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RPG RPG Maker [ あさきゆめみし] Ordeal of Princess Eris (RJ161447)


Sex Demon
Oct 13, 2013
Reputation score

WARNING !! the game contain Loli - No game link !!

Game site information :
Japanese Dlsite :
DMM / Fanzia :
Dev Blog :
Dev Ci-En :
Partial thread : https://ulmf.org/threads/re-rj161447-ordeal-of-princess-eris.7903/
Do take note that the partial was made for version 1.06 and that the latest version of the game is 1.07 (bug fix. Using partial on latest version might cause problem)

English version of this game is out. (7 June 2019) :

Extra info :
The game is somehow related to the 2nd game (which was related to his first game, for futher info about the "background" / "lore" - which is explained enough in game to play, see previous game).
1st game : Dungeon of Retina
- https://ulmf.org/threads/asakiyumemishi-dungeon-of-retina-rj146261-rpgmaker.6563/
3rd game : -少女異聞録-
- https://ulmf.org/threads/asakiyumemishi-asakiyumenishi-rj212823.8906/


The game use standard RPG VX Ace control.
Shift key is the text-skip key.

Now, the game as some uncommon features.
1st of all, is the stats progression. Instead of leveling, fighting allow you the chance to up some of your stats (hp, mp, tp, weapon lv even learning skill). The more you fight and the stronger the enemies, the greater chance to get some stats up. Meaning some grinding and the need to avoid going all out on all weapons per character.
2nd of them, is the character creation - at the beginning of the game, you'll go through some choice, which will have a huge influence on the character (having an effect on the base stats and abilities with the different weapons).
3rd point : character recruitment. Each character can be recruited by doing a related quest, even some of the enemies generals can be recruited, but you won't have time to recruit every character in one playthrough.
Thankfully, every character you got on the previous playthrough will be available from start in the NG+
4th point is the time limit. Yep, there is a time limit. Well, kind of. Every side / character story progression will consume time. At certain time, bad events will happen to the captured princess Rifina. Once you reach a certain time limit, you're lock out of two point, both character recruitment linked.
5th point is the party management (3 active characters in a party). You can only edit your party and their skill at the base in town. So to change party (some quest need special character or have some special text with the right character(s)).
6th point is the skill system. Know, skill are wide, active or passive. And learning them all through battle is a question of chance (some can be acquired trough other character or book). But the greatest point of skill is that you can learn through luck the counter skill. Yep, if you're hit enough with a skill you can learn a skill that completely nullify that skill attack. Awesome ! Sadly, you have a limited number of slot in which to equip skill. So you'll have to equip your skill depending on the dungeons / enemies you'll want to face.

The game feature also in game clothes destruction (reducing your defense as well as changing the standing cg - not linked to hp ^^)

The game keep track of your sex stats - number of time having sex, partner, creampie... Your "title" will change with that

The game has a corruption system. The more lewd or bad thing you do, the more corrupt you'll be. (allowing to do more lewd / bad thing). Depending on the different character (not only the MC) lewd and corruption level, you'll get different ending


The game start with princess Eris being waked up by the surprise assault of the Frothein empire on the royal castle. Eris will have to run away to avoid capture.
You'll then have a small dungeon for battle tutorial, backed up by your savior (Do note that even in easy, the game require strategy. Chaining attack on the boss is a sure shot to lose) - Retina and the dark elves from the dev 1st game (dungeon of Retina). It seem your savior came from another neighboring country (Arclight). But this one friendly. And they want to assist you (first by teaching you how to fight).
Sadly, you'll soon learn while being at their home castle that the Arclight 2nd princess - Rifina - have been captured by the army that took over Eris' country.
Unless Rifina is rescue, Retina's hand are ties : she can't assist you. The best she'll be able to do is help you get back to your country safe and unnoticed.
Now you have to rescue Rifina quickly to avoid long term diplomatic trouble AND save your country by defeating the man that conquered your country in one night...
Eris, new to battle, have to quickly found comrade in arms, learn to fight, get the support of the population in uprissing, save a captured princess, and defeat the enemy leader in the now occupied royal castle.
... And you need to avoid defeat, since Eris being the crown princess, the invading general would like nothing more than to force her into marriage to make his claim on the invaded country an uncontested annexion by marriage and not by force...

Fetishes : Princess, virgin, rape, prostitution, elf, big breast, small breast, corruption, multiple ending, clothes destruction, rape on lose, pregnancy, loli

Note that the game has many reference to the 1st game - character appearing, some place even.
And it's also linked to the 3rd game of the dev - the MC of the 3rd game traveling to Retina and Eris world.

Character creation choice and their impact, as well as a walk through here
Character recruitment guide
CG collection guide
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Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

Look promising.

I sincerely hope there is combat rape.


Jun 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

I beg thee. plz let there be inbattle rape.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 4, 2014
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

Is this gonna be a sequel to dungeon of retina? That blonde haired ally looks familiar to an older version of the mc (I never played it b/c I couldn't get it to work at that time)


Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

Hmm. That's because she probably is? Not entirely sure anyway, but her name is Retina.

As to all the people praying for in battle rape - hate to dash your hopes, but judging from the description, I wouldn't be convinced it's in there. It states that most of the H-scenes are of the on defeat kind. Now I'd be pleasantly surprised to see that I'm wrong here, but I suspect that means no in-battle rape. (It'd also be really weird for a game to have in-battle H, but not have it in the demo...)


Sex Demon
Oct 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

Yeah.. I kinda think there isn't gonna be combat rape too. I don't remember that being available in Dungeon of Retina.

It's just curious cause the stat is named "Resistance to rape" instead of "Lust". Starts from 85 to 95 depending on the girl, it lowers by 5 after a gor.

If it's just a requirement for h-scenes/events, a "Lust" stat that starts from 0 would be better.

So I'm not entirely sure what the stat was supposed to do. Especially since there aren't any h event in the demo.

Anyway, it's a little bit early to call it since the demo doesn't shows much and it seems like there's more to be worked on.


Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

Uh, there certainly are H-events in the demo. 2 to be precise, although I only know the trigger for one of them: lose to the tentacle monster (i.e. the first enemy you fight). The other one involves a human rapist, so I'd say it's triggered if you lose to a human foe - but I haven't actually played the game much, so I wouldn't know.


Sex Demon
Oct 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

Uh, there certainly are H-events in the demo. 2 to be precise, although I only know the trigger for one of them: lose to the tentacle monster (i.e. the first enemy you fight). The other one involves a human rapist, so I'd say it's triggered if you lose to a human foe - but I haven't actually played the game much, so I wouldn't know.
A.. I meant the kind of events that triggers by talking to certain npcs with a high lust rating or so.

The human foe doesnt give any events no matter which choice u chose(there's 3) and whether u lose or not. I guess it's not in the demo.

If you chose the 2nd choice at the beginning you would also get a extra scene where the queen gets raped too.. so yeah. I only found two including that and the tentacle one


Jungle Girl
Apr 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

With the thieves in the cave you have to fight the leader (choice 2 I believe), lose and then go back and fight&lose again for a scene with the main character getting raped by the group. I guess it's a "You got off once but now we gotta teach you a lesson!"-thing.
Going back again after that will give you some gold and the group vanishes as with the other scenes.

So there are 3 H-scenes in total I guess?


Tentacle Monster
May 18, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

This is out now.


Jungle Girl
Jan 17, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

Thanks for the upload Mistix.

BAD BUG! (or good?) if you get low enough resistance to sex, and have a lesbian scene with the first blue haired npc out of town, all the monsters vanish. No fixing without loading from save. ( unless I missed something )
Had no problems getting a female scene in the inn/bar to your west later on, seems its just on that map, it removes the monsters.

Got to slime girl, used needle to kill auto healing npc you start the fight with. ( last of the three slimes you fight ) Get H-scene, back to npcs, your npc gets stuck or can't move. Looked at CG room scene was not unlocked.

Seems like this is a save, lose, reload, win, take npc to next event rinse and repeat...
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Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

So can anyone get me past the character creation process? What do all those choices even mean?


Tentacle God
Mar 6, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

totally many mistakes in it some events are not feasible and active Advert error ec. too.

prefer to wait for the new version is here ner un playable.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 24, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

Can anyone find the Resistance/Rebel base? I reached the point where you rescued the elder sister from the prison and after the meeting with the 4 generals and the prince. After that you are supposed to disrupt the empire from the inside, and Eris mentions to do that they need to find the Resistance...but I can't find their base.

The only event(s) I have active are the two versions of the church, but the boss is too damn tough...


Grim Reaper
Dec 4, 2010
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

Can anyone find the Resistance/Rebel base? I reached the point where you rescued the elder sister from the prison and after the meeting with the 4 generals and the prince. After that you are supposed to disrupt the empire from the inside, and Eris mentions to do that they need to find the Resistance...but I can't find their base.

The only event(s) I have active are the two versions of the church, but the boss is too damn tough...
in the bar outside town (left map)


Sex Demon
Oct 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

totally many mistakes in it some events are not feasible and active Advert error ec. too.

prefer to wait for the new version is here ner un playable.
The maker has commented in his blog that he has received a large number of bug reports.

Their circle had been working on fixing the bugs. So far they released a new update every 12hrs or so even though it's a weekend after a Christmas holiday friday.

Probably better to wait a while more for more bug fixes.


Jun 10, 2009
Reputation score
Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris

is confusing this game i refused some quests and others are !"·$%!"· hard to win as i am. is this game just free roam? i do not think going to church and fight boss can be winable at my point well probably i need 10 lvls more

also the girl and children town when girl is being used by the mayor i presume and if you do something you get thrown at a cave and closed off on a fight you cant win again

how can win that even for lvls i think that one is pretty hard

NEVERMIND << i fell completely that this game is ones when characters can equip any weapon but are !"·%!"·%!"3 more useless than a cipress stick than using their main weapon even though say has less dmg -_-
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