A couple of breeders left under the town baths, though; we left them to keep producing eggs."

You spin to face Atta. "I... am overwhelmed. Thank you, my friend."
You extend a tentacle, and she clasps her hand around it. Though her mandibles don't allow for smiling, you tell sense on a fundamental level how happy she is.

It's a glorious moment - one that's ruined by one final arrival. One of the human servants, a subordinate of Hu'jet, comes running up to you, out of breath and sweaty, squeezing his way past the kneeling Insect Warriors.
"Sir," he says, bowing hurriedly. "There's... a situation outside the Town, sir."
"Sir... we're surrounded by refugees. From Stormcrow, sir. Hundreds of them."

A lead weight drops into your stomach, and the smiles drop from the faces around you.
You climb the stairs of the throne room, and emerge onto the roof, where you can look over the walls of the town.

It's chaos. Outside your walls are hundreds of people, thousands, some screaming, other fights, all of them wearing tattered clothes and looking bloodied. Mothers cling to their children and infants, young boys look around lost and confused, some of them hold flaming torches or wooden sticks. The groups closest to your giant wooden gate are banging furiously on it, for all the good it does them.
You look to the north-east, the direction of Stormcrow - and are immediately surprised by how little jungle there is there now. Whilst the odd tree remains, it's now more of a vast plain. Though Stormcrow is too far away to see, you can just about make out the faintest curls of smoke on the horizon.

"What... what is responsible for this?" you turn to ask the servant, who looks almost as stunned as you feel.
He simply shrugs, but the answer soon arrives in the form of one of the giant Batapes, flying in from patrol. As he lands you notice a patch of burned skin on his right leg.
"Shhhtormcrow isssh gone," he states. "A mighty army of metal men arrived overnight, capturred the ssshhhity within a day. Shhhilver, they were, all gleaming."
"And where are they now?"
"Marching this way, shhhir."
"How many?"
"To conquer Shhhtormcrow shhhow eashhily... I say at least one thoushhhand, shhir."


Ladies and gentlemen, we now enter the End Game.

You have one day, from now, until the metal men are at your gates. Use the time to prepare as well as you can.

One idea might be to send allies through to other Dimensions to rally support for you. Bear in mind there's no guarentee of success and you are risking their lives, however.

Option A) Fire Dimension
Option B) Jungle Dimension
Option C) Cloud Dimension
Option D) Sand Dimension
Option E) Unknown Stone-Grey Archcrystal

1) Succubus
2) Elene
3) Atta
4) Paladin
5) Hu'jet
6) Mercenary Leader
7) Yourself

Combine letters and numbers to show who you want to send where (eg C1 to send the Succubus to the Cloud Dimension to look for help. You can also team people up, eg D2,4 if you want to send Elene and Paladin to the Sand Dimension).

You're still missing the Green Tentacle, who would add to your power, but who knows where he is hiding...

Make any of your own suggestions as well.

Letting the refugees in lowers morality, but drains resources, keeping them out raises morality, but slow consumption of resources.

Health: 190/200
Energy: 193/250
Morality: 15/100

Finances: 421 Gold - 7 remaining, one day = 414 Gold
Hired Groups: 7 Sellswords from StormCrow
Town State: Plague Victims roam freely. Sellswords on Patrol, contingent of Batpeople 'working' for you. 300 Insect Warriors at your command.

Currently unlocked:
Fire Bolt I
Magic Sting I, II, III
Magic Cannon
Scale Armor I, II
Slime Ooze I (just sticky/slippery, no other effects)
Healing Slime Ooze II
Magic Shield I, II
Aura Detect I, II, 2.55, III
Perception I, II
Teleport I, II, III
Lust I, II, III (Magical Bolt)
Stealth I
Body Shock I
Entrapment I, II
Swim I
Levitate I
Shrink I (You can contract your now large body to 1/4 its size. Helpful for sneaking).
Ovipositor I, II
Invisibility I (You can turn completely invisible for up to a minute at a time. Thanks, Black).
Tentacle Arts II (recover HP through sex)
Holy Beam
Holy Belief (if you have allies wielding weapons, this spell imbues them with a holy aura, greatly increasing the damage they do on undead and unholy creatures).
Holy Closure (a fine golden mist that prevents undead from being rewoken)

Still available:
- Thunder Bolt I (Like Fire Bolt, Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ice Bolt I.
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Levitate II (allows you to hover straight over even wider gaps).
- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (your slime makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Smog II (20 Energy required. Spray a thick, toxic fog over the immediate area, for concealment and poisoning attackers).

- Tentacle Arts III (30 cost). Recover vast amounts more energy through sex.
- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Entrapment III (30 cost). Small tentacles appear from the ground around your enemy and bind them to it. The tentacles are strong but not unbreakable.
- Re-Skinned Illusion III (30 cost). Use magic to change the outward appearance of a surface. Useful for laying traps, though not much help in the heat of the moment.
- (Healing) Slime Ooze III. Antibiotic properties encourage the rapid healing of almost any wound.
- Ovipositor III (30 Cost) Eggs can be laid anywhere in the body, vast amounts can laid, they hatch quickly and are totally autonomous AND loyal to you.
- Minor Telepathy (30 Cost). If you're close enough to another sentient being, you can pick of very faint snatches of their thoughts and emotions. Which of course can be very helpful for a variety of reasons...

- Illusory Duplicate (40 Energy Cost). Creates a magical duplicate of yourself that can slide around causing all sorts of panic, though unfortunately it isn't truly alive and can't perform any magic of its own.
- Aura Detect IV (40 Energy cost. The pinnacle of Aura Detection - see Cursed and Holy objects from far afield, allows you see even the faintest magical trap clearly, and can allow you to perfectly judge the magical aptitude of your foes).

People and Places:
This is to help me keep track. I've been doing everything from memory so far 'cause notes are for wusses.

Dimensional Nexus: An enclosed amphitheater with an abundance of people and Archcrystals to link to other dimensions.

Blue Archcrystal: Water Dimension. Something stirring in the deeps, but you have already released the central mountain from the control of the Necrofish.

Red Archcrystal: Fire Dimension. Vast dry plains overlook an endless sea of lava, with wooden ships improbably lined up against the cliff-face that separates them. Known for its demons and the wyverns that fly through the air.

White Archcrystal: Ice Dimension. Leads to a snow-encrusted mountain. Currently under the control of an army of metal men that you unleashed.

Green Archcrystal: Forest Dimension. Blue had a lair just outside of it, which you ransacked, and the forest holds all sorts of surprises, included a wooden town in a central clearing.

Stone-Grey Archcrystal: Unknown

Pale Blue Archcrystal: Cloud Dimension. A vast, barren, empty waste sandwhiched between two layers of cloud. Structures are few and far between, but there are many openings to different worlds below.

Dirty-Yellow Archcrystal: Sand Dimension.


You are the Tentacle Overlord.

{The Necromancer} was a close ally of yours. You joined forces with her in Blue's lair, and rescued her from Black's evil clutches. Now deceased.

The Woman / Alayne. A nameless female adventurer, who was unwise enough to come scavenging in your town. She killed the Necromancer, and later escaped

The Man: A weak and feeble man, who also came scavenging in your town. Suffered a near-fatal bite wound fighting the Dire Griffin. Also your prisoner.

Succubus: An ally. More powerful than she lets on.
Current Location: Jungle Town

Martha: Mermaid ally. Currently holding the Subtle Knife.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Paladin: Somewhat bitter ally. Powerful but unfriendly.
Current Location: Jungle Town

Dragon: A colossal, intelligent red Dragon that you freed (accidentally) from Blue's lair. He feels that he owes you a debt.
Current Location: Unknown.

Atta: An insectile female humanoid, with hard, shiny exoskeleton, lengthy antennae and timid demeanor. Powerful user of magic, but feels a strong connection to her home nest.
Current Location: Jungle Town

Elene: A woman wrapped in a fur coat. She suffered a terrible ordeal in the Ice Dimension, but you rescued her from the metal men and she's currently recovering thanks to the Paladin.
Current Location: Jungle Town.

Necrofish: A half Merman, half-Angler fish monstrosity. Resides underwater, last seen when you defeated him in the Water Dimension.
Current Location: Unknown.

Hu'jet: A previous human servant of black, he now serves you, mistakenly believing you are the new embodiment of his old master. You see no need to remove this notion.
Current Location: Jungle Town
Re: Tentacle Souls

We could really use the dragon again....... And he does owe us a debt.... I would suggest looking in the sky or fire dimension, i would suggest either paladin or sucubuddy. Green wouldve useful, but we have no idea where the suckers at, it could take forever to find him which we dont have. I say we let the refugees in, it would possibly make paladin more eager or willing to help us. I also suggest we send someone alon with US to the grey dimension, in search of either the dragon or Green.



Let Refugees in
Re: Tentacle Souls

Leave the refugees outside, we'll need the meat shield to slow down the enemy.

I think its safe to say we're vastly outgunned.

Sometimes the only winning move is not to play.

Best thing to do is scout out the stone-grey archcrystal and hope its a habbitable zone then move our forces there, if it isn't then the desert is about the only place we can go.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Let them in. Just gonna point out, leaving the refugees will likely end up giving the robots more soldiers.
B3 Atta would get the most use by quickly going to recruit the insects from her old nest, they also have the most to lose since its their home under threat.
E7 +2,4 for now. Elene and Paladin.
A1 Succubus can look for the dragon.
D6 Send the mercenary leader and some refugees to the desert to plead for help

Healing Ooze III would probably help the most.
Thunder bolt I, II Upgrading whatever spell robots are weak too would also help but I'm not sure which that would be. I would vote for III after finding out if it's their weakness.
Tentacle Arts III if we get volunteers.
Ovipositor III also if we get volunteers.

I agree with in most things in Ujisato's plan except retreating. Asking for volunteer for soldier, sex, or egging. The rest should be evacuated as soon as any abassadors leave. It might work to evacuate some people to the sand dimension.
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Re: Tentacle Souls

I might be late to the game for this post, but this is a freaking great plan. We have to go all out cause there is no pulling punches when it comes to dealing with cybermen!

First off are the first round of evolutions:
30(70) Tentacle Arts III & IV (if there is one)
60(100) Thunder Bolt I, II, III, and if there is a Cannon version.

90(170) Total

Next, instruct the pally that if she wants to save the lives off all those innocents that she has to follow your orders exactly. Order her to lead what soldiers we can spare to organize the refugees after letting them into the city, a riot is certainly not wanted. We dont just let them into the city, we steadily let the escape into other dimension on the promise of telling any they find of growing army of metal men. Telling them to ready for war, and asking any willing to help fight to return to the side of the great Tentacle Saint who is making a stand to buy time for the rest of the dimensions.

It is completely optional for them, but ask every able body of age woman if they would like to volunteer to be fucked by the great lord, ourself, telling them exactly what will happen and how much their sexual energy will help in the protect everyone. Also on a side, offer to use the Ovipositor on any willing...upgrade to rank III before use if there are any volunteers.

Then prepare something on the battlements of the city and essentially turn ourselves into a magic turret. with two tentacles firing cannons and blasts and anything else while two tents fuck and possibly egg girls to keep up our energy.

Or plan B if the turret idea is a bust, giant orgy and Evolution explosion, get whatever we can while staying over 50%, and again egging those that are willing.

There was more to it, but I cant stand typing on my phone.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Leave the refugees outside, we'll need the meat shield to slow down the enemy.

I think its safe to say we're vastly outgunned.

Sometimes the only winning move is not to play.

Best thing to do is scout out the stone-grey archcrystal and hope its a habbitable zone then move our forces there, if it isn't then the desert is about the only place we can go.

Sure, trying to retreat is one strategy, but I'm not sure how you'd prevent them following you. :)
Re: Tentacle Souls

Ask the Nexus dude to seal it up like he did the ice world one.

Or what we could do is teleport the arch crystals to the nexus (except the green one obviously), then we go to the nexus, shove the green archcrystal into the fire one, go to the fire dimension then shove the green arch crystal into the magma.

Then we go home and pretend that place never existed
Re: Tentacle Souls

Let the refugees in, simply because any that are outside will probably be converted.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Let refugees in in a controlled manner. It's quite hard to conflate the differing letter/number votes, but I had a go, and settled on E7,2,4 + A1 + B3 + D6.


Well, a thousand silver men is a bit of a pain in the proverbial backside -and they're probably not too fond of you after your last meeting. Drastic times call for drastic measures, however. You will not go quietly into the night; not whilst you still have a chance to rally support.

Your brain lighting up, you start dispensing orders to all your followers, starting with the Batape.
"Continue to lead your men on reconnaissance patrols. I want regular reports on the movement of enemy troops. Avoid conflict, though, you're too valuable to loose."
The Batape nods and sets off, wings beating heavily through the air.
"Succubus, I want you to travel back to the Nexus, and then to the Fire Dimension. Rally any support you can, emphasizing how we already know these silver men can cross Dimensions. However, if you could find the colossal red dragon that knows of me, that would be ideal."
The Succubus bows, flashing her cleavage for a brief second, then departs.
You address the mercenary leader.
"Captain, you are to take your men down to the Sand Dimension, and gather any support you can for me from there."
The Captain also bows, and sets off to find his men.
"Atta, you are to take to the jungle beyond our town, and see if there are any that would join us. Return within a day, if possible."
Atta makes an odd chirping sound with her mandibles, which you assume is some kind of agreement. Regardless, she turns and leaves the viewing roof immediately.
You turn to the last remaining pair; Elene and the Paladin.
"Elene, you're coming with me... to somewhere we've never been before. I don't know what it's like, or what we'll face, but it's our best chance."
"Sounds like a laugh," retorts Elene, the wryness in her voice counteracted by just a tinge of fear.
"I shall follow, foul one," the Paladin interrupts, and you sigh in weary agreement.

You descend back to the throne room, where you find Hu'jet waiting for you.
"Hu'jet, I want you to let the refugees into our town, but in a controlled manner. Give them any housing that isn't cinders, and ask any able-bodied enough to act as scouts on our walls. Also, if there are any prostitutes among their number, have them housed separately. I'll need them."
Hu'jet looks a little confused, but bows his head regardless. "As you command, sir."

You descend to the lower levels of your fortress-slash-mansion, and quickly find the Archcrystals. Popping the Mournful Orb so the mercenary leader can later access the Sand Dimension, you, Elene and the Paladin hurriedly make your way through the stone-gray Archcrystal.


Oh, that's interesting. You emerge from the Archcrystal to find yourself on some dirt at the base of a tower. A circular tower, built from stone, so tall you can't see the top for the thick clouds that circle above it, and so broad it casts an almighty shadow over the land. To the side of it runs a murky, odorous river, flowing through some of the most barren, gray grassland you've ever seen.

"Looks like it's seen better days," Elene comments, and she's right; the tower is in a bad state of disrepair, with ivy clinging to its curved walls, and bits of rubble and broken stone lying in heaps on the ground around. Holes of various sizes appear to have been made in the surface of the place.

At least the entrance is plainly visible; a curved archway, cut into the base of the tower just in front of you. You can just barely make out some flickering torchlight coming from inside.

"No time like the present," Elene says, breaking the awkward silence that had settled over your group. There's something sinister about this tower, something you can't quite put your finger on.

Elene sets off for the archway, the Paladin and yourself in close company. As soon as she steps over the threshold, you sense some powerful magic snapping, recoiling into place, like a tripwire.

"Get down!" you scream, as a stone block slides down behind you, sealing you in.
Elene and the Paladin both duck - but the magical missile you were expecting never arrives. Instead, you quickly realise the inside of the Tower is set into the ground, and water logged, sodden - and there are things in the water. Dead things.

"Oh shit," Elene whispers, as all around corpses rise up from the pools, their eyes glimmering with tiny red fires. You see the stairs leading up at the far side of the room - but gosh, it's so far away.
You remain frozen in place, trying not to create any further ripples in the water. By some incredible turn of luck, the fire-eyed, skeletal zombies don't seem to have noticed you - yet.


Option 1) Sneaky sneaky across the room to the other side.
Option 2) There can only be a limited number of zombies in the room; if you draw all their attention, Elene and the Paladin can get to the other side unscathed.
Option 3) As a group, charge across to the other side, fighting any that gets in your way.
Option 4) Other.

Health: 192/200
Energy: 194/250
Morality: 15/100

Finances: 414 Gold
Hired Groups: 7 Sellswords from StormCrow
Town State: Limited number of Plague Victims roaming around. Sellswords on Patrol, contingent of Batpeople 'working' for you. 300 Insect Warriors at your command.

Currently unlocked:
Fire Bolt I
Magic Sting I, II, III
Magic Cannon
Scale Armor I, II
Slime Ooze I (just sticky/slippery, no other effects)
Healing Slime Ooze II
Magic Shield I, II
Aura Detect I, II, 2.55, III
Perception I, II
Teleport I, II, III
Lust I, II, III (Magical Bolt)
Stealth I
Body Shock I
Entrapment I, II
Swim I
Levitate I
Shrink I (You can contract your now large body to 1/4 its size. Helpful for sneaking).
Ovipositor I, II
Invisibility I (You can turn completely invisible for up to a minute at a time. Thanks, Black).
Tentacle Arts II (recover HP through sex)
Holy Beam
Holy Belief (if you have allies wielding weapons, this spell imbues them with a holy aura, greatly increasing the damage they do on undead and unholy creatures).
Holy Closure (a fine golden mist that prevents undead from being rewoken)

Still available:
- Thunder Bolt I (Like Fire Bolt, Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ice Bolt I.
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Levitate II (allows you to hover straight over even wider gaps).
- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (your slime makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Smog II (20 Energy required. Spray a thick, toxic fog over the immediate area, for concealment and poisoning attackers).

- Tentacle Arts III (30 cost). Recover vast amounts more energy through sex.
- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Entrapment III (30 cost). Small tentacles appear from the ground around your enemy and bind them to it. The tentacles are strong but not unbreakable.
- Re-Skinned Illusion III (30 cost). Use magic to change the outward appearance of a surface. Useful for laying traps, though not much help in the heat of the moment.
- (Healing) Slime Ooze III. Antibiotic properties encourage the rapid healing of almost any wound.
- Ovipositor III (30 Cost) Eggs can be laid anywhere in the body, vast amounts can laid, they hatch quickly and are totally autonomous AND loyal to you.
- Minor Telepathy (30 Cost). If you're close enough to another sentient being, you can pick of very faint snatches of their thoughts and emotions. Which of course can be very helpful for a variety of reasons...

- Illusory Duplicate (40 Energy Cost). Creates a magical duplicate of yourself that can slide around causing all sorts of panic, though unfortunately it isn't truly alive and can't perform any magic of its own.
- Aura Detect IV (40 Energy cost. The pinnacle of Aura Detection - see Cursed and Holy objects from far afield, allows you see even the faintest magical trap clearly, and can allow you to perfectly judge the magical aptitude of your foes).

People and Places:
This is to help me keep track. I've been doing everything from memory so far 'cause notes are for wusses.

Dimensional Nexus: An enclosed amphitheater with an abundance of people and Archcrystals to link to other dimensions.

Blue Archcrystal: Water Dimension. Something stirring in the deeps, but you have already released the central mountain from the control of the Necrofish.

Red Archcrystal: Fire Dimension. Vast dry plains overlook an endless sea of lava, with wooden ships improbably lined up against the cliff-face that separates them. Known for its demons and the wyverns that fly through the air.

White Archcrystal: Ice Dimension. Leads to a snow-encrusted mountain. Currently under the control of an army of metal men that you unleashed.

Green Archcrystal: Forest Dimension. Blue had a lair just outside of it, which you ransacked, and the forest holds all sorts of surprises, included a wooden town in a central clearing.

Stone-Grey Archcrystal: Unknown

Pale Blue Archcrystal: Cloud Dimension. A vast, barren, empty waste sandwhiched between two layers of cloud. Structures are few and far between, but there are many openings to different worlds below.

Dirty-Yellow Archcrystal: Sand Dimension.


You are the Tentacle Overlord.

{The Necromancer} was a close ally of yours. You joined forces with her in Blue's lair, and rescued her from Black's evil clutches. Now deceased.

The Woman / Alayne. A nameless female adventurer, who was unwise enough to come scavenging in your town. She killed the Necromancer, and later escaped

The Man: A weak and feeble man, who also came scavenging in your town. Suffered a near-fatal bite wound fighting the Dire Griffin. Also your prisoner.

Succubus: An ally. More powerful than she lets on.
Current Location: Jungle Town

Martha: Mermaid ally. Currently holding the Subtle Knife.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Paladin: Somewhat bitter ally. Powerful but unfriendly.
Current Location: Jungle Town

Dragon: A colossal, intelligent red Dragon that you freed (accidentally) from Blue's lair. He feels that he owes you a debt.
Current Location: Unknown.

Atta: An insectile female humanoid, with hard, shiny exoskeleton, lengthy antennae and timid demeanor. Powerful user of magic, but feels a strong connection to her home nest.
Current Location: Jungle Town

Elene: A woman wrapped in a fur coat. She suffered a terrible ordeal in the Ice Dimension, but you rescued her from the metal men and she's currently recovering thanks to the Paladin.
Current Location: Jungle Town.

Necrofish: A half Merman, half-Angler fish monstrosity. Resides underwater, last seen when you defeated him in the Water Dimension.
Current Location: Unknown.

Hu'jet: A previous human servant of black, he now serves you, mistakenly believing you are the new embodiment of his old master. You see no need to remove this notion.
Current Location: Jungle Town
Re: Tentacle Souls

C. We cant risk losing any more allies or resources, especially not so far from 'home'. Use Tentacle Arts, Holy Belief and Holy Closure.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Holy Closure when needed keep spewing it likely undead are everywhere.
Holy Belief Paladin
Holy Beam everywhere all the time.
Re: Tentacle Souls

C All the holy attacks. Hopefully this place has an exit in time for us to gain something from it and get back.

Healing Ooze III seems like this would be a really bad time to lose any more allies.
Re: Tentacle Souls

C All the holy attacks. Hopefully this place has an exit in time for us to gain something from it and get back.

Healing Ooze III seems like this would be a really bad time to lose any more allies.

Re: Tentacle Souls

Sorry about that; I've come into a lot of free time, and immediately spent it all having a go at writing an actual fantasy novel. Which isn't really working at all yet, so it'll probably keep distracting me for the foreseeable future.



Your trio freeze in place, waiting for any more movement from the fire-eyed skeletons. You glance at each other uncertainly - what would be best in a situation like this?
The Paladin points at her sword, and gives you a pointed look. Elene spots the gesture and nods, steeling herself.
A fight it is then. You only have to get to the stairs across the room... how hard can it be?
"RUN!" you shout, slicing forwards through the water. The Paladin and Elene also sprint forwards, trying to wade through the water as quickly as possible. It soon becomes deeper, swilling around their ankles... knees... waist.
The first of the zombies lunges at you, jaws agape and teeth bared. You strike it full in the chest with a Holy Beam, the golden light of your spell briefly illuminating the room. You catch a brief glimpse of wet vines hanging down from the ceiling.
You soon overtake the two humans, and cover their sides as zombies converge on them. The Paladin is more than a match for the fiends, carving through stick-thin limbs with her sword, shattering bones - and they seemed to be physically repelled by her somehow. A talisman?
Elene is rather more vulnerable, however. One bony hand grabs her arm and yanks it, hard. She stumbles in the water, screaming - but the hand releases her as you blast its owner in the face with a Holy Beam.
Thinking fast, you spray a Holy Mist over the area, to stop any of the defeated skeletons rising again.
You're over halfway to the steps now, and the water is begining to get shallower again. You start to feel confident - until bony fingers close around one of your tentacles, trying hard to pull you under. Hilarious. You twist around and wrap the rest of your tentacles around his skeletal body, squeezing with all your might...
Your attacker explodes in a shower of bone, and the hand clasped around one of your tentacles releases itself. You press on.
Still you fire your spells, and the Paladin battles with her sword... until eventually, you're through. The last fiery-eyed creature collapses as the Paladin's sword severs its head from its shoulders, falling back into the dark water with a loud splash.

Soaking wet and a little exhausted, Elene and the Paladin drag themselves up the stone steps on the other side of the room, you just ahead of them.
The stairs rise and twist round 180 degrees, twisting around to lead to the next floor... which is sealed off by a simple wooden door. Behind it you hear voices - human voices.
Throwing caution to the wind, the Paladin pushes the door open. Inside... another stone-brick room. At its center lies a bonfire, and sitting around it are five figures. Two are archers, and maybe twins, judging by the giant longbows slung over their backs and their very similar appearance; one appears to a warrior, looking at his full plate armor and gigantic curved greatsword; the final pair appear to be sorcerers. One male and one female - the male twirls an elaborately decorated silver wand.

They all turn to look at you, mouths agape.

"How... did you break the seal?" the warrior asks, looking at the Paladin and Elene.
"We have been trying for days!" exclaims the female sorcerer. "A magical boundary so strong, not even we could penetrate it!"

"Oh. From our side it was just a simple wooden door," offers Elene helpfully. More looks of shock.

"I tell you, this tower is messing with our minds," mutters one of the archer twins darkly.


Option A) There are steps leading up to the next floor of the stone tower. Do you want to press on further in search of more allies?
Option B) Or do you want to convince the group you have here to follow you and return to the jungle Town? It probably doesn't hurt that they're already impressed by you...

Health: 190/200
Energy: 180/250
Morality: 14/100

Finances: 414 Gold
Hired Groups: 7 Sellswords from StormCrow
Town State: Limited number of Plague Victims roaming around. Sellswords on Patrol, contingent of Batpeople 'working' for you. 300 Insect Warriors at your command.

Currently unlocked:
Fire Bolt I
Magic Sting I, II, III
Magic Cannon
Scale Armor I, II
Slime Ooze I (just sticky/slippery, no other effects)
Healing Slime Ooze II
Magic Shield I, II
Aura Detect I, II, 2.55, III
Perception I, II
Teleport I, II, III
Lust I, II, III (Magical Bolt)
Stealth I
Body Shock I
Entrapment I, II
Swim I
Levitate I
Shrink I (You can contract your now large body to 1/4 its size. Helpful for sneaking).
Ovipositor I, II
Invisibility I (You can turn completely invisible for up to a minute at a time. Thanks, Black).
Tentacle Arts II (recover HP through sex)
Holy Beam
Holy Belief (if you have allies wielding weapons, this spell imbues them with a holy aura, greatly increasing the damage they do on undead and unholy creatures).
Holy Closure (a fine golden mist that prevents undead from being rewoken)

Still available:
- Thunder Bolt I (Like Fire Bolt, Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ice Bolt I.
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Levitate II (allows you to hover straight over even wider gaps).
- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (your slime makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Smog II (20 Energy required. Spray a thick, toxic fog over the immediate area, for concealment and poisoning attackers).

- Tentacle Arts III (30 cost). Recover vast amounts more energy through sex.
- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Entrapment III (30 cost). Small tentacles appear from the ground around your enemy and bind them to it. The tentacles are strong but not unbreakable.
- Re-Skinned Illusion III (30 cost). Use magic to change the outward appearance of a surface. Useful for laying traps, though not much help in the heat of the moment.
- (Healing) Slime Ooze III. Antibiotic properties encourage the rapid healing of almost any wound.
- Ovipositor III (30 Cost) Eggs can be laid anywhere in the body, vast amounts can laid, they hatch quickly and are totally autonomous AND loyal to you.
- Minor Telepathy (30 Cost). If you're close enough to another sentient being, you can pick of very faint snatches of their thoughts and emotions. Which of course can be very helpful for a variety of reasons...

- Illusory Duplicate (40 Energy Cost). Creates a magical duplicate of yourself that can slide around causing all sorts of panic, though unfortunately it isn't truly alive and can't perform any magic of its own.
- Aura Detect IV (40 Energy cost. The pinnacle of Aura Detection - see Cursed and Holy objects from far afield, allows you see even the faintest magical trap clearly, and can allow you to perfectly judge the magical aptitude of your foes).

People and Places:
This is to help me keep track. I've been doing everything from memory so far 'cause notes are for wusses.

Dimensional Nexus: An enclosed amphitheater with an abundance of people and Archcrystals to link to other dimensions.

Blue Archcrystal: Water Dimension. Something stirring in the deeps, but you have already released the central mountain from the control of the Necrofish.

Red Archcrystal: Fire Dimension. Vast dry plains overlook an endless sea of lava, with wooden ships improbably lined up against the cliff-face that separates them. Known for its demons and the wyverns that fly through the air.

White Archcrystal: Ice Dimension. Leads to a snow-encrusted mountain. Currently under the control of an army of metal men that you unleashed.

Green Archcrystal: Forest Dimension. Blue had a lair just outside of it, which you ransacked, and the forest holds all sorts of surprises, included a wooden town in a central clearing.

Stone-Grey Archcrystal: Unknown

Pale Blue Archcrystal: Cloud Dimension. A vast, barren, empty waste sandwhiched between two layers of cloud. Structures are few and far between, but there are many openings to different worlds below.

Dirty-Yellow Archcrystal: Sand Dimension.


You are the Tentacle Overlord.

{The Necromancer} was a close ally of yours. You joined forces with her in Blue's lair, and rescued her from Black's evil clutches. Now deceased.

The Woman / Alayne. A nameless female adventurer, who was unwise enough to come scavenging in your town. She killed the Necromancer, and later escaped

The Man: A weak and feeble man, who also came scavenging in your town. Suffered a near-fatal bite wound fighting the Dire Griffin. Also your prisoner.

Succubus: An ally. More powerful than she lets on.
Current Location: Fire Dimension

Martha: Mermaid ally. Currently holding the Subtle Knife.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Paladin: Somewhat bitter ally. Powerful but unfriendly.
Current Location: Tower Dimension

Dragon: A colossal, intelligent red Dragon that you freed (accidentally) from Blue's lair. He feels that he owes you a debt.
Current Location: Unknown.

Atta: An insectile female humanoid, with hard, shiny exoskeleton, lengthy antennae and timid demeanor. Powerful user of magic, but feels a strong connection to her home nest.
Current Location: Jungle Dimension

Elene: A woman wrapped in a fur coat. She suffered a terrible ordeal in the Ice Dimension, but you rescued her from the metal men and she's currently recovering thanks to the Paladin.
Current Location: Tower Dimension.

Necrofish: A half Merman, half-Angler fish monstrosity. Resides underwater, last seen when you defeated him in the Water Dimension.
Current Location: Unknown.

Hu'jet: A previous human servant of black, he now serves you, mistakenly believing you are the new embodiment of his old master. You see no need to remove this notion.
Current Location: Jungle Town
Re: Tentacle Souls

C. Ask the group if they know more about the tower, if there's anything useful here
Re: Tentacle Souls

I'd say walk them out of the tower and send them on their way to the town and continue the climb. Also evolve aura detect IV. It's a magic tower. C'mon.
Re: Tentacle Souls

A but ask about the tower first.

Aura detect IV
Slime Ooze III