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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I like this new map just because I can actually do it unlike the dragon knight and pegasus ones.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ok seriusly this is just strange....:(
4x new map - total 5 fairy. I'm pretty bad at this.
Awakening map 3 run - 3 valk 3 bandit 3 monk 2 pegasus 2 (no idea what that pentagram class is)

I have almost no luck in these gold rush map, but awakening orb droping like water for me
Dragonknight map still only got magic crystal -.-
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Will we get a platinum unit once we complete all the maps?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Will we get a platinum unit once we complete all the maps?

Nah, I miss that. It seems like they use the gold rush as an excuse to bring back old plats so they don't have to revive their events. Too bad the drop rate is so poor it really doesn't help anybody unless they just want a copy of them for collection. I was hoping for a few copies of Momoji and Emilia (Since I pretty much missed her event), but I completed them too quickly and it's not worth farming just for the rare chance of their drop.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Nah, I miss that. It seems like they use the gold rush as an excuse to bring back old plats so they don't have to revive their events. Too bad the drop rate is so poor it really doesn't help anybody unless they just want a copy of them for collection. I was hoping for a few copies of Momoji and Emilia (Since I pretty much missed her event), but I completed them too quickly and it's not worth farming just for the rare chance of their drop.

That sound like a really bad idea to me, only an idiot would spent crystals to farm them with such poor drop rates.
If they want the players to spend some money they should at least make the reward worth it, I was really looking forward to completing this gold rush too.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wtf, Themis map completed in 6 runs @@
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This map is the most rewarding for me compared to the other maps so far. 12 runs: 5 platinum armors, 3 Eliza, a bunch of silver fairies, and 1 Nenya. I just need to farm for 1 more Nenya and I'll be done with this map.

Themis? I don't need her. I'll be saving her for a 2x exp event and feed her to Sherry.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Completed the new map in 7 trips. Raised Lucille to 8/10 -3 (2 copies left), and Spica to 4/5, so I'm happy.

Awakening map 3 run - 3 valk 3 bandit 3 monk 2 pegasus 2 (no idea what that pentagram class is)
The Pentagram is a , which is a tool used by the Feng Shui Master class. They're healers that decrease the effects of map hazards (e.g. poison) and weather (e.g. snowstorms) that can heal multiple characters at the same time (3 when they're awakened).

When I first heard about Liana's event from the upcoming maintenance report, I was hoping that she was going to be a Feng Shui User. They and Pegasus Riders have been classes that I've been wanting ever since they introduced them (in pegasus rider's case, ever since Shaman Shiho's original event).

Where Mischa failed at 665 at CC50, Spica accomplished at AW49:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This game is seriously trolling me... I've been really unlucky with gold rush/orb drops (not as bad as Dragon Paladin though...) and suddenly I am starting the game and 2nd run - Themis completion, then first run - dragon guy completion and Rita (lol -4/3 now), then Bulbasaur map and 2nd run - Momji and plat armor (lol, -4/3 again).

I farmed these maps a lot before but having such good luck so sudden is kind of weird @.@
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

At least your copies worked lol. Most of the copies I got were fake.
3 Eliza: 7/10 -> 7/10
2 Rita: -3, 3/10 -> -3, 4/10
1 Momiji: -4 -> -5
2 Waltz: 7/10 -> 7/10

Out of those 4 units, I was happy with getting the cost reduction for Momiji. I wanted at least 1 cost reduction for Rita, but she refuses to cooperate. Now I just hope I can get a cost reduction for Fran tomorrow.

I forgot Rorone
1 Rorone: -2, 4/5 -> -2, 4/5
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I imagine an undead killer with a power boost will be fairly useful but thats only fran or elizabeth though elizabeth is a bit better faster attack speed +dmg and way less cooldown. so worth spending a few crystals to farm along with waltz to me, shes kind of much better than hana eventhough her skill is harder to raise.

I think these maps cost about twice as many crystals compared to running 55/7 to get a drop if their really 10% so yeah kind of sucks for farming unless u get the black unit pretty bastardous setup. God knows when or if they will ever revive some of these units again though so Id say its worth it for the best ones Ive been playing this for about half a year now and havent seen any event unit I was here for revived outside of a gold rush.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Where Mischa failed at 665 at CC50, Spica accomplished at AW49:
My Mischa does 683 thank you very much.

not as bad as Dragon Paladin though...
What am I, the bottom boundary for bad luck?
Oh, em, yeah hard to deny that ahaha.

Still 0 completion. Ash beat me.
I better go use up 10~20 goddess crystal today or else I will never complete anything ._.

ahah still no complete map but this one in 2 runs.
Me too~
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I shouldn't have done this. Now I plan on getting 3 copies of Saki. I should still have a couple weeks to get another copy of Spica.

Hopefully it is correct because I can't recall if it's 2x or 1.5x exp during a Unit Bonus EXP up event.

Black Unit Base exp: 1,000
During event: 2,000 (2x base exp)
Level increase: +210 (level 31 pre-CC, 600 if CC)
Same class bonus: +300 (Black unit)
Total: 2,510

20k experience with 3 fairies. That's 2 1/2 platinum armors for 3 fairies. With 2 copies being fed, that's going to be worth 5 platinum armors and 6 fairies. That's very okay in my book because 5 platinum armors is enough to get another Platinum unit to level 70. If somehow I can get 4 more silver ninjas (2 to CC copies, 2 saved for AW main copy), then I can get an additional 6k experience. The minimum I need is 3 platinum armors to get her to level 62. Then I can wait for an event to finish her.

If I can get her awakened before a 2x exp event happens, then she can enjoy her large increase in levels post awakening. Whichever comes first. I'm going to hope for -2 with the copies, then I'll use a time fairy for -3. Next time fairy should bring her to -4.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Saki is ineligible for the gold+ female unit synthesis bonus, which is 3x (gold: 750; platinum: 1500; black: 3000). The gold+ male unit synthesis bonus is 2x (gold: 1500; platinum: 3000).

If you can't obtain the unit with the temple's summoning, then they don't get any bonus during a synthesis event. For example, Barbastraff is eligible, but Abel is not.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally completed map 1 ...

Feeds Iris to 50CC60 Iris.
No cost down. No Exp.

4 minute to next stamina regen, clicked goddess crystal regen by accident. Ops.

Wonder that's going to be the case for every completion reward unit :/

Update: Done map 2:
Attempting to feed Berenice to 50CC60 Berenice.

Update 2: No cost down. No Exp.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Saki is ineligible for the gold+ female unit synthesis bonus, which is 3x (gold: 750; platinum: 1500; black: 3000). The gold+ male unit synthesis bonus is 2x (gold: 1500; platinum: 3000).

If you can't obtain the unit with the temple's summoning, then they don't get any bonus during a synthesis event. For example, Barbastraff is eligible, but Abel is not.

Damn it. I forgot about that. Thanks for the correction!

Well, this just means I'm able to feed the copies immediately and see the result I get. At the very least, I should aim for making 2 of them worth at least 3 platinum armors total. Saving 1 is better than nothing.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This is a bit off topic but, has anyone figured out how to use Gamegift or ゲームギフト? It keeps saying I'm not in the right country, even if I use VPN, or GPS location changers. This program seems to be used by some mobile games as a way to distribute gifts, or collab gifts.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm, haven't been as into the game recently, but saw that Momoji(I like women with swords) was there and decided to try for it.

Golem wrecked me. :( Now to try to get my troops up to snuff before event ends or this is going to be Azami all over again...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anna childhood friend incoming in the future:p