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A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 42, P = 38, EP = 56/66

Damage: 5 x 5 = 25 damage.

Nilliens cone of flame burns away the flesh of the goblins, scorching them to bones. Both of the creatures fall dead, leaving Nillien alone in the passageway with the captive woman.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Thinking back to before when she's fought things like this, Nillien would do a quick once over of the two corpses farther up the passage for fangs before moving back towards the woman. Staying just out of reach of her, she will speak. Were you really a captive?
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 42, P = 38, EP = 66

Nillien pulls the fangs from the goblins corpses, and does the same of the other corpse in the room.

(Gain 6x Goblin fangs and 2 exp.)

Approaching the woman, Nilliens finds that she is gagged and bound with barbed steel chains. Taking a chance to pull the cloth gag from her mouth, the woman replies; "Yes. I am of the Fey, we came here searching for a demon lord who'd come down here somehow. Can you tell me if they still live?" It is then that Nillien notices that the womans skin seems to glow gold, lighting the area around her slightly.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

If you're a knight, then I may have encountered your group earlier. Otherwise, I can't say. Nillien states as she gently starts trying to remove the chains on the woman without hurting her.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 42, P = 38, EP = 66

"I....... I was. But after what the demon did to me, I don't know if I will be able to fight. At least the others still live." The woman replies, as Nillien finds a lock on the chains. She finds the key among the goblins corpses, and unlocks it, slowly pulling the chains from off the Fey woman carefully.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Well, they seemed worried about you. At the very least, you should probably go back to find them. Without you, the seem to lack the courage to go on. Nillien replies as she works. Even if you can't fight, you can still lead them.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 42, P = 38, EP = 66

As she slowly rises to her feet, the woman says; "Thank you, priestess, but if I might ask another favor of you..... I know not where I am, I awoke here a few hours ago after the demon... Finished... With me. Might you be able to lead me to where you saw them?"
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Uh... Maybe? I can try at least. Nillien says uncertainly. We just need to hope the big thing I felt earlier isn't in the way. She continues before starting back the way she came, motioning for the woman to follow her.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 42, P = 38, EP = 66

The woman follows Nillien back they way she'd come, and eventually they reach the spider cavern and after that the Fey camp. The area is filled with carnage, the bodies of the women who had attacked Nillien littering the area and the Fey she'd seen earlier arrayed for battle.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Uh... we either came at a bad time, or that thing from earlier came near here. Nillien says before stretching out her spiritual senses to feel for that thing from earlier.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 42, P = 38, EP = 66

Nillien felt the Fey near her, which seemed to block out most of her senses, but suddenly she felt the massive power from earlier enter the maximum range of her senses, coming closer.

The gruff from earlier came forward, as did the woman Nillien had found. "Milady, it is good to see you alive. These creatures attacked us as we waited for your return. Where were you?" The gruff asks.
"I found the demon lord we were searching for in the tunnels, and it is worse than we feared. A nightmare he is, likely one of their nobles, and I was defeated and captured. This priestess rescued me from his minions." The woman replies.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nillien goes stiff and starts backing away from whichever direction the massive power is coming from looking for a way out. Um... people... we have a bigger problem coming... Much bigger.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 42, P = 38, EP = 66

The massive demonic energy signature is coming from the tunnel which they had come from, and the knight quickly took up a position behind the rest of the Fey as they moved to stand in front of the tunnel. "I don't know how well I'll be able to fight, but I will do what I can..." She says to Nillien.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nillien nods somewhat nervously, the fear inherent to the situation hushing her into silence. As she does tis, she also keeps backing away from the tunnel, trying to get as many of the Fey between her and the incoming creature as possible.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 42, P = 38, EP = 66

The Fey seem only to happy to stand in front, the gruff holding the center of the line as the kobolds fan out around him. A ways down the tunnel, Nillien spots a glow, as if from a fire, coming from just around the bend.

A second later, the demon steps around the corner, and Nillien is able to get a good look at it. She has no trouble seeing it, since the demon seems to be sprouting fire, flames leaping from its hooved feet and a fiery main sprouting from the back of its equine head. It has to hunch over to avoid hitting its head on the cross beams holding up the mines walls, which are at least ten feet off the ground. Its arms are almost as thick around as her waist, human-like and muscular, whiles its horse-like legs hold it up off the ground. Its torso is likewise human with rippling muscle and flames occasionally sprouting out in various places.

It doesn't seem to have much thought for diplomacy, as it lowers its head and charges toward the Fey as soon as it sees them, running down the fifty foot tunnel in less than three seconds, and it is about to engage the Fey before Nillien is able to react.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

How do I do this? It's too big, we need to run! It would catch me though. Nillien thinks desperately trying to come up with a way to beat the creature before a few pages flash through her mind. Pages that, at one time, were stolen from a book in her mother's tent for a bind spell. Nillien doesn't quite remember how to cast it, but she might be able to make a close guess. Gathering a length of her spiritual core into a long, thick cord, she flings it out in an attempt to entangle and hold the massive demon.

(Binding 12)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 42, P = 38, EP = 51/66

Binding Check: 14 + 60 + 44 + 3 = 121 vs 14 + 50 + 54 = 118 == Nillien wins. (Holy shit that was close.)

Her cord of spiritual energy wraps around the demon in the form of a band of white light, visible only to her and the demon, stopping it in its tracks and preventing the fiery monster from moving any further. It gives a roar of fury as it struggles to break free. They Fey seem confused, and unwilling to attack the creature they still believe is dangerous, even though he's only 10 feet away from them. (20 from Nillien)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

I think I can hold it for a bit, just kill it now before it breaks loose! Nillien cries out with a strained voice as she lets energy flow from her to power the bindings.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 42, P = 38, EP = 41/66

Binding Check: 18 + 60 + 44 + 3 = 125 vs 20 + 50 + 54 = 124 == Nillien wins.

Her binding seems to hold it for now, and the Fey rush to attack the demon, the creature unable to move to avoid their attacks.

Damage: 7 + 4 = 11 - 12 = 0 damage.
Damage: 3 + 4 = 7 - 12 = 0 damage.
Damage: 1 + 4 = 5 - 12 = 0 damage.
Damage: 6 + 4 = 10 - 12 = 0 damage.
Damage: 2 + 4 = 6 - 12 = 0 damage.
Damage: 2 + 4 = 6 - 12 = 0 damage.
Damage: 5 + 10 = 15 - 12 = 3 damage.

The Fey warriors weapons don't seem to do much, the kobolds axes doing almost nothing and the gruffs sword only drawing a small scratch in the demons leg.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Noticing that the Fey aren't doing much to hurt the creature, Nillien starts to back up towards the second entrance of the chamber. She doesn't know how much longer she can hold the thing for, but not long enough for the Fey to kill it. Worse comes to worst, she plans to run as soon as the bindings break.