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[Nutaku] Osawari Island

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Maybe she's a fox wolf hybrid! Would that make her a wox or a folf?

who cares man. As long as we understand which char we are reffering i dont care
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Probably wayyyyyy late to the friend code train, but here goes anyway

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

who cares man. As long as we understand which char we are reffering i dont care

i cant even find that quote now - maybe they changed it, or maybe it was in story mode=) i like foxes more than wolves anyways=)
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

i cant even find that qute now - maybe they changed it, or maybe it was in story mode=) i like foxes more than wolves anyways=)

as far as i know both foxes and wolves has something spiritual in japanese culture so it is okay to confuse wolf and fox in their games.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

So just checking.

Every area has the final boss as well as another legendary that can appear randomly?

Is it worth trying to grind for that legendary boss? Or are you just better off grinding for each of the final bosses, and maybe going back for these legendary bosses later?
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

So just checking.

Every area has the final boss as well as another legendary that can appear randomly?

Is it worth trying to grind for that legendary boss? Or are you just better off grinding for each of the final bosses, and maybe going back for these legendary bosses later?

Some people don't even see their first legendary boss capture attempt until level 30+. That attempt is only a 3% chance of success though.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Each area has 1 legend, 1 boss, and 1-2 rare eromon, among a few commons that will appear randomly for capture. The boss shows up on the last stage and the rares show up in a select few stages.

Its worth farming for the boss because they are farmable ssr eromon and the rares if you want some SR eromon and also for collection, tbh its not worth farming a legend, especially if you don't plan on buying a capsule to guarantee capture.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Some people don't even see their first legendary boss capture attempt until level 30+. That attempt is only a 3% chance of success though.

Aha thanks.

So basically, the 3% legendary bosses are pay to capture more or less.

Well I'm stuck grinding the second boss anyways. :)
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island


2nd legendary yaaayyyyyyyyyy
unlucky people dont be sad it is just luck
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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

2nd legendary yaaayyyyyyyyyy
unlucky people dont be sad it is just luck

Grats mine is lvl 58 now and if you use her skill twice her speed goes up to 356 lol
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Finished with bosses. Now - the glorious 3x farming.
Time to start thinking of loot and exp. Quoting wiki on best stage for exp farming, "2-11 → 3-11 → 5-11 and it is preferable to step up." It sure feels like 5-11 gives loads of exp, but there's just one little problem. Unless I am really unlucky, it drops exactly 0 gatcha points. Which is kind of bad.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

bloody hell there is targeting in game and i learned it after lvl 30
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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Hmmm, looks like the 350/350/350/350 Alchemy not that bad:

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

anything in particular i should horde?
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

So the bananas are only good for one mission? Seriously?
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Yep and not guaranteed unless you spend for the super banana. For the most part unneeded except I suppose to help with legend, the others show up at a decent rate.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

So hording...yeah, got that covered.

Not that much, but it's going up! x3
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

R-tickets - i love you
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Hey guys, new to the game, I'll ask before I do something stupid: do I only use crap "drops" like Kuran, Furan etc for skill leveling/MP cost reducing/selling like Rawr suggested in his post (thanks for all the info btw, much appreciated) or can they be used for some sort of combining etc, which wasn't mentioned cos it's too obvious? :p

Any other basic yet very important stuff I should know so I don't screw myself too badly? For now literally all I've been doing is repeating the 1-5 stage in hope to get the fox girl, but it seems so unlikely that I'm not sure if I should bother or just focus on some other stuff and get back to it later, guess I need to get some monster gems or whatever they're called before I hunt for stuff that's so elusive.

Oh and also should I bother with leveling anything below a certain rarity? Like HR for example?