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Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)


Tentacle God
Feb 22, 2010
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okay i have all the basic systems down for when my artist get's the animation done, this game is about a lady scientist escaping from her research facility after most of the experiments get loose, should feature the standard generic tentacles, facehuggers, slimegirls, and a few more comedic enemies, such as genetically modified tophats of molestation/masturbation XD

like jungle girl it will use asd (and will use arrow keys for left handers)
but it will use distance as well as numbers dodged to decide when to finish a level, the full game should have at least 3 levels, hopefully 9 enemies and a gallery mode, I've allready added the sprites my artist did allready today, but i've asked him to redo the walk cycle...because...well...

as you can see there's no spritesex yet, but the bush is a placeholder for a sex grapple, the enemies all use the same collision code to decide whether you are successful or not in guarding, but it checks to see if your guard variable matches there's (create event) and each enemy will also store the index of their sex grapple object as a variable also...

also the mushrooms also wont be in the final game, they're just a remnant from when i thought i might make a jungle girl remake.

once my artist has finished remaking the walk animation he can start on the enemies, so expect a demo within the next 2 weeks :)
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

Awww yeah! This is going to be fun! :D
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

Hooo! This'll come in my RoR/GoR collection. :3
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

Well... That walking animation wouldn't be bad if she was in waist deep liquid...
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

Well... That walking animation wouldn't be bad if she was in waist deep liquid...

there's a thought, could be the slime girl level maybe...but either way hes still working on a new one
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)


You know that kinda works, she kinda looks like she's wading through water, nice save. If you need some help with pixel animations, I'm around.

This was my latest run cycle i made for an Mario style game

It's still unfinished but it's fluid, 7 frames and it took no more than 30 minutes to make.
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

From what I see, when walking, our heroine is swinging her right arm forwards at the same time as she brings her right foot forwards. Which makes sense if she's pulling herself "up" or "through" something, hence the earlier comments, but looks very awkward when she's just walking down a hallway.

I'd suggest switching the "leaping" enemies to be "flying" enemies; that will make the ducking timing easier. I'd also suggest changing her sidestep into a jump; while that will make it function more like Shinobi Girl, it'll make more sense than "stepping to one side of a barren, blank-walled hallway" does.
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

From what I see, when walking, our heroine is swinging her right arm forwards at the same time as she brings her right foot forwards. Which makes sense if she's pulling herself "up" or "through" something, hence the earlier comments, but looks very awkward when she's just walking down a hallway.

I'd suggest switching the "leaping" enemies to be "flying" enemies; that will make the ducking timing easier. I'd also suggest changing her sidestep into a jump; while that will make it function more like Shinobi Girl, it'll make more sense than "stepping to one side of a barren, blank-walled hallway" does.

she uses active camo when she does that, and one of the new features of my game is that the monsters are misleading until you learn them

the standard tentacles are hi,low, mid, but the jumping mushroom is the basis for my facehugger, though thats the only misleading example ive thought of atm...the slime girl might not need to mislead because that stage obscures the enemies to some extent

i've allready got a replacement walk cycle but made it so this animation is used in the wading level
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

Okay now that you have a water level, where are the bubble monsters that damn well nearly blend in with the water and if you don't stop and wait for them, they straight up attack you from below. I think your game would be the only one that has bubble rape!

Next, i think you need a crawl ability. If monsters are going to spawn that much, it seems only logical that you can crawl under them to make progress.

Also just a crazy idea that quite frankly will most likely to take to much time to implement. The idea that enemies aren't where they seem to be underwater. I know this sounds silly but give me a second. So if you drop lets say a coin into clear water that is about 1 foot deep, and then try to pick it up; most likely your hand will miss the coin completely unless you make corrections underwater. This is i believe called refraction and it is where the light hits the water but bends and doesn't go straight. now if i believe refraction bends the light at a 40 degree angle. Anyways an ideas how you can do this in you game, is to have the enemy sprites some X pixels away from where they really are. When they jump don't rend the part of the sprite above the water but render a second sprite at the enemy current location but only the parts above the water.

I see this being a problem however. For instances the players sprite will also have to have some refraction effect put on her but that would likely look silly, or you have to forgo it with the ground only enemies which wouldn't make sense.

Anyways, this is good work blue-chan.
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Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

While I'm intrigued by the bubble monster... The last time I saw plain bubbles as foes was Lord Jabu Jabu's stomach... So a return would be kinda interesting

However the refraction thing might be best saved for something where the effect actually comes into play, like a first person or third person perspective
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

However the refraction thing might be best saved for something where the effect actually comes into play, like a first person or third person perspective

You dare disagree with my stupid and over complicated ideas! I take thee cookie back and give it to blue-chan.

*i start to wonder if i should use the japanese kanji for blue but she'd likely get annoyed... which is awesome until she hits me over the head with a slipper! *
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

Okay now that you have a water level, where are the bubble monsters that damn well nearly blend in with the water and if you don't stop and wait for them, they straight up attack you from below. I think your game would be the only one that has bubble rape!

Next, i think you need a crawl ability. If monsters are going to spawn that much, it seems only logical that you can crawl under them to make progress.

Also just a crazy idea that quite frankly will most likely to take to much time to implement. The idea that enemies aren't where they seem to be underwater. I know this sounds silly but give me a second. So if you drop lets say a coin into clear water that is about 1 foot deep, and then try to pick it up; most likely your hand will miss the coin completely unless you make corrections underwater. This is i believe called refraction and it is where the light hits the water but bends and doesn't go straight. now if i believe refraction bends the light at a 40 degree angle. Anyways an ideas how you can do this in you game, is to have the enemy sprites some X pixels away from where they really are. When they jump don't rend the part of the sprite above the water but render a second sprite at the enemy current location but only the parts above the water.

I see this being a problem however. For instances the players sprite will also have to have some refraction effect put on her but that would likely look silly, or you have to forgo it with the ground only enemies which wouldn't make sense.

Anyways, this is good work blue-chan.

yes but no ones had brainwashing top hat rape before either,
a crawl wouldnt work as this game is firmly a jungle girl clone with asd controls , you do still get progress points when enemies are off screen, this system encourages trying to hit the guard at the last second, to have the best odds of finishing a level.

i can have the slime girl be invisible until half way (though this will be easy to detect when there's a sudden gap in the formation, which is also why im considering making enemy spawning a bit more random while also speeding up

I wont do refraction as that isn't being fair to the player, as they should be able to trust their eyes
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

Jungle Girl... that takes me back...
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

might be late with the demo. underestimated my artists university workload, look forward to it, the final demo will feature a longer than average level with 5 of the 9 enemies in it, final game will give 3 levels with dedicated enemies and a final one with all of them, depending on whether hes up to it, the 3 main levels will have their own game over animation screens, i hope it can all be done in less than 10 weeks... especially as the programming part has basically been done...

if i had some decent placeholder sprites i'd start building the castle for damsel quest 3, which will be a slash and parry action rpg with platformer tendencies, however you may think of it as a form of snakes and ladders where pits are concerned, as the will drop you to the previous floor, enabling grinding potential, my first non hentai game has a similar system but its much more hack and slashy with no level or parry system. though technically a spin off of damsel quest, as it features the dark castle the princess was dropped into (though filled with candy and candy based monsters, as the castle reflects her repressed gluttony, and a little of her self hatred)
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

This sounds interesting Azure, keep us updated

UrineOnU, it looks like you have some real talent for this kind of stuff, I liked that animation that only took half an hour.
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

azurezero said:
[...]I've allready added the sprites my artist did allready today, but i've asked him to redo the walk cycle...because...well...

Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

bored so explaining how i programmed the game.

okay each enemy uses the same code upon creation and collision, except the middle tentacle as it also needs to be pushed out of the way...

create trigger-
x=room_width+16 (so they spawn off screen)
grapple=14 (this number corresponds to the object index of the sex animation, in this case the bush because none have been completed yet)
guard=2 (corresponds to the correct guard number A/left=1 S/down=2 D/right=3)

and in the collision trigger

if guard is NOT equal to notgrap.guard (parent object)
destroy self
execute code (applies to science girl)
alarm[0]=90 (will change later, currently changes the bush back intoo science girl)

to create a new enemy, i only need to add the 2 sprites, make 2 objects for them one for the sex grapple one for the enemy, set the variables and done
Re: Science girl (jungle girl 8 bit style game)

so how will the Portal Device work?