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Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

also backburner now has the flame thrower's original damage, as well as supposedly increased back crits range

Yet it is still bad. less nerfed then the fire from the regular flamethrower, but just like it was before, it still sucks.

Why does that thing even exist?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Yet it is still bad. less nerfed then the fire from the regular flamethrower, but just like it was before, it still sucks.

Why does that thing even exist?

cause Valve don't give up on crap-ons easy? *coughscoutcough*
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I'm still pissed that it a) destroyed my fucking server b) screwed up half my skins, some don't show up at all, let alone in color-changing wireframe and c) made the flamethrower suck genitalia of a species later to be specified as I am far too ragey to think up something disturbing enough for my feelings.

Good news is, Crit-a-cola is delicious. As a scout who outputs more damage than he takes, I drink that thing every thirty seconds, even with the receiving of minicrits
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

What about that homewrecker? Why would anyone give up their axtinquisher for that, or hell, even the regular fireaxe? 2 seconds of flaming a building has it down anyway, that's about the same as 1second to switch to meelee, and then swinging that thing.

Besides that, I've found the new pyro airblast buff is actually very nice, even if I still feel it's maybe a little wrong that pyro no longer uses his signature weapon for his kills. FIRE. Reflect kills are maybe a little less satisfying now every pyro gets them.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Kinda makes me feel like when i was an awesome spy before they had to change so much about it and make it easy for everyone to play.

If they grandfathered in achievements, I might not have all of them, but I'd have all three weapons automatically.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I remember seeing a modification of the menu screen that called the flame thrower the leaf blower, then the backburner's item description was something like

"You're giving up the airblast for some lucky, glitchy back crit range? The fuck is wrong with you?"

I wish somebody provided a download link, because that's all the flame thrower is now, a leaf blower.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Cry some moor. QQ.

I don't like the new pyro changes, because one of my main classes is Solly and now any n00b can present a very real threat to me. I have to actually place my rockets so it won't directly hit them and hurt them with splash damage instead if I don't want them coming back at me and my team.

Or I have to give up my delicious buff banner for a secondary weapon that doesn't do enough damage to make it worth the bother. Give the soldier the sniper's SMG and then we'll talk.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

where was I crying in that post

I was merely pointing out that the recent changes to the flame thrower has forced more focus into spamming airblast rather than spamming fire
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

A Noob's Comments on Pyro changes, after starting to play for the first time in a few months.

And so, due to having free time for once, and not bothering to read updates... I opted to play the Pyro for about a hour on 2fort in TF2.

Loadout 1
Starting Equipment: Flamethrower, Flare Gun, Axe.

Strategies Employed:

1. Getting nice and close, and just holding down the fire button on my flamethrower. Scoring some easy kills like normal...

Results: I got shotgunned to death, gunned down by heavies, and fucking WRENCHED to death by an engineer. Yes, I got killed by a engineer spamming the wrench on me before I could burn him to death with a flamethrower.

2. Setting targets at fire from long range with Flare Gun

Results: Well...I didn't "die", but I sure wasn't much help to the team. Plus it got boring as hell after a while.

3. Axe Crazy

Results: ...Are you kidding me?

So after that initial fail, I asked in public chat why the flamethrower sucked now damage wise, and finding out it was because of a patch...I switched to, yes, the backburner.

Loadout 2: Backburner, Flare gun, Axe

Strategies Employed:

Up Close and Personal Take 2

Results: I got two kills, then after being killed by rockets, grenades, shotguns, etc for many repetitions later ...I started wondering what the **** I was doing using the backburner.

Thus I optted to switch to my backburner back for the flamethrower, and flare gun for the shotgun.

Loadout 3: Flamethrower, Shotgun, Axe

Strategies Employed:

Up Close and Personal Take 3

Results: Well, same as last time. I was getting killed by shotguns and melee before I could kill them, even if they died after I died. So I naturally got sick of it.

Shotgun Spam

Results: Four to five kills, hilariously enough. I found myself more effective spamming shotgun shots than using the flamethrower at close/medium range... dying a lot less, actually killing people without being killed back... Of course, then I realized I could do this with any class that had a shotgun, AND a decent primary weapon.

Final Results: I switched to the Soldier, and all was well.

Conclusion: Fuck pyro now, Demoman/Soldier for the win. At least I can kill things without dying 5324252 times. I say this even if the fail that was incurred may just be my own crappage, failure at using air blast properly, etc.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

"My gripe with the current Pyro is just this: All classes kill people by pointing their weapon and shooting it, and it's super effective.

Pyros however, are expected to shoot the soldier with flaregun, reflect his rocket and axtinguish him, for achieving the same effect, and hoping the soldier doesn't decide to just shotgun him to death."

However, I play on the console, so I'm still playing version 1.0, maybe 1.1
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

You know, if a pyro and a spy, point blank range, open fire on eachother with their primaries(Flamer+revolver), then the spy wins, and even survives if he has the dead ringer to extinquish the afterburn.

Yes, spies outgun the pyro at close range now. There is no reason to play pyro except if the enemy team has more then 4 soldiers.

And a fun bug, airblasting stickies makes them do minicrits...On your own team.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

lol at thinking that most spies can aim

lol at thinking most spies try to fight back at all

Pyro is still a hard counter to spy. The only time I've gunned down a pyro is if I've decloaked with no DR charge and had no stairs around me. Otherwise, I still avoid them. Airblast spam still gives me hell fyi.
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I tend to battlespy cuz people expect you to run and cuz Im a good shot.

And a fun bug, airblasting stickies makes them do minicrits...On your own team.
Going to grief SO HARD now
Re: Multiplayer Gaming


Soon. Maybe, just maybe this will give the most useless weapon ever a use.(Pyro's sledgehammer)
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

The sledge gets a reason to use because it's so fucking BA and it's just embarrassing to die to such a weak whore weapon.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

So the homewrecker just got another reason to be used aside from pure badassery.

Team Fortress 2

- Fixed players seeing cloaked Spies when they should be fully cloaked
- Updated the Homewrecker
- It now damages enemy sappers on friendly buildings

- Fixed items not displaying correctly while playing back a demo
- Badge hire dates now display the time in GMT
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

...Meh, so Pyros are now secondary engineer building babysitters? Should move Demoman from a defense class to offense, And kick Pyro to defense.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

My thoughts exactly, ever since Valve turned the flame thrower into a leaf blower.