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Re: Breeding Season

I'd like to chime in here. First of all, they're not getting 30000$ per month. Even if everyone who is patron would pay, they still have a 30-40% cut from that 30k bucks. So it's more like 15k - 18k per month.

They're furthermore hiring a fifth developer soon, so we can hope an increasing speed in development.
To those who say that this game is not making progress - they have been restarting the project multiple times, last restart was early this year, and increasing the quality every time.

I can undestand that a day-one-patron might feel tricked due to the restarts, but they definitely helped raising the quality.
I honestly wouldn't pay for the 5.3 version, but the current quality is high enough for me to pledge.

You also have to keep in mind that this game will feature over 600 different animations when it's done (yes 600, and yes that sounds insane) with basic breeding animations, harvesting animations, a main story an dozen of events which can be triggered or happen at random.

Right now they are finishing the core elements like fishing or alchemy, while also implementing the first last-gen. animations. When they've done that they hopefully will start to implement the story. Until then there is indeed not much to do. I'd consider to see these alpha stages more like a techdemo than a storydemo.

As for the complains that the bestiality elements is missing in the latest designs, keep in mind that there will be a feral trait implemented, which causes the monster to look way more animal-like.

At last I want to say that, in comparison to Future Fragments, this game is way more complex. Not that I don't like FF, I'm a patron afterall, but the groundlaying work that has to be done for FF is way less than for BS.
Anyways, we will see how the development will turn out when the basics have been implemented, which I hope will happen in the next two to three months. And if you wonder why I know all that stuff; all the developers are streaming (ir-)regularly on workdays. Feel free to join and ask questions.
Re: Breeding Season

^ And that, ladies and gentle-things is what denial looks like.
Re: Breeding Season

If you want a proper response then you should start with proper sentences first. Right now your reply seems just stupid to me.
Re: Breeding Season

Even if I agreed with all this, the point still stands: they should NOT be paid even $10k a month for laying the groundworks of a game three times over, for over a year of time total. All of that funding is literally wasted every time they decide to 'restart' instead of actually getting to the hard work. In a professional environment, there will ALWAYS be a point where you have to suck it up and continue with what you've got, instead of reiterating on it for countless hours just to make it slightly higher quality each time. You'll never finish a project if you go into it with that mindset.

Problem is, the Breeding Season team is absolutely not being held accountable for their incredible lack of professionalism, so why should they stop? They're making bank by remaking the first 5% of their game over and over again in small iterations. It speaks volumes about the kind of people they are, and is an absolutely disgraceful use of the amazing opportunities that Patreon provides content creators and consumers.
Re: Breeding Season

Even if I agreed with all this, the point still stands: they should NOT be paid even $10k a month for laying the groundworks of a game three times over, for over a year of time total. All of that funding is literally wasted every time they decide to 'restart' instead of actually getting to the hard work. In a professional environment, there will ALWAYS be a point where you have to suck it up and continue with what you've got, instead of reiterating on it for countless hours just to make it slightly higher quality each time. You'll never finish a project if you go into it with that mindset.

Problem is, the Breeding Season team is absolutely not being held accountable for their incredible lack of professionalism, so why should they stop? They're making bank by remaking the first 5% of their game over and over again in small iterations. It speaks volumes about the kind of people they are, and is an absolutely disgraceful use of the amazing opportunities that Patreon provides content creators and consumers.

Well, I personally have to say, yes, if I would be a patron since day one, I would feel tricked probably, but I'm not, I've joined them this year and the progress I see is enough to keep me pledging. I honestly wouldn't have pledged in the beginning anyways, the first iteration of animations are way too crappy. And this game for me is more about the story that it provides, the background it gives my why all this is happening. I don't want to sound disgraceful, but I don't want to see the nth iteration of a 2D platformer with 10 second sexscenes, which neither have a proper beginning nor a proper ending, I would much rather stick with BS. Also, the reworks are (hopefully) coming to an end, now that the code has been entirely rewritten and the animation quality has been raised significantly.

Lastly I just have to say that the patrons seem still to believe in the BS team. Is the support unjustified, maybe, but the idea alone this game has is better than most of the games I've seen so far.
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Re: Breeding Season

Lastly I just have to say that the patrons seem still to believe in the BS team. Is the support unjustified, maybe, but the idea alone this game has is better than most of the games I've seen so far.

Uhhh... Not sure if serious..
Re: Breeding Season

Uhhh... Not sure if serious..

What would you describe is refreshing idea? A girl in a 2D platformer who has to reach X destination while trying to not getting fucked? A RPG game where the protagonist can "fuck" most of the NPCs, while you don't even get animations most of the time? Yes I see, very refreshing idea...
Re: Breeding Season

You also have to keep in mind that this game will feature over 600 different animations when it's done (yes 600, and yes that sounds insane) with basic breeding animations, harvesting animations, a main story an dozen of events which can be triggered or happen at random.

600 H-animation really :eek:

Maybe you have to wait for 2 or more years for full game if it's the truth :rolleyes:
Re: Breeding Season

What would you describe is refreshing idea? A girl in a 2D platformer who has to reach X destination while trying to not getting fucked? A RPG game where the protagonist can "fuck" most of the NPCs, while you don't even get animations most of the time? Yes I see, very refreshing idea...

Honestly, just about ANY English H-game is refreshing. There are really not that many to choose from. If you are comparing to H-games overall, then Breeding Season is really not that unique either--aside from their intended scope. There are plenty of Japanese raising sim style games out there.

Also, not all 2D platformers are simply reach destination X and not get fucked. See Demon Sperm as an example. Your description is RPG games is comical at best. Virgin Island, Ariadne, Arms Devicer, to name a few all had stories and context that made them a very satisfying experience. Granted, they did not have animation, but the need for animations is subjective. If the only thing that matters to you is animations, then yes, that will limit your options as well.
Re: Breeding Season

Well, you're certainly free to do whatever you want with your own money. I've love to see them prove me wrong, but history has a tendency to repeat itself, and once they inevitably restart the game yet again, it'll be because of the people who keep paying them to get away with it.
Re: Breeding Season

Well, you're certainly free to do whatever you want with your own money. I've love to see them prove me wrong, but history has a tendency to repeat itself, and once they inevitably restart the game yet again, it'll be because of the people who keep paying them to get away with it.

It's not like they want to restart over and over again, they just got better and their earlier work just couldn't keep up. However, if you look at the latest animations you can see that the quality has risen to a point they're happy with. You also have to keep in mind that they don't restart their project just because they feel like it. The latest restart happened because their latest team member came in and raised the quality they were able to produce content with.

And to chime in on the one who said that they're exploiting patreon; patreon is one of the causes they're restarted the project so often. The people weren't satisfied with the game and demanded improvements and the support they got forced them to think bigger. I for one are happy that they have chosen the route they're taking rihgt now, because if they would've sticked with their initial vision of the game, they would probably be done by now but the game would not live up to the amount of money that was spent on it. At the moment it isn't either, but now it atleast got the potential to become really great.

Also, to response to the guy before; the thing about BS that makes it unique for me is on the one hand that it is in english, which makes it understandable for me and on the other hand it's the story and the writing that lets the game contrast with other games I've seen.

And to end all the "they just gonna take the money and bail" nonsense, if you want to see them working, you can:
One is even working right now, you can ask him questions if you like.
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Re: Breeding Season

Some Miller Test convictions are upheld even on appeal, and how can obscenity not be defined and thrown out when it's defined right there in the previous post?

It can't be defined because the requirements for defining it are themselves vague. The three parts are vague. Therefore, the conclusion is just as vague. Nothing constitutes "a reasonable person," nothing constitutes "a community standard," and nothing constitutes "lack of artistic value."

All three parts are absolutely undefinable from a legal perspective. Which is why the Miller Test is one of the most antiquated parts of U.S. legal doctrine, and why 99% of Miller Test obscenity trials get overturned on appeal. No prosecutor would ever attempt to charge under Miller as an obscenity if defendants were allowed to sue prosecutors for it.

And the rest of your post can be summarized as: "I am willing to make money off of something, as long as I don't have to defend the artistic elements or freedom necessary to create it." Which leads to my point:

It's fine for you to have that position regarding your work, and fine for others to share it. But don't be surprised or try to push off feeling offended because others call you out on it. It's one thing to make something; it's another thing to make it and be willing to stand by it.

If people like Hugh Hefner hadn't been willing to own up to what they made, you wouldn't even be able to make a game about a girl jumping around being raped by zombies.

But this is beside the point of this thread, in the end, so I have no further interest in continuing it in the thread. If you would like to start a thread about the legalities of porn on the internet, or continue in messages, then I invite you to. I've ended up making the point I wanted to make, and have heard your counter-argument, and feel I cannot reach a final conclusion in this discussion without making Toxic bring the hedge trimmers in.

If you are willing to live in fear of something, without attempting to confront or change it, but instead conform to the ever-growing demands for self-censorship made upon you, then perhaps it is better not to do it?

Or rather, it's fine if you don't feel like confronting the problem, which is the people that you feel will imprison you if you offend them, but please don't act like someone who opposes that kind of thing is the crazy one.
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Re: Breeding Season

To those who say that this game is not making progress - they have been restarting the project multiple times, last restart was early this year, and increasing the quality every time.

Thats debatable

You also have to keep in mind that this game will feature over 600 different animations when it's done (yes 600, and yes that sounds insane) with basic breeding animations, harvesting animations, a main story an dozen of events which can be triggered or happen at random.
Which will never be done. This is a pipe dream...one which H-bomb and his team can never achieve given their unprofessional track record. And from the speed at which they work...ill guess itll take them 10 years to get 100 animations in. Unless of course the Patreon money starts dwindling, forcing H-bomb that actually start working.

Right now they are finishing the core elements like fishing or alchemy, while also implementing the first last-gen. animations. When they've done that they hopefully will start to implement the story. Until then there is indeed not much to do. I'd consider to see these alpha stages more like a techdemo than a storydemo.

Fishing and Alchemy are core elements? Are you fucking kidding? Core elements are the actual sex animations...They should be working on that shit 40 hours a week instead of fucking around, making sketches about possible NPC events.

As for the complains that the bestiality elements is missing in the latest designs, keep in mind that there will be a feral trait implemented, which causes the monster to look way more animal-like.
The last sketch I saw of a Feral wolf was so atrocious that it pretty much ended any hope for this project. My idea of a Feral Wolf ins't a macho werewolf on all fours and S-Purple has clearly no intention of making it look animal like whatsoever. I won't hold my breath.
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Re: Breeding Season

I'd like to chime in here. First of all, they're not getting 30000$ per month. Even if everyone who is patron would pay, they still have a 30-40% cut from that 30k bucks. So it's more like 15k - 18k per month.

Wait wut? Where are you getting this from? Patreon takes no more than 10%, tops. I've used it for quite a while now, and 10% is only with the PayPal option, if you transfer it using Stripe to a bank, it's more like 7%.

At last I want to say that, in comparison to Future Fragments, this game is way more complex. Not that I don't like FF, I'm a patron afterall, but the groundlaying work that has to be done for FF is way less than for BS.

Sure, I won't deny that, FF IS complex in regards to physics and a lot of the "little things" that go on, but it's definitely not as complex as Breeding Season.

That said, Cheshire got the groundlaying work done for like 75% of the FF engine done, solo, in about 2-3 month's time from scratch, in C++, PLUS a full fledged editor that lets you make your own levels, with almost no bugs, while getting paid something like $800 max a month to do so.

Comparatively, the programmer for Breeding Season is getting, minimum, ten times that amount and each new release is apparently full of bugs, despite the game having been out years with each new release adding barely anything new.

Breeding Season is definitely more complex in terms of engine, but not ten times more complex, and with the amount of time they've had to put into it, I just don't really see why people are defending it so vehemently, but again, people got different opinions and that's fine.

I don't want to see the nth iteration of a 2D platformer with 10 second sexscenes, which neither have a proper beginning nor a proper ending,

Just noting, multiple h-platformer games on this forum do have proper beginnings/endings or will eventually have them at some point in development. Also, I think most GOOD h-platformer games have something unique to offer that sets them apart, and again, there are many of them like that on this forum (Crisis Point being one of them off the top of my head, but I'm sure there's others).

What would you describe is refreshing idea? A girl in a 2D platformer who has to reach X destination while trying to not getting fucked? A RPG game where the protagonist can "fuck" most of the NPCs, while you don't even get animations most of the time? Yes I see, very refreshing idea...

Breeding Season is basically Farmville, porn version (or any other click-fest Facebook games). I'm not saying that as an insult, it's a solid premise for an H-game and it'll have a large userbase by doing so, but you can't tell me that's a refreshing idea, lol.

I'm not saying h-game platformers are the most unique thing in the world as a whole, or rpgs, or whatever else, but there's no way that Breeding Season or anything about it is "refreshing" when those kind of games have existed since literally hentai games started being made.

I think the main problem a lot of people have with Breeding Season is that it's set to monthly updates, when they are going at such an insanely slow pace and have done so many restarts.

I only think you should be doing a monthly patreon if you are;
1) Releasing stuff monthly or
2) Hammering the shit out of your game as to release large jumps in content every few months or so, relevant to the amount of money you're being pledged

If I were getting the amount of money Breeding Season was, I would be able to afford to make FF pretty much 60 hours a week job, and I'm sure the rest of the team would, and I'm sure that goes for most Patron owners.

Personally, if I had that big of a backing, and we had to redo the code in such a large amount that it would take months and months to get it back to where it was by hiring a new team member, I would put the game immediately on "per release" and offer anyone refunds that wanted them due to the waiting time they'd have to have until we had a new release.

With the tiny releases they're doing though, yet keeping it monthly like that, it honestly seems kind of absurd and that's why most people feel they're ripping off their Patrons.

And the rest of your post can be summarized as: "I am willing to make money off of something, as long as I don't have to defend the artistic elements or freedom necessary to create it."

Yes, because this is no longer the 1940's in America, and protests and "fighting for your right" will land you in jail, period, with nothing changed.

If you want to risk your livelyhood, your ability to possibly have a family in the future, to get possibly knocked into debt in 5-figures having to defend yourself, by trying to "defend artistic elements" (sorry, bestiality isn't an artistic element, lol. it's someone fucking a dog. please don't pretend it's art.) then please, do so.

I've already been a lot of hard shit environmentally/medically/financially in my life; I'd like to not add to it by standing up for the right for people to sell animations of people fucking or getting fucked by dogs, thanks. Nothing wrong with someone wanting to do that, but I'm not your martyr, and no one should be put down for rejecting that position.

It's one thing to talk the talk, but if you're going to continue doing so, please, walk the walk. Otherwise, you can't put people down for "living in fear" when, by that definition, you would be in the same boat.

If people like Hugh Hefner hadn't been willing to own up to what they made, you wouldn't even be able to make a game about a girl jumping around being raped by zombies.

Hugh Hefner lived in a completely different era. If he tried to do something similar today, he wouldn't have succeeded. Additionally, Hugh Hefner also had influence, money, and powerful people backing him. I have none of those three.

Someone trying to oppose censorship isn't crazy, but someone thinking they'll actually change anything in the topic at hand, without a ton of influence and money, and without going to jail and/or having their name dragged through the mud for life, IS crazy.

And with that, now I really am done responding in this thread, because people are going to have different opinions, and that's fine, but none of the people debating things in this thread are getting anywhere with anyone else in terms of changing opinions, so yeah, I'd rather spend that time working, haha.
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Re: Breeding Season

I've already been a lot of hard shit environmentally/medically/financially in my life; I'd like to not add to it by standing up for the right for people to sell animations of people fucking or getting fucked by dogs, thanks. Nothing wrong with someone wanting to do that, but I'm not your martyr, and no one should be put down for rejecting that position.

One presumes when they come for "games having sex that isn't government approved, which also includes rape, zombies, women not shown getting a pre-sex written agreement, or anything outside of the missionary position", it will make it rather hard to sell any game you make without being willing to defend it, either. Hell, Europe already wants to ban all pornography, because the mere existence of it is a "threat" to women. People tend to have a low opinion of those who aren't willing to defend the merits of their work, but are willing to accept money for it. Whether that's fair or not, that's how it is.

It's one thing to talk the talk, but if you're going to continue doing so, please, walk the walk. Otherwise, you can't put people down for "living in fear" when, by that definition, you would be in the same boat.

If I were brought up on charges for whatever bullshit obscenity I was stuck with, I sure wouldn't accept a plea deal because some suited lackey doesn't like things on paper that I like. A prison of concrete is no worse than a prison of your own mind. And if they can come to you for something like that, then they can invent any reason they want. You aren't safe, even if you conform. That's why you oppose it now, before opposition can only be made with a bullet.

Godspeed, though.

We're talking about a porn game here. If you want to talk about the encroaching police state you might want to check out /pol/, dumbass.

Presumably we're talking about it on a place like ULMF because we appreciate the capability we enjoy to create and play such games. If you find you suddenly can't do such things due to fear, well, that puts a hamper on doing it, right? I don't understand why people can be so oblivious of the fact that you can't have porn (IT'S JUST A PORN GAME) if you're suddenly put into prison for thinking about porn, or having it, etc, because you chose never to seriously consider that if you like something, you should probably protect your right to like it.
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Re: Breeding Season

The last sketch I saw of a Feral wolf was so atrocious that it pretty much ended any hope for this project. My idea of a Feral Wolf ins't a macho werewolf on all fours and S-Purple has clearly no intention of making it look animal like whatsoever. I won't hold my breath.

The fuck did you get that wolf from? The latests scetch is this one and it's only a few days old:
Re: Breeding Season

Breeding season's crowd-funding reminds me of this William Churchill quote:"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

These guys are getting over around 30k per month and want do they have to show for it? A bunch of broken alphas, that's what. Despite this their funding has only kept increasing. It's a wonder anyone still has any faith in these models when this sort of shit happens. I guess the western H-game demographic is just that desperate for a "big" western H-game release. The ironic thing is that if we keep this up, we'll never get our equivalent of Illusion, Lilith or even indies on par with 3D-Lotus. We've thrown all of our money at coders who can barely code, at designers who don't know when to quit redesigning.

This really depresses me. That 30k could be spread over 3 or 4 competent teams and we could have had a game by now, or at least a working beta.

is why we can't have nice things.
Re: Breeding Season

Well, if you think you have to be that salty, fine. I for one will continue to pledge and be able to literally watch the game growing. I know what I'm supporting, more than anyone who is supporting other artists (atleast those who don't stream on a regular basis).
Re: Breeding Season

I know what I'm supporting, more than anyone who is supporting other artists (atleast those who don't stream on a regular basis).
I would argue that a is a more reliable way to "know what I'm supporting."

Alternatively - if the team needs to keep its source closed for creative or monetization reasons, then a can help to show progress. It also keeps things nicely organized. When users are forced to post bug reports as replies to blog entries, or via Patreon messages, then the dev team will often waste time by combing through duplicated or out-of-date reports.
Re: Breeding Season

It's not like they want to restart over and over again, they just got better and their earlier work just couldn't keep up. However, if you look at the latest animations you can see that the quality has risen to a point they're happy with. You also have to keep in mind that they don't restart their project just because they feel like it. The latest restart happened because their latest team member came in and raised the quality they were able to produce content with.

Great, so now that you have an extra person working full time on production, someone can start poking away on the new setup while the others, specifically the artist and flash programmer, can keep making updates. Instead, they decided to throw the whole thing out the window and start all over again. So we get to see the first two events in an all new setup!

Also, you said that the 'core element' of the game was fucking FISHING? In a hentai game? Outside of literal fishing games, I can't think of any game where fishing is seen as more than an annoying necessity, or time sink. When you say that they're designing fishing instead of animations (somehow all 600 will just suddenly appear, right?) I lose even more faith in the design team.

At the moment it isn't either, but now it atleast got the potential to become really great.

Aaaaaand that's how they'll keep sucking peoples' money. I don't care that it has potential. The vanilla version had potential to be a cool flash game. Were you there when H-Bomb took everyone's money and dissapeared for 4 months? No? How about when he came back with the patreon idea without explaing where any of his previous 'donation voting' money had gone?

He's already proven himself capable of sleazy antics.

the story and the writing that lets the game contrast with other games I've seen.

"I am elf. I like sex. Here is unskippable futa scene, even with futa turned off."

"I am hunter, I like sex. Your beasts are weak."

"I am oversexualized man/woman/child/scientist/nun"

Or do you mean the storyline of "You are in debt. Must pay off debt or lose farm."

I understand better now how they manage to scam so many people out of their cash. I'm still having trouble coping with the thought that there's multiple people as deluded as you are about their intent and capabilities.