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A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 43, P = 39, EP = 88

"Didn't know? Aren't you humans usually taught to use your powers? Forgive me, but I've never met any of your kind before." The woman says, looking at Nillien.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

I'm the second daughter of my tribe's shaman and my mother was only interested in training my sister. Nillien replies in a flat tone. She really didn't want to go into why she wasn't with her tribe now. So, what will you do now?
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 43, P = 39, EP = 88

"Oh. We will stay here, for a time. There are still demons in these tunnels, and we must wait until I may be rid of the creature growing inside me before I can fight effectively again. What will you do?"
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Because of... certain reasons, I'm here to gather stuff from these creatures to sell to alchemists. I don't exactly have any marketable skills so this is my only form of income. So I'll probably just move about through the tunnels some more. Hopefully, the demon infestation isn't as bad here as it is in the town itself. Nillien says as she begins to drift towards one of the exits.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 43, P = 39, EP = 88

"Oh... Many humans have come here for much the same, looking for treasure and such, though few have been as noble as you. Good luck to you, in your travels." The woman replies.

Nillien could go back out of the mines the way she had come, or go down the passage the demon had come from and she had gone down to it and the spiders earlier.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Deciding that leaving the mines would only force her to enter the town and that, if she went deeper, she might find the large demon's treasure hoard that she hoped it had, Nillien proceeded deeper into the maze of the mines offering one last farewell before, once more, she entered the darkness of the stone passages.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 43, P = 39, EP = 88

Heading back down into the mines, Nillien finds herself back in the spider room she'd found earlier, and it offered the same directions as before. She could take the passage the demon had come down, go back to the Fey camp, or go back to where she'd found the woman.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Deciding the demon's passage would be safer now that the thing is dead, Nillien heads in that direction seeking where she hopes it kept some sort of treasure. She knows it probably won't have much, but she really hopes it did have at least a small stash.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 43, P = 39, EP = 88

Traveling down the tunnel that the big demon had come down, Nillien reaches a large way station with a bunch of carts and tunnels leading in various directions. One of the tunnels led sharply down, and there was chain leading down, which Nillien guessed was for pulling the carts up when they were filled with whatever was mined here. She could go down there, or down any one of six other passageways, including going back. She couldn't determine which one specifically the demo had come from.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Well, these things like deep places, maybe? Nillien thinks to herself before starting to carefully make her way down the steep passage, trying not to slip and slide all the way down on her ass.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 43, P = 39, EP = 88

The passageway is dry, and the cart tracks provide good enough footing for her to make her way safely down the sloped mine shaft. Nillien does spot an increasing number of very large spider webs, however, which causes her a good deal of worry. She reaches a well lit platform of sorts, leading into a small side passage which has a closed door. She could try the door, or keep going down the shaft.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Deciding that, even if she didn't know if the large demon would have been able to use the door without breaking it, something probably could use the room that presumably lay beyond the door to hide their stuff in, Nillien moves up to the door and tries to feel beyond it for any spiritual presences. She does plan to go through, but she wants to know what she's facing first.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 43, P = 39, EP = 88

The room didn't have anything alive in it, though Nillien could feel the vague residue of a spirit of some kind. Perhaps a natural spirit or a ghost of some kind, but nothing that would be of any threat to her.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Might as well check the room anyway. Maybe I can talk the spirit into helping me if it's still there. Nillien thinks before opening the door and going in.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 43, P = 39, EP = 88

The door creaks open, showing Nillien a dark room with a number of shelves, along with a lone corpse in it. The corpse is dressed in a miners outfit, the front of the overalls covered in long dried blood. A dagger protruded from the bodies chest, and though the temperature and lack of insects down here had limited the decay, from the smell Nillien could tell that this person had been dead for quite a while, perhaps even before the portal had brought the demons. She couldn't make out any details about the person until she got closer. The presence she had felt began to grow stronger as Nillien drew closer to the corpse.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Closing her eyes, Nillien tries to sense where the ghost is using her spiritual senses. Hello? Can you speak to me? Are you the person whose body is in here? She asks as she moves towards the corpse.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 43, P = 39, EP = 88

The presence doesn't change except to grow as Nillien draws closer, and as she approaches she can make out more details about the corpse. It seems to have been a young man, perhaps in his early twenties, with pale, skin likely from working in the mine for many years. His hair is light brown, and his dead eyes are also brown. The dagger jutting from his chest looks poorly crafted, and he looks to have been here for at least two months.

Something clangs loudly, causing Nillien to jump, when she finishes speaking.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Gah! Um, is that a yes? Um... do you know how I could help you? Should I pull the dagger in your chest out? Nillien asks as she starts turning about slightly, trying to focus on exactly where the presence is.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 43, P = 39, EP = 88

The presence seems centered on the corpse, suggesting to Nillien that the corpse did indeed belong to the spirit haunting the area. Suddenly, Nillien feels a surge of power, and the door suddenly slams behind her, leaving her locked in the room with the corpse. A howling sound fills the room, causing Nillien to clasp her ears in pain, and suddenly a human form takes shape in her spirits eye, where the corpse of the young man lay. It reached a hand up to a nearby shelf and began to pull itself, accompanied by the sound of something sliding. To her horror, Nillien realizes that the corpse itself is rising, regaining its feet of its own power. "It.... hurts......... Burns..... No... more......... Why? Help..... me?"
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Y-you don't seem to have been affected by this place, s-so I was hoping to help you leave. Nillien says, subconsciously taking a step back.