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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Yea no, this guy's fucked in literally EVERY sense of the word... ;)
Though you are left with 15 EP...
Sating her demonic hunger on the man's rather bitter sperm, she fed the sticky liquid back to him, something that probably would have shocked and terrified him, had he not been charmed out of his mind, or any bystanders, though there were none. And the man was left in an unconscious state.

In their secluded spot, Ama began her ritual. True to form, it was a very unsettling sight to behold, the bones and sinew crunching and stretching and shifting around. The skin bubbled and churned, stretching and shrinking over the new form. After a number of hours, the mutations were completed and Ama was left with her own little rapist-turned-futa cumslut.

Looking to the sky, it was indeed beginning to get dark, and she would likely have no problems flying over.

Landing in a rougher part of the lower district, Ama deposited her new whore, the insidious instructions still lurking in her mind. As she left the area, there were a number of predatory eyes on the naked slut cowering in an alleyway.

After a hard day's work of dealing justice and punishment, Ama felt a very keen need to feed. Where would she go to satisfy her hunger?
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Altering herself to the more presentable form of Salina Ama walked to one of the bars picking the one she had met Jane in. Jane did linger in her mind a bit though she would have to spend the night somewhere but the need for a little coin to replace what she had spent on the beers also presented it self. Looking seductive as she walked in Ama searched for likely customers a few would suit her needs just fine easily recouping the cost from earlier.

Ama is looking for customers. After she gets one at her currnet location she will drain enough energy during their play time to leave them light headed before moving to a new bar and doing the same. After two or three customers she will head back to Jane and spend another lusty evening with her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

All in all, it was a fairly productive evening for Amasael. She went to four lower-class bars and picked up for clients, or victims depending on your point of view. With her skills, she was able to satisfy each of her clients using only her mouth or even just her hands if she felt like it. At the end of her tour, she had 20 more denarii and had managed to sate her hunger.

Now it was time for the big event of the evening. She had a future concubine to corrupt. Making her way back to Jane's house, she found the door already cracked open.

"Mmm hey Salina.... I was hoping you would come back! Are you hungry? I seem to have developed a leak..." The factory worker looked rather more presentable today, having cleaned herself up nicely. There was a healthy glow about her and a nice smell to boot. At this moment, she was walking around in pants and no shirt, droplets of milk beading on her pert nipples.
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh dear lets see if we can fix that shall we." Ama lightly closed the door with her foot while taking her top off before heading up to Jane's breasts giving it a teasing lick before latching on and beginning to suckle. She let the her tongue flick the swollen nipple in her mouth before lightly biting the tender flesh. Not wanting to leave its twin unattended Ama reached her hand up and grabbed the tit and began to message it while she nursed. Alll the while she rubbed her pelvis against the woman enticing her with its sweet promise. (If Jane is not alone Ama doesn't stop and will in fact include the other partner in her actions eventually.)
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Ohhh by the gods Salina...you're fucking great, I need to tell my friends about you!" Chances were, Jane wasn't aware of the irony of that statement, though she would probably be made aware one day soon. Especially at the rate they were going.

Eventually, the first breast ran dry of its warm milk, and Jane gently transplanted the half-elf appearing Ama's head to her other breast after removing the demon's hand that was already coated in her milk.

As Ama suckled this one as well, Jane piped up lustily, "You know...I haven't gotten to taste any of it yet... maybe you would like to share?"

I'm in lab right now, but I'll go back in a bit and figure out the pleasure/corruption. Or if you were planning to do about the same as last night, we can just post along and at the end I'll give her an approximate number of mutations (probably 5 or 6)
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Salina smiled slightly and got a mouth full of milk before moving up to Jane's lips and feeding her some. "How about we take it slow tonight Jane and really feel it out humm." Ama ran a finger down Jane's exposed cleavage. "Your special I want to make sure you enjoy yourself to the fullest." Indeed Jane had no idea how special she was going to be. Tonight could be the night but Ama wasn't ready yet she needed an obedient concubine not another willful demon to compete with she wasn't ready after all they needed a safe place for their special alone time to teach Jane her new position in life.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

A frown crossed Jane's face as she pondered what Ama had said, but eventually she smiled, rather gently which was odd for the woman. "Oh my, I seem to have found myself a romantic little half-elf..." She laughed lightly, "Well you were so good last night, I suppose I can't help but agree. I don't know much about going slow, so you lead and I'll follow as best I can."

Oh yea, brainwashing takes a solid week....Guess we'll have to see about getting you somewhere to do that...hmmm...
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled probably the only genuine smile she ever had that wasn't full of danger or cruelty. "Trust me on this you will love it." She was done talking for now and kissed Jane deeply using her hands to pull down the womans pants slowly and carefully. She would make love to her concubine and not just fuck her like a wild animal. After all that would come later and often enough for both of them. With Jane's pants down Ama slowly pushed them towards the bedroom for the nights activities.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane responded with a surprisingly tender smile of her own. "I'm loving it already..." She kissed Ama gently as she was pushed into the bedroom, nudging the door shut with her foot as they went in. True to her word, she let Ama take the lead that night. She had probably had many people have sex with her in the past, but from the looks of it, she had never had anybody actually make love to her.
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The door clicked softly behind them as Ama pushed Jane unto the bed. Smiling Ama removed the lower half of her cloths showing Jane her clean shaven sex. Moving foward with a seductive sway to her hips Ama soon climbed up onto the with Jane straddling the woman and kissing deeply on the mouth a few moments before slowly moving down trailing kisses down her neck and breasts giving each nipple its own kiss. Moving down further Ama continued to trail her kisses till they met Jane's clean pussy lips. Her Ama stopped a moment and inhaled her scent shivering at what was hers. Moving her hands down Ama parted Jane's sex slightly letting her tongue lap at the sweet fluids Jane was producing. She focused on this area for awhile drawing several small orgasms from her partner hoping to drive her further and further into lust after all she had a surprise for Jane tonight. "You know Jane Im a special girl and I got something special for you." Ama smiled sweetly her large chest blocking Jane's view as she grew a cock for her. Ama made it rather large and thick for Jane after all she had seen some of the toys she played with. Aligning her self Ama slowly slide the cock into Jane's hot damp folds watching the surprise and bewildered expression on her face. After what seemed an agonizing minute she was finally hilt deep in Jane's tight pussy. Shushing her lovers comments Ama kissed her as she began to thrust slowly in an out. It had been a long time sense she had grown a man's tool and her expression showed it beads of sweat began to form as Ama was not used to this particular sensation but she wold not relent. Building up speed Ama began to grunt and moan a little which was soon echoed by Jane despite her shock at the situation. Jane's sexual endurance was almost to much for Ama but thanks to her near eternity of practice she brought the woman to climax first before her own load shot into her. Panting hotly Ama only rested a moment before she began again her cock still hard and so the night passed again and again till both woman where exhausted.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Watching Ama's show with rapt attention, Jane commented in a low voice, "Mmmm...you look good enough to eat..." When Ama mounted her, Jane placed her hands on the demon's hips, beginning to hold her to her, but she lightened up her hold soon after, letting Ama lead as promised. The kisses to her nipples and the gentle lapping of her sex caused Jane to emit some surprisingly feminine-sounding coos, highly uncharacteristic for the rougher woman.

Looking at Ama expectantly, but unable to see the rod beneath her chest Jane remarked, "Oh I know you're special, what have you got fo-" She cut off as the large rod entered her, giving off a delighted cry. "Oh you are-mmmph! Haaa special!" It was fair to say they both enjoyed the night, especially if Jane's eagerly spasmming pussy and the volume of cum Ama rewarded her with were any indication. They made love for quite awhile before Jane was exhausted, but before Ama could pull away, the woman rolled her over and fell asleep on top of her, the summoned cock still buried in her pussy, which contracted around it every so often, even in her sleep.

The next morning, Ama awoke first, having time to note that there was a distinctly sweet scent about her lover, and that Jane's bust had grown a number of sizes overnight before the woman on top of her started to stir...

Jane gains two mutations, I will work out exact corruption later, I swear, this is just in line with Ama not wanting to go too far with the corruption before she could brain wash her.
Gains: Enormous breasts, pheromones

Also, did Ama do fertile/infertile or pull out, or do I need to do some pregnancy rolls?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama held her soon to be concubine and slowly shank the cock she had grown till nothing but her smooth skin remained. As gently as she could she would slip from underneath her lover and hit the shower after all she had a big day coming up.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

As she showered, Ama heard Jane shriek. Sounded like she had woken up and discovered her...enhanced assets. Seconds later, now-busty woman burst into the bathroom and pulled Ama out of the shower before kissing her passionately on the lips.

"Oh gods thank you Salina! Thank you so much!" She seemed to be taking this well.

"I've always been self conscious about my breasts, I've always thought they were too small! I don't know how you did this, but thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She bent down before Ama, facing her wet cunt, before kissing the lower lips as she had the ones on Ama's face. "And thank you too!" She spoke to the smooth pleasure box before her, leaning forward to begin, not quite eating Ama's pussy, but actually making out with it like she would the demoness' face. Her lips smacking and her tongue dancing around as she fairly worshiped the demon cunt before her, all the while Ama stood naked and wet in the cool air outside of the shower.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Well this turn of events was far to tempting to pass up. Taking one of her free hands Ama pushed Jane a little deeper and closer to her sex as she started to breath deeply and her body began to respond to the stimilus. "D.. D... DoOOOn't t..t..taAAnk m..mm...mmmmEEEEe!" Ama had to stop a moment to regain control of her voice. "Thank Amasael my my GODDESS!" Ama nearly bit her tongue as Jane brought her to climax. She stood waiting her legs shacking and pussy spazaming.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane stood up and clutched the trembling, weak-legged half-elf to her engorged bosom, a smirk on her cum-coated face. "Thank Amasael then. I've not heard of her, but she must be the best to have someone like you. I'll thank her day and night so long as it gets you in my bed. Hell, I'll even dedicate our sex to her if you like!"

After that little declaration, Jane scooped up the half-elf and stepped into the shower, sitting down on the floor and letting the water hit both of them gently as they lay there, Ama in a state of post-orgasmic bliss, a pleasant weakness of legs keeping her lying atop Jane.

Indicating her cum-coated face, Jane looked at Ama daringly. "Care to give me a tongue bath, my sweet? I promise your juices taste fantastic..."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama drew close to Jane and began to kiss and and lick away her own juices off her lovers face. Honestly she wanted to have another round with Jane but she had other things to attend to. Licking her clean Ama finished up her shower with Jane their hijinks rather tame as they finished up and bid each other a fond farewell. Finding an alleyway to duck into Ama changed into Amy and straightened her cloths out Her current dress was starting to get a little old maybe Claire would be willing to give her a discount.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane giggled in a surprisingly girlish way as Ama licked her face off. Perhaps the corruption was altering her personality as well as her body. Regardless, she was still worn out from the night before, exchanging goodbye tonguing with the demon before heading back to bed.

When 'Amy' arrived at the shop, Claire was already there, with a somewhat subdued smile. There was also a new, tougher lock and a peephole on the back door. "Good morning Amy...Thanks again for yesterday. It seems I owe you twice. Once for saving me from the rapist, and again for getting me home safely. How are you today?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Im well just a little hung over." Ama didn't relent after all tomorrow was the party and Claire needed to be in the right mood for it. "How are you feeling Claire? I see you changed your locks and door?." Ama moved forward and placed a caring hand on the shop keepers shoulder. "If you worried about that man coming back you don't sweat it I doubt he'll be around anymore after all Im here to protect you!" Ama flexed her arm pretending to have massive muscles. She of course could be confident that the man wouldn't come back after all she was no longer a man and if she survived the night at the mercy of her former associates then well Ama might find use for that one after all.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire gave Ama a sympathetic look and placed a cool palm to 'Amy's' forehead. "Aww...I'm sorry. At least its overcast today so the sun won't be too bright. I've got a little headache, but I really don't feel too bad considering how drunk I was last night."

The pretty shopkeeper giggled as Ama promised to protect her. She didn't seem at all surprised or to mind the hand on her shoulder. It seemed she was far more comfortable around Ama now as she had even initiated the physical contact this time. "So, what would you like to do today?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh what ever you need me to do Claire." Ama smiled at the woman she was accepting Amy letting her get close they actually touched with out her initiating. Things where moving along but they may not be close enough yet for her to move on to the next step. "So what are we going to wear to the party Claire?" It was an innocent enough question and it would gauge Claire's openness to what Ama was expecting to be a sex party or at lest something close to it.