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961 499

Oh Byz, you naughty little princess. You just can't get enough of those lewd sights, can you?

EDIT: And Byz be like:


Also, I just watched a spider of quite the size disappearing behind my monitor. I used my phone's flashlight to find it, but it's gone, and now I'm terrified.
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961 496

I'm just commenting on the lewdness, unlike some lewd Renamon :p. And remember, kill it, kill the spidah with fireeeee :coffee:
961 494

I'm just commenting on the lewdness, unlike some lewd Renamon :p.

Don't call be lewd, you mud-wrestling fetishizing, tons-of-kinks-having, Link-riding Elf!

And remember, kill it, kill the spidah with fireeeee :coffee:

I hasn't shown up until now. I am so scared it might move up to my bed while I sleep! >.>;;;;;

He'll be back to save their sorry asses again, don't you worry ;)

Seeing Barbossa alive at the end of the second movie was - as I said - awesome. I love this character, and I loved him throughout the third movie as well.
I sincerely hope there's a spin-off of Barbossa's adventures! <3
961 490

Y-you mean, if I get a mutiny started, you are with me? A-and are fine with me to be the new cap'n!?

I really need to start playing that XCOM-mod with space pirates, and put you in charge of me crew, slicer.
961 482

You know you can have your own ship... right?

Sure. But in case of that mod, you would be a mere cap'n, while I'm the leader of a whole band of pirates! \o/
Plus I get the satisfaction of watching you work plunder for me!

Hm you should be fine Stuffie, at most it'll make a web in the corner. It can't eat you, ya know...

The problem is that it definitely was a hunting spider, so it's not going to build a web. :oops:

*removes such thot*
