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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

i want to play this game, but when at loading screen, it stopped at 71% and didn't go any further than that. i try refreshing it over and over but it's still same. any solution for this problem?
or maybe this problem already been solved at previous post, so can somebody tell me some hint on which page is it?
thanks and sorry for the trouble. :D
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

never heard of a permanent freeze during the loading screen. try sending a ticket to nutaku on their website. they might have an idea. all i can think is clear your cache and try using chrome. that seems to fix most peoples problem when related to nutaku games.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

okay... so rp of ~1300, rank around 1500, fought rank 5, 1500 rp guy twice in a row... =/ As a side note, since no one answered my previous post, I guess I'm the only one with money troubles?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

didnt see it, but im having money problems too. i belive i have about 22,000~ right now.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

You are not, but if I had a solution I wouldn't be dirt poor myself.
As for RP, how are they calculated?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Once you start levelling high level cards (~70+), you'll guaranteed to get money problems. The only way I see fixing it is selling fodder cards. Of course that'll slow down levelling, but I don't have a better solution.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I have 124k right now, so I do not have money problems at all.

In other news, I decided to rawdog the two gacha tickets and got this..

Lol, it was the one card I actually would have wanted from the group of them..
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

sigh.. there is NFW I'm getting 200 points.. this is discouraging me to the point of wanting to abandon the game altogether
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

There are a lot more reasons to quit than just one tourney reward out of reach. :p

This is a game without a goal. Aigis et. al. keep free players going with the promise of more events and more cool units/cards to add to your collection. This game doesn't have that; there's no way to beat the whales and there's no reasonable chance to get new cards from N or even ticket gacha.

It's a game with no reason to keep going, there's no light at the end of the tunnel. If a better game comes out, I'm done.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

This game is what it is to me, a diversion.

I could almost care less about the competitive side of things with this game in the sense that I am not going to devote the time and energy into making a championship level calibur deck.

I would rather get myself back into competitive M:tG, and this game seemed to be part of what relit that fire. I would have made a top-8 in my first real tournament back after about a 8 year hiatus aside from one just awful misplay on my part which ended up costing me the game (and thus the match and a guaranteed spot in the top 8). I then failed to lose the next two matches as well which was a byproduct of me just losing my edge and not really caring as much as I probably should.

So this game seems to be worth it for me since it at least keeps me thinking now about how I would make certain plays. Even if the AI is dumb as a brick, it is still better than playing against nothing.

In other news, BLARGH on how bad that new card I got levels, 7 Atk and 6 Def per level is atrocious for a HR level card.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

This tournament is a joke 10 match , 7 against player so far above my ranking or my deck it's just a matter of waiting for them 6 turn and then wreck everything I trow at them .
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

matchmaking is indeed one of the biggest problems, but it's not something that can really be "fixed" if the playerbase isn't large enough
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

matchmaking is indeed one of the biggest problems, but it's not something that can really be "fixed" if the playerbase isn't large enough

Might want to rethink their tournament schedule then , give time for people to build their deck ? First tournament was exactly the same , what's the point of playing if you can't reduce the gap ? For me it's my last tournament as it is .
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

There are a lot more reasons to quit than just one tourney reward out of reach. :p

This is a game without a goal. Aigis et. al. keep free players going with the promise of more events and more cool units/cards to add to your collection. This game doesn't have that; there's no way to beat the whales and there's no reasonable chance to get new cards from N or even ticket gacha.

It's a game with no reason to keep going, there's no light at the end of the tunnel. If a better game comes out, I'm done.

What were you expecting out of a gacha-based card game to begin with?

The low rates have already been addressed. No point in bitching about them now. Just need to hope that the devs will, once again, make those cards more readily available. Maybe Sunday's new dungeon will actually solve matters.

Personally, I'm still playing because I enjoy collecting the cards (and because premium luck is kind to me). Having an extra incentive like more h-scenes would be nice, but seeing as how we're actually getting new content on a regular basis, it definitely has Aigis beat in that aspect.

Now, I enjoyed collecting units in Aigis too, but with nothing to use it on except endless Dragon Hunting, it's gotten a lot more stale. This past event was the first time I brought out Karma and Elizabeth, and I'm probably going to shift them back out now that the event is over.

That staleness hasn't been the case for me here, and like I said in an earlier post, I actually enjoy fighting the AI when it has some new crazy obstacles to beat. I don't have as much time to spare for tourneys, and I'm not fond of one-sided matches, but it's still nice to see the fruits of your work pay off, and unless you're doing something horribly wrong with your deck or all your opponents are either lucky whales or similarly braindead, you can usually expect an entertaining match here and there.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

What were you expecting out of a gacha-based card game to begin with?

The problem there is card levels. That, to me, is the MAIN problem with the game. Individual super ultra omgwtfbbq rare cards can be played around, nullified, not drawn, etc. That the cards all have levels.. and HUGE level ranges to boot... that require many resources is anathema to CCG fundamentals. Part of the fun of deckbuilding is swapping out cards to try new things, change styles, etc. Needing to level individual cards first puts a major damper on that.

..but since that's pretty much core to AS, no point complaining about it.. that won't/can't change. Most of my other complaints are also core gameplay elements that I wouldn't expect to be changed, (some of which are just things I don't personally -like-, not things I think are poor design) so I'm not even going to go into them.

What COULD be done is perhaps make the cards easier to level and tie matchmaking strictly to RP, not to rank. I'd also like to see less severe penalties for conceding, especially since the pace of the game is so slow (such as lowering the "safe" concede from turn 5 to turn 4, since that is pretty much always the turn where I know if the match is going nowhere or not).
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

For what little it is worth, you can sell excess trash cards for money from the card list menu. Alternatively, you could run story mode like I just did since I am still on Healer Sofia, and get 29.2k gold. Granted I got 3 times a treasure chest that contained 7k gold, but it is a common enough drop that just blowing off a chunk of stamina in story mode quests seems like a decent enough way to get money for enhancements, and a few driftwood commons for fodder on top of that.

As for tournaments, I think the "safe" concession needs to stay where it is or you run into issues with match fixing, where people would just concede a match as soon as they could to protect their rank and artificially boost the other player. Though I am one of those people who would play to win the game as I have enough cards that I think pretty much any situation is winnable with the right strategy.

Though I must say that I do not like that there is a functionally hidden cost to enhancing cards via level up now. I do not recall earlier there being a cost at all, and now all the sudden I see my amount of gold changing after I dump a batch of 5 commons from 153,200 to 151,750. Not exactly the biggest of hits to the bank account, but I can certainly see it adding up for those who are not as well off with money as I currently am. Then again I lack any fodder to feed my cards right now, so what good is the money since I cannot actually use it either.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

The problem there is card levels. That, to me, is the MAIN problem with the game. Individual super ultra omgwtfbbq rare cards can be played around, nullified, not drawn, etc. That the cards all have levels.. and HUGE level ranges to boot... that require many resources is anathema to CCG fundamentals. Part of the fun of deckbuilding is swapping out cards to try new things, change styles, etc. Needing to level individual cards first puts a major damper on that.

..but since that's pretty much core to AS, no point complaining about it.. that won't/can't change. Most of my other complaints are also core gameplay elements that I wouldn't expect to be changed, (some of which are just things I don't personally -like-, not things I think are poor design) so I'm not even going to go into them.

What COULD be done is perhaps make the cards easier to level and tie matchmaking strictly to RP, not to rank. I'd also like to see less severe penalties for conceding, especially since the pace of the game is so slow (such as lowering the "safe" concede from turn 5 to turn 4, since that is pretty much always the turn where I know if the match is going nowhere or not).

Uh, no. I'm not sure why you would want to remove levels, given the very nature of these kinds of games. LoV and Aigis would have MUCH shorter lifespans if someone could just roll the rarest card/unit, godstomp any Mega Boss/PVP opponent or instantly three-star any map, and call it a day.

The alternative you're suggesting here is to have everyone go all-in with their high-end cards and every magic/trap they can hold, and anyone who was lucky enough to get the best cards for their stats:mana cost will wreck any opponent... So, basically YGO.

Sure, there'll come a point when everyone has maxed-out decks, and the current situation is basically filler. But for now, there's a pretty steady balance between the low-rarity cards being easy to max out, high-rarity cards needing a lot of time and resources (or just lots of RL money), and everyone in between that's struggling to get the in-game money, the upgrade materials, and/or the fodder to feed them all. Right now, few people have maxed-out decks, or the ones that do either went all-in on the low-end and have few, if any, maxed-out high-end cards to compensate, or they cashed their ass off, in which case, it's not much different compared to facing the guy who bought 5109418092830912 booster packs IRL just for that slight edge.

To me, the more prevalent issue I think you want to address seems to be unbalanced decks, rather than underleveled decks (unless you're one of the lucky bastards that got Cost Shackles or Millenarian Power). The people who focused on low-end cards have little to answer with in late-game. The people who focused on high-end cards have trouble drawing those cards. And the people who went middle-of-the-road don't excel in either early-game or late-game right now. So it's only natural that the whales who bought XP cards and don't have these issues are a problem for most people.

With all that said, this entire argument is rendered pointless by the fact that we're getting a Saturday XP dungeon. Even before that, we were getting a pretty steady flow of XP cards from events.

Though I must say that I do not like that there is a functionally hidden cost to enhancing cards via level up now. I do not recall earlier there being a cost at all, and now all the sudden I see my amount of gold changing after I dump a batch of 5 commons from 153,200 to 151,750. Not exactly the biggest of hits to the bank account, but I can certainly see it adding up for those who are not as well off with money as I currently am. Then again I lack any fodder to feed my cards right now, so what good is the money since I cannot actually use it either.

I don't see how this is a surprise either, if you've been playing Nutaku's other games. Both LoV and Aigis ramp up their leveling costs when you get to the higher levels. Following that train of thought, I made it a point to only level using 10 fodder cards or XP cards to avoid any money issues.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

What were you expecting out of a gacha-based card game to begin with?

The low rates have already been addressed. No point in bitching about them now. Just need to hope that the devs will, once again, make those cards more readily available. Maybe Sunday's new dungeon will actually solve matters.

Personally, I'm still playing because I enjoy collecting the cards (and because premium luck is kind to me). Having an extra incentive like more h-scenes would be nice, but seeing as how we're actually getting new content on a regular basis, it definitely has Aigis beat in that aspect.

Now, I enjoyed collecting units in Aigis too, but with nothing to use it on except endless Dragon Hunting, it's gotten a lot more stale. This past event was the first time I brought out Karma and Elizabeth, and I'm probably going to shift them back out now that the event is over.

That staleness hasn't been the case for me here, and like I said in an earlier post, I actually enjoy fighting the AI when it has some new crazy obstacles to beat. I don't have as much time to spare for tourneys, and I'm not fond of one-sided matches, but it's still nice to see the fruits of your work pay off, and unless you're doing something horribly wrong with your deck or all your opponents are either lucky whales or similarly braindead, you can usually expect an entertaining match here and there.

I'm expecting a game that incentivizes both free and paid play. And its worth it to keep bitching until they actually take the hint and hit the glaring issues with the game.

Now, you say you're still playing for perfectly fine reasons: collecting, creative AI decks and exciting PvP. My problem is, two of those reasons are only available to paying players: free players simply cannot expect to get new cards beyond the occasional event cards, and tourneys are just so horribly one-sided (unless you're grinding levels all day every day) to be unfun in 9/10 matches.

EDIT: Also Millenarian Power isn't really that good a card. :p Actually having it and cards that benefit from it at the same time, at the right time, is very rare.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Uh, no. I'm not sure why you would want to remove levels, given the very nature of these kinds of games. LoV and Aigis would have MUCH shorter lifespans if someone could just roll the rarest card/unit, godstomp any Mega Boss/PVP opponent or instantly three-star any map, and call it a day.

Comparing this to LoV or Aegis is apples to turtles. Those aren't TCGs in the true sense.

I've played a LOT of TCGs, physical and online. The very few that try to put a leveling scheme on individual cards never last, and the rest know better.