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ACT [wolfenstahl] geisterhand

Re: geisterhand

But after trying the demo, it feels like you have taken a step back, if this is planned as just a quick development > quick game compared to paperheads I can understand, but with gameplay, content, H content, and graphics being vastly inferior to paperheads I can't say this one intrigues me, more like an "extract CG, move on" kind of game.
Outside personal opinions; Wall jumping was incredibly unresponsive and annoying to control, and a diagonal shooting method would be nice also.
paperheads did not sell successfully for the time put into it, this game has more solid gameplay, a better concept, and the controls feel solid for me except for the placement of the jump button, everything feels like it was designed with a purpose...the lack of a grapple system also speeds up gameplay, and considering the time slowing...this also feels intentional...

I couldn't find any sprite sex in this game, do you intend to put it in the game before release, but it didn't make it in the demo? or do you intend to just have the GoR scenes?

I'll take this one, no sprite sex... they decided to spend more time working on cgs instead for several reasons
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Re: geisterhand

Gameplay is awesome and interesting, love the jumps slides and all the things you can do.

As for the H

I must agree with kyrieru here.

Paperheards took the medal in better in the side of the H-animations since enemies could grab you and do ''you know what'', gameplay not that much. Spirte sex could save it a bit but that's just my two cents
Re: geisterhand

Gameplay is awesome and interesting, love the jumps slides and all the things you can do.

As for the H

I must agree with kyrieru here.

Paperheards took the medal in better in the side of the H-animations since enemies could grab you and do ''you know what'', gameplay not that much. Spirte sex could save it a bit but that's just my two cents

where's kyrieru's two cents?
Re: geisterhand

Please add some generic controller support or X360 because I can't for the life of my wall jump at all with the keyboard.

I'm sorry, I'm not too experienced with controller support stuff.
The easiest way I can think of is joytokey, as Azurezero already mentioned.

Ah, just a quick question. How realistic are the spiders in the cg screens?

I'm not sure if you're question is already fully answered:
The spider is mainly behind Sheyla, so you mainly see the legs of it.
It's head is not on the pictures, and I guess it's body is not too detailed, but it's hard to say since everyone has a different impression on this.

Anyway, I should implement a "skip CG scene?" question before a CG.
(I should impelemt this because of several reasons, this being one of the major reasons for such a function)

You, uh, really need to get someone to rewrite the CG scenes. It's not just about the typos and grammar, but the writing is pretty horrible. Repeated verbs, awkward sexual dialogue, totally unnatural speech patterns, and everything else. She also has a tendency to reach her limit more often than the guys in FFVII.

You need to get some decent erotic fiction writer (there are a bunch of them who hang around in one section or another here on this forum) and bribe them with an early copy of the game or something. I know you guys have a tight budget, but I don't think the guys here would charge for their services.

Everything else seems fine, haven't played too much of the actual game part of the demo, but it looks alright. I'll get around to it later.

lol, yeah she does reach her limit more ofen than the guys in FF VII xD

I guess you're right, though as far as things are looking, we can't change the 5 scenes that are already done... (since they are already translated and we pay for the translation).
But there are still 8 more scenes to come, so I consider looking for a writer.

btw. the scenes are already drawn, but the text still has to be written.
(and then it needs to be translated)

Anyway, thanks for the feedback, and thanks for the tip ^^

And why u no fullscreen?

If I recall correctly, something was messed up on fullscreen.
But I'll look into it again.
(well, the demo-version is also more of a preview, still some stuff missing etc. and it's going to be adjusted according to the feedback we get)

Something tells me I am going to like this game. So far every game over has the girl getting impregnated which is oddly my favorite fetish.

Glad to hear ^.^

I couldn't find any sprite sex in this game, do you intend to put it in the game before release, but it didn't make it in the demo? or do you intend to just have the GoR scenes?

We are currently discussing this matter (once again).
Originally the game was planned to contain mainly hentai CG scenes.
One of the many reasons for not having sprite-sex in the game is, that it would slow down the gameplay.
Several people complained on Paperheads, that the grapples got on their nerves.
And that it slowed down the gameplay too much, so we decided on making a "fast paced" game out of Geisterhand.

One solution for sprite-sex would be, to have sprite-sex upon game over.
(just like the CG scenes, but sprite-sex as an extra)

Imagine it similar to how "Unholy Sanctuary" works:
You lose --> game over sprite-sex --> CG --> back to main menu
(something like that)

But I think having sprite-sex as "grapples" for every enemy ingame, would slow the gameplay down too much...

Thanks everyone for the feedback!
Re: geisterhand

Imagine it similar to how "Unholy Sanctuary" works:
You lose --> game over sprite-sex --> CG --> back to main menu
(something like that)

Re: geisterhand

I have no problem with how the game plays, but I was really hoping for some sprite action. I guess that's what's most popular right now to some. As always, I like the artwork just like I did Paperheads.

To me, PH was slower all around. The walking, the attacks, everything was slow, and it didn't bother me much.

It's a hard choice, but honestly, sprite sex is what's hot now. At least in my point of view.
Re: geisterhand

I have no problem with how the game plays, but I was really hoping for some sprite action. I guess that's what's most popular right now to some. As always, I like the artwork just like I did Paperheads.

To me, PH was slower all around. The walking, the attacks, everything was slow, and it didn't bother me much.

It's a hard choice, but honestly, sprite sex is what's hot now. At least in my point of view.

Yeah, Paperheads was well worth my money. But, as Papa said, it felt kind of slow. I had to wait 1 full minute for the game to turn on. Controls felt somewhat unresponsive. But the art was great, and it had sprite sex! Massive plus for sprite sex!
Re: geisterhand

Is sprite sex really that important? The sprites are so small you could barely see anything.
Re: geisterhand

Is sprite sex really that important? The sprites are so small you could barely see anything.

Believe me, my good man. They are! They are certainly arousive. Anyone can confirm this!
Re: geisterhand

Believe me, my good man. They are! They are certainly arousive. Anyone can confirm this!

i think wolfen is more of a cg person :D and these cgs are fucking hot
Re: geisterhand

Honesty the CG scenes aren't THAT bad. A lot of hentai makes sex take far longer then it really traditionally lasts, and I get the feeling everything on this island is specifically designed to make a woman climax as quickly as possible and break her spirit.

Although, writing good H-scenes IS pretty hard. There's also not quite as many female protagonist ones that are written in English either.

Also, random aside, I like Wolfen's avatar.
Re: geisterhand

Is sprite sex really that important? The sprites are so small you could barely see anything.

I support sprite sex. Another thing I really like is when there is CG, but it has some pretty sexy sound effects. With that being said, and crucify me if you please, I really don't like when games like Monster Girl Quest get the hentai scene, and the character is forced to cum like 5 times. I understand that is the point of the girls raping him, but it gets real boring real fast to me.

I like the art too, a lot, and I love the character design. But if games like Kurovadis can be made, they should be made, just because I think that's what hentai game seekers are looking for right now.

I'm glad to hear that it may be included. It can only add to the experience. I won't hate this game for not having sprite sex. It has pretty signature art.
Re: geisterhand

They think add H-animations (sprite sex) or the game will have that CG?
Re: geisterhand

Played the demo after trying Paperheads, and I greatly enjoyed it. I agree that the gameplay was too slow with Paperheads and Geisterhand improves this. Also, I'm totally in love with all 4 CG scenes that I saw in the demo. Although I have to say that I also back up the notion of having an Unholy Sanctuary-style sprite sex followed by CG after game over. And I like the idea of skipping the CG if I want to (otherwise, you would have to quit the game to skip it and that can get annoying). Anyway, good job, can't wait for more!
Re: geisterhand

Played the demo and I'm truly in awe.

No offense meant but Paperheads did not really pleased me. The high-res sprite rape was not enough to balance the overall slow gameplay and lack of variety.

Here we have a nice action platformer with multiple weapons, bonuses and also nice effects (simple as it may be the "shadow effect" during dash and wall jump really pleases me).

The only downside is that I DO prefer "in game sprite rape" over to "GOR Screens" so I dare to ask: "would it be too much to ask for it".

Yes, at this pixel size... no problem with that! (after all I'm an hardcore Kyrieru fan).
Re: geisterhand

Played the demo and I'm truly in awe.

No offense meant but Paperheads did not really pleased me. The high-res sprite rape was not enough to balance the overall slow gameplay and lack of variety.

Here we have a nice action platformer with multiple weapons, bonuses and also nice effects (simple as it may be the "shadow effect" during dash and wall jump really pleases me).

The only downside is that I DO prefer "in game sprite rape" over to "GOR Screens" so I dare to ask: "would it be too much to ask for it".

Yes, at this pixel size... no problem with that! (after all I'm an hardcore Kyrieru fan).

i think we should let them see if a game like this can sell well without sprite sex... because more of that wonderful artwork would be a good thing imo...
Re: geisterhand

I'd also say "Yes" to in game animations, despite the small size. Even if it was like Unholy Sanctuary, where if you died then you got raped.