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A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 11/60, PP = 38, EP = 50/76, Status = Badly Injured, Pregnant (24), Fell Might X = 14

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Faerie Knight: Battle Aura X = 7, taken 48 damage

Ione powers up with Fell Might X = 14! Does the faerie knight notice? Definitely. Does she have time to power up herself before Ione punches her in the face? Lets find out!
Initiative: Ione 7, Faerie 6 + 4 = 10, the faerie getting the +4 because she's reacting to what Ione did the round before yon plant girl charges. The faerie wins this one, and so her Battle Aura X = 7 is up before Ione gets her attack off.
Ione paunch!
Attack: 20 + 60 = 80, which beats yon knight's current Dodge stat of 72.
Damage: 4 + 9 + 42 - 7 = 48 damage
Faerie paunch back!
Attack: 13 + 76 = 89, which beats Ione's Dodge of 83.
Damage: 2 + 2 + 18 + 24 - 8 = 38 damage.

"Definitely!" Jezebel agreed quickly, a note of relief entering her own voice as she took and then carefully set aside the hazardous potions. "Well, no harm done, so no worries!" the night elf continued as Ione explained why she'd taken them in the first place, a relieved smile forming across her lips.

When the subject turned to alcohol and Ione changed the plans, Jezebel and Mandragora looked initially surprised at Ione's insistence that the two of them look downstairs for glasses together while she sought out the men she'd nearly killed with her energy blast. They quickly nodded, however, and Mandragora offered Ione an appraising look followed by a shrug, "Sure. Doesn't matter much to me." Jezebel then added; "I know where they keep the spares, those ought to be clean. Come on Mandra." The two quickly filed out of the bedroom they'd accommodated for the other alraune's recovery, and from there Ione would go room to room until she located the two men she had maimed.

They were both still unconscious and quite several charred by her blast, and the woman looking after them appeared woefully over her head. She gave Ione a helpless look when the alraune walked in, and then stepped in to help hold their heads as the alraune fed them their healing potions. The magic of the droughts worked quickly, restoring some of the crisp, and while they were still out and still slightly burned it was a definite improvement over what they'd been like before.

Leaving that room and heading off to confront the faerie, Ione would find the abusive knight glaring back at her when she looked up. "What do you want?" she demanded in annoyance, but when Ione poured out the last of the healing potions she'd grabbed from Jezebel's house the knight only looked confused. The sudden flaring of her aura as she empowered herself with fell energies causing Ione to glow with dark red light that illuminated the scowl on the faerie's face. The target of her wrath was not taken completely by surprise, however, and as Ione lunged at her the knight flared with her own power, her form sheathed suddenly in a bright violet light just before Ione managed to close in.

Despite that, however, the faerie's attempt to intercept the punch before it could land was foiled by Ione's feint, and the golden alraune's fist landed solidly on the faerie's chin, launching her up almost a foot into the air before she came off. Blood welled up from the abusive woman's mouth, but she landed on her feet and only stumbled backwards slightly before suddenly launching forward with a savage right hook. Ione could easily catch or dodge the blow, but it too turned out to be a feint when her opponent's momentum suddenly reversed, launching another punch that landed squarely in the center of Ione's chest.

Two things became perfectly clear as Ione reeled from the blow, the structure of her body bowing and cracking under the force of that strike, and one of them was that the faerie was, at least physically, a great deal stronger than she. Ione's aura evened the playing field, but it didn't make her any more resilient like that of her trained opponent, and any moment now her spirit would be forced to shut off its enhancing power to avoid stress that might cause permanent injury. The other thing that was clear, however, was that the knight wasn't used to fighting without weapons, her closed fist imparting its magically enhanced power much less efficiently than Ione's had. "Nnn... I ought to..." the knight began with an oddly off tone, but then spat up a good deal of blood and a chunk of flesh onto Ione's face, "fucking kill you for that! Now get the fuck out!" The faerie seemed to have only a minor amount of control holding her from attempting to do just that, but now Ione had an opening, the woman having let her guard down in the apparent belief that the fight between them was over.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Her fist landing upon the Faerie's jaw was like a scene of euphoria to Ione. The view of her target launching up, the feel and rattle of her jaw against a clinched fist, there was little the alraune didn't love in that instant. But it only took a second for her to realize the simple truth that the Fae hadn't been harmed as much as she really would have liked. She barely stumbled at all, and thinking she was about to be hit herself Ione braced herself to deal with the incoming hook. For someone who just used a feint, she certainly should have seen it coming but still her inexperience betrayed her. Before she could do anything the Fae shifted, and all that momentum came crashing into the plant girl's stomach.

Not even her armor could disrupt the flow of power behind the Faerie's fist, and she quickly realized just how much stronger her opponent was in terms of physical conditioning. Her own innards cracked and warped from the impact, and had she any breath in her at the time it would have rapidly left her. Instead she was left reeling with widened eyes and pulses of pain cycling through her, her own body stumbling to remain upright. 'Another hit like that and I'm done for!!' She had to end this now if she hoped to walk away with some form of victory, and for a mere moment a very reactionary part of her brain told her to drop the test of strength and simply impose a fatal will.

But no. That would not teach this Fae anything. Even if it was the easier thing. She was going to ingrain a lesson in this Fae about messing with a Shorn, and damn her power threatening to betray her. And damn the woman for thinking she'd just run from what she started with splatter on her face and her tail between her legs. Clinching herself against her own pain and the disgust of blood spittle now adorning her, and with a true fear welling up of what it meant if she didn't succeed, Ione growled and put the last of her dwindling strength behind another strike. A solid jab aimed right at the center of the Faerie Knight's face.

Go for broke and punch the Faerie again
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 1/60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Critically Injured, Pregnant (24), Fell Might X = 14

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Faerie Knight: down

Ione pays her upkeep and tries to PUNCH THAT FAERIE BITCH.
Attack: 16 + 60 = 76, which beats yon knight's current Dodge stat of 72.
Damage: 2 + 9 + 42 - 7 = 46 damage

We've got a faerie down here! We've got a faerie down!

The faerie knight, turning to walk around Ione and no longer on the defensive, was caught completely by surprise when the alraune's fading aura flared anew and she straightened to throw another punch. She was halfway into a readied stance when Ione launched her second attack, and as such the palm she had raised only barely grazed the alraune's clenched fist as it sailed in towards her face. She hit just a tiny bit off center, but still got to feel the satisfying crunch of bone beneath her magically empowered fist as she broke the knight's nose. Again her blow lifted the knight off of the ground with its force, only this time it sent her flying back until the back of her head smacked loudly against the wooden wall with enough force to crack the thin boards.

Her tormentor slid down the wall slowly, her own violet glow vanishing, while leaving a trail of blood on the broken wood until she finally collapsed into a dazed lump on the floor. By that point agony was threatening to knock Ione unconscious, and if she kept her aura up any longer it probably would, but the battered knight would be going there well before she did even if she failed to bring down her aura quickly enough to avoid blacking out from the pain. Cutting off the magic would be well within her power, and even lowering it significantly would be enough to keep the pain from becoming completely overwhelming.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Despite the raging pulses of agony flowing through her body, Ione's satisfaction couldn't be dampened in the moment her fist connected with the troublesome fae's face. That visceral feel of her nose cracking underneath her closed fingers strung a delicate but pleasurable chord in her mind, and watching the knight sail backwards and crack her head against the wall only added to it. Along with the dazed look she gave as she left a trail of blood on the very wall she slid down from. The alraune flexed her fingers as she stared down at the fae, working out the knot of tension she had gained from punching the knight as close square to the face as possible, before working through her pain and narrowing her eyes.

"I know you're still awake, so listen. Don't ever... EVER... let me catch you complain about still being alive, when so many have lost so much so quickly. These people have had far worse days than you. Some much more than others." And as if to emphasize, in that moment the plant girl clinched her fist shut held out in front of her, before extending her arm back as if throwing something over her shoulder. Much like certain huge monstrosity had done to that one poor farmhand only some time before. She wasn't sure the fae was totally conscious enough to connect it now, but it would hit later perhaps. And perhaps that punch would have it's own kind of potency in knocking her down a peg or two.

The plant girl didn't rest on that one thing for long, lowering her arm as she began to shake from a building pressure of pain. "Oh. If you ever dare threaten me or mine again, there will be no accident about your next set of burns. If I even give you the luxury." As much as she would have liked to berate the faerie more, her state wasn't really in much of a good condition to do so. Those same Fel energies licked at the last of her own conscious health, and she knew it would only be a few short moments herself before it became too much. Passing out in here alongside the person she had just knocked the lights out of wouldn't be the most great of ideas. Especially the fae woke up.

So instead the alraune made her exit, backing out of the room and then closing the door, if it even had one to begin with, behind her. The fae could use a little bit of further privacy after this. Only when she was on the relative safety of the other side of the door did Ione drop her Fel power, suppressing a shiver and whine of pain. Even if it wasn't truly apt to compare to, she really felt like she had traded places with Mandragora. Never before had she known a fist to hurt so badly! At least, not in so long a time. She raised her hands, smoothing them along her face before noticing and remembering the bloody spittle. Which she took to removing rapidly, wiping it on any spare linen she could find or just simply ringing it out and flecking it away.

After some time, when she was convinced that her face was clear of blood, the plant girl took to returning to the room her companions had shared. 'Mandragora and Jezebel couldn't have taken long to get those glasses. They must be waiting for me.' She mused along, her steps stiff and mired by the pain radiating from her core. Agonizing wracks that took nearly everything to simply suppress from leaving her painful trembles. Assuming they were indeed back in the room and not simply elsewhere, Ione would stop before the door, gathering her tense self before entering a little more stiffly than she would have liked. Her back to them as she stuck to the door in opening and then closing it.

All before turning around and approaching a place to sit next to them with the best put on smile she could muster "So... who's up for a little drink?" Everything she could was done to make them think nothing was wrong at all. She kept herself as straight as possible, suppressed her trembles ever chance she could, and to ensure that they wouldn't notice pain reflecting in her eyes, she kept them relatively closed as much as possible. Except for a split moment she needed to see of course, at which point she would open one only barely. With any luck the ruse would work. Unless they got suspicious of her posturing and closed eyes of course.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 1/60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Critically Injured, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

The faerie could barely even hold the outraged expression on her shattered face at that point, which was itself barely visible through the fingers she was using to cover where Ione had struck her. She could offer no response, and Ione was able to leave and then drop her fell empowerment just before it would have caused her to start taking massive internal damage. The door closed between her and the hostile faerie warrior offered at least a degree of security, and had enough time to clean herself up, the man at the top of the stairs having seemingly gone down them while keeping watch, before heading back to the room where Mandragora had been laid out to recover until recently.

She found Jezebel and Mandragora there, with a trio of glasses and another bottle of the same wine that Ione had picked from the elf's house. Jezebel would look at her with a minor hint of concern, but Mandragora had the semi-psychic connection that allowed her a degree of empathy that made it impossible for Ione to hide her pain completely, and the other golden alraune would look at Ione in open alarm. "What... Ione! What happened to you! Why... Are you in so much?" she asked, ignoring Ione's question entirely, while Jezebel would look further alarmed just as she'd been pouring a glass of wine, accidentally overfilling it and causing a minor spill. Two of the glasses were already poured, and Ione could try to insist that she was alright, albeit unsuccessfully in Mandragora's case, and take up a drink. The wine was sweet and heady with only a few small hints of bitterness to contend with, and would help take some of the sting out of the pain of her injuries both internal and external.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione cursed internally that Mandra saw through the act she put on, overlooking that alraune had the kind of natural empathy for each other that made hiding such things as pain harder to do. An easy thing to overlook considering she hadn't spent much time in the presence of her own kind for very long over the years. Despite the other alraune obviously knowing, or at least being incredibly suspicious of her ruse, and out of a desire to not make a big deal out of it she continued to feign against anything wrong. "Why so much what? M-mandra?" She cooed with a softness as she turned her closed eyed face towards the other alraune, her words coming out with more than one crackling to it than she would have liked. "I'm fine. Really! A little weak perhaps. I think it might have been the fumes from those potions ahahaha... ah" She admitted, using those potions as a scapegoat for their concern.

A quick peek was enough to guide her hand towards one of the glasses of wine, and gingerly she brought the same thing to her lips. Needing to use both hands to keep up her form the best. The liquid went down well enough at first. The wine sweet enough to invoke good feelings in the pain induced alraune. But once it reached her gut she knew immediately something was very wrong. It did not sit well at all, and felt as if a patch of brambles had just been raked across her bare flesh. She had to suppress a grimace and whine as she forced the last bits of the glass down, feeling a little nausea rise up in her. But when she was done, Ione lowered the glass back down and with the most simple of feigned words exclaimed. "D-d-delicious..."
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 1/60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Critically Injured, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Ione's excuse didn't seem to work very well on Mandragora, but with her efforts to find out blocked she seemed to settle on glaring suspiciously at Ione while she raised her glass for a drink. Even with her eyes closed she could feel her companion's concern for her battered state in her gaze, but after she'd moved to change the subject Mandragora would only sigh and raise her own glass to her lips. The pain that suddenly rose up on feeling the wine hit her stomach was another thing that Mandragora didn't manage to miss, and this time Jezebel didn't ignore it either.

"I can go grab another bottle if it isn't to your liking. Not everyone likes this brand, but it's local and not too expensive" she said innocently, gently taking Ione's glass from her side and offering to refill it with gestures. "Why are you keeping your eyes closed?" Mandragora asked flatly, quickly losing patience with Ione's efforts to hide her numerous injuries, none of which seemed to be getting any less painful.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

"N-no it's fine. I..." Ione started at Jezebel's comment, but when Mandragora flatly asked about her eyes she grew quite silent. The feeling of concern the other alraune was radiating was a foreign thing to her that only made her feel worse about hiding her injuries. Or trying to and failing very quickly. If the night elf's tone was any indication she was on to her as well now, and Mandra was growing... annoyed. Should she really keep the facade up? Was that truly the best idea? As much as she tried to pass it off as not a big deal that pain wasn't going to go away as fast as she would like. She wasn't even sure her own healing would do anything to it if she tried it. That damn fairy had one hell of a punch. She almost feared what would have happened if she hadn't been using her powers when she faced her.

She really didn't want to do it. But after a moment of sitting to the silence and painful pulses coming from her core, Ione reached up and took a good grip on her helmet, pulling it off and lowering it in the silence beside her. Turning to Mandragora, she peeked out of one eye first, before opening the both of her surprisingly heavy lids to reveal a set of stressed and lightly moist pair of eyes. "B-better?" She asked dumbly, glancing at the night elf as well before drooping her head lightly and ears downward. Her arm going to cover her stomach, wrapping around it defensively. "I think my guts are broken." She finally admitted, clinching her eyes shut as she fought on in her own attempt to grit through the gut pain, even as it slowly threatened to overwhelm her.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

The look of alarm on her two companions faces when Ione opened her pained eyes and made her dire announcement only grew even more intense, both women obviously intensely worried about her. "Oh... Hold still!" Mandragora said, moving forward and, if Ione allowed it, laying a hand gently against her stomach. Energy flushed through Ione suddenly from the other alraune, and her pain rapidly eased as the magic that her kin worked repaired the damage done by both the faerie's punch and her own power.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

The first wisps of healing magic flowing from the other alraune's hands sent shivers down Ione's spine. Her pain rapidly fell away as the magic healed her of the injury she had sustained before. But in it's place there came to be the most bubbly of pleasant feelings she could remember feeling. Eerily familiar to how she felt before, when she healed herself of her other stomach wound before. Though definitely not as lustfully clouded. It still caused her to sigh pleasantly as the last drips of pain siphoned away, leaving her wobbling a little almost as if threatening to slump into a puddle of good feelings. "T-thanks. I... really needed that. I'm feeling a lot better~"

And as if to demonstrate that point, Ione trailed her hand up along Mandragora's arm, following it from where her hand had touched her stomach, and gripped her shoulder. Then, in the haze of her pleasant and bubbly filled feeling mind, the alraune pulled the two of them together into a tight hug. She giggled softly as rocked the gripped plantgirl in her grip, wanting little else than to enjoy those bubbly feelings for as long as she could. "And I guess I don't need drinks now to feel good after all! Though... I'd enjoy another." She spoke with a smile, her face turning towards Jezebel briefly, before reverting back to Mandragora as she pulled her head back slightly so as to actually viewing her.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

"Good!" Mandragora replied brightly, smiling with relief now that Ione's injuries had been properly seen to rather than hidden. She would lean into the hug, wrapping her arms around the small of Ione's back in turn and hugging her tightly. "Next time you get hurt, don't try to hide it from me!" she said reproachfully, and then gave her fellow golden alraune a pinch to her ass and nibbled her on one of her pointed ears. "I don't want to have to force it out of you, and if I have to do it again I'll have to punish you for it after!"

Jezebel would look fairly relieved as well, and would pour Ione another drink as Mandragora pulled gently away. "Well, I'm certainly glad you're alright now... What happened?" the night elf asked while taking up her own glass and sipping at it. Mandragora, eyeing Ione carefully, would answer for her; "It's not important right now. Lets just have some fun, shall we? A good bit of wine, some relaxation, and then maybe you can have a sample of Ione and I again~" Jezebel flushed a brighter shade of purple as Mandragora glanced at Ione with a suggestive twinkle in her eye, "would you like that again, hrm? We could take turns, trade spots... And this time you can be the one who gives her a belly full of seedlings!"

Jezebel's blush brightened even further, prompting Mandragora to giggle at her expense. "Hey! I just had yours, I don't think I could even have more right away!" Grinning broadly, Mandragora replied; "Mmmm, well maybe we'll find out later, hrm? If you're not interested, Ione and I could enjoy each other all to ourselves once we're both drunk enough~ You're welcome to watch!"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione giggled at the other alraune's playful pinching. Her gentle nibbles elicited an inhale of breath from the plant girl however, and she ended up pressing herself further against Mandragora with her bust and chest as a result. Ione knew her warped ears were sensitive, but she hadn't yet had the chance to really find out just how sensitive they had become. The answer apparently was a lot! Or at least she wasn't used to the feeling yet. The toothy little bites starting havok just from how simple an act they were. It stole just enough of a moment to let Mandragora's threat pass, only for her to tremble with some excitement as the nibbling truly registered in the plant girl's mind.

It was a relief when the subject of how she had become so injured was glossed over by Mandragora, the alraune not exactly wanting to explain just why she had started a fight with the faerie knight she had almost lost. The replacement subject didn't serve to relieve Ione of her other woe; the sudden excitement the healing, closeness and nibbling had acted on her. "Hehehe... well I wouldn't say I'd just like that..." She stated with a giggle, stretching back while taking her renewed glass of wine with a free hand. "I'm sure we could both stretch out Jez quite a bit once more. If we did I'm not sure how much more she could take before she's completely addicted~."

Her shook her head in dismissal. "I kidd, I kidd." She spoke while not at all seeming like really meant it. A silly grin betraying how much the vision of Jezebel in ecstasy like the night before enticed her with a desire to have the night elf taken with that emotion again. "Though~... why wait until we're drunk?" The alraune teasingly asked towards Mandragora with a bubbly but lustful grin, before letting out a laugh and raising her drink to her lips. She shook her head again, this time actually meaning it, and then let the wine finally pass through. The taste of it just as good as it was before, except now with the added benefit of not making her feel as if she were about to switch places with how Mandragora was only some time ago.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Jezebel gave an alarmed look that was utterly ruined by her blush and the small smile that appeared on her face when Ione began to agree with Mandragora, and in the meantime the other alraune gave a few more nibbles to Ione's sensitive ear before she would pull away. "You two are just insatiable! Let me get a break at least!" Jezebel protested, though she didn't sound particularly serious or distressed.

"Heheh.... We'll see how much you protest when you're all tipsy~" Mandragora proclaimed, "I'll bet that your clothes will just melt right off!" Jezebel blushed again while Mandragora tittered, and then they would proceed to drinking again, Ione now able to actually enjoy hers. Jezebel would drain her own glass before pouring Ione another, and Mandragora would need a refill as well shortly after.

"To being alive!" Jezebel declared slightly sardonically, and despite her tone Mandragora would hold up her glass and clink it against Jezebel's, leaving Ione to join in on the toast or not before they took measured sips rather than drain their glasses quickly. The bottle was starting to get pretty empty by that point, but luckily they had another that hadn't even been opened yet.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

The plant girl raised her glass as well at Jezebel's toast and then downed it back, not taking the route the other two took with their simple sips. That bubbly feeling never leaving her even as she let herself drown in good feelings. Or soon to be good feelings. It was a great thing to be alive, even if it was made derisively. Her hands were pouring another glass for herself before she knew it, and once more she was pouring back her glass. Though more measured and slow than before, as things became very... fussy. Wait not fussy... fuzzy. And her head felt heavier, and she started pondering her arms now feeling as if they were made of jelly. Like how that thing looked with the mage earlier.

She giggled much slower than she normally did and she rocked back and forth slightly as the alcohol took it's toll. Her eyes darting between the night elf and the other alraune with a happy slitted gaze. After awhile they came to rest on Mandragora, staring with curiosity at her as her smiles closed away into a sullen expression. Here was an alraune, gold like her. And yet, she wasn't like her. She didn't go through the things she had to. She had said so herself hadn't she? When they had first met. She was willing to help and was even... interested in her well being. It hadn't hit Ione strongly before, but in her drunken state all that revelation came crashing down on her with a weight she hadn't realized was there.

Without saying a word she simply set her glass aside, and then settled herself down into the other alraune's lap. Resting her head against the side of Mandra's own as she once more slipped her arms around the other alraune. She delicately traced her fingers along the small and sides of her back, while holding her in a clingy grip. Very clingy in fact, for only a moment or two after she had begun her tendrils came out in full force, wrapping around her with a kind of hunger following them. To keep that other alraune trapped so close to her and docile. "You're such a nice s-shorn Mandra. I didn't think there were any nice shorn." She whispered softly, her grip managing to get tighter somehow. "I've never known one as nice as you before. Are your... birthkin just as nice?"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Mandragora would briefly adopted a perplexed look when Ione suddenly climbed into her lap, but then her own arms would settle around Ione and her lips would turn upwards into a smile. "Well hello there~" she cooed softly, her arms and then her tendrils holding Ione tightly, though not as tightly as Ione was holding her. "Of course there are nice shorn! What ever could have convinced you otherwise?" she said brightly, but then tilted her head and quite suddenly adopted a pensive look.

"You.... You weren't treated well by your fellow sprouts, were you?" she asked tenderly, but then quickly added an answer to Ione's query; "Yes, my batch were all fairly nice. We mostly got along with one another pretty well, at least, even though not all of us got the prettier color like I did!"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione hummed a little in acknowledgment, before laying the side of her head back against the other alraune's own. Her tendrils writhing against Mandra with a noticeable amount of pressure. "I never k-knew my fellow sprouts. When my eyes opened for the first time there was no one else. Only an empty patch in a forest so dark I could barely see things but a short distance." She whispered, edging her head gently against the other alraune's with a small rocking motion. "I remember feeling so anxious. I didn't understand anything. Why was I alone? What was this place? Where were the others? And why was I so... frail. I couldn't have been more than a foot tall back then, and immature. I just didn't understand. Why was everything like this?"

Her head pulled back rather slowly, her whole body unwrapping from her hold on Mandragora in a slow precession. Trailing hands reached upward to the other alraune's shoulders, and then traveled down her arms, before settling on the pair of wrists there. Without a word she grabbed ahold of them and brought them up, weaving the other shorn's hands in a hold around her own head, her own hands on top of the other's. Guiding them through her scalp and pressing softly down. Which the other alraune would pick up on the meaning of as her fingers would travel over the path of five long lines of divets trailing down the back of her head. Starting just above her hairline and hidden by it.

The plant girl's stare only got more intense the longer she guided Mandra's fingers along those divets, before she would finally pull her hands off of Mandra's, allowing the alraune to keep feeling through her hair if she wished. "I'm not supposed to be alive Mandragora. Right after I was born, they crushed my seed and t-tossed me away like trash. They never thought I'd survive, or that I would make my way back to them somehow. A frail thing that had only grown to half height by the time it found them." Ione let out a breath of displeasure. "They chased me away from their village, and they never let up. Before, when I was alone, I had but the things in that forest to deal with. But then they were there. And I quickly learned to be afraid. And what it means to be a kinslayer too."

Once she let it all sink in, the alraune let her gaze falter as the thought of those memories and what she had revealed left her feeling very uncomfortable. 'This is just as hard as the first time I told someone about this. How did Viorica ever squeeze this stuff out of me... when I was such a mess?' It felt almost as if her chest itself was being tightened very slowly, and she knew it wasn't because of the other alraune's tendrils.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Mandragora and Jezebel listened as Ione started to speak, seeming so calm at first. Jezebel was only curious, but when Ione mentioned that she had emerged from the ground only a foot tall Mandragora looked openly horrified. An alraune was supposed to emerge fully developed, and that Ione had been so small upon first reaching the sunlight was a sign of something horrible to any alraune, even though Mandragora obviously didn't yet know why.

She held stock still as Ione unwound from around her and then slowly grasped her wrists, seemingly hesitant to learn more, but slowly she would allow her hands to rise up to feel Ione's head, the wood-like material that made up her skeleton depressed to form the divets beneath her scalp. Mandragora's horrified look intensified immensely, but then switched to sympathy as tears welled up in her eyes. Jezebel didn't seem to understand what was happening, but was prudent enough to keep silent and still while the two alraune had their moment.

"Ione..." she whispered quietly, her voice filled with sympathy for what had happened, but when Ione followed up with what had happened after, how the other alraune had pushed her out, she looked only more saddened at her kin's early years. "Ione... That's... That's horrible! How... How could they have done that to you?"

Suddenly, however, Jezebel spoke up; "They were driven to by instinct." Her voice was filled with sympathy as well, but the surety also in her voice made Mandragora look at her in confusion. Looking sadly at Ione, the night elf said; "I've studied alraune a lot in my spare time, and I noticed after a while that when a lot of them are in the same area, the adult ones will stop having seedlings until their population drops. I've never noticed them destroying their own seeds though.... That's horrible! How could they even do that!?" Mandragora didn't seem to have an answer, and instead turned her gaze back to Ione and hugged her all the more tightly, her own tendrils coming forth to wrap around the other golden alraune possessively.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

The alraune leaned into the other's hug, closing her own eyes as she reveled in the tendrilic comfort. "Because I wasn't like them. I was different. Tainted." She murmured, before strengthening up her voice. "All of them, save the elder, were the shade of green that plays tricks on your eyes. That can blend in with nearly any tint of it. When I was alone just running into one of them, feeling that tug on my mind and catching a pair of eyes staring back was a fright. Because there was always more hidden about, ready to strike at any moment. Always. J-just like when I met you..." She noted weakly as if those several or dozens of more alraune hidden in the bushes were an actual fact, despite the contrary which Mandragora would surely pick on.

After a moment, she let her hands trail up and over Mandra's shoulder blades, hooking around her neck and letting herself hang loosely to her even as tendrils continued to squirm and squeeze. "But I wasn't green. I wasn't never green. Not like you. All that I am, save my ears, I was born with. And they hated me for it." She could still remember the looks on the faces of her birthkin, as she stood there on the day she returned to them. A day she remembered thinking would be the best day of her life. It was indifference upon them at first, and then with a few unintelligible words from the elder nothing but malice and scorn. She could still feel the nervous smile her ever hopeful self had worn, even as she watched one of them in particular pick a stone and draw it back, before her smile quickly faded and a crack of pain blinded her vision.

It had only been a moment but Ione quickly flinched at the memory, rocking Mandra's neck where her hands hooked around it. Her chest felt completely in a knot now, and she stressed herself with deep breaths. "Before I met you I had never known what it was like to be... wanted by another shorn. It's nice. I-it's really n-nice." The plant girl almost wanted to join with Mandra's own tear welled eyes, the sight almost contagious to her. But she managed to keep her appearance up even as the other alraune deepened her saddened one. Instead she brought her forehead to rest on the other alraune, her lustful nature edging her lips closer before she caught herself instinctively and held back. "I hate that I'm still so... frightened of others. But I just don't want to... they're all like my birthkin I j-just know it..."
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

"Because of your color!?" Mandragora asked incredulously, her sympathetic sorrow turning to anger, and Jezebel seemed surprised by that revelation as well. "I... I understand why you were so scared when you saw me now!" Mandragora peeped after a moment, her anger fading in the face of Ione's distress.

Her clutching tendrils squeezed in rhythmic pulses, offering what comfort that the embrace could, and her sympathetic expression returned in full force as Ione retreated into her dark memories. Mandragora's expression couldn't have been more different from the cruel looks offered by her fellow sprouts, and though it might not have been as important given that it had been her own kind, like Mandragora, who had refused her, Jezebel was in the background offering her own support through her empathetic look.

"Ione..." her fellow golden shorn would say softly, tears rolling down her cheeks now even as Ione pressed close to her, their lips nearly touching but Ione holding her natural lusts in check. Alraune did not, at least on a biological level, lust after one another naturally. They would share mates willingly and gladly, but they could not seed one another even with magical aid, and their sex drives were directed as much by their biology as they were in any other race. Though it might have been considered unnatural to many of their kind, Mandragora picked up on the subconscious intent of her closeness.

And she apparently returned it. As Ione pulled back, a tendril of Mandragora's came up and gently pressed under her chin, holding her in place. For a few moments the other alraune would simply hold her there as that tendril gently urged Ione's face upwards until she couldn't help but look into her golden kin's teary eyes. Should she let Mandragora hold her there - for nothing that the other alraune did at that point was forceful - she would remain there for the span of a few seconds before softly repeating; "Ione..." And then, slowly but surely, Mandragora's lips edged closer until they closed against Ione's, and her eyes closed to shut off the narrow streams of tears that ran down her cheeks.

Her kiss was soft and gentle, and through the tiny, almost imperceptible motions involved in it Mandragora portrayed the sympathetic sorrow and horror that Ione's revelation had inspired in her. As tied up in knots as she was, Mandragora seemingly felt the same. She would pull away without deepening the kiss unless Ione did differently, and once their mouths came apart she would open her eyes again and say; "Ione... We aren't all like that... Even if all the others won't accept you... I will!" She tightened her grip and adopted a nervous smile, blinking away the last of her tears in an effort to dispel both her own stress and Ione's. Whether or not she succeeded....
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione glanced her eyes up as Mandragora's tendril urged her face to level with the other alraune's own, meeting her own before they were fully level with a couple of blinks. She made no effort to stop the other alraune, staring at her teary eyed face fully before flicking downward toward the other's lips as the distance between then slowly closed. When the soft things closed around her own, she gave a low murmur before joining the soft motions with her own. Letting her lips smack ever so gently against the other's own. Before she could get more into it, Mandragora pulled away, the other's grip tightening in her response, which left Ione staring back at her as her words sunk in.

Her lip quivered slightly and her own grip where her arms hung loosely around the crook of Mandragora's back tightened. As it sunk in further Ione's eyes swayed, narrowing and matching her face as it adopted a hint of a smile herself. Even if it was only Mandragora who accepted her, that was still more than she ever had before. "You..." She began before she closed her eyes and adopted a smile. Holding it for a moment before reopenning her eyes with a much more narrowed and directed gaze toward Mandra. A hint of mischief glimmering in what had been a pair more distant looking before.

With an eased motion, the alraune pulled herself straight in towards Mandragora, working her arms further behind the other as she brought herself incredibly close. Her bust pressing in against the other's and grinding into place. She left no time for Mandra to consider much before she brought her lips back to bear upon her, capturing them and immediately assaulting them. Aggressively smacking her own against them as she anchor herself in a more dominate position where she sat in Mandra's lap. Kissing downward as the other had to kiss up. She made sure not to forget her body in the act, though it quickly became apparent that her brambles didn't suit very well for it.

She had to do something about that, and after several intense moments making out with the other alraune she pulled away, her face flushed and breath heavy. She reached back to undo the holdings of her armor, unhooking them and then laying them aside as she once more revealed all. And once that was done she was upon Mandragora once more, and should she happen to have unclothed as well she would bare her flesh against hers, contouring her body against the other's own in ever way. Bust against bust, stomach to stomach, leg hooked over another. Even her tendrils would continue to writhe, many of them forsaking her body instead to wrap around Mandra's own perfectly, reaching the top with space to spare. The tip of the plant girl's tendril bumping and pressing into the tip of Mandragora's own.

With a gasp of excited breath Ione pulled away once more after a time, mirroring the other alraune's eyes and letting one of her hands slowly travel down the plant girl's form. Trailing against the side of her breast as it inched it's way ever downward, passing over her navel, before reaching her privates and dipping in with the slightest of motions. As much as her plant sister may have wanted her to continue however, Ione had a very different plan in store her, which she only hinted at with the knowing smile she gave before a surge of energy leapt from her fingertips, straight into the other alraune's jewel. Cooing softly as she guided the newly growing organ to full size with her fingers in full view of Mandragora. And Jezebel too, who had a front seat to the show they were both putting on

"Does it feel good when I do this?" Ione asked, gripping the newly formed length in her hand and slowly stroking it, edging her fingers up and down the shaft, spending amble time rubbing the tip with ever pass. "How about... this~..." Taking the length in hand Ione positioned herself up on top of Mandra, directing the other plant girl's thing toward her own folds before dropping her crotch down and impaling herself, crying out herself slightly as she filled herself. She gave no respite though before baring down and relentlessly humping her, sending spikes of pleasure soaring through her mind as she sought to bring Mandragora quickly to her own climax.

Derpy Smut times because I'm bad at writing obviously

Ione uses Vampiric Futanari for futa shenanigans. Hey it got used for once!