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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi, just a prep question here really.

Currently I have down these maps as the 'best' for things.

Unit Experience: Return to Ruins and Remnant Vanquish 1(Bandits only)
Gold: Deep Forest Road/Pastoral Gate

I'm wondering how the Desert Missions and the East of the Country missions will affect this.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

1 million.

I tried to find Silver healer to CC Ren but got Despia instead. :D

2 days ago I rolled 1,5 milion on Crow account and I've got only bunch of silvers :) More gratz for you then. Where do you all get money? I am always broke in this game. Whenever I have more than 300k I have to AW someone and I am broke again...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I guess their done AWing most of their units ? so they have to luxury to spend all of their gold on summoning. I on the other hand need to finally aw a healer for that hellfire map before its gone and probably another archer.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Gratz on ur despa arisato, i wish i had that much luck -.-

Btw for ppl farming charlotte how was ur drop rate ?
Maybe because it was unlucky or on average my drop rate felt around 33.3%
as for my charlotte so far CR-2 / skill 3/10 Hopefuly i can get her at least cR-4 skill 6/10 by the end of the event.

For sunday Lian i passed it competely -.- (1st week)
Right now my focus is geting charlotte 1st, cuz rhe skill lvl is important (and pray get cr-5 if possible)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi, just a prep question here really.

Currently I have down these maps as the 'best' for things.

Unit Experience: Return to Ruins and Remnant Vanquish 1(Bandits only)
Gold: Deep Forest Road/Pastoral Gate

I'm wondering how the Desert Missions and the East of the Country missions will affect this.

If you just mean best for exp then the fodder drops higher lvls will make them better than the previous maps on that fact alone. The real bonus however are the bronze solder and samurai with teaching skill which means they give class xp bonus to everyone.

TBH I dont know about gold but as I understand cha/gold(if you sell everything) they are still the best.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Where do you all get money? I am always broke in this game. Whenever I have more than 300k I have to AW someone and I am broke again...

Mostly from daily and event map using Noel AW skill. Especially Monday daily map where i can get couple of hundred thousands.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

maybe you should consider using macros to summon? there are derp easy ones to use that will simply record your action and you could set it to play 20 times or however many free spaces you have left.

Id be damned if I sat there and clicked for 50mil gold or however long it actually takes to summon a black or even a platinum
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

maybe you should consider using macros to summon? there are derp easy ones to use that will simply record your action and you could set it to play 20 times or however many free spaces you have left.

Id be damned if I sat there and clicked for 50mil gold or however long it actually takes to summon a black or even a platinum

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing. Found a macro that works, first one I tried wouldn't hit the summon confirmation for some reason. 50 summons so far, nothing above bronze.

Make that 120 summons now, 1 Harissa (Silver Rogue).

180 Summons, 1 Harissa, 1 Cecilly, and 1 Pales.

270 Summons. 1 Valerie, 1 Balad, and 1 Alissa.

370 Summons. 1 Balad.

450 Summons. 1 Kazuha.

530 Summons. 1 Fourier, 1 Daniel, and 1 Harissa.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Mostly from daily and event map using Noel AW skill. Especially Monday daily map where i can get couple of hundred thousands.


I've missed Noel by like a week.... :/ Betty has AW already and Maurette is close to.... I never miss monday dailies. I had one million once, after last 1.5 bonus event :/

About summoning: with all these macros you are taking all the fun away guys @.@ wow.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

About summoning: with all these macros you are taking all the fun away guys @.@ wow.

Not sure how the idea of staring at a computer screen and clicking a mouse for an hour to burn through a million+ gold is "fun". Personally enjoy coming back and scrolling through my inventory to find surprises much more enjoyable, but whatever floats thy boat I suppose.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I stare at my tab, looking at aegis on my comp screen is irrating, whatever the reasons. And I have too many things in inventory to notice something new.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

2nd that on seeing aigis face everytime seeing base summon / crystal fragment summon / CC / awaken starting to anoyed me the heck as well.
Mainly reason cuz 90% of my summon always sux (yes i admit i got gold from fragment summon but thats all, never higher)

for some reason i wish they finally made the 10x base summon button, but considering it haven't been made for this long time probably its on low priority + while on it tell me how to increase my luck T_T
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

8th roll. A plat...

But it's another male unit. Moreover it's a soldier again. 用兵家ジェローム.

God dammit. I'm done rolling I suppose. I'll obediently wait for an event to fill my needs for cute girls/niche units. Luckily the current event will give me something to replace a silver mage with. My rolls were probably pretty good compared to others, and I probably shouldn't complain about a plat soldier when I could have gotten a silver instead but... am I really going to use him?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So basically, gold summon rates are shit. 530 summons and 12 Silvers as a result. 3 Harissas, 1 Cecilly, 1 Pales, 1 Valerie, 2 Balads, 1 Alissa, 1 Kazuha, 1 Fourier, and 1 Daniel.

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

But it's another male unit. Moreover it's a soldier again. 用兵家ジェローム.

am I really going to use him?
Jerome's AW Ability gives you +2 Cost at the start of a mission if he's on your team. He's pretty much a cheat character because of this (Great Magical War, Tinies Versus Giants, *Insert Rush Map*), especially if you get him cost reduced so you can deploy him at the start of a mission; his 14 cost offsets his ability to cheat the game more than a mincost Aria/Julian, but that might change if they make Time Fairies more plentiful. Even then, nothing's stopping you from having Jerome and deploying a cheaper soldier first (this is what a lot of Japanese players do).

12 Silver units from 530 is normally what you would expect from 2.384679%. Gold units are estimated at 0.04543%, so you're only going to get 0.26 gold units from 530.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Petite Damn. What are the rates for Plats and Blacks then?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Jerome's AW Ability gives you +2 Cost at the start of a mission if he's on your team. He's pretty much a cheat character because of this (Great Magical War, Tinies Versus Giants, *Insert Rush Map*), especially if you get him cost reduced so you can deploy him at the start of a mission; his 14 cost offsets his ability to cheat the game more than a mincost Aria/Julian, but that might change if they make Time Fairies more plentiful. Even then, nothing's stopping you from having Jerome and deploying a cheaper soldier first (this is what a lot of Japanese players do).
... Huh, so he's actually surprisingly good then.

After reading your comment and going to wiki, it's a better idea to not CC Jerome until my team is strong enough to begin considering AW right? Seems his deployment cost increases but nothing changes on the reinforcement side. I suppose this also means I can hold off CCing my Katie for now.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I believe he said something along the lines of .01 or less for both plat and black so yeah pipe dream youll need extreme luck or 20m+