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A Greater Mystery (Keylo)



Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

Nothing seems to happen after Enigma speaks, suggesting that whatever was here was going to take something else to respond. She does note that the spiritual presence that had made her uneasy grew stronger as she neared the coffin. Her "pet" didn't respond, but had remained outside the room anyway, having sensed the presence as well.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

"Really now, not going to speak? The seal should be gone by now you know. Or perhaps... do you need something else?"

Advancing towards the stone box, Enigma began to allow her "aura of death" to emerge as a precautionary measure. Nothing too much yet, but just... enough to dissuade an immediate attack on her. Once she had arrived at the box, depending on whether the lid was in one piece or not, she would either tap on the lid with her staff, or peer into the box.

"Come out come out whatever you are! Don't really have time to waste you know, many things to see, a pet to feed...Can't afford to waste too much time here!"

If there was still no response, and the lid was closed, she would sweep it aside unceremoniously using her staff.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

The presence still gives no response, and just as Enigma sweeps the heavy lid aside with her staff, her pet suddenly shouts; "No! Don't!"

But it is too late, the deed already done. As the lid falls to the ground with a loud bang, a horrible wailing fills the area. The presence redoubles a dozen times over, and suddenly a massive black shape rises from the sarcophagus. It grows steadily by the minute, and Enigmas pet runs screaming back down the hallway. The spirit begins to flow outward, and Enigma figures that it would probably be a good idea to not let this thing touch her.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

"Could have said so earlier you know instead of staying silent like a daft duck! And...wait, where do you think you're going?!"

Shouting this after her fleeing pet, Enigma herself begins to back away, not nearly insane enough to want to stay with 'this' monstrosity around. Making a dash for the exit, the elf puts her fingers to her lips, letting out a sharp whistle...so as to create a golem roughly the size of the entrance from whence she came behind her.

"Follow after me and then plug yourself up in that entrance thingy when you're done alright? Keep that nasty stuff out. I have a demon to punish."

Command given, Enigma opted to follow after the fleeing, cuffed, pink-haired woman as the thing continued to grow.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 65/71

To-hit: 3 + 25 = 28 vs 32 == Miss.

The spirit lashes out at her with ghostly tentacles as Enigma flees the room, but she manages to evade its reaching grasp. Her golem, however, is not so lucky. It moves to block the tunnel with its bulk, and the spirit latches on to it. Enigma watches, transfixed, as it leaches every last bit of the energy animating it from the golem with a simple touch, and then floats through the stone as if it were thin air.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

"Incorporeal are we now? Energy feeder at that... Lets see if you can eat this then, shall we?~"

Slightly amused by what she saw she as she continued her retreat, Enigma allowed her life leeching aura to extend itself, and lash back at the spirit. While it was unlikely to produce the return she anticipated, it was better than the other options...and if all else failed, she was still close enough to the tomb to play her last card...

((Life leech, 15 energy, go!))


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 23/38, P = 39, EP = 50/71

To-hit: 14 + 38 = 52 vs 0 == Hit.
Damage: 61 + 5 = 66 Damage. Drains -15 HP and 15 EP.

Her leeching aura drains some of the spirits being, bringing a tiny piece of its life and spiritual energy into Enigma. Unfortunately, the undead creatures life force is not compatible with her own, its energies causing her body to wrack with painful spasms and grow icy cold. She stays ahead of the thing still, but she loses a bit of ground due to the pain of her spell. The spirit now blocked most of the tunnel going into the chamber.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Wincing at the pain induced from having absorbed the "lifeforce" of an incompatible being, Enigma cursed to herself as she continued to move backwards, trying to ignore the pain and figure out a course of action.

"Ow...forgot about that...bloody undead. Just have to be full of that nasty stuff don't you...Eesh..."

Slightly injured from her attack earlier, the elf attempts to heal herself by having her aura drain the surrounding vermin, while continuing to flee...

((Five point life leech to heal...))


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 23/38, P = 39, EP = 40/71

Her spell lashes out, searching for anything living in the area, but it proved to be wasted energy. Everything in the nearby area was either dead or gone, fled before the spirit currently attacking her. She still keeps out of the spirits reach, but the distance is closing, the things reaching tendrils now only ten feet away.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

"Great, just my luck...oh well, run and live to fight another day...what I always say anyway. And if needed, rocks will fall, and everything will die. Or keep things out hopefully. But lets not go that far yet."

Running low on options Enigma chooses to focus on fleeing this time around, hoping by sheer force of luck to outrun the thing. The only cards left remaining to her were deadly ones...to her, and maybe the spirit. Not exactly the favorable odds she was hoping for.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 23/38, P = 39, EP = 40/71

Turning and fleeing, Enigma manages to leave the spirit behind. She notices that it stops pursuing after she pulls twenty or so feet away, and begins retreating back to the tomb from whence it came.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Upon noticing that the spirit was retreating, Enigma wastes no time in carrying out one of her remaining plans...that of sealing off the spirit from being found again. Raising her fingers to her lips, and whistling as she normally did before working her magic, the necromancer caused a golem to be created from the earth before her, one with four arms and massive fists.

"Be a dear and collapse the tunnel leading up to where you are now will you dear? Then disassemble yourself when your job's done before that thing can drain you dry. "

Orders having been given, Enigma fled in the direction her pet had gone, methods of punishment already going through her mind...


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

The golem rises, and ponderously moves down the tunnel until it reaches a point, and then begins tearing it apart. Turning away, Enigma hurries down the tunnel back toward the city, and arrives just in time to find her pet trying to kick a grate into position blocking the tunnel entrance. Enigma isn't sure where she got it or how she got it there without her hands, but it seems her pet was a bit more resourceful than she'd thought.

Luckily, by the time she got there, the golem had long completed its task and been released, so her energy was mostly regained. The evil cold from the spirits anti-life energy had also left her, making her feel much better.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Upon seeing her pet attempt to seal the tunnel over, Enigma wastes no time in putting her fingers to her lips to invoke her powers of animation, causing the very floor beneath the pink haired woman to seem to rise up and "pull" her to floor. As if that wasn't enough for the unfortunate damned soul, it was then that the collar around her neck began to tighten as well, slowly depriving her of air and creating immense pain for her, loosening only after her "master" cleared the grate.

"Mmmhmm...do tell me dear, what were you trying to do exactly by abandoning me and sealing the tunnel?"

Should the demon look up at Enigma's face in her pain, she would find that the elf was 'still' smiling in a 'pleasant' manner... although appeared to have an almost 'evil' expression else-wise. Almost as if the necromancer was the 'true' demon in this scenario...


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

The woman gasps in horror as the floor seems to swallow her, which is quickly cut off as the collar tightens around her throat, choking her. She stares up at Enigma, her eyes filled with a mix of pain, rage, and abject terror as the necromancer stood over her. She tried to gasp out some kind of reply, but it only came out as a choking gurgle against the choking of the golem around her neck. She didn't even struggle after the initial few seconds, suggesting that perhaps Enigma was starting to train her a little bit more successfully.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

The some demonic disposition and smile remaining on her face, an evil "aura" of sorts began to seep out of Enigma and into the earthen floor of the tunnel...causing it to "pulse" to life, very similar to the elf's animation magic...only with a much more sinister feel to it.

"Tell me dear, what defines a pet? What purpose does a pet serve? What are the responsibilities, of a pet? Speak quickly now..."

Once again, a lack of malice in both voice and facial demeanor. However, this time, her anger and hostility was easily detectable through the nature of her magical aura, which radiated a feeling vastly different from the "neturality" her normal one did. One much more akin to sorcerers and wizards of evil. If that alone wasn't a hint, the enormous earthen serpent... no...dragon, one crafted from necromantic magic, that began to wrap itself around Enigma certainly was. Even possessing red "eyes" that seemed to glare directly at the demon, and jaws that looked as if they can snap off her head in an instant.

((Complex animation spell by all rights...But hey, people go over the top when they snap...))


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 59/71

The demoness, still unable to get any air, tries to choke something out, but it only comes out as a gurgling sound. Her red eyes are filled with the most obvious sense of terror Enigma has ever seen, the primordial dread of oncoming death so distinct in her features that Enigma was almost disappointed in how easy her demonic pet was proving to intimidate.

The stone dragon, two conveniently located garnet gems for eyes glowing brightly, slowly winds its way around the dread necromancer as she glares down at the cowering, held demoness. It opens its maw in what would have been a roar had it possessed the ability to vocalize, but the only sound that came was the grinding of stone against stone.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

As if in slight annoyance at the cowardliness and sniveling behavior of the demon, the dragon around Enigma began to snake forward. Extending itself similar to a constrictor serpent (meaning, still wrapped around Enigma but continuing to extended forward nonetheless) found in some of the more exotic jungles, the thing moved so that its head was parallel to that of the pink-haired demon's... before "unhinging" its jaws and clasping them to the top of the woman's head. The girl would still be able to see, smell, speak (once her collar loosened its hold), as normal from the position of the dragon...but would feel a rather strung pressure being applied to her skull, as if any more would cause her head to be completely crushed.

"Really won't do to have you gurgling nonsensical noise like that dear...speak up...you 'are' a good pet aren't you? I've never raised a bad pet before...So speak up, tell me what the definition of a pet is."

Collar finally loosening to allow for proper air flow, it was clear that Enigma wanted an actual answer this time... as well as why Enigma had never 'raised' a bad pet before...lab experimental tendencies and the current situation considered. One false word and... "crunch".


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 56/71

The dragon clamps its stone jaws around the demons head just as Enigma commands, ensuring that she isn't going anywhere and that Enigma could crush her skull with a thought.

The demon gasps for air as the collar loosens slightly, taking a short while to catch her breath before responding. Her voice is shaky and weak as she says; "I am a good pet.... Mistress. A good pet obeys her masters commands
... A good pet does as she is told immediately.... Mistress." She stutters slightly over the words, particularly "Mistress," suggesting that she wasn't very used to the idea of being treated like this.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigma appears to mull over the response for a bit as if comparing it with the definition she had in mind... Then, speaking up she makes a "closing" gesture with her hand, causing the dragon to increase the pressure...

"...Three points out of five dear. Not exactly what I was looking for..."

...only to make an "opening" gesture almost immediately afterwards, causing the dragon to release the demon before any actual harm was done.

"But I suppose that'll do until after you've been trained a bit, pet dear."

Dragon crumbling to dust as the "dark" aura reverted back to a netural one, Enigma stoops down to the level of her pet that was still "bound" to the floor by earthen encasement from her earlier spell and smiles while addressing her.

"Of course, you still don't get out of punishment for running out of me. So no food for you tonight. You don't mind right?~"

This statement would most likely have been less disturbing for the demon, if not for the fact that Enigma had switched from being an demonic incarnation of the fury, to her "carefree" whimsical self in an instant...