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RPG RPG Maker [ TechnoBrake ] Hero Level 1 / ゆうしゃれべる1 RE149875 RJ149875

Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

damn any update yet?? is a pain that i cant upgrade stats thx to this crash
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

Ok quick update here.

1. Just checked the forest event. It appears there's nothing related to the purity(?) stat for the event to happen. I just had bad luck, you only need to check the pub before completing the forest stage... sucks to be me YEY!

2. There's no relevancy in the order of obtaining the costumes, you can always obtain whenever you're able and want to.

3. It appears there's several NPC's scattered around that will trade certain resources in exchange of h-scenes (for instance the guy blocking the entrance of the classroom will exchange 5 vial of slime liquid for an H-Scene). To obtain the vials you have to kill slimes (check the cave stage and just wait for the slimes to spawn for less time wasting).

Will come back with further news.
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

damn any update yet?? is a pain that i cant upgrade stats thx to this crash

This game work fine you have older windows XP other older.
Ok sorry the extra ok at the clothing level is it true.
but only for certain monster there in the flat he seems to have gehaun error pure.

Um mich besser zu verstehen.
Alle die Windows XP oder älter haben.
Der lezte RPG maker ist nicht für XP gemacht worden.
Un greift auf andere Daten zu, die da zu führen das ab XP(und drunter) die Spiele abstürtzen.
Ich hab auch vor 1 jahr wie wilder nach Patch oder Debug da für gesucht aber es gibt kein.
End weder man holt sich Windows 7 oder neuer oder man hoft das mal wer an den Leuten mit denkt und die Spiele auch XP tauglich macht.

Nachteil bei Windows 7 ec.
Wer die uhr alten RTP spielen will.
Kommt es zu Grafik fehler oder vollständigen abstürtzen zwischen durch.
Aber da haben welche mit gedacht und da vür gibs die Fatal.exe
Die aber auch keine 100% stablität bedeuten.
Nur bei windows 7 gibs von Windows extra.
XP zum instlieren ohne den key zu besitzen.
Infos findet man auf den seiten da zu.^^

Oder man Nimt die so genante Virtual box.
Aber das kann unter neueren windows zu unstablität führen.

There is the female warrior outfit in the imperial city's (where the king is) weapon/accessory shop, the man wants 10,000 Gold for it though, so.
not relly.
or you need something so we make a selling.
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Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

Wow, I went to the second cave in the north and savescummed around it to get all the chests inside and the boss CG. One of the chests contains a 6 star staff, has nice magic attack and speed/escape stat (was able to escape from the high level monsters there).

I've been going mainly HP/Atk with my stat points and some melee skills, so I have nice atk and matk but no spells. But I went and got myself the 1st level earth spell because the tower slime boss is weak to it. And guess what. Suddenly doing 3k damage with lv1 spell on that bastard! Currently my magic attack is at 333 with the staff and stat upgrades.

Just a heads up if you want to make things a bit easier. Magic route might be easier overall.
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

Wow, I went to the second cave in the north and savescummed around it to get all the chests inside and the boss CG. One of the chests contains a 6 star staff, has nice magic attack and speed/escape stat (was able to escape from the high level monsters there).

I've been going mainly HP/Atk with my stat points and some melee skills, so I have nice atk and matk but no spells. But I went and got myself the 1st level earth spell because the tower slime boss is weak to it. And guess what. Suddenly doing 3k damage with lv1 spell on that bastard! Currently my magic attack is at 333 with the staff and stat upgrades.

Just a heads up if you want to make things a bit easier. Magic route might be easier overall.

Well, that's all nice and dandy, but I srsly need to know how to use lvl1+ spells... I have like already 4 spells lvl3 and I can't even use lvl2 spells -_-
I'm not able to find the god damn event that handles that system, it's getting on my nerves lol ... I'm gonna take a cup of coffee brb!

Edit* Here's another heads up for y'all, since I can't for the life of me find the script for which the event on that trainer girl (the one that teaches you new spells), where you have to pay 50K for something to happen, I thought, let's just grind a ton of shit load of gold...
Then I figured that grinding 250 gold for a mob hundreds of times I'd might die of boredom, so I figured someone would like to trade some resources for some decent gold?
And it turns out, there's a college girl on the campus that exchanges 1000g + 2 medium HP pots for 1 warrior skeleton skull + 1 mage skeleton skull.
You can fast grind on the tower (3rd floor where the mimic chest is for the warrior skeleton and 14th floor for the mage skeleton warrior)
So after I grinded 50K I went to that trainer girl and apparently what it does is remove all the spells you had and restore the spent points so you can learn whatever you like and you don't lose the gold, which brings me the following question: How trolled do you think I was?

Edit** ***WARNING*** When you surpass lvl39 the game stat increase system will get corrupted, because the author messed up on the script... took me a bit to figure it out. If you don't want to wait for a patch (which I'm pretty sure is coming to fix this error), all you have to do is extract the game and open it on RPG Maker VX ACE and then go to the script editor:

Look for the Scene_Menu Script on the list on the left of the window and then look for the following code:

def create_spriteset
@spriteset = Spriteset_Menu.new
# ● キャラクタースプライトセットの解放
def dispose_spriteset

Just comment the lines that crash the game like so:

def create_spriteset
#@spriteset = Spriteset_Menu.new
# ● キャラクタースプライトセットの解放
def dispose_spriteset

Have fun, I sure am having tons of it lol.

Edit*** YEY! I finally found out how to use the spells above Lvl1! All you need to do is buy potent wands -.-
Lol, I can pretty much kick anyone's ass now. Easy peasy
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Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

Any idea what upgrading the armor does? Can't see it raising any stats at least.
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

Any idea what upgrading the armor does? Can't see it raising any stats at least.

In short, depending on what custome you're wearing, upgrading it gives you better passive stats, for instance the very first shirt you have gives you the ability to recover from negative stats more quickly and the skirt increase xp gained from battles. The more you upgrade that clothing the better chances you have to recover and the more xp you gain from battles.

The max upgrade is +9, which corresponds to 50% on the stat associated to the clothing:

Basic Shirt: Recovery
Basic Skirt: XP

Hero's Armor: HP
Hero's Skirt: MP

Warrior's Armor: Defense
Warrior's Skirt: Physical Tolerance (Not sure what this is o_O)

Philosopher's Robe: MP Regen (Very very useful!)
Philosopher's Cloak: Magic Damage

Dancer's Bra: Agility
Dancer's Bikini: Evasion

Bunny Girl Shirt: Magic Resistance
Bunny Girl Leotard: HP Regen

Sailor Shirt: Attack Damage
Sailor Skirt: Luck

Maid Shirt: Critcal Rate
Maid Skirt: Accuracy

Racy Bra: Counterattack Rate
Racy Pants: MP Decrease
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

how did you get bunny and racy btw?
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

how did you get bunny and racy btw?

I didn't get those yet, but I know how to get the racy set by now. There's a girl at the beach village, the one where you get the ship to travel to the other mainland. She's near below the small bridge entrance to the ship

She'll trade some kind of ticket for the set, I just don't know where to get that ticket yet. I'm feeling sleepy and will continue tomorrow, just waiting for the upload of another game so that I can share it here and then I'm off to sleep '.'
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

oh got it,ticket is gotten from casino btw,trade for 30 large token
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

My god is this game's balance screwed up. I got so pissed at the grinding involved that I gave up and cheated my way through. But even with max stats (999 for everything, or 9999 for HP/MP), it was still difficult to defeat certain bosses. I call BS on that. Even the demon king was 98000 HP.

From the title, is this going to be a series? The true end doesn't seem to leave much for a sequel. BTW, the ending conditions are:
1) Win against demon king as virgin and purity > 90
2) Win against demon king as non-virgin and purity > 30, reputation not 0
3) Win against demon king as non-virgin and purity < 30, reputation not 0
4) Lose against demon king
5) Win against demon king with reputation as 0 (somewhere).

The reputation decreases from crimes/exhibitionism in town. It seems there are no branching paths.
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

use debuffs,most bosses become cakewalk after atk debuff
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

I am goona just request for the complete save file. The game is very grindy T_T
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

i just can't seem to find the sage and bunny costume ==
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

I am goona just request for the complete save file. The game is very grindy T_T


Newgame+ with 999 stats and items/weapons. No skills. Level 1. Should be good for easy blitz. All HCG's and costumes unlocked. Careful for HCG room's costume change bug.
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

Ver 1.01 came out today. Apparently attempts to fix crashes during combat.
Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

i just can't seem to find the sage and bunny costume ==

Ah, geez, I actually can't remember where the philosopher's clothes were obtained from. Here is the incomplete list.

EDIT: Nevermind, remembered how.

Basic Shirt: From start.
Basic Skirt: From start
Hero's Armor: Talk to king in ローズ城.
Hero's Skirt: Talk to king in ローズ城.
Warrior's Armor: In ローズ城 armory, talk to red-bandana guy twice, pay 10000 G the 2nd time.
Warrior's Skirt: In ローズ城 armory, talk to red-bandana guy twice, pay 10000 G the 2nd time.
Philosopher's Robe: At top of 賢者の塔, talk to old sage at least 3 times (first one for story reasons). Give 3 of 邪教の上位僧衣.
Philosopher's Cloak: At top of 賢者の塔, talk to old sage at least 3 times (first one for story reasons). Give 3 of 邪教の上位僧衣.
Dancer's Bra: In ならず者のアジト, 1st area chest (gate unlocked by getting key at skeleton on north-west corner).
Dancer's Bikini: In 海賊アジト area 4, the area before the area before the boss (or, right after the area with a lot of water and bridges), chest to the south.
Bunny Girl Shirt: In 砂漠の街ルージュ, talk to old lady near pub twice. Give 5 of 燃え盛るスライムゼリー, 3 of ワイバーンのハネ, and 1 of オークの精液.
Bunny Girl Leotard: In 砂漠の街ルージュ, talk to old lady near pub twice. Give 5 of 燃え盛るスライムゼリー, 3 of ワイバーンのハネ, and 1 of オークの精液.
Sailor Shirt: In 学園都市ヴィオレ Inn, talk to guy in corridor.
Sailor Skirt: In 学園都市ヴィオレ Inn, talk to guy in corridor.
Maid Shirt: In 雪白の城 dungeon, left area from first area, left-most chest (across ice).
Maid Skirt: In 雪白の城 dungeon, in area right before boss fight, left-most chest.
Racy Bra: At 港町ツヴァイ, talk to red-haired girl on beach if you have ???チケット.
Racy Pants: At 港町ツヴァイ, talk to red-haired girl on beach if you have ???チケット.
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Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

Ok... I can't find the event that triggers the availability of the secret forest village.

Anyone knows what you have to do to get it?

Edit* Oh I found out that you need to kill the dragon before the old philosofer reveals the hidden village. Sounds legit!

Edit** Aaaaannndd finally finished the game. A bit disappointed, the scenes were a bit stale for my taste x.x
So much grinding for so little action bahhh...
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Re: ゆうしゃれべる1 [RJ149875]

I can not seem to kill the fairy boss ><