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Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I've really felt like doing something again but i want to make sure when i start it i want to know that it is something i can commit to long term.

I had a vote for what i was going to do next a while ago but after writing up drafts i thought that it all sucked. the content has to be interesting to both me and my audience.

good to have you back. glad you stuck with your writer's honor; forced content is never good to read or write

I vote A or D as well
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B then D.

(Guys: do ya want to miss some Serif's smut? Really?)
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A&D aaaaand good to have you back man. :)
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Been thinking alot about what i want my next CYOA to be, once i start it updates should come fairly frequently. Some of my Ideas thus far have been as follows.

- Tentacle Lair Escape Prequel; This will give alot of back story for the Tentacles, the Demons and Xozz, you will play as a female again though the details would have to be ironed out. you would either be captured and it would describe the enslavement process or you would have been a slave for a while and it would describe your live and the strange world around you, different from the other stories is that in this one, the character accepts her fate and it would be your duty to aid your master and the tentacle community.

- Succubus CYOA; The Monster girl genre is growing and for a while i've wanted to try something different, If i chose to do this it wouldn't be quite like Tentacle Lair is as many people have said it might be. Basially you would be a newly created succubus and it would be your mission to become more powerful; you'd learn magic, you'd stalk your prey and eventually you'd become a super powerful menace. This would be somewhat similar to my existing work 'Succubus Chronicle' with the exception that you make alot more morality choices and you'd witness your characters humanity slipping away. This wouldn't be focused on any kind of male character, it would be focused on the Succubus alone, with her thoughts and actions, her internal struggle as her urges overcome her.

- 'Endangered': One of the winners of the 'Next CYOA' poll i put up months ago; basically you'd play as a feeble dude in a monster girl world where you would encounter several different types of them. After writing a few drafts i realized this wasn't going to be as easy as it sounds. The drafts i made for this potential story were really lame, at least by my standards.

I'm going to continue experimenting with all three until i get something together than i like, something i'd want to put hours of my life into.

Anyway, the update, yeah.


you slither over to where the slugs are, making sure not to interrupt the feast beside you.

'you there' you say to the creature, communicating telepathically as you would with Odella.

'grrrrwwww?' the creature responds, turning its fat awkward head towards you with its low gurgling sounds.

'come with me' you say.

the clumsy creature jumps excitedly around the other slugs and sits down obediently beside you, tilting its head sideways a bit and looking at you with its tiny black eyes.

you move quietly past odella as she continues to moan a bit from the excitement, you don't want to interrupt the other slugs, you don't know how they would react.


you move forward and the slug follows behind you closely, making strange growling noises, you aint even irritated, you've watched your property be violated in every way imaginable for the past couple of months, it has certainly make you more tolerant of irritating creatures and circumstances.

up ahead you can see that there is definately something, the world just seems to end.

you come closer to the edge and look down...

bright lights shine from inside of a huge crater, deep down the bottom is filled with white liquid, undoubtedly the semen of some great creature, the very center of the crater has a shining bright phallus which is blinding to behold, you know what it is immediately.

'.....its the pillar' you say to the slug, as if it had any idea at all.

'grrrrww' the creature said just staring down at the pillar beside you. 'grrrrwwww grrrrrrww!'

'What do you mean theres someone down.....'

you notice against one of the back walls a woman is pinned to the side of it and she is surrounded by tiny tentacle creatures, some of them are crawling all over her body.

'gwwwwg grrrrgww' the slug says with its mucous laden mouth and silly looking features.

'yeah but'


'but i'm only a'


'well i guess you're right....come on and be quiet' you say

the slug bobs its head up and down excitedly like a horrible mutant walrus before carefully following you down into the pit...


At the floor of the pit it is moist and warm, even moreso than the rest of this realm. The bright pillar is blinding, but luckily for you, you have no eyes, you can sense the illumination against your slimy skin and it makes you feel rather uncomfortable.

The slug behind you crawls along about as stealthily as a one would expect, its lumbering body making squishing noises as it clumsily fumbles its way forward, seemingly unaffected by the shining light ahead.

As you move closer to the Pillar the ground gets warmer and more moist, you can tell that the added moisture is from semen, it just has that feel; something had a party here and it likely involved that woman.

at last you arrive at the pillar, it is unattended entirely; the small tentacles over at the woman are distracted, you can see from here that there is at least one tentacle in each of her orifices, she is young and beautiful, much like Odella, but she seems even more tired than Odella ever has; she has been here for quite some time.

Her hair is almost completely white from the crusted cum which has accumilated there, her pale skin is slick with cum, parts of it caked with crusty dried semen. her position only adds to her beauty, she would make a perfect slave.

'ggwwwr?' the slug asks impatiently as you eye the broken beauty.

'I think we should rescue her'

'ggggggwwwrrr grwwrrr gwgrgrg!'

'Yes, i know it is risky, but...i want her.'


'No, im not just thinking with my dick here....wait what? how do you know what a dick is....nevermind?'

'gwr gwwwr'

'i sense something from her, a certain power...she may prove useful'

'gwrre gwwrrrr?' (What do you do.)

A. Save the Woman, killing the spawnlings if you must, it might make some noise though.

B. Save the Woman, but don't hurt the spawnlings, you don't want anymore innocent blood on your...... hands?

C. No, its too risky, lets get back to Odella and bring her down here so she can 'interact' with the pillar.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B. Preferably, but if the spawnlings prove 'unruly' then I would go with A.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B. Preferably, but if the spawnlings prove 'unruly' then I would go with A.

Same A and that slug suddenly reminds me of Hodor.

I really like both the first 2 new ideas, I've actually been hoping you might turn SC into a CYOA and more TLE stuff is always good. The third one I wouldn't be excited about, Succubus are already the best monstergirls, besides maybey tentacle girls like the matriarchs, most other monster can range from good to a huge turnoff for me like with centaurs and spidergirls. Iv'e never really liked any monstergirls that are more more monster then girl, either.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I quite like the idea of another TL:E CYOA.

B. They should recognize that you're the alpha here and get out of the way. A meal isn't worth their life.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B then again they don't seem too innocent when they are raping that girl.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


I love the Tentacle Lair Escape lore so for me a prequel would be my choice.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A. Interrupt 'Dinner' and tell Odella you are going to investigate ahead by yourself.

"I prefer to do things by myself, you can always pause to stop eating and investigate what madness is going on. It's curious."
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B at first to see if you can earn her in some sort of way (like giving her more plesure or battle) as well as asking before hand what the area does since there is clearly some unknowns around here.

However if things break down immedataly see if you can fight them while sending the unamed slug (maybe call him Newton?) to get help since the other slugs altogether can over power quite a few things that are bigger like 3 adult tentacles.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I'm almost finished with the beginning of a new CYOA. I've put alot of thought into it and im just putting the final touches on it. Hopefully it will be the biggest and most thoughtful project I've done yet.

The new CYOA will follow a male hero and a number of his hungry monster girl companions.

I'm planning on implementing a radical new voting system when you make decisions through the perspective of a random character in your group, you would hear what the character is thinking and try to make a decision the character would make given their personality and the circumstances.

There is alot of story to be written so that each character's personality is understood which is what i am currently working on.

I don't have a timetable for release as i am just working on it whenever i feel like it at the moment, but I've already written 3 huge intros and I've got a couple more to do, im also working out a bit of the lore of the world and fitting it in there. i'm excited about this and i don't want to mess it up.

I'm not sure when i'll be ready, it might be in a few days or it might be a month from now, but i hope to create another deep adventure with all the side stories and subplots my other stuff has.

Beginning a new project but never finishing the one you've promised to finish? Guy :/

Wasn't aware that i was required to allocate my time into something which i've lost almost all interest in at this point. I'm not sure if you've ever written a CYOA before, but hundreds of hours go into it, many of which you spend just thinking about the situation rather than writing about it. There comes a time when the threshold of interest in something else outweighs that of something else. That is what has happened. So i could half-heatedly end this CYOA or i could move on and leave it open until a time when my interest returns, I've chosen the latter.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

That's understandable plus you may use some stuff that you used in the new one for this one which makes it even better than what it was going to be :D

Just remember take your time.