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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The old barkeep laughed heartily as Ama inquired if he would sell his place. "Dearie, I would love to sell this place and retire! Though I have to wonder if you could really afford to pay me the five thousand denarii it is worth?" Laughing again the man added, "I'm too old to go find other work so whatever I sell for, it's got to be enough to cover the rest of my life! Though if you were interested in becoming a business partner, I could let you buy a part of my business for less than that and then you can get a share of the profits?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Five thousand you say?" Ama looked around the room and eyed it turning on the bar stool and leaning back showing off her assets. There would have to be changes and honestly she couldn't afford five thousand, though she doubted the gentle man here would go for all her changes. "So what would it take to become your partner?" The man seemed kind enough and she desperately didn't want to deprive him of a happy life.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Hrmm...." The man thought for a moment, doing some math in his head. "Well, I can let you buy five percent shares of my business for 250 Denarii apiece. But...if you wanted to leave some of your girls here to work, I could just put their wages towards the cost of buying shares. You would have to come here to pick up the money from your shares, of course." The man was offering for Ama to pay 250 denarii for 5% of of the profits from the inn, or she could bring some girls to work at the inn as long as they would let their wages be put towards paying for her shares.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama thought a moment letting her eyes wander about. "That sounds like a good deal though any girls I bring in would have to have something to live on. So not all their wages would be for shares is that okay?" Ama waited for the man's answer. She did after all have a following of woman though she wasn't sure how many of them actually believed or were just along for the ride. Still the girls in the slums would make great dancers she just needed to get them outfitted which wouldn't be too hard. After all one of her concubines ran a risque clothing shop. "Though if we make a deal partner we need to set some ground rules. Like what exactly what my girls would be doing and what they can do.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Well if that's how you want it that's fine, but how many were you planning on bringing? I could probably hire up to four young women until business picks up." At the question of what anyone he hired would be doing, the old man thought for a minute. Well, at least early on most of the help I would need would just be general upkeep, help in the tavern on busy nights, maid work, and hopefully having some girls here would draw more people. Especially if they are as ermm....easy on the eyes as the gals you brought with you today."

After a moment the man added, "But are there...other things I could have them do, especially once the business picks up or to help pick it up? Maybe some exotic performances, or other services for customers? Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in any slave labor. I'll get as much out of them as they are comfortable doing, but not a thing more."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh no worries I understand. I actually not here to run a brothel but I could arrange some exotic dancers or some such. Besides that market is over saturated in the city. Here it would be almost like a upscale place ya know. But that is for the future which doesn't help you now. I'm pretty sure I can find several good looking girls or make them myself to wait tables and help around the place." Ama looked at the man. "Give me about two days alright and Ill bring in some girls as candidates."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The man's eyes widened at the mention of exotic dancers. "Oh my, that sounds lovely indeed. Yes, you just bring them by when you have the chance. I truly can't wait to see them, and I'm looking forward to doing business with you, my dear...err...what was your name again." He smoothly bent over and kissed her hand before she left. "Oh and I saw the girls you came with run out the door and around the back of the building. Not sure what they ran off for, but I doubt there's too much they could be getting in trouble doing." Of course, the inn was also a little emptier than before...
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"You can call me Emilia." Ama let her hand be kissed before noticing that the two girls had run off. No doubt they where in an orgy. "Thank you Mr. ...? Ill be back before you know it and get this place nice and lively." Heading out Ama rounded the corner to see what Ms. Cooks daughters had gotten themselves into. If it was what she thought it was she may have just found her first two dancers.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh just call me Tom." The old man grinned cheerily and waved as she left. Around the back of the building, Ama predictably found the girls in a very perverted situation. The cook twins were on their knees, tops off and bras pulled down to expose their breasts. At the moment they were making out with each other, much to the pleasure of the small group of men surrounding them. All of them currently had their penises in hand and were masturbating to the sight of them. It looked like some were already on their second round, as there were shots of semen tracing over the girls' skin in some places.

As Ama watched the girls fell over and one twin, who could tell which, ended up on top, seemingly dominating the other with her kisses as well as sticking a hand down her sister's skirt to finger her pussy. The one on bottom dutifully began moaning and arching her hips as she submitted to the other's touch, letting herself be dominated. The men around them whooped and cheered as Amy stood off to the side, counting money. It seemed the three were operating a very exotic peep show, and from the stack of denarii Amy was counting, very profitable. As the men all climaxed to this show, showering the twins in cum, the girls cheered and opened their mouths to catch what they could. The crowd began to disperse, the men seemingly satisfied with the performance, leaving Ama to deal with the two cum-coated performers and their demonic manager.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh my guess I didn't need to hand you ladies any money at all." Ama looked at the two her face full of smiles and her tone rather pleased. "Come on lets get you cleaned up I don't need your mother freaking out about this. Besides let me fill you in on a little proposition I made with the owner of this place." Ama would fill the girls in letting them know that she had given the owner a stage name and that if they wanted two work where it was clean and not outside then they would adopt stage names as well. If the girls where pleased and agreed she would have them be the very first dancers and special entertainment. Which would let her find some of her followers to be waitresses and maids. That she would do later after borrowing some more modest attire and changing her look to an older woman similar in age to Ellie. She had to see how things where in the city. But first she would spend some practice time with Amy. Telling the young demonling that she needed eyes inside the city and that she was the best to do it once she learned how to control her powers better.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Predictably, the girls were extremely happy to go along with being dancers at the inn, they loved the idea of showing off their bodies and making more money doing it. They cooperated with the cleaning and soon were able to go back to their mother's house with Ama and Amy.

Practice went a little better this time as Amy was able to go for a full hour. Amy was able to make her tail vanish and reappear at will, and for the most part had control of how her mutations looked and where they formed. She couldn't disguise her face as well as Ama could, but now she was demonstrating real control.

Going back to the city, Ama noticed there wasn't a lot of foot traffic either leaving or going towards it. At the gate were two very serious looking guards who questioned her intently before letting her in. Once inside, she noted it was remarkably different from when she left. There were very few people on the street other than the guards, most of the houses were locked down and boarded up. It seemed like everyone was expecting trouble, indeed there was a bad air about the city. On an instinctual level, people seemed to know that something bad was going to happen, they just didn't know what. Ama remembered what the goblin had said about aliens overrunning the sewers and realized that was a possible source of the feeling of impending conflict. Whatever was about to happen, it would probably occur in the next couple of days. With this much tension in the air, something had to happen soon.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama was very pleased with Amy and even let her feed a little of her own energies to help her. She still needed to learn some finer control of her hunger but she was doing nicely. Heading into the city and being slightly interrogated by guards Ama frowned. They city felt like it was going to burst. She wasn't sure how to find her priestesses in the mess. Still now that she was in she could at lest keep an ear out for news as she headed for the slums. Of course she was looking for woman who where fairly pretty and easy on the eye and hopefully followers of her little cult.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Fortunately, once Ama reached the slums she found one of her priestesses almost immediately. The corrupted woman guided her to a large, if somewhat discrete tent where her followers had set up their base among the refugees after abandoning the safe house. Still, they had managed to save the bondage equipment, and a fair number of other sex toys. More good news was that they already had a fair number of 'converts' present, ten very attractive, if dirt poor, girls Ama had not yet had the pleasure of meeting. The priestesses introduced them to their 'mistress,' not wanting to give Ama away as their goddess without her permission. At the mention of tavern work, the girls seemed to perk up, very interested in working for Ama's soon-to-be business partner.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Pleased that she had this many she encouraged them to spread the faith once the situation in town had settled. Unfortunately she could only take about four of them for work, though she did let them know she hopped to expand the staff as soon as her business partner was ready. "Now girls be honest with the mistress who among you needs a job the most urgently?" Hearing them out Ama thought it over and told them all to get cleaned up while she spoke to the priestesses. "How is the feeling in the town? Are these the girls most loyal and do we have more? Have we made any progress among the nuns of the other faiths?" It was a lot of questions but she needed to hear how things where going.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Five of the girls raised their hands, though there were three obvious picks. Two were orphans, and one of the orphans and the other had a mother who was very ill. After they left to allow Ama her consideration time, she was able to discuss the girls with the priestesses. Whether she considered it fortunate or not, her priestesses had acquired girls of good moral standing in that they were all beautiful, kind, trustworthy, and also desperate to provide for themselves and their families. There were indeed more, almost twenty more in various states of 'recruitment,' though they regretfully informed Ama that they had only succeeded in recruiting one nun who she recalled seeing around the safehouse on occasion. If memory served, the nun was not from Lucia's church. This left her a decision on which girls to recruit. The girls were all rather similar in build, with hair that was just past shoulder length, and they were rather slender with smaller busts, perhaps due to their sparse living as refugees.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama decided on all five something about them just pulled at her. Maybe she was getting soft in her old age. As for their morals it was good that they were upstanding woman even if thanks to her religious teaching they expressed love freely. It would only benefit her more if all her followers were noble in heart and deed.

In regards to recruitment efforts she praised her priestess but told them to be cautious until the city felt more favorable, after all the city and its guards where on edge so it was best to keep efforts more local. She also asked if they had a safe place to go when the raid happens. Once that was done she would inspect the cleaned up girls and speak with them.

"Such fine young woman. Tell me young ones how many of you have made offerings to the goddess? Do you know how exactly how the offering to the goddess works?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

All five of the girls cheered happily as Ama let them know they all had jobs waiting for them at the inn, and her priestesses told her they would keep safe and return to the safe house with their followers while the slums were raided. When she asked the girls if they had ever made offerings to the goddess, one tan redhead nodded meekly. "Like this, mistress?" She pulled one of the other girls into a deep kiss, Ama could clearly see their tongues playing with each other as they also felt up each others' breasts and asses. After thirty seconds they broke the kiss, blushes on their faces. They looked shyly at Ama for approval. One of the priestesses mentioned that they hadn't yet gone over more 'advanced' offerings and asked if Ama would like to personally give them such a lesson.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Thinking a moment Ama suggested they find a secondary place to go to just in case if they found one then they should use it instead, but if not then the first should be fine. Greeting the girls Ama looked them over noting the redhead being far more willing than the others. "Very good girls very good indeed I'm sure the goddess would be pleased." In fact she was but she couldn't really show off just yet. "Now you are a ware that the goddess accepts offerings from men and woman. Have you been making offerings with both?" Ama awaited that answer eyeing the red head. She was confident and forward perfect priestess material. In fact she might have to pull her aside for special training. "Okay girls we are going to head out soon to show you where your gonna work and discuss what exactly is going to be expected of you. Now shoo go and get something to eat it might be a long day. With the girls gone again Ama would ask the priestesses about the redhead and give them some final instructions about slyly mentioning the inn outside the city having some attractive girls working for it now.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The priestesses assured Ama they would find some backup locations, just to be safe, as well as spread word about the inn. Meanwhile, Ama was pleased to note that the redhead was indeed making 'offerings' with both men and women, though she was the only one.

When asked, the priestesses told her that the redhead was the only child of two poor refugees. She was one of the ones who was going to work at the inn for Ama. She hadn't yet lost her virginity, though the priestesses had found her very responsive to all of their advances, and they believed that she would certainly be willing to offer her virginity to the goddess at any point should Ama wish to take it. In about half an hour the girls would return from their lunch break.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Smiling at the good work her priestess were doing Ama decided to reward them before the girls got back. Anyway they wanted it she would take them. It was sadly rather quick as she couldn't risk blowing her cover and she promised them a longer reward session once the current troubles had ended. Once that was done she would give the priestesses a kiss before leading the girls to the tavern. Hopefully the guards wouldn't be too much of a pain. Heading out she spoke with the girls at length to learn about them before walking next to the Redhead. "So dear tell me your name? I think you have great potential to serve the goddess. If your interested I can set up the ritual allowing you to speak with her."