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Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

What the fruit said.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


The girls stayed around the corner, listening to the sound of the plants burning. Litu's eyes were closed, as she tried to sense what was happening through CV3's senses. She smiled. "The other one just collapsed. Only the one under my control is left."

"Can you order it to kill itself?"

"No. I can make it stay still until it burns to death, though I want to sever the link before it dies. I don't know what the backlash might do."

Sera nodded, sitting down gingerly. She looked down at her right arm, which was currently refusing to do any moving at all, not just at the shoulder. Every pulse of her heart made the arm pulse with pain, and she was developing a splitting headache to go along with it. Her body ached with more than just pain, as well. Every time she glanced at the catgirl, part of her wanted to take the girl and dominate her. Sera looked away, licking her lips. It wasn't the first time she had had such predatory urges, though they were particularly strong at this point.

After a few moments, Litu relaxed. "It's almost dead. I'm releasing control. I think we're done here."

There was a tense moment as the creeping vine began to move toward them, but they heard it collapse and burn. All four girls breathed a sigh of relief.

+1050 EXP. Level Up! Level Up! 475/600 EXP
+840 EXP. Level Up! 393/600 EXP
+840 EXP. Level Up! 391/600 EXP
+840 EXP. Level Up! 400/600 EXP

Litu crossed over to Sera. "I'm going to examine your shoulder. You need to take your shirt off before-"

RIIIP! Sera tore her shirt off, tossing it to the side. She grinned wolfishly at Litu. "Can't move the arm to get it over my head. Sorry."

Litu gave Sera a level stare. "What is wrong with you?"

Sera looked away. "I'm horny. And my body has a hard time telling the difference between battle lust and sexual lust. It doesn't help that Miara and the cat both smell like meat. And the cat smells like prey."

The catgirl looked startled at that declaration. "W-what does that mean?"

Sera shrugged her good shoulder, not looking directly at the catgirl. "You smell like fear. You also smell tired. You're not very strong, and while you are quick, I'm fairly certain I would be able to take you down. These add up to 'prey.' Don't worry. I'm not going to eat you. At least," here Sera winked roguishly, "Not unless you want me to."

"Stop scaring the poor girl and hold still. This is going to hurt."

It did. Sera yelped as Litu pushed the bones in her arm back into place, gritting her teeth to avoid screaming in pain. Blue light flooded from Litu's hands, making Sera wince and whine as the bones twisted and fused together. "That will do it. Try not to use your arm so much until it heals."

"Totally not my fault this time. The beast had me well and truly fucked. And also literally."

Litu grimaced. "That delivery was entirely too nonchalant."

"I assure you, I am freaking out internally. Right now, I'm mostly trying not to vomit on you."

Sera took a deep breath, then fixed the catgirl with a level stare. "Okay, feline thief. I think it's time we talked about what you are doing here."

The girl looked to her left. "I saw you guys enter the forest and thought you looked like easy marks. So I followed you, waiting for the chance to strike."

Sera smiled wolfishly. "I can smell your sweat, girl. I can tell when you're lying. And you just did. You also look to the left when you lie. Tell the truth."

"Y-you can't actually do that. Can she actually do that?"

"Beats the hell out of me. But your response certainly indicates that Sera was not far off the mark, was she?"

The catgirl laughed under her breath. "Yeah, you got me. I had other reasons for following you. When I saw you enter the forest... you looked strong. I thought...."

"You thought you could possibly convince us to protect you? I can see why you would need that. You smell so strongly of fear. You are afraid of everything. You're afraid of me. You're afraid of the forest. You're afraid of what I'm saying right now. To come into the forest willingly... there must be something outside that you fear even more."

The catgirl gaped slightly. "I thought you were the muscle. I thought the water spirit was the brains of the operation."

Sera smiled wolfishly again. "I may not have Litu's fancy education, but I am a warrior. Stupid warriors get killed. Those who can figure out their opponent's strengths and weaknesses, who can read their opponent like a book... they live to be the best around."

"I don't want to get into why I ran into the forest. Just... can I ask you to trust me?"

Sera sighed. "We'll decide in the morning. For now, you can remain here. You wouldn't last long out in the forest right now anyway. Stay the night. We'll also figure out what we're doing in the morning."

The girls made their way into the house to get ready to sleep for the remaining hours in the night. Sera slept fitfully, and finally gave up on trying to sleep. For a moment, she stared at the sleeping form of the catgirl. Her lust roiled slightly, and extremely dark urges filled her mind. For a moment, she teetered on the balance, then turned and left the building. The dark urges wouldn't leave her mind, and she sat down against the wall, pressing her hands to her temples.

"I'm not a monster. I'm not...." she whispered to herself. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around Sera's neck, holding onto her hands. She looked up, surprised by the tears sparkling in her own eyes. Miara looked down into Sera's eyes, and gently coiled around her. Neither girl spoke, though Sera sniffled occasionally.

Finally, Miara spoke up. "You aren't a monster, Sera. You're a dragon. You're all about dominance, and the belief that the strong should be above the weak. But you weren't raised by dragonborn. You were raised by humans, and they taught you that those feelings are wrong. They aren't wrong, but they aren't right either. It is your actions, not your thoughts, that define you."

Sera turned toward Miara, blinking tears away again. "I've never wanted to... do those kinds of things to someone before. She looked so vulnerable, and my immediate thought was how much I wanted to take her, to dominate her, to take advantage of her vulnerability."

"But you didn't, Sera. You are not a monster."

Sera sniffled, then smiled up at the lamia. "Miara, are you jealous of Litu?"

The lamia blinked in surprise at the question. "I-I... why do you ask?"

"I know you like me, Miara. And, to be honest, I kinda like you too. But I think Litu loves me. And... well, I'm still confused on my feelings for her. So, are you jealous?"

"Not... really? Monogamy is the exception rather than the rule among my people. It's that way among most non-human races, actually. Only the elves keep monogamous relationships, and even then it's because they are largely asexual. So, no. I'm not jealous. I was planning on approaching you anyway."

Sera blinked at that. "Oh. Well, that certainly makes things easier. And here I was afraid we were going to be in a love triangle."

"What do you think this is, some crappy romance novel?"

Sera giggled, then snuggled closer to the lamia, sharing her body heat with the coldblooded girl. "Sooo...." she said, tracing circles on Miara's stomach with her finger tip. "Want to start something?"

The lamia moved quickly, wrapping Sera tightly and pulling her in for a passionate kiss. Sera gasped as the lamia's tongue moved against hers, and pressed into the kiss. The lamia reached behind Sera and began pulling her pants down, sliding the rattle at the tip of her tail between Sera's legs as she did so. Sera gasped as the bumps rubbed against her already wet slit. She arched her back and moaned, prompting Miara to cover her mouth. "Shhh.... Don't want to wake the others up...."

Sera winked at Miara, then leaned in next to her ear. "Then how about you give me something to put into my mouth...," she whispered, tongue snaking out to flick Miara's earlobe, making the snake shudder and turn her head to kiss Sera's neck. "I want your sweet lips on mine, though. Why should she get all the fun?" She indicated her hermaphroditic parts as 'she,' then pulled Sera into another kiss. The girls settled back, Sera still wrapped tightly in Miara's coils. The lamia had succeeded in pulling Sera's pants off, and they were dropped by her torn shirt without much ceremony. The lamia's hands and tongue went to work, playing with Sera's ample breasts, feeling the tight muscles in her back and butt, tongue swirling around Sera's nipples and breasts, making them shine slightly with saliva. She prodded Sera's wet slit with her large cock, then gently slid in. Both girls gasped from the sensation, Miara in particular seeming to relish the warmth of Sera's insides. Miara's tail wrapped tighter around Sera, restricting her movements. The strange feeling of helplessness did not make Sera feel uncomfortable. If anything, it actually made the moment more exciting. Miara thrust upward into Sera's hot cunt, making the tightly bound dragongirl moan like a whore. A little drool dripped from Sera's mouth as the lamia continued to thrust into her.

Sera orgasmed twice before Miara finally came inside of her, driving the dragonborn to another orgasm as the lamia filled her with cum. The girls lay there, still holding each other, occasionally sneaking a quick kiss to the other's face. Sera looked up, stretching slightly, and saw Litu watching them through the window. The water spirit smiled, gave a knowing nod, and winked at Sera, before walking away from the window. Sera blinked a few times, then snuggled into the lamia's breasts, yawning. "You're kinda cool. Are you feeling alright?"

"I am cold blooded. But you, my fiery mistress, are very warm. And I like it," Miara replied, pulling Sera in closer. "Let's sleep out here. It's cramped in that house. And I don't want to let you go."

Sera snored gently in response, making the lamia smile and plant a kiss on top of the dragon's head. She held tight to the girl, and drifted off to sleep.


"Okay. So our options are either to go back...."

"Which I'm personally against. We'll lose too much time if we go back to Daen."

"We can rest here until Sera is fully healed...."

"This spot would be difficult to defend if we got attacked by anything organized, or frighteningly powerful. More than that, we still lose time."

"Or we can press onward, which I don't particularly like. We don't know how far it is to the northern edge of the forest. We may be attacked by something much more powerful than those vines, and we would be unable to fight with our full strength."

"If I may interject? The northern edge of the forest is about 20 miles away, as the crow flies. However, to get there by going straight, you'll have to pass through the Court. I wouldn't suggest doing that. I can lead you around their territory. It will add about a day to the total journey."

"We still haven't decided if we're going to let you join us. But thank you for the information."

So what will we do?
1. Catgirl:
A. Allow her to join.
B. Tell her to take a hike.
2. What next?
A. Attempt to retreat back to Daen and take a different path.
B. Rest here until Sera is fully healed.
C. Press onward, and pass through the Court.
D. Press onward, but take the long way around the Court.
For reference:
You know the drill by now, I hope. One stat, one skill.
Improved Breath: Increase damage done with dragon breath to 5d10 + 1/2 strength.
Bound Fighter: Halves the detriments of being bound as long as Sera is not immobilized.
Elemental Mastery: Gain +20 DR to all elemental damage types.
Fireproof: Halve all fire-based damage, before DR is applied.
Great Smash: While wielding a 2-handed weapon, smash an enemy with the weapon, doing 3*Weapon Damage, with a -5 to hit. If the attack is successful, enemy is knocked prone and stunned for 3 rounds. 3 SP
Critical Threat: A roll of 18, 19 or 20 gives a critical hit.
Thick Skin: Reduces lust gain by half.
Chomp: A bite attack. Does 2d12 damage, and holds the opponent in place. You can use dragon breath from this position. Has a 20% chance of breaking bone. 5 SP
Wide Breath: Allows you to target more than one enemy with dragon breath, for full damage.
Excellent Dragonskin: Increases DR by another 5 points, against all damage types.
Iceproof: Halve all Ice-based damage, before DR is applied.
Counter Strike: Allows you to strike back against any missed attack, even if it isn't a critical failure. Your attack is reduced by the opponent's attack roll, minus the difference between your PD and the opponent's attack roll. (For example: Opponent rolls a 13, misses your PD of 20. Your attack roll is reduced by 6 (13 - (20 - 13)))
One stat, one skill.
Asphyxiation: Can attempt to drown any one opponent. Opponent takes -10 to attack rolls and damage versus Litu while she is drowning him.
Breathless: Litu is immune to asphyxiation and any attack that deprives its target of oxygen.
Lustful Torrent: Reduce your lust by half, and blast one target for lust damage equal to half that number.
Healing Spring: The fluid that makes up your body acts like a weak healing potion, healing one ally 1d6 +5 hit points when they drink it. Downside (or upside): it only comes out of places you would expect it to.
Crush: Drop yourself on an opponent, doing 5d10 damage, knocking them prone, and stunning them for 3 rounds.
Formless: Gain +10 PD.
No Pain: You cannot be stunned by pain.
Rust: Can reduce any metal equipment on an opponent to rust, even if it isn't made out of iron.
Acid: You can change your pH balance at will, allowing you to spray your fluid at an opponent and deal 3d6 acid damage, which halves their DR. If they are immune to acid, it only damages non-natural armor.
She got two level ups, so two skills and two stats (or the same stat twice)
Strangle: Attempt to strangle an opponent, giving them the asphyxiating state.
Tail Trip: Sweep the legs out from an opponent, knocking them prone and dazing them.
Dexterous Tail: You can pick up items with your tail.
Teasing Tickle: You attempt to make your opponents unable to fight by teasing their sensitive parts.
Improved Critical: Instead of just doing max damage, roll a d20. If the roll is 10 or higher, do twice max damage.
Stealthy Movements: You gain a +10 to all stealth rolls.
Quick Strike: You attack quickly, allowing you to make two actions in one turn, though at only half effectiveness.
Dodge: If you are ever hit by an attack, force a reroll.
Iron Coils: If you successfully constrict someone, you can roll a d20 versus strength to completely immobilize them.
Crush: If you constrict someone, you can roll a d20 versus strength to crush them, dealing 5d12 damage.
If you don't want to bring her along, you don't have to vote for this. One stat, one skill
With Catlike Tread: +10 to all stealth rolls.
Catscratch: Attack an opponent with your claws. You can do this while grappled or pinned. Attack does 5d4 damage and ignores DR coming from armor. Attack gets +10 to hit, +15 when grappled or pinned.
Quick Strike: You attack quickly, allowing you to make two actions in one turn, though at only half effectiveness.
Acrobatic Attack: You drop on the enemy, getting above their guard You do 2*Weapon Damage, and ignore DR. Can be used as a sneak attack.
Tiger Spirit: For 1d6 rounds, use your speed instead of your strength as your damage modifier.
Shadow Strike: When you make a normal sneak attack, you can immediately reroll your stealth check. If you succeed, you remain stealthed.
Name: Sera Craith
HP: 35/35
SP: 8/10
Lust: 0/35
PD: 20
DR: 20; 5 Fire, 5 Ice, 5 Lightning, 5 Lust, 5 Poison, 5 Acid, 5 Force
Status: Crippled: Sera's wings are broken. She cannot fly, though she can still move them slightly.
Weakened: Shoulder: Shoulder is more likely to break.
Level: 6
EXP: 393/600
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Lust for Battle: Raise lust to half of maximum lust.
Passive Skills:
((Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.))
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
Improved Dragon Skin: Gives +5 DR to all damage types.
Lust for Battle: While Lust is equal to half or more of maximum lust, gain + speed (7) attack and +strength/2 (6) damage. Gives + 15 Maximum Lust
Grappler: Gives a +10 bonus to all grappling attacks and defenses.
A belt (worn)
A shirt, brown, which covers her whole torso.
A pair of shorts which cover her upper legs and crotch.
1 Great Axe which does 2d12 + 7 damage. -5 attack. Has a 10% chance of breaking limbs on a successful hit that does damage.
1 Bound sword of Sharpness: 3d12 + Strength/2 damage. +5 attack. Ignores Armor DR.
2 unlit torches
1 healing potion.
1 Elven Cloak (950/1000)(worn)(was repaired while Sera was laid up)
12400 gold pieces
Strength: 14
Speed: 5(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Corruption: 1
Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 15/80
PD: 20
DR: -5
Status: Normal.
Level: 6
EXP: 391/600
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow. (Also allows for shape shifting in general)
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Erosion: Blast a target with water for 2d6 damage, and halve DR.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 PD. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.
Tidal Strength: When it is raining, or if Litu is near a large water source, all of her stats double.
Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Siphons lust from caster to target (or target to caster if target has more) until both parties have equal lust points, or one is at max. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
Control Monster: Take control of a single non-humanoid enemy. Save to end. Target will do anything the caster requests.
Icy Wind: A blast of arctic wind disorients, freezes, and possibly knocks enemies over. Target up to 4 enemies. Attack does 3d12 +intelligence/2 damage. Save for half damage. Ice has a chance of immobilizing a target. Attack also causes disorientation, which cuts PD in half. Attack has a chance of knocking the targets prone, which further reduces PD.
1 Fire Resist Potion (in a waterproof bottle)
Cynthia Rath's journal
3 Lust Scrolls
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 16
Charisma: 10
Corruption: 5
Name: Miara Slatescale
HP: 30/30
SP: 40/40
LP: 0/20
PD: 40
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 6
EXP: 475/600
Active Skills:
Tail Smash: Smash an opponent for 2d12 plus 14 damage. If opponent survives, they are knocked prone and stunned for 2 rounds. Costs 5 SP.
Bite: Bite an opponent for 1d6 + 7 damage. Even if damage doesn't overcome DR, attack poisons opponent with a poison that decreases each vital stat (HP, SP, LP) by 3 per turn for 1d6 turns.
Constrict: Roll a strength check versus opponent's Active Defense. If you succeed, the opponent is automatically grappled and cannot act until they manage to roll higher than you. Unlike a normal grapple, you are still free to move and act without provoking a counterattack.
Passive Skills:
Cold Blooded: Take double damage from ice attacks.
Snake's Tail: You get two strength scores: One is just your attack strength, one is used for anything where you would use your tail.
Snake Senses: You can see in the infrared range.
Snake Reactions: You gain a +5 to any active defense roll that uses your speed stat as its controlling stat.
Poison Immunity: You are immune to poison.
Critical Threat: If you roll an 18, 19, or 20 on an attack roll, you get a critical hit, which hits regardless of PD.
Evasion: +5 PD and +5 to all speed defense rolls (+10 total)
2 Lamian Axes: 2d12 + Strength /2 damage each. +5 to hit (+10 total, due to her speed)
2 Lamian swords which do 2d12 +strength/2 damage each. +5 attack, 10 total.
4 unlit torches
5 Potions of Healing (1d6 + 4)
Strength: 7 (14)
Speed: 12
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Corruption: 0
Name: ????
HP: 20/20
SP: 50/50
LP: 3/20
PD: 55
DR: -5
Status: Normal
Level: 6
EXP: 400/600
Active Skills:
Sneak: Roll 1d20. If your roll + Speed/2 is higher than the DC, you are sneaking. Attacks made from stealth do critical damage, +1d6 every 2 levels. (+2d6 Currently)
Dodge: If you are ever hit by an attack (HA!), force a reroll.
Teasing Attack: Against humanoids, you can attempt to arouse them. If the attack hits, it does 2d6 + Speed/2 lust damage.
Inner Balance: If you are ever knocked prone, reroll your active defense roll versus the attack.
Passive Skills:
Cat's Grace: + 5 to all speed rolls, + 5 to PD
Precision: Gain +10 to all attack rolls, +15 if you're attacking from stealth.
Dead Eye: You gain +5 to attack rolls using a hand crossbow or pistol bow. If attacked at melee range while wielding a hand crossbow or pistol bow, and the enemy rolls a critical failure, you can counterattack. (This implies that normally you wouldn't be allowed to.)
Cat's Senses: Your hearing is very good, and you can see in low light conditions like it's daytime.
Lithe: Gain +10 to attempts to escape from grapples.
Evasion: +5 to all speed rolls, +5 to PD
Warm Coat: You take 2/3 of the damage from ice based attacks. (e.g, if the attack roll was 60, you would take 40)
Laziness: Regain SP slower.
Strength: 5
Speed: 16
Constitution: 4
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 5
Corruption: 3
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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Ok I just realized that it might be more convenient if each characters current stats that can be increased included in the Level up spoiler window. Just to have everything in one place while making that choice.
A let the catgirl join.

Sera: Elemental Mastery, Counter Strike would be my next choice.
Speed although I think she needs an intelligence boost soon, seems like she fails rolls for that pretty often.

Litu: Lustful Torrent
Whichever stat would boost her HP if that can be done. Otherwise either Constitution or Speed.

Miara: Iron Coils, Crush
Strength x2

Catgirl: Tiger Spirit Acrobatic attack was my second choice.

Where to go not sure.
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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


A, D

Sera: Speed, Elemental Mastery seems pretty beast, but for now I think Thick Skin might be best.

Litu: Int, Formless.

Miara: Speed + Strength, Dodge and Iron Coils.

Catgirl: Speed, Acrobatic Attack.
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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


Sera: Speed; Dragonskin
-needs speed for twin sword to go 4d6 Damage.
-Dragonskin gives more Armor and Elemental Resist.

Litu: Int; Formless
-straight forward mage and avoiding damage.

Miara: Strx2; Iron Coils and Crush
-Damage Dealer and non tank.
-she can keep one enemy out of battle till she kills it.

Catgirl: Spd; Tiger Spirit
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

-Dragonskin gives more Armor and Elemental Resist.

What do you mean, Dragonskin just gives 5 DR against everything. Elemental master still has 4 times more against all elements.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

What do you mean, Dragonskin just gives 5 DR against everything. Elemental master still has 4 times more against all elements.

But it fails to give Physical armor. Which as a tank Sera needs.

Miara-Primary Damage dealer
Catgirl-Damnable Thief.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Yes I know, but in the quote you seemed to state dragonskin gives more DR then El Mast. Also her DR is already pretty high and we already spent on level up on Dragon skin.

Anyway I'll wait till more votes are made before deciding to change to something else.

Also the catgirls speed is already over-leveled to the point that she can barely do any damage without Critical hit.
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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Yes I know, but in the quote you seemed to state dragonskin gives more DR then El Mast. Also her DR is already pretty high and we already spent on level up on Dragon skin.

Anyway I'll wait till more votes are made before deciding to change to something else.

Also the catgirls speed is already over-leveled to the point that she can barely do any damage without Critical hit.

DR is also ARMOR Vs. Physical which Elemental Mastery fails to give.

And that is what Tiger Spirit is for. Her attack is modified by her SPEED. Which is stupidly OP.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

1.A - at the very least she can function as rape bait

Sera: Speed (her dodge sucks), Elemental Mastery - as shown earlier could come in handy when she does a breath attack at point blank range

Litu: Intelligence, LUSTFUL TORRENT - why haven't we taken this yet, Litu really needs a way to dump her excess lust during battle

Miara: Strength x 2, Crush, Iron Coils

Catgirl: Strength, Catscratch - we can get tiger spirit for her next level, for now being useful rapebait is useful
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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Sera: Speed (her dodge sucks), Elemental Mastery - as shown earlier could come in handy when she does a breath attack at point blank range

Breath is 2d6 damage. E.Dragonskin gives an extra +5 to elements and Natural Armor. Effectively minimizing Breath to 2 Damage at the most with the 5 present. E. Mastery only gives Elemental Resistance which unless we face a Mage with powerful spells 10 Elemental Resist stops Tier 1 and 2 spells in its tracks.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Sera is currently the only one with elemental resistance (actually the only one with even a positive DR)
E.Dragonskin is DR 25, ER 10
EM is DR 20, ER 25.

Better average, besides you never know when you'll run into a mage or some kind of elemental damage.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

We are still fairly low level 10 ER is more then enough to still most mooks I mean half of the spells in Litu's aresenal can all but be half or thirded with 10 ER alone. That is a PC Mage barring a Boss we don't need ER especially in the forest.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Changed a few of my choices so theres more consensus on some things.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

I'm probably not going to update today, unless my Japanese homework takes less than an hour. I'll update tomorrow sometime, probably around midday.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Level Up:
Sera: Elemental Mastery, Speed
Litu: Lustful Torrent, Intelligence
Miara 1: Iron Coils, Strength
Miara 2: Crush, Strength
Catgirl: Tiger Spirit, Speed
Catgirl Joins?:
What next?

Sera, Miara and Litu had a hushed conversation, away from the catgirl. The debate was short and unheated. Sera looked at the catgirl and said, "Okay. You're in. What's your name, anyway?"

"Katt. Just Katt."

"A catgirl named... Katt?"

Katt grimaced slightly. "It's not the name I was born with, but it's what I've gone by since I became a thief. Don't want anything to happen to my parents because of me screwing up. Or worse, my parents finding out about what I've been doing for the past six months."

Sera frowned. "How old are you?"

"Eighteen. Why?"

"I think that makes you the youngest."

Katt blinked. "Okay.... I don't really see how that's important."

"Never mind. Let's just get going. You said you could show us a path around the Court?"

"Ah, yeah. Follow me. Keep up, I'll be moving quickly."

Katt led the group into the forest, to the north.


The forest was eerily quiet. No birds sang, no animals called. The girls didn't even see any squirrels, which had been prevalent the day before. The silence grew more and more oppressive and worrying, and finally Sera spoke up. "Katt, is it normally this quiet in this part of the forest?"

"You noticed as well? No. This area is usually more vibrant. We're getting pretty close to the edge of the Court. This is part of the Queen's hunting ground, and she prefers it if there are plenty of animals here. The fact that there's nothing here.... It's weird."

Miara put her hand on Sera's shoulder. "Sera. Do you smell that?"

Sera lifted her chin, inhaling deeply. Her eyes shot open. "Smoke? Surely the Lords and Ladies don't use fire for anything?"

Litu frowned. "Could it be something else? I mean, we're getting kinda close to the edge, right?"

"No way the scent of smoke is coming from outside of the forest. It's too strong. And the wind is definitely blowing north to south."

"Do you think it could be a trap?"

"To what end? To catch us? Why would they need to set a trap? How would they do it, anyway?"

"I don't sense any illusionary magic around, but the Lords and Ladies are supposed to be experts. Of course, I also don't smell any smoke. But I suspect you and Miara have more powerful noses than I do."

Sera frowned, looking down at the forest floor. "Trap or not, we should check it out. It could be a fire spreading, which could end up endangering us."

"I agree. If it is a trap, we do have iron. It's a good way to bring a lot of wrath down on us, but we might be able to escape without too much issue. If it comes to it, it would be better to charge across the Court rather than take the long way. They don't need sleep like we do, but they probably won't pursue us out of the forest."

The girls walked forward in silence. The smell of smoke grew stronger, and soon the air became hazy. The group pushed through some particularly thick bushes, and stopped.

The forest was gone. In the distance, the girls could see the other side of the Court. But everything in between was an ashen wasteland. Some of the trees were still recognizable as, well, trees, and they smoldered gently. There was no sign of the Faeries who had lived here, and no sign of anything green. The girls looked around in shock.

"W-what happened? Was it an accident?"

"The border is too neat for that. This was done with magic. Powerful magic, at that. I wouldn't be able to cast a fire spell capable of doing this without seriously corrupting myself. A non-lust mage would require a sacrifice, maybe two."

"Where are the Lords and Ladies?"

Sera knelt by one of the ash piles, picking through it. She noticed, distantly, that the heat of the ashes didn't seem to bother her as much as it normally would. She pulled out a piece of bone, about the length of her thumb. It was cracked and blackened from the fire, but was still identifiable. "I think I found one."

"They're dead? Is that even possible? I thought they were completely immortal."

"There are ways around immortality. I think I can see how this was done. It had to have been a group of people. They set up a greater magic circle, designed to capture the souls of anyone killed inside of it. Then the non-mages went into the circle, and began killing. The mages used the souls captured by the circle to power their fire magic, and burned the Court to the ground."

"There's one problem with that theory. You're positing a mortal warrior, or even a group of them, was able to defeat the Faerie Queen in hand to hand combat? That's insane. Such a warrior would be unstoppable on the battlefield. I don't think even most dragonborn could do it, and they're generally considered the greatest warriors around."

"The mages may have bound the Queen specifically somehow. Once they had the circle up, adding other effects to it would not be terribly difficult. As powerful as the Queen is, with the souls of her kin powering the circle, she would be hard pressed to defeat a group of magi. The other Fae wouldn't have even been able to act at all, if they did this."

Litu knelt by the boundary, pushing the ashes. She nodded, then stood up. "And I'm right. There are runes burned into the ground. They look like the right ones for a soul snare, though they're slightly smudged."

"The most disturbing thing about this is that this must have happened last night. And we heard nothing? They managed to set this whole thing up, execute their plan, and get away, without us noticing, all in one night?" Sera said, looking down. She chewed on her lip absently, then bit it sharply, drawing blood. "It's too similar. I think the group that did this might be the same group that razed Crael."


"Long story. In any case... should we look for survivors, or should we just leave?"

"While I don't like the idea of leaving any survivors to just die of their wounds, we have to consider that this was the Court of the Fae. Any survivors we find will either be Fae, or will be the people who killed them all, both of which could easily be incredibly dangerous to us."

"I would relish the chance to find whoever did this, and tear his damn throat out. With my teeth. That being said, I see your point. It would be dangerous."

"On the other hand, I would definitely lose sleep over just... abandoning anyone who is out there, waiting for someone to help them. Plus, getting a Fae indebted to you? It would certainly be useful."

"We also have to worry about how long it will take. I'd rather be out of the forest by night fall, personally."

So what to do?
A. Continue across the Court, don't look for any survivors at all.
B. Continue across the Court, but keep an eye out for survivors close to your path.
C. Do a more thorough search of the area.

Name: Sera Craith
HP: 35/35
SP: 15/15
Lust: 0/35
PD: 25
DR: 20; 25 Fire, 25 Ice, 25 Lightning, 25 Poison, 25 Acid, 5 Force, 5 Lust,
Status: Crippled: Sera's wings are broken. She cannot fly, though she can still move them slightly.
Weakened: Shoulder: Shoulder is more likely to break.
Level: 6
EXP: 393/600
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Lust for Battle: Raise lust to half of maximum lust.
Passive Skills:
((Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.))
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
Improved Dragon Skin: Gives +5 DR to all damage types.
Lust for Battle: While Lust is equal to half or more of maximum lust, gain + speed (7) attack and +strength/2 (6) damage. Gives + 15 Maximum Lust
Grappler: Gives a +10 bonus to all grappling attacks and defenses.
Elemental Mastery: Gain +20 DR to all elemental damage types.
A belt (worn)
A shirt, brown, which covers her whole torso.
A pair of shorts which cover her upper legs and crotch.
1 Great Axe which does 2d12 + 7 damage. -5 attack. Has a 10% chance of breaking limbs on a successful hit that does damage.
1 Bound sword of Sharpness: 3d12 + Strength/2 damage. +5 attack. Ignores Armor DR.
2 unlit torches
1 healing potion.
1 Elven Cloak (950/1000)(worn)(was repaired while Sera was laid up)
12400 gold pieces
Strength: 14
Speed: 7(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Corruption: 1
Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 0/85
PD: 20
DR: -5
Status: Normal.
Level: 6
EXP: 391/600
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow. (Also allows for shape shifting in general)
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Erosion: Blast a target with water for 2d6 damage, and halve DR.
Lustful Torrent: Reduce your lust by half, and blast one target for lust damage equal to half that number.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 PD. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.
Tidal Strength: When it is raining, or if Litu is near a large water source, all of her stats double.
Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Siphons lust from caster to target (or target to caster if target has more) until both parties have equal lust points, or one is at max. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
Control Monster: Take control of a single non-humanoid enemy. Save to end. Target will do anything the caster requests.
Icy Wind: A blast of arctic wind disorients, freezes, and possibly knocks enemies over. Target up to 4 enemies. Attack does 3d12 +intelligence/2 damage. Save for half damage. Ice has a chance of immobilizing a target. Attack also causes disorientation, which cuts PD in half. Attack has a chance of knocking the targets prone, which further reduces PD.
1 Fire Resist Potion (in a waterproof bottle)
Cynthia Rath's journal
3 Lust Scrolls
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 18
Charisma: 10(+1 from Intelligence)
Corruption: 5
Name: Miara Slatescale
HP: 30/30
SP: 40/40
LP: 0/20
PD: 40
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 6
EXP: 475/600
Active Skills:
Tail Smash: Smash an opponent for 2d12 plus 14 damage. If opponent survives, they are knocked prone and stunned for 2 rounds. Costs 5 SP.
Bite: Bite an opponent for 1d6 + 11 damage. Even if damage doesn't overcome DR, attack poisons opponent with a poison that decreases each vital stat (HP, SP, LP) by 3 per turn for 1d6 turns.
Constrict: Roll a strength check versus opponent's Active Defense. If you succeed, the opponent is automatically grappled and cannot act until they manage to roll higher than you. Unlike a normal grapple, you are still free to move and act without provoking a counterattack.
Iron Coils: If you successfully constrict someone, you can roll a d20 versus strength to completely immobilize them.
Crush: If you constrict someone, you can roll a d20 versus strength to crush them, dealing 5d12 damage.
Passive Skills:
Cold Blooded: Take double damage from ice attacks.
Snake's Tail: You get two strength scores: One is just your attack strength, one is used for anything where you would use your tail.
Snake Senses: You can see in the infrared range.
Snake Reactions: You gain a +5 to any active defense roll that uses your speed stat as its controlling stat.
Poison Immunity: You are immune to poison.
Critical Threat: If you roll an 18, 19, or 20 on an attack roll, you get a critical hit, which hits regardless of PD.
Evasion: +5 PD and +5 to all speed defense rolls (+10 total)
2 Lamian Axes: 2d12 + Strength /2 damage each. +5 to hit (+10 total, due to her speed)
2 Lamian swords which do 2d12 +strength/2 damage each. +5 attack, 10 total.
4 unlit torches
5 Potions of Healing (1d6 + 4)
Strength: 11 (22)
Speed: 12
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Corruption: 0
Name: Katt
HP: 20/20
SP: 55/55
LP: 0/20
PD: 60
DR: -5
Status: Normal
Level: 6
EXP: 400/600
Active Skills:
Sneak: Roll 1d20. If your roll + Speed/2 is higher than the DC, you are sneaking. Attacks made from stealth do critical damage, +1d6 every 2 levels. (+2d6 Currently)
Dodge: If you are ever hit by an attack (HA!), force a reroll.
Teasing Attack: Against humanoids, you can attempt to arouse them. If the attack hits, it does 2d6 + Speed/2 lust damage.
Inner Balance: If you are ever knocked prone, reroll your active defense roll versus the attack.
Tiger Spirit: For 1d6 turns, use Speed as your damage modifier instead of Strength.
Passive Skills:
Cat's Grace: + 5 to all speed rolls, + 5 to PD
Precision: Gain +10 to all attack rolls, +15 if you're attacking from stealth.
Dead Eye: You gain +5 to attack rolls using a hand crossbow or pistol bow. If attacked at melee range while wielding a hand crossbow or pistol bow, and the enemy rolls a critical failure, you can counterattack. (This implies that normally you wouldn't be allowed to.)
Cat's Senses: Your hearing is very good, and you can see in low light conditions like it's daytime.
Lithe: Gain +10 to attempts to escape from grapples.
Evasion: +5 to all speed rolls, +5 to PD
Warm Coat: You take 2/3 of the damage from ice based attacks. (e.g, if the attack roll was 60, you would take 40)
Laziness: Regain SP slower.
2 Daggers (1d10 + 3 damage each. +5 to hit.)
4500 Gold Pieces
Strength: 5(+1 from Speed)
Speed: 18
Constitution: 4(+1 from Speed)
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 5
Corruption: 3