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A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 34, P = 35, EP = 63


Her golem complies, and crumbles into a pile of loose dirt and stone once its task is complete. The benches are hardly comfortable, but Enigma feels that she can likely suffer through a short nap.

After a brief rest, her energy naturally restoring itself quickly, Enigma hears a scuffling sound from where her golem had put her captured demon. The strange woman was apparently waking up.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

((8 into spirit then))

As Enigma's energy began to return to her, she began to think in roundabout manenrs once again, in regards to the thing of her present attention.

These benches are... horribly uncomfortable... really should make them out of something better. Whatever could those carpenters have been thinking anyway?... Probably about sawdust and wooden ponies, that's what. Stupid craftsmen... wonder how they keep their jobs.

Thoughts disturbed her 'captive' began to wake up, the whimsical necromancer abandoned her complaints of the benches completely to focus on the strange girl she had captured.

"Why hello there, are you comfortable?"
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

The demon struggled to free herself from her stone bonds, wiggling her hips and trying to shake one of her hands free. All this accomplishes, however, is to cause her over sized breasts to jiggle considerably and the skin on the places that she rubbed against the stone to become raw and red. She stops struggling as Enigma speaks, and stares daggers at the necromancer as she says, very quietly; "I'm going to devour your soul, elf. Every last little bit of it."
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigma looks amused at the glare the demon gave her, prodding it slightly with her cold metallic staff, a smile on her face.

"Really now? I was about to ask about that too. How were you planning on devouring my soul in the first place? I've heard stories about your kind doing so but I've never really learned 'how' they do it. Would you be kind as to share this information with me? Hmmm?"

There is no malice in her voice, rather a genuine curiosity...
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

The womans face twists into a maniacal smile, and she replies; "Oh, there is no way I could tell you, little elf. I would have to show you. Suffice it to say, after the first few moments, you would beg me to take the whole of you."
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

"Really now? Not even a simple description? Or are you just eager to get out of those stocks? Come on, be honest, you did lose to me after all pet dear. Good pets will tell their master how to feed them, bad ones go hungry and starve."

Enigma has a smile on her face, prodding the demon with her staff a tad harder now...
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

"Pet!?" The woman snarls, and begins to thrash around in her bonds once more. "I'LL TEAR YOU TO PIECES, RIP YOUR HEART OUT, AND FEED IT TO Y---- Ow! Stop poking me!" The woman shouts, the last part coming after a hearty jab from Enigmas staff.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

"Not until you say please pet dear. You agreed to the terms yourself when you tried to hunt me, so fulfill your part of the bargain already. That is, if you want feeding later as soon as I figure out how."

Enigma continues to prod the demon, apparently true to her word.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

The demons struggles only increase as she growls in anger, and Enigma can see blood starting to leak along the rock where she struggles against the stone holding her. Enigmas prodding only seems to cause the demoness to struggle harder, and Enigma wonders how long her pet can keep this up.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

"You know, you'll wear yourself out before you accomplish anything. Why not just make do for now? I feed and take care of my pets after all."

But I guess if you really don't want to be my pet..."

Enigma leaned closer to her captive and ceasing to prod her for the moment, smiling.

"I'll have to dissect you."

There was once again, no malice or guile in her voice, as if she were really speaking the truth.
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Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

At the mention of dissecting her, the demoness stops moving entirely, staring at Enigma with wide eyes.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigma continued to smile as she spoke, still using the same tone of voice.

"You know, what I desire most in this world is a perfect knowledge of everything. Why? Because knowledge is power. And with power comes enlightenment. To be enlightened would mean to have fulfilled the purpose of life. I already know about many things, but demons are beyond my scope thus far. Thus why I seek to obtain that knowledge."

Rising from her seat to tower over her captive in a sense, Enigma continued to speak with her expression and voice unchanged.

"One way or another. Now would you rather I obtain that knowledge by force? Or through your own will? I believe I can learn just as much from your corpse as I can from asking you directly, so do decide. You can start by answering my question in regards to your feeding habits."
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

The woman listens intently to Enigma, her blood red eyes widening in fear as Enigma rises to stand over her. She whimpers slightly for a few seconds after Enigma stops speaking, and then stutters out; "We feed... through..... s... sex. It's how we replenish our numbers and spread our... corruption."
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

"Mmmhmm... any reason for that specifically? Just the way you were made? Preference? Something else? Is there any way for you to feed otherwise?"

While Enigma's facial expressions and such remained the same, within her thoughts, she was truly perplexed.

Through sex? What an odd roundabout way to feed. You'd think it'd be easier just to kill someone and take their soul afterwards, or maybe channel it through an aura of some sorts. Interesting. Wait, don't I have to feed her? Does that mean...oh dear. Well a promise is a promise but...ah, I'll worry about that when the time comes.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

"Preference. I can... Kill....." The woman says, still stuttering.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Well now that makes a wee bit more sense... No intention of dying here though. Too much to learn and so much I have yet to acquire... Speaking of which, I've been here way too long. I have yet to see any of those 'portal' things that people were talking about...Time to wrap this up then~

"Mmmhmm...well better sex than killing I suppose. Reusable food supply. Well, that's all the questions for now. I have more I want to ask but that can wait for another time. How are you on food? We'll be moving around for a bit, and I'd prefer if you come out with it now rather than nagging me later. Much more efficient that way hmm? Quickly now, "time is money" after all, and "money" can be defined as other things besides coins you know~."

It was then that Enigma took a seat once again, preparing herself for the journey ahead, yet maintaining her composure to ensure that her captive didn't forget who she was.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

The woman stares at Enigma, seemingly confused as to what she was rambling on about. "I'm always... Hungry. Where are we going? And I still can't move."
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

"Mmhmm, so you won't suffer too much if I wait another hour or so before feeding you, excellent!~"

Putting her fingers to her lips as she normally did before an incantation, the elf then gave a sharp whistle, causing the remaining stone and earth from the golem she had made earlier to "swirl" in the air again, before molding themselves around the captive demon's neck.

"Alright, that'll do. Dismiss~"

The earth and cobblestones solidifying into a makeshift collar of sorts, the necromancer performed her 'magic' once again, this time to remove the cuffs from her captive's legs and to add their content to the freshly crafted collar, before once again having them become still.

"Dismiss, and...there we go. Would love to release your hands, but I'm not quite so sure you'll be able to control yourself yet~. Be on your best behavior though and you can have them free later. Try to run away though and, I'm sure you can imagine what that new collar of yours will do. Right, pet dear?"

Enigma gave a smile as she made an effort to help the demon up to her feet...

((Action: Use animate twice I guess? To produce the desired effect of course.))
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Enigmas Status: HP = 38, P = 39, EP = 71

(Going to say your energy regains after you're done, just so I don't have to keep track of your regen.)

The stone flows as Enigma desires, molding itself around the demons neck. It looks uncomfortable and heavy, and the woman glares at Enigma constantly throughout the process, but she doesn't try to attack, and only nods in response to Enigmas question. The demon now on her feet, and bound in stone, Enigma is free to take her new "pet" out for a while.
Re: A Greater Mystery (Keylo)

Mmhmm, now then... where should I begin? Those tunnels from the rumons, back into town... come to think of it where am I anyway? Came in here since I was dead tired but...

Looking around her surroundings, while she was pondering where to go the elf seems to have been oblivious to the glare her 'pet' was giving her, or simply writing it off for now. One could never tell considering her "whimsical" and indifferent dispositions either way. When the necromancer had finally decided however, it was then that she swept the hood of her cloak back over her head so as to obscure her face partially, before informing her captive of what they were to do.

"Righto, quick sweep around the building for anything interesting, if not, then we head off back to town to look for one of those portal thingies, understand? Yes? Good? Great, now then, right behind me if you would please."

Not even giving the demon a chance to respond, the elf had already begun moving towards the door on the left side of the altar... motioning for the demon to come before opening it slowly...