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Re: Breeding Season

Which is unfortunate since I didn't like his art direction. Bestiality was the main draw to that game for me and everything went downhill after he came along. But it seems like hes the only one getting any work done there while H-bomb is clearly taking his sweet time. Id guess he does a maximum of 10 hours of coding per week considering the amount of content in each monthly update.

I think it's partially a Patreon rule or something like that, forcing them to do all anthro stuff. I like his art itself, but I just find it nearly impossible to find any animations!

I agree, for 30k a month I feel like these four people should each be working a full 40 hours a week, in which case we should be seeing wayyyyy more progress.
Re: Breeding Season

Bestiality is the new trend in porn this days. But seriously this guys make a fortune out of nothing ...

20% of the old Future Fragments topic was literally nothing but people trying to convince us to put bestiality in the game lol

360 000 $ would be a decent mainstream PC game bunget.

$360,000 would be the budget for an AAA game with AAA voice actors, an entire team of 10+ people, so forth, easily for a year.

Like everyone else has said, just look at the other indie h-game devs on here, many of them are similar size or less size teams, and have essentially put out demos or products from scratch in just 4 or so months, compared to the last 4 months, Breeding Season has done... what?
Re: Breeding Season

20% of the old Future Fragments topic was literally nothing but people trying to convince us to put bestiality in the game lol

When you start limiting your vision by "what others will allow you to do," don't be surprised when it's not seen well. Would be better off finding a service that allows you to fund the game that you want to make.

check yourself into the real world

This is the real world.
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Re: Breeding Season

$360,000 would be the budget for an AAA game with AAA voice actors, an entire team of 10+ people, so forth, easily for a year.

AAA dev teams are paid $<36,000 a year? No wonder AAA games are such buggy messes!
Re: Breeding Season

AAA dev teams are paid $<36,000 a year? No wonder AAA games are such buggy messes!

It's not $36,000 even per person; some people might get paid only $20,000 (the lower rung, the testers, for example)
And I can say, from personal experience, that most QA teams, even ones at AAA studios, are full of slackers and people who give zero fucks about actually bugging the game; it's rare to find a QA tester who genuinely enjoys/cares about their job, and THAT is why most games are buggy messes, lol.

When you start limiting your vision by "what others will allow you to do," don't be surprised when it's not seen well. Would be better off finding a service that allows you to fund the game that you want to make.

Uh, yeah, it's not about "what others will allow you to do", it's about not risking being thrown in prison like others have for producing bestiality content and/or owning it, even in hentai format, and it's going to get MUCH stricter as Congress and the rest of the US catches up to establishing rules on the internet and on hentai.

I don't really have the money to move to another country, soooo...
Re: Breeding Season

It's not $36,000 even per person; some people might get paid only $20,000 (the lower rung, the testers, for example)
And I can say, from personal experience, that most QA teams, even ones at AAA studios, are full of slackers and people who give zero fucks about actually bugging the game; it's rare to find a QA tester who genuinely enjoys/cares about their job, and THAT is why most games are buggy messes, lol.

Uh, yeah, it's not about "what others will allow you to do", it's about not risking being thrown in prison like others have for producing bestiality content and/or owning it, even in hentai format, and it's going to get MUCH stricter as Congress and the rest of the US catches up to establishing rules on the internet and on hentai.

I don't really have the money to move to another country, soooo...

$20k is less than $10 an hour. If you want good testers, never mind developers you need to pay a fair bit more. Start about triple that. AAA devs make minimum 6 figures each, 360k isnt going to fund a year of AAA development, but its a hell of a number for a 4 person team.
Re: Breeding Season

May I ask? Is this game fun :confused:

I test this game and it's just only match monsters for H(lv up) and sell it when you have request then sleep, That all :eek:
Playing Havest Moon and watch 18+ monster girls images is funnier. And they have very slow progress. Why people patreon for that.
The only thing is good in this game is monsters have variety of faces and colors :mad:

Back in the days the game was much more complex in terms of gameplay, clients had more demands and monsters could lower the stats of others while breeding. So every breed was a hard decision. Do you want to sacrifice this stat to rise another and so on. Even if you managed to minmax everything (wich wasnt so easy ) then you could enoucter 3 clients that want stats lower then most of your new monsters are born with. Now it seems its mostly breeding mindlessly to level up. I love the new art style but what got me interested in the game in 1st place was gameplay. Even with H bomb shity art it was a fun game. Now its a pretty animation selector.
Re: Breeding Season

$20k is less than $10 an hour. If you want good testers, never mind developers you need to pay a fair bit more. Start about triple that. AAA devs make minimum 6 figures each, 360k isnt going to fund a year of AAA development, but its a hell of a number for a 4 person team.

Which is why proper software development is much smoother, because software QA teams earn a real wage for their work whereas videogame QA is still thought of even by AAA publishers as "paying people to play videogames" and thus not worth much in their eyes (also the fact that people will still drop $60 without a thought on buggy mess after buggy mess diminishes the value of proper QA even further).
Re: Breeding Season

Uh, yeah, it's not about "what others will allow you to do", it's about not risking being thrown in prison like others have for producing bestiality content and/or owning it, even in hentai format, and it's going to get MUCH stricter as Congress and the rest of the US catches up to establishing rules on the internet and on hentai.

I don't really have the money to move to another country, soooo...

Theres no need to exaggerate. I highly doubt you'll be thrown in prison for making cartoon depictions of bestiality. And if you personally prefer not to include bestiality in your game then thats your decision. I probably won't play your game though, unless its a damn good H-Metroidvania with decent sex animations.

And I believe the laws are mainly intended to stop male owners from having sex with their animals which is not what were interested in seeing anyways.
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Re: Breeding Season

$20k is less than $10 an hour. If you want good testers, never mind developers you need to pay a fair bit more. Start about triple that. AAA devs make minimum 6 figures each, 360k isnt going to fund a year of AAA development, but its a hell of a number for a 4 person team.

10 x 40 hours = 400
40 hours x 4 weeks = $1600
$1600 x 12 months = $19200

Also, I was speaking after taxes, which would put the payment even higher. Additionally, I don't know of any companies that pay more than $10 an hour for testing, most probably pay even less than that.

AAA developers DEFINITELY don't make a minimum of 6 figures for each person, that would be absurd unless you're the CEO or lead developer or something for like Activision or Blizzard, and again only they would get paid that much, not everyone.

Which is why proper software development is much smoother, because software QA teams earn a real wage for their work whereas videogame QA is still thought of even by AAA publishers as "paying people to play videogames" and thus not worth much in their eyes (also the fact that people will still drop $60 without a thought on buggy mess after buggy mess diminishes the value of proper QA even further).

This is sadly true.

Theres no need to exaggerate. I highly doubt you'll be thrown in prison for making cartoon depictions of bestiality. And if you personally prefer not to include bestiality in your game then thats your decision. I probably won't play your game though, unless its a damn good H-Metroidvania with decent sex animations.

And I believe the laws are mainly intended to stop male owners from having sex with their animals which is not what were interested in seeing anyways.

"Kemono for ESSENTIAL 3 (THE ANIMAL SEX ANTHOLOGY Vol.3) by Masato Tsukimori et al (Izumi Comics)"

A comic collector in Iowa has been sentenced to six months in jail for importing and possessing hentai books from Japan that depict child sex and bestiality.

"The Miller test was developed in the 1973 case Miller v. California.[2] It has three parts:
  • Whether "the average person, applying contemporary community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest,
  • Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions specifically defined by applicable state law,
  • Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value."
If the overall community in a specific state/town deem bestiality hentai to be obscene, boom, it's obscene, as there's no law currently on the books specifically for bestiality hentai, and if they can provide a case for it in court (and many states/courts could, easily), you go to jail.

As internet law progresses as well, we've obviously seen the shutdown of many places that host loli or the removal of such artwork from places, like Hentai-Foundry for instance, due to legal precedents such as these.

Bestiality is seen to be just as obscene in America, so it's extremely likely that pressure from groups and the government will increase in that area too.

So no, I don't want to have something in my game that I might get nailed for legally years from now, and yes, there are laws to retroactively nail people for obscenity in things they'd published years before, because again it would fall under the Miller law (or any other number of similar laws) which existed at the time of the publication of the material.

The game we're making isn't a Metroidvania btw, it's a side-scroller shm'up in the vein of Megaman X or Ghouls n' Ghosts, basically.

BTW, funny that you mention the law being made to keep men from fucking animals :p

"In Washington State, it is illegal to have sex with a virgin under any circumstances, including the wedding night! However, sex with animals is perfectly legal for men in Washington State, as long as the animal weighs less than 40 pounds."

sooooo yeah, lol not exaggerating on any points here, haha.
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Re: Breeding Season

"Kemono for ESSENTIAL 3 (THE ANIMAL SEX ANTHOLOGY Vol.3) by Masato Tsukimori et al (Izumi Comics)"

A comic collector in Iowa has been sentenced to six months in jail for importing and possessing hentai books from Japan that depict child sex and bestiality.

Because he accepted a plea deal when dealing with an antiquated law. Had it gone to trial, it would've been overturned on appeal. The Appeals Courts/Supreme Court have already done numerous cases regarding cartoon "obscenity," and they all get thrown out. Because there's no counter to official immunity, prosecutors cannot be sued for maliciously prosecuting people for what amounts to free speech/1st amendment practice.

As it is, every other "loli" and "obscene content" trial that went through was because there was real child porn found IN ADDITION to the 2D stuff.

"The Miller test was developed in the 1973 case Miller v. California.[2] It has three parts:
  • Whether "the average person, applying contemporary community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest,
  • Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions specifically defined by applicable state law,
  • Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value."
If the overall community in a specific state/town deem bestiality hentai to be obscene, boom, it's obscene, as there's no law currently on the books specifically for bestiality hentai, and if they can provide a case for it in court (and many states/courts could, easily), you go to jail.

Miller Test is antiquated as well and is almost always overturned on appeal. "Obscenity" is thrown out because it cannot be defined by the court.

As internet law progresses as well, we've obviously seen the shutdown of many places that host loli or the removal of such artwork from places, like Hentai-Foundry for instance, due to legal precedents such as these.

In places where they host like Europe, this is true, because Europe is filled with fascistic one-world government types that think they can regulate everything.

Bestiality is seen to be just as obscene in America, so it's extremely likely that pressure from groups and the government will increase in that area too.

Fine, then when it actually manages to accomplish something, we can burn down the White House. Until then: it falls under the 1st amendment.

So no, I don't want to have something in my game that I might get nailed for legally years from now, and yes, there are laws to retroactively nail people for obscenity in things they'd published years before, because again it would fall under the Miller law (or any other number of similar laws) which existed at the time of the publication of the material.

Actually, they can only charge you for something that is either: an interstate crime; or happens within the locality that applies the law. Bumfuck, Iowa cannot charge you with obscenity if you don't live there. They can't send you a takedown notice over the Internet for violating their magical space wizard inspired laws.

The Protect Act, which was hit Handley, has been monkey hammered by every judge that it's come up against, up to and including being ruled unconstitutional, because: it is incredibly vague; covers drawn art, which cannot be considered illegal since it falls under 1st amendment; and does not identify responsibility for who possesses the content. (meaning that it allowed prosecutors to target websites that hosted content without responsibility for said content, such as 4chan, which is illegal)

I understand that everyone is scared of being called out for what they make, but if you keep believing the hype regarding stuff like this... well, they win. Every time they lose, they still proclaim victory for MORALITY!!!!!11!, and people believe that they've won. These companies that do backing, like Patreon, don't allow certain content not because it's illegal, but because they think it would be a PR nightmare if they're asked about it. Sites like paypal don't allow porn because of nebulous concerns that they could somehow be linked to human trafficking for real life pornography... and because paypal is run by a bunch of soulless jerkoffs that close your account and steal your money if someone whispers to them that you praise Satan.

Being scared is fine. Living scared is cause for people not to take you seriously.

Well, I wasn't trying to tell you what to make in the first place, just saying that you're better off finding a service that lets you make what you want, instead of being with a service that forces you to make something in a certain way. If you're happy with the content of your game currently, then this doesn't apply at all.
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Re: Breeding Season

You say how it, "isn't that hard," and then go on to talk about how you are unable to make any progress on your own game. Making a quality game is actually quite challenging, if it wasn't, there would be a lot more finished projects.

Yeah, but my point was that I am acknowledging my inability to make lots of progress by not asking people to throw money at any of my projects. I think you lose the right to be 'lazy' about your projects once you start asking people to pay you for the work you are doing. Just like you can't just not show up to an office job because you don't feel like it, people shouldn't be so quick to excuse their "I wasn't really feeling the whole gamedev thing recently, so no progress this week" stuff that seems to be so common these sorts of projects.

If developers don't want to be held accountable, they shouldn't be asking for money. That was my point.

Edit: Any my "it isn't that hard" was more directed at pointing out that it really isn't hard to make an unfinished project. Its really easy to start a project and get people to give you money, and it's really not that hard to make solid progress on a project, if you know what you are doing. It frustrates me because people asking for money for these projects either are lazy, or are basically using people's money to fund learning things they should probably already have a decent grasp on before asking for cash.

I swear, if I see one more project that lost a huge chunk of progress because of a computer crash, I'm going to go nuts. Things like source control and backups are standard in the development world for a reason.
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Re: Breeding Season

Because he accepted a plea deal when dealing with an antiquated law. Had it gone to trial, it would've been overturned on appeal. The Appeals Courts/Supreme Court have already done numerous cases regarding cartoon "obscenity," and they all get thrown out. Because there's no counter to official immunity, prosecutors cannot be sued for maliciously prosecuting people for what amounts to free speech/1st amendment practice.

There are tons of laws that get through nowadays thanks to the practically military-level law enforcement influence that exists in the USA now. Cops have gotten off on literally shooting defenseless, non-threatening, behind a screen door, older men who did nothing wrong but itch their nose even after getting approval from their sergeant, and then the murdering cop gets no jail time and practically no reprimand.

If they wanted to convict you of this, they absolutely would. Someone *owning* a bestiality comic is a whole 'nother matter than someone PRODUCING it, and America likes to look like they're "tough on obscenity" because the entire country is rooted in prudishness.

Also, antiquated law does not = invalid law.

Miller Test is antiquated as well and is almost always overturned on appeal. "Obscenity" is thrown out because it cannot be defined by the court.

Some Miller Test convictions are upheld even on appeal, and how can obscenity not be defined and thrown out when it's defined right there in the previous post?

In places where they host like Europe, this is true, because Europe is filled with fascistic one-world government types that think they can regulate everything.

When you distribute something on the internet, you have to be aware of the rules of ALL countries, which is why some videos on YouTube won't play in some countries, some E4 videos won't play in America, etc.

Fine, then when it actually manages to accomplish something, we can burn down the White House. Until then: it falls under the 1st amendment.

Google search "1st Amendment violations government" and you can find a wealth of times that the 1st Amendment is violated, ignored, and rejected by the government, the White House, cops, businesses, and more. It doesn't really have much power in our society today.

I could be here all day listing off those, there's hundreds, if not thousands in the past few years.

Actually, they can only charge you for something that is either: an interstate crime; or happens within the locality that applies the law. Bumfuck, Iowa cannot charge you with obscenity if you don't live there. They can't send you a takedown notice over the Internet for violating their magical space wizard inspired laws.

Exactly. I live in an area that is HIGHLY likely to get upset about that kind of stuff, considering it's one of the highest regulated areas for anything pornographic in the entire country, within one of the highest regulated states. There are laws here that are absolutely insane compared to the rest of my state.

The Protect Act, which was hit Handley, has been monkey hammered by every judge that it's come up against, up to and including being ruled unconstitutional, because: it is incredibly vague; covers drawn art, which cannot be considered illegal since it falls under 1st amendment; and does not identify responsibility for who possesses the content. (meaning that it allowed prosecutors to target websites that hosted content without responsibility for said content, such as 4chan, which is illegal)

I'll give you that I don't know much about this particular case, but again, 1st Amendment is basically ignored nowadays.

I understand that everyone is scared of being called out for what they make, but if you keep believing the hype regarding stuff like this... well, they win. Every time they lose, they still proclaim victory for MORALITY!!!!!11!, and people believe that they've won. These companies that do backing, like Patreon, don't allow certain content not because it's illegal, but because they think it would be a PR nightmare if they're asked about it. Sites like paypal don't allow porn because of nebulous concerns that they could somehow be linked to human trafficking for real life pornography... and because paypal is run by a bunch of soulless jerkoffs that close your account and steal your money if someone whispers to them that you praise Satan.

Here's the thing; Patreon actually DOES allow bestiality.
Patreon however is the last person to go to when the law is involved due to recent events with PayPal and NSFW Patreons being wonky, so yeah, lol.

It's all good to want to try and change things to be more progressive, more open-minded, but if I'm risking jail time, even if it's a 0.0001% chance, the risk isn't worth the reward. I'm in middle age, I'd like to have a family of my own soon; I don't want to spend 5 years in jail and wreck my middle age when I've already got enough medical problems that I'll be overjoyed if I even LIVE past middle age, and I'm trying very hard to do so.

Being scared is fine. Living scared is cause for people not to take you seriously.

You realize I'm not living scared just because I don't want to include a certain fetish in a game, right? That's a bit of a jump, lol.

Well, I wasn't trying to tell you what to make in the first place, just saying that you're better off finding a service that lets you make what you want, instead of being with a service that forces you to make something in a certain way. If you're happy with the content of your game currently, then this doesn't apply at all.

I'm definitely satisfied with the content of the game currently, so yeah. :)
Re: Breeding Season

I'm definitely satisfied with the content of the game currently, so yeah. :)

I'm no lawyer so i won't argue any legal specifics. But it seems you have 0 interest in bestiality so I don't know why you're going out of your way to justify not including it in your own game. If you never intended to have bestiality then just make it clear from the beginning and people should lay off. The problem with Breeding season was that it originally had bestiality and it was a key factor of its initial success.

You realize I'm not living scared just because I don't want to include a certain fetish in a game, right? That's a bit of a jump, lol.
but if I'm risking jail time, even if it's a 0.0001% chance, the risk isn't worth the reward.

Those two statements are quite contradictory. If you won't take a 0.0001% chance risk then why would you even bother leaving the house? And yes i realize you weren't being literal but it looks like you acknowledge that making a dog enemy in your action-platformer is extremely unlikely to land you in jail. The amount of risk is so insignificant that it shouldn't even register.
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Re: Breeding Season

Even though we all know the law is unjust and can't hold any ground in supreme court, but the risk of being harassed by some prosecutor who got nothing better to do is still there.

Though I wonder if tentacles sex is considered bestiality.
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Re: Breeding Season

I'm no lawyer so i won't argue any legal specifics. But it seems you have 0 interest in bestiality so I don't know why you're going out of your way to justify not including it in your own game. If you never intended to have bestiality then just make it clear from the beginning and people should lay off. The problem with Breeding season was that it originally had bestiality and it was a key factor of its initial success.

I did make it clear, repeatedly. As in, at least 20+ times in the same topic, and in the first post, and in the patreon post, and in the activity feed; people still asked if it was in there and demanded it, lol.

I don't have an interest in a lot of the fetishes that are in Future Fragments, but I'm including them because I know they're fetishes people want/popular games. I have zero interest in bestiality, but if it were less legally ambiguous, you better believe I'd put it in there.

Those two statements are quite contradictory. If you won't take a 0.0001% chance risk then why would you even bother leaving the house? And yes i realize you weren't being literal but it looks like you acknowledge that making a dog enemy in your action-platformer is extremely unlikely to land you in jail. The amount of risk is so insignificant that it shouldn't even register.

To clarify it, it's not worth the risk/reward difference.

As in, we'd make at most an extra grand or two and risk possible years in prison.

I should note, my life's been basically nothing but 1 in a million chances in terms of jobs/medical stuff, both positive and negative, so I've got a tendency to really gauge risk/reward carefully, lol.
Re: Breeding Season

I did make it clear, repeatedly. As in, at least 20+ times in the same topic, and in the first post, and in the patreon post, and in the activity feed; people still asked if it was in there and demanded it, lol.

The problem was you did not make it clear in a way that meant you did not want to include it because you were against it. Instead, you said you were not going to include it out of fear of legal ramifications. Stating it in this fashion invited the legal discussion. Had you clearly said at the onset that nobody on your team had any interest in including bestiality, then that would have most likely ended it.

Also, the crazy success Breeding Season enjoys suggests that appealing to the bestiality crowd is probably worth more than a thousand or two ;).

Now, in relation to this actual topic. I concur that Breeding Season built their success on bestiality, and their shift to anthro was not my favorite. If THEY did so for legal reasons, I think it is worth engaging in a discussion, as I'm not sure the legal risk warrants the change.
Re: Breeding Season

but the risk of being harassed by some prosecutor who got nothing better to do is still there.

This. I wonder sometimes if people realize that if law enforcement takes an interest in you, you lose regardless of whether a court finds you guilty or not.

(long rant about the US criminal justice system follows)

You can easily spend weeks in jail without committing a crime. While there you will be confined in a small space with the genuine scum of the Earth, who are there for actual crimes like robbing banks and cooking meth. There's plenty of opportunities for them to assault you and even rob you*, and the prison staff don't care. Hope you weren't carrying a large sum of cash when you were arrested.

If you manage to get out of jail somehow and not lose all your money, you don't get any cash you had back. You get a check. Hope you're not out of town and using the money for travel expenses, because if you're forced to cash it there the local bank will help itself to a nice chunk of it.

So you have some of your cash back and walk across town to the impound lot where your car was towed to. Say goodbye to at least a hundred dollars just for the tow, nevermind the storage fee for however long you were locked up for.

The charges against you are bullshit, so you decide to go talk to the prosecutor to see if you can get them dropped. While you're off doing that (turns out he isn't in his office), the police notice your parked vehicle. They don't like that you're out on bail after they went to the trouble of arresting you, so they wait for you to come back, arrest you again on additional bullshit charges (pointing a gun at your head even though you're not doing anything threatening), take your cash and tow your car. You're back at square one.

A month or so later you finally go to trial. The entire police department is in attendance to testify against you. The prosecutor is fully aware that the charges are bullshit and drops them without argument, on the condition the police keep a few legal but vaguely suspicious (and expensive) items they confiscated from you.

Do you get the time you spent in jail back? Nope.
Do you get the money stolen from you back? Nope.
Do you get the check cashing fees back? Nope.
Do you get the impound fees back? Nope.
Do you get the confiscated items back? Nope.
Do you get any attorney fees back? Nope.
Do you get any expenses and penalties that have accumulated on the life you haven't been living back? Nope.
Do you have any recourse for the ass-reaming the government has given you? Nope.

Depending on where you are, you might have to pay fees to the court and jail too. Even though you're not guilty of anything. All of your information is now in the national criminal databases with the bullshit charges next to it (even though they were dropped), so any encounter you have any government agency for many years in the future, thousands of miles away, are going to be flavored by it. In their minds you are guilty of what you were charged with. It will limit the opportunities that would otherwise be open to you.

All of this, I am speaking from first-hand experience. To be fair the area was a corrupt hell-hole and this wouldn't happen in most reasonable places, but the point is that all it takes is a single cop who believes he has probable cause to completely disrupt your life.

I was lucky and missed out on the real life ruiner: damage to your reputation among your peers and business partners. The police and media will happily broadcast your name, face and alleged crime to everyone, on television and the Internet, prior to a conviction. There are numerous websites whose business model is taking mugshots from jail websites and making them permanently show up at the top of Google search results, to blackmail the accused to pay a fee to get it removed. Everyone in your life is now aware of what you allegedly did. Family members will probably understand that the charges were bullshit, but your landlord, employer and neighbors might not be as understanding.

You do not have to be convicted of a crime to have your life derailed by law enforcement.

* No, you don't have your money while you're in jail. The jail may keep it in an account for you. You can order stuff like twinkies and ramen with it. Or, your cellmates can steal your account information while you're sleeping and order twinkies and ramen for you. A hundred dollars worth. The jail will happily fill the order and force you to pay for it.

(end of long rant)

Just an irk of mine about peoples' dismissal of the seriousness of things that are legally grey, that can get you charged/arrested but not formally convicted. Not expressing an opinion on the main topic of content creators restricting their works in fear of the law.
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Re: Breeding Season

This. I wonder sometimes if people realize that if law enforcement takes an interest in you, you lose regardless of whether a court finds you guilty or not.

(long rant about the US criminal justice system follows)

You can easily spend weeks in jail without committing a crime. While there you will be confined in a small space with the genuine scum of the Earth, who are there for actual crimes like robbing banks and cooking meth. There's plenty of opportunities for them to assault you and even rob you*, and the prison staff don't care. Hope you weren't carrying a large sum of cash when you were arrested.

If you manage to get out of jail somehow and not lose all your money, you don't get any cash you had back. You get a check. Hope you're not out of town and using the money for travel expenses, because if you're forced to cash it there the local bank will help itself to a nice chunk of it.

So you have some of your cash back and walk across town to the impound lot where your car was towed to. Say goodbye to at least a hundred dollars just for the tow, nevermind the storage fee for however long you were locked up for.

The charges against you are bullshit, so you decide to go talk to the prosecutor to see if you can get them dropped. While you're off doing that (turns out he isn't in his office), the police notice your parked vehicle. They don't like that you're out on bail after they went to the trouble of arresting you, so they wait for you to come back, arrest you again on additional bullshit charges (pointing a gun at your head even though you're not doing anything threatening), take your cash and tow your car. You're back at square one.

A month or so later you finally go to trial. The entire police department is in attendance to testify against you. The prosecutor is fully aware that the charges are bullshit and drops them without argument, on the condition the police keep a few legal but vaguely suspicious (and expensive) items they confiscated from you.

Do you get the time you spent in jail back? Nope.
Do you get the money stolen from you back? Nope.
Do you get the check cashing fees back? Nope.
Do you get the impound fees back? Nope.
Do you get the confiscated items back? Nope.
Do you get any attorney fees back? Nope.
Do you get any expenses and penalties that have accumulated on the life you haven't been living back? Nope.
Do you have any recourse for the ass-reaming the government has given you? Nope.

Depending on where you are, you might have to pay fees to the court and jail too. Even though you're not guilty of anything. All of your information is now in the national criminal databases with the bullshit charges next to it (even though they were dropped), so any encounter you have any government agency for many years in the future, thousands of miles away, are going to be flavored by it. In their minds you are guilty of what you were charged with. It will limit the opportunities that would otherwise be open to you.

All of this, I am speaking from first-hand experience. To be fair the area was a corrupt hell-hole and this wouldn't happen in most reasonable places, but the point is that all it takes is a single cop who believes he has probable cause to completely disrupt your life.

I was lucky and missed out on the real life ruiner: damage to your reputation among your peers and business partners. The police and media will happily broadcast your name, face and alleged crime to everyone, on television and the Internet, prior to a conviction. There are numerous websites whose business model is taking mugshots from jail websites and making them permanently show up at the top of Google search results, to blackmail the accused to pay a fee to get it removed. Everyone in your life is now aware of what you allegedly did. Family members will probably understand that the charges were bullshit, but your landlord, employer and neighbors might not be as understanding.

You do not have to be convicted of a crime to have your life derailed by law enforcement.

* No, you don't have your money while you're in jail. The jail may keep it in an account for you. You can order stuff like twinkies and ramen with it. Or, your cellmates can steal your account information while you're sleeping and order twinkies and ramen for you. A hundred dollars worth. The jail will happily fill the order and force you to pay for it.

(end of long rant)

Just an irk of mine about peoples' dismissal of the seriousness of things that are legally grey, that can get you charged/arrested but not formally convicted. Not expressing an opinion on the main topic of content creators restricting their works in fear of the law.

Ur case shows that legaly gray or not - doesnt matter. If u ought to get screwed by righteous dick of Justice, u will be, regardless if ur a saint or children porn producer.

And if U realise it is that bad then fking do something about it.

God I hate US even more than my own country goverment. And *ews, NWO Sionists that made our countries this way.

But nevertheless.
Fuck Law
Art is free no matter what goverments may say about it !
Re: Breeding Season

This. I wonder sometimes if people realize that if law enforcement takes an interest in you, you lose regardless of whether a court finds you guilty or not.

This, 1,000 times over. This is the real subtext here, and I'm glad someone else sees that. People are held in jail for weeks or months without even being taken to a court or found guilty of anything, lose out on paying rent, bills, go homeless, so forth all because of it. I've had friends who were detained when crossing the border back into America, where they were born, for days, because they "looked like they were up to something". Weren't allowed contact with their families, phone calls, access to the outside world, anything. They put in a lawsuit to sue, US government said basically "lol" and the judge dismissed the case.

And if U realise it is that bad then fking do something about it.

Please let us know what you could possibly do about this.

Here's some things that don't do anything to change that situation;

So if you've got any other ideas, I'd love to hear them instead of people just saying "do something about it lol".

But this is far off topic, so I'm not gonna post in this topic anymore in an attempt to get things back on topic; sorry for the derail, wasn't intentional, but yeah.