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A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Mandragora gave a cry of surprise as Ione pulled her into another kiss so suddenly and aggressively, quickly relegated to the submissive position by Ione's aggression in that passionate embrace. She responded, but slowly and somewhat reluctantly, and was left looking up in obvious confusion but equally obvious excitement when Ione pulled away. She offered no struggles while Ione stripped away both of their bramble garments, Ione nude first but Mandragora quickly following suit. Color appeared on her face, and in the background Jezebel was blushing brightly, though neither alraune seemed to have attention to spare for her at the moment.

By the time Ione was reaching down to start playing with Mandragora's folds, the other alraune's confused feelings had mostly been put on the backburner by the very emotions that had caused them, and the other golden flower let out a gasp as her moist folds were just barely teased. The sudden surge of energy that caused a cock to sprout from the other alraune's body was met with another gasp, and Mandragora looked bewildered for a moment as she was gifted with a shaft that she had no control over before Ione's hand ensured that she was again more concerned with baser feelings than confusion.

Groaning softly as Ione stroked her cock, the other alraune's tendrils shivered in their mixture with her own, and a moment later they shivered all the harder as a deeper moan escaped Mandragora's throat. Ione's descent upon the magically conjured cock was swift and easy, Mandragora already fully erect and quick to put her hands onto Ione's rump. Already carrying a batch of seedlings and unable to end up with child by another shorn anyway, Ione's body was nonetheless still perfectly responsive to being filled, and evidently Mandragora's was as well despite that what they did was something that their bodies would never drive them towards. Sharing a host like Jezebel and playing with one another sexually was one thing, but outright copulating with no third party to seed was almost unheard of among alraune, and Jezebel watched voyeuristicly from the corner with a look of shock and arousal as Ione started to ride the still fairly submissive Mandragora.

"Oooooohhh... Nnnnnn, ahhh! Ione," Mandragora cooed, her hands reaching up to settle upon her partner's bottom as it bounced in her lap, "nnn.... Yes! It.... Ahn... Does! Don't.... Don't stop!" Her hips would soon start to thrust back up to meet Ione's vigorous bucking, their hastily begun act proceeding quickly, but still satisfyingly enough as pleasure soared through the two alraune. Her desire to bring Mandragora to a quick finish would be easily met after not too long, though the other alraune would endeavor to give as good as she got in the highly charged union, pumping up and sending pleasure racing through Ione with every thrust, seeking to drive her to her peek to match the thick, blue, creamy seed that Ione would feel pumping into her depths after only a few warning throbs and some louder than usual moans from her partner. What happened after that, however, would be up to the initiator, as Mandragora would be slow to recover from her climax, and even slower to take the initiative in the sudden tryst taking place between them.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

She laughed softly at her partner's enthusiastic coos, but only just briefly before Ione focused once more on riding the other alraune out to a fast and furious end. Her depths massaging Mandragora's gifted member with ever thrust, surging in gentle waves as it coaxed the thing to melt inside her. The other alraune's rocking bosom rocked with Ione's own, and her nipples glanced with Mandra's, teasing the little peaks with every pass. Pleasure surged through her own groin, and even though she had started with the intention of bringing just her partner to orgasm, she found herself wanting her own rather quickly. So it only made sense in her addled mind than to further her passion.

The first throbs of her partner was all the incentive she needed to further her humping. It certainly helped that by then she could feel her own climax just around the way, building from the constant shivers racing up her spine with every bounce and flick of her plant flesh against Mandragora's. The other alraune's loud moans were like music, and when the first spurts of her seed came pouring forth, Ione gave a happy sigh as she adopted a very lewd smile. Blue creamy plant cum coated her insides, and she could feel the thick warm stuff shooting up into her womb, mixing with growing seedlings that were certainly already there. It didn't matter that it wouldn't do anything, or that somewhere it felt slightly off to be doing this just with Mandra. It just felt damn good overall, and she wanted to feel her plant sister's cum inside her again.

Ione's tongue flashed in the aftermath of the other alraune's climax, looking down at her with half-lided eyes as she continued riding her member. She slowed a little, but not by very much, wanting to drag out Mandragora's climax for as long as she could. But also of course to instigate her own. Pleasure surged from her partner's release, but there was still just a bit left! Just a little bit left before her own could come about. "Your seed feels so wonderful sweet Mandra. I might just get addicted to it too at this rate." She teased, glancing at the voyeuristic Night elf watching them and giving her a wink before turning back and closing her eyes as she kept riding her partner.

Her lip quivered she built, growing more frenzied as it grew. She drew back a few of her tendrils, unwrapping from around Mandra's own before giving them a quick rewrap near their tips, bring them towards her sensitive jewel. Urging the other alraune to smooth and tease it and the entrance to her folds to further the sensations she felt. "Hnnn... oh fuck..." She cursed as it became quite effective relatively quickly, a surge of new pleasure flowing over what she had already built. To her own surprise her climax came a moment or two before she expected it, and the plant girl came hard on Mandragora. Soaking the other alraune's member with her girl cum as she slowed from her rapid humps.

Heavy panting left her lips as she basked in her own released, giggling lightly to herself as the good feelings mixed around in her brain. Her tendrils quickly unwrapped from the others, and reached out to bury themselves behind Mandragora, pulling Ione down towards her where she lay. Not before she lifted herself off of her partner's summoned manhood, releasing a small drooling of the plant girl's cum from between her legs, and wrapping an arm underneath Mandra's breast. She smooshed up against her lovingly gazing at her with a lustful look, she once more took the other alraune's mouth with her own, much more relaxed and not as forceful, before pulling away and resting her head with her eyes closed against Mandra's own.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

The slowing of Ione's motions did nothing to ease the pleasurable pulses wracking through the other alraune's body, nor reduce the amount of seed that Mandragora spurted into Ione's thirsty depths. Even though it lacked the instinctive satisfaction that being given cum able to sire seedlings in her, like that of the men she'd been with earlier, the physical sensation of Mandraogra's cum being pumped into her womb was in no way reduced, and her fellow golden alraune certainly seemed able to produce a lot of it as she filled Ione to the brim. It quickly began to leak out onto her partner, a thick syrupy blue that clung immediately to anything other than their skin as it poured out from Ione's folds, staining the chair on which Mandragora sat and the floor beneath it.

Her partner's tendrils, when guided into place, were quick to pick up the motions they'd been directed to, Mandragora herself quickly recovering her senses and starting to gyrate in time with Ione's motions. Her peak was quick enough to follow, and when it ended and Ione slowly pulled off Mandragora gave a slight sigh, a coo of mixed pleasure and disappointment. Her return on the ensuing kiss was as eager as ever, and her hands smoothed over Ione's form, caressing her. As she leaned her head against that of her partner, Mandragora's tendrils came back out as well, and began to caress Ione's body once more.

"So, uhhh.... Should I leave you guys alone?" Jezebel suddenly said, her voice as sheepish as her expression had been when Ione had cast a glance her way while riding the other golden alraune.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione made a small sound towards Jezebel before muttering. "Only if you want to watch us rest and writhe~." She teased, grabbing the night elf's eyes with her own as she spoke again. "Please. Stay with us. Three is not a bunch here! Besides, if you leave who will help us finish this wine? Stay..." She flushed further as Mandragora's tendrils got into their explorations, cooing herself as they of the other's own will found their way smoothing along her more sensitive areas. The urge to reach down and tease her still summoned magical phallus in response was quite high, but Ione let her naughty thoughts remain just that. She felt much better to hug right now anyway.

After a time the alraune rose from where she clung to her plant sister, sitting back up before taking the glass she set aside into her hand. Despite her desire to cuddle with her newly bonded plant sister, she didn't want Jezebel to feel completely ignored. So she brought aside the other bottle of wine, pouring herself and the others new glasses should they wish to indulge, cheering before bringing the filled thing to her lips. Relishing in the sweet liquid as it passed beyond and found it's way back down her throat once more. She couldn't recall how many more drinks she had following that first one, but she passed the time with her two companions as they finished off the second bottle at a better pace than they had the first one.

"Hey Jezebel?" The alraune asked midway through taking a sip of wine. "There's been something I've been meaning to ask you. You wouldn't happen to know anyone in Celesis would you? I figured since you were... popular around here before that maybe... and you have all those potion-mist stuff in your home. Aren't there guilds for that kind of thing, like there are for magic?" She leaned back a little towards Mandra, letting her little feelers continue to wreak havoc on her simple sensitivities while she probed Jezebel about this. "You haven't ever heard of someone named Amraul before too have you? I've heard they're... quite important in some circles..."
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

"Eh... Eheh... Well, alright then," Jezebel replied nervously to Ione's insistence that she stay, though she was still slightly off-put by the two naked and freshly sexed alraune. Mandragora's cum was still leaking out of her sex, and the cock that Ione had summoned onto her was still erect and proud while they finished the wine. Though they weren't identical, the alraune were biologically similar enough to humans that they could get drunk, and did so with much more ease than the mammalian elf they were with.

By the time they were through the second bottle, Ione and Mandragora were both wavering drunkenly, and Mandragora's rubbing tendrils were actively sliding slowly back and forth over Ione's sensitive points. "Mmmm? Oh, well... Not really. I was trained in Candria, a town somewhere about midway between here and Celesis. I am a member of the Chemisters, an alchemists guild based in Celesis, but I haven't been to the headquarters in the city." She paused to think for a moment, but then shook her head slightly, "I don't know.... The name sounds familiar, but I can't really place it. Why do you ask?"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

'A town?' The alraune briefly thought at the mention of this Candria place further up the road. A place she and the others would likely pass through if it were along the road, such as Hafstead was. She took in the name of this 'Chemisters' Jezebel spoke of, though it struck no cords with her. Her knowledge of guilds was very flaky at best. Specific ones at the very least. She hadn't the time to ponder on it, before Jezebel raised her question back to the plant girl. "He's of interest to me, and my fellows." Ione slurred with a bright but drunk smile towards the now nervously cute night elf in front of her. "I don't know him myself. But sweet Clarissa does! And Arthur! They both know emmmm."

The alraune then dropped her smile and angled herself forward to Jezebel. "He sent them on a pilgrimage so that Arthur could join some order Armaul's a part of. I think... I think he's the leader of a guild of mages! One of them at least. I don't really know though. It might just be him and Arthur really. Clarissa and Arthur... they would know more than me; I'm just the alraune who picked them up off the side of a road and made things better for the both of them~..." She giggled to herself, twitching now and again as her body was teased by her fellow alraune. Getting a rise out of the twitches ever time one of Mandra's tendrils swept over a zone of hers.

Jezebel's continued nervousness at the sight of the both of them tickled the plant girl's mind, and she broke into a grin once more while tilting her head. "This Armaul... he's a Night elf too! I know there must be lots of them in Celesis but... are you sure you haven't heard of him? If you need a little help jogging your memory I can think of a few ways." She let every word pronounce as innocently as she could, but a part of her really wanted to tease the poor night elf some, and she couldn't suppress it completely. With how uplifted in spirits she was with her stint with Mandragora, the alraune was feeling very... generous... about sharing that feeling. So much so that the look she gave Jezebel betrayed everything with just how predatory it became.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

"Eheh... "Better" huh?" Jezebel said with an overdone roll of her eyes, though the woman's smirk was quick to broaden even further when Ione went on to offer a fairly suggestive comment about jogging her memory. The night elf would glance towards Mandragora, and then down to the cock that the alraune still sported, now leaking slightly from the tip, which the other alraune began to slowly stroke before the elf's eyes.

"Mmmmm, I... Really can't recall.... Anyone by that name," she cooed thoughtfully as she looked back to Ione. "Though, I think maybe if you did... Something... To jog my memory.... Maybe it would help?" she added, leaning forward to offer the two drunk plant women a nice view of her cleavage. The lithe, purple-skinned beauty bit her lip, swaying in place, and while it might not have hit her quite as it hard the two of them, it was obvious that Jezebel was feeling the effects of the wine.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione's eyes followed Jezebel's, and at the sight of her plant sister's leaking member even in her addled state a plan began to form. Egged on by the night elf's reaction to her suggestions. "I know just the thing." She gave with a reply, moving to Jezebel's side and wrapping an arm around her back and arm. "It almost slipped my mind you see. Just getting some sun is enough for us but... you never did have breakfast did you? A sage once told me it's not wise to think on an empty stomach." By that point she was already directing Jezebel towards her plant sister, making quick eye contact with her and glancing down towards the summoned member. Speaking with her eyes as to her intentions. Which would also be clear once she brought the both of them down to the other alraune's crotch.

"Lucky for you, our syrup's got just the thing for you! And you don't even have to wait for pancakes. Just gotta... drink it from the source..." Her body loosened from Jezebel's own, her hand still holding the Night Elf's shoulder as she brought her face to inspect the summoned shaft closer. Her head filled with thoughts of mischief, and though this was to Jezebel's 'benefit', she couldn't help but giggle as she put her thoughts to action. Her hand joined with the base of the shaft and then a brief touching of lips and the very tip of her tongue along it's backside. All while staring her plant sister in the eyes, letting her know she knew exactly what she was doing.

A blush followed the act, and then she lowered her lips along the tip, kissing and then suckling along that tip with a gentle bob. Her mind flared with the desire to take her deeper which she indulged, the magical member slipping deeper into her mouth and lighting her tastebuds ablaze. She stopped herself however, after having her fun for a few moments, pulling off of the thing quite silently with her tongue. She wasn't about to steal Jezebel's part in the plan she had conjured up. "You'll like it. Go ahead.~" She offered with encouragement, retaking her previous position next to the Night Elf, watching as the purple skinned beauty descended to partake in the summoned organ as well.

She cooed at the night elf's motions on her plant sister, smiling brightly when she would get more into it. Head bobbing up and down upon it, lips slipping along the member and sucking it with much attention. She offered more encouragement as her partner's pace developed, stroking her arms and letting a few tendrils slip around the night elf's body. Slowly and meticulously, she felt her way around Jezebel's body. Not in a squirming and ensnaring way but rather in a more forced and wrapped around fashion. Every time a tendril made a loop around her eyes shut more and more. A number of loops formed on the night elf, easing their way between her breasts and then looping around her back, forming an X across her chest before looping more beneath and above her breasts.

The alraune ever so gently crept along during this, moving slowly back and away from the night elf. Her free fingers dancing along the peak of one purple skinned breast. At what point the Night Elf's clothing had been shed she couldn't recall. Was she even wearing clothing before? Or was she just forgetting it out of her mind's desire to focus on her beautiful purple body rather than recall the clothing. It didn't really matter, so she abandoned the thinking. She had to focus on more important things. Like smoothing those fingers out from over Jezebel's breast and bringing it back and around. Trailing with her as she moved out and away, bringing her body further and further back until her hips were sliding past the Night Elf's own.

Ione's hands traced their way over her partner's thighs, and if she were seated the alraune gave them a pull upwards, bringing her to a presentable pose. She closed the distance between their hips and with a quick mental command, she snapped her tendrils tight. Locking Jezebel in a wrap and knotting of alraune tentacles. Her breasts smooshed between the weave. And then a bump. A very light bump of her crotch against the Night Elf's ass. And then another, and another. Until she was very purposefully dry humping the girl. Teasing her backside with the thumps of her crotch as her plant sister filled her mouth full of plant girl wing wang.

Her dryhumping slowly filled with pants as she turned herself on more and more. She had wanted to let the night elf recover from having had Mandragora's spawn, but with every connect she could feel her own desire to breed the night elf edge through her mind. And body as well; her 'favored' tendril squirming through her cavity down towards that very groin that was plopping against her partner. "I was gonna let you take it easy here but..." She commented with a gasp as the tip of her tendril emerged from her genitals. "There's more than one way to fill a stomach~..." Firmly gripping her hips Ione continued to hump, but with every one her tendril escaped further and further.

When it reached the entrance of Jezebel's folds she cooed in lust as her own tip was kissed. Quickly her tendril-member was urged to progress, and by the time two or three more humps had come she was far enough along to be thrusting into her partner. Pleasure fed through to her brain, and she bucked and ground herself in a rhythm. Feeling about to see just how much she could make the once more trapped night elf squirm. She was not without willpower however; and would gladly work with her plant sister. Pressing the night elf into a spit between the two of them, and jogging every kind of memory out of her whilst making a few new ones.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

"Oh? Do you?" Jezebel slurred teasingly, obviously following Ione's line of thinking as she licked her lips at the sight of Mandragora's drooling member. "Well, who am I to question the wisdom of a sage~" she continued as Ione led her over, hardly needing the alraune's guidance to approach Mandragora and the spout of syrup from which the two of them were about to drink. Her golden kindred obviously understood their intentions, and shifted her position accordingly as they drew near, leaning back and sliding her legs apart so that both Ione and Jezebel were in easy reach of their target when they dropped to their knees.

"Mmmmm, I always thought it was best straight from the tap~" Jezebel purred, leaning forward towards Mandragora's cock, but Ione beat her to it. Both of them reached out a hand to wrap around the shaft, but when Ione's arrived first Jezebel simply shifted lower, sliding two fingers against the alraune's untouched petals teasingly for a few moments before sliding past them into her depths. This occurring just as Ione first ran her tongue over the tip for the first time, their combined actions drew a loud moan from Mandragora and a generous squirt of her pre and love honey.

"Oooooohhhhh~ Oh gods! That's.... No... Fff.... Aaahhhn~" Mandragora cried as Ione gave her few teasing bobs onto the throbbing rod, Jezebel slowly working her fingers in and out of the alraune's tight cunny and watching impatiently as Ione worked her mouth on the tool that she was practically slavering for. Copious amounts of prerelease fluids leaked into Ione's mouth from Mandragora's pulsating member as she slid the long tool in and out of her mouth, drops and small spurts falling onto her tongue, and it seemed as if she would be quick to steal the snack she'd intended to give Mandragora if she kept it up for too long.

Ione was kinder than that, but even as she pulled away and Jezebel eagerly moved to take her place, the night elf's fingers finished what Ione's teasing from earlier had started. Mandragora's cock jumped as she unleashed a deep moan and tossed her head back, the only warning that Ione and Jezebel would have before streams of her sweet blue cum started firing up into the air. One, two, three, four would splash out before either woman could react, one landing across Ione's nose, the next across her lips, the third going astray and splattering across Jezebel's cheek as she leaned in, and the fourth spurt arcing upwards and landing on Mandragora's stomach. If, by that point, Ione hadn't gotten her mouth back on the spasming rod to take the rest of Mandragora's seed, Jezebel would, the night elf eagerly sealing her lips around the head and moaning almost as loudly as Mandragora while drinking down the rest of her load. If Ione had beaten her to the punch, she would find that Mandragora only had two spurts left in her for that particular loud, followed by a modest amount of dribble, but whether she opted to take the rest or leave it to Jezebel, the night elf would have Mandragora's cock in her mouth in short order.

"Ahhhh~ ooooh, sorry! That was.... Nnnnn, wait! Too... Too much!" Mandragora said, her apology cut off as Jezebel started hungrily bobbing up and down on the cock that Ione had summoned onto her earlier. The elf's dextrous fingers just kept on pumping into the alraune as well, leaving Mandragora writhing uncontrollably under her attentions, as she proved quite capable of taking the entire shaft right away without any trouble. "Nooo! Nnnn~ Slow... Slow down! It's too.... Too much!" Mandragora protested, but Jezebel merely giggled softly and pressed her lips around the base of the golden alraune's rod, sucking noisily and squirming her digits in the plantkin's folds just to make her writhe harder.

While Jezebel kept Mandragora occupied, Ione had full freedom to do as she liked with the night elf's nude body, something that certainly produced quite an intense reaction. She began to writhe much like Mandragora was while Ione slowly wrapped her up in her tentacles, though where the alraune squirmed in mind numbing pleasure the night elf did so with ever mounting need. Her soft caresses against the elf's sensitive regions, starting with her perky, pink-tipped breasts, drew gasping moans from the elf that were muffled by the cock filling her mouth, and then a gasp as Ione's tendrils snapped her into place to fit against Ione's front.

Jezebel was a perfect fit, but that didn't stop her from grinding herself against Ione in subtle ways that were nonetheless flawlessly compelling to the arousal mounting in the alraune who had so bound her, and all the while she kept up a perfectly steady bobbing motion on Mandragora's once more pulsating rod. The violet skinned elven beauty gasped again as Ione gave her first thrust, and at that point the other alraune let out a louder sort of moan and put a shaking hand on Jezebel's head to urge her on. Her kin wouldn't last much longer at this rate, and as Ione humped Jezebel harder and harder the elf returned her motions in kind, grinding her ass back into every thrust that the alraune offered against her and moaning with ever increasing intensity.

With her favored tendril slowly sliding further and further out as she pushed herself against Jezebel, the elf slowly raising her ass higher and higher in turn, it would be just as her tip finally pressed against Jezebel's entrance that Mandragora tilted back her head and unleashed another loud moan. Jezebel moaned as well, and leaned back so that only the tip of the alraune's rod was in her mouth, and despite Ione's continued humping and the steady motions of her own hips in time with it, she managed to keep her head remarkably still while Mandragora came right into her mouth, the hand she'd been pumping into the alraune's flower still moving to ensure that she spat up every last drop of her syrup. Even though she was obviously cumming hard, Jezebel managed to swallow portions of it between the moans that Ione's actions produced, so that only a tiny bit of the blue gunk managed to leak out when she finally pulled back to display a mouth full of blue cream to Mandragora, which was quickly swallowed only for Jezebel to start licking up the spilled syrup from her rod.

"Oooh... Oh, you want more!?" Mandragora asked incredulously, to which Jezebel let out a low moan and took the alraune's cock right back down her throat again. The steady squirming of her hips was all Ione's libido needed to tell of her need to be filled, her body pushing back, trying to drive that rod deeper inside and harder than Ione's early shallow thrusts would allow. Her bottom rose, making the angle easier and easier as she slowly shifted her hips into the perfect position from which Ione could slide into her, nay, slam into her, all the while maintaining her attentions on Mandragora. Even though she'd just delivered a batch of her golden kin's seedlings, Ione could feel Jezebel's body hungering for more, her body reacting to the hormones present in Ione's pre and Mandragora's release, ripening so that Ione could give her a second batch when she released her own potent syrup into the night elf's tight, quivering flower. Jezebel was ready, and all it would take on Ione's part was some words, or some directing, and she would have Mandragora on her knees on the floor with the elf bent over between them, her ass raised and presented for Ione's unlimited enjoyment while her kin, freshly recovered, would happily hump into the elf's face.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

The night elf's joyful moans and tickled the plant girl's ears, and her instance to bear her purple bottom and hips back with just the right sync left Ione in an ever driven lust. She idly wiped the remainder of her plant sister's seed up from her face and suckled it down between her pumps. Moving more instantly now that she was driven inside her beautiful lover's folds. Holding her place on one end while her fellow alraune held her own. Kinda. If anything the night elf was proving to be the one in control despite their spit. The way Mandragora's head drew back as she moaned in ecstasy and her incredulous words after quite clear of that. She'd be a pile of leaves to be raked up at the rate the night elf was draining her of sweet sweet seed.

That was, if she could handle being attacked on two fronts that is. "Hehehe... I'd say she want's more! Why, she's practically demanding it. So you know what that means?" She inquired with a mischievous flair. "It's only right we leave her stuffed of course!" Her thrusts deepened then, following the signals eluding from Jezebel's body that she could feel echoing through her senses. Her fertile loins pulsed and gripped hungrily, and Ione rewarded them with her own deep dedication and thrusts. Slamming into that ripe tunnel with her cocktendril that began to draw pre from just how... desirous the night elf's body was for seedlings. She was definitely an alraune addict by now.

While she piled deeply into the night elf, the plant girl drew over her lovers back. Reaching out towards her sister with a free hand. Inviting her to do more than just lay back and let Jezebel bully her. She gripped her pulled her up, causing a bit of a hiccup and adjustment between all three of them, but when it was said and done the night elf was truly caught between the two of them in a spit. One thrusting from behind, and the other from the front. "Beautiful." Ione commented with lust, airing her own simple thoughts to just how she felt primally about all this. Before gripping out once more in a small period of rest, and bringing her lips upon her plant sister's once more. Kissing her as they shared the night elf below.

To her embarrassment it sent enough joyful chills through her to illicit a small mini-orgasm, setting off a moan from in between Mandragora's mouth and a small spurt or two out of her tendril member within Jezebel. She pulled her lips away, panting with almost a dizziness despite how simple she had pulsed within the night elf. "Ggggg... ahaha..." She managed to eep out, before returning her attentions in earnest with her thrusts. Humping. Grinding. Drilling her tendril back and forth in her motions, eager to speed along a more true orgasm to fill the night elf proper. Whose unmistakable self became known soon after her little squirt as the night elf's backside seemed to become annoyed at not getting the same treatment as her front. Well face technically.

"Haaaa~ Haaaa~ I hope you're ready Jezee. I'm just about... ready... to pop!" She shouted with excitement, her thrusts reaching a fevered pitch as they dropped in and dragged along very eager folds. She didn't exactly explode right after her words, her groin deciding that there needed to be a right amount of pressure before anything would leave. An almost torturous few moments where Ione knew she should be losing herself, feeling it right there in herself, and yet the pressure building more intense. When the pipes did unclog though she lost herself in a loud moan, thick ropes of blue seed erupting from her and shooting straight into Jezebel's womb. It almost never seemed to quick coming too, which brought a look of surprise to the plant girl. Her eyes adopting a look of shock along with the ecstasy she experienced.

When she finally fell down from her high, her eyes glazed over as a huge smile made it's way across her face. She felt the way the copious amounts of seed she had filled the night elf with distended her stomach, and it delighted her in a way she hadn't felt before for a long time. "So eager... I can feel you trying to take all of it eh Jezebel? Does your body really want to make seedlings that badly?" She gave the night elf a few eager pumps, sloshing around the seed she had filled her with. "Well if that's what you really want! From now on, you're our breeding slave. Well, when we're around at least. Though if you want to go walking around with like... a flower slave collar or whatever to show your dedication I won't stop you~." She giggled, half joking but at the same time half serious. And pondering just how well such things would look on her companions as well...
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

With Jezebel on her hands and knees and trapped between the two alraune as they plowed into her simultaneously, Ione and Mandragora both bent forward in the midst of their thrusts, her fellow kin mimicking her actions only a moment after Ione started leaning forward. Their mouths met once more, their lewd moans left to intermingle as their phallic tendrils plowed into Jezebel again and again, producing a backdrop of muffled groans of pleasure from the night elf to join the decidedly lewd chorus that their encounter was producing. The small spurt of her potent cream into the elf’s depths, produced a moment after her lips met with Mandragora’s and as their tongues danced between their mouths, set Jezebel off instantly and caused the elf to tense and practically scream around the other alraune’s cock. Her already tight folds clamped like a vise around Ione’s phallic tendril and began to spasm rhythmically as a small orgasm of her own tore through the elf’s body, her folds milking Ione for a more voluminous release that they wouldn’t quite manage to earn just yet.

Pulling away from Mandragora to let her dizziness fade, Ione was able to start pounding into Jezebel anew by the time she’d recovered, the elf freshly coming down from her own peak and pushing herself all the more intensely back against the alraune’s rapid thrusts. For a few more moments their bodies would meet repeatedly, furiously bucking and grinding against one another, speeding steadily towards a more fulfilling peak, before Ione’s announcement made Jezebel scream with pleasure anew and caused her soft rear to hammer back against Ione with redoubled power. She was practically begging to be seeded by that point, the first pair of lesser spurts into her womb having only primed her for the true release that would undoubtedly give her a belly full of Ione’s seedlings, and indeed she might very well have actively been begging had Mandragora not been plugging her mouth up with cock.

Ooohhhhh…. Oooohhhhhh!!! Oooooh I’m gonna…. Nnnnn~” the other golden alraune cried suddenly just as Ione and Jezebel were finally about to reach their own orgasms once more. Jezebel’s moans were momentarily choked off entirely as she gave a few desperate thrusts into her oral orifice before holding herself still, a long groan signaling that she had again found her peak and was releasing her seed into Jezebel’s stomach. Ione wasn’t far behind her, however, her body’s need for more of that deliciously pleasurable pressure enhanced at the look of ecstasy on Mandragora’s face as she once more found her peak, and when Ione joined her in orgasming she once again triggered a similar result in Mandragora.

For a few glorious moments, the trio all drowned in pure blissful ecstasy, Mandragora and Ione filling the night elf caught between them with their potent seed and Jezebel drinking both of them right up. Her folds once more spasmed around Ione, eagerly drinking up every drop of potent alraune seed that her tendril spat up and sucking it through her cervix to settle directly in her womb, ensuring that a batch of Ione’s seedlings would soon be growing within. Even if only a few ropes might have been enough, Ione’s massive release never seemed to end, filling Jezebel’s small inner chamber and then causing it to stretch as her tendril proved quite effective as a stopper. By the time her spurts finally dropped off to a dribble, the elf’s belly had been made to stretch in order to hold all of Ione’s seed, leaving the alraune decidedly light headed and Jezebel groaning around Mandragora’s cock.

Despite the obvious discomfort that being so filled might cause, however, when Ione made her teasing accusation followed by claiming the elf as a breeding slave, Jezebel’s mouth let out one last choked moan as her folds gave another desperate clench. Mandragora, finally both satiated and no longer subject to Jezebel’s teasing, slowly slid back until her cock was free of the elf’s mouth, producing a small flood of mixed seed and drool to come forth, briefly leaving a line of that mixture hanging between the alraune’s rod and Jezebel’s lips before she plopped back to recover and broke the string. When Ione did the same, a veritable flood of her seed would begin to pour out of Jezebel’s hole, leaving a small blue puddle spreading on the floor, but it was far too late for her body’s pressure to prevent what had surely already happened, and once her belly had flattened again the flood would quickly drop down to a trickle and leave her womb still filled to the brim.

That was….. Uhhhhnnn~” Jezebel stated, unable to finish in anything other than a groan, but it was a sound so filled with pleasure and contentedness that it would be impossible to suggest that she was anything other than satisfied with their tryst. Mandragora let out a similar noise of agreement, but then looked down at her still stiff cock and groaned slightly. “It won’t…. Nnnn…. It won’t…. Shrink! What did you do?” she complained, directing her comment at Ione. “I can’t just… Walk around with this thing all the time!
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

"Hehehe... you're very right. I'd be awfully strained having to keep you sporting that look all the time~." The alraune teased, her wide smile still present as she reached aside for something to help clean up their mess. She briefly swapped her face, taking care not to spread any mess, before cleaning her own lower bits with a few smooth strokes. All before affording Mandragora the same, sauntering over to her and then very carefully gripping her through the rags she wielded. Teasing her one last time before letting her forced appendage fade away, shrinking in her grip until only her natural groin remained. "And it'd make things awkward if you met a nice group of men... like those soldiers for example. So I guess I'll be nice..."

Afterwards, Ione turned her attention back to Jezebel and stifled a small laugh. The Night Elf was practically collapsed from their session, her mouth and lips still glistening blue. The plant girl gave her a small pull and then began to help her clean up too. It took only a minute or so overall, and by the end of it besides all of them being naked currently one would hardly be able tell anything had happened at all in the room. By sight. At first glance. If they didn't see the pile of dirty blue cum stained rags. Or had been born without a nose... and somehow couldn't taste the distinctive smell of sweat and dew and syrup in the air. Woe be upon those that next had to clean up the room's things after this.

Rather than remain nude, the alraune donned her apparel right after. Standing and picking the discarded things from the floor, squeezing back into the armor of brambles she took to as her main attire. She traced the small knots in a few of it's pieces, briefly pondering if it would have made much of a difference with how the strikes on her earlier had gone with those slashy lizard things. She certainly felt safer in it than out. And donning her helmet it made her feel as if she should stand a little taller. Speak a little clearer. To exude a strength that would make her stand out as one who commands. Well, that was her hope at least. And for more things than mere playfulness.

Ione gave a little giggle at the two of her companions. "You two really make for quite the twist. It's been awhile since I'ved popped like that! I don't usually... give. I may have to do so more often, it was quite delightful! Although... I think it may have clouded more memories than jog them ah haha. Oh well. Such is life." Sighing happily, she leaned against a nearby wall before furrowing her brow. The others had been gone awhile now, and while she tried not to worry it left the plant girl a little unsettled. Especially with how... quiet it had been. She was pretty sure the loudest thing that had happened around here was the three of them being all tied up. It was too quiet otherwise. Far too quiet.

The first drooping of her eyes made the plant girl realize just how much everything had taken it's toll out of her. Between the rude awakening, fighting the strange creatures and getting slashed open, then healing herself and being pumped full by soldiers, and then getting smashed against a wall, coming back, and having her guts smashed in only to be healed again and be pumped full and pump full into the last few hours had be very strenuous. And that said nothing of her energy use either. As much as she wanted to she how the situation with the town was turning out firsthand it wasn't exactly the best idea at the moment. "I hate to separate so soon after our mash up, but I think a little fresh air would be good for me. You two really know how to tucker a flower out!"

Even if it was a bad idea to venture out so soon, she could still stand guard for awhile at least. The fresh air would at least help to ward off some of the exhaustion she felt. Shutting the down behind her, Ione made her way through the small hall of the tavern, looking around for anyone who might be up and greeting them with a nod. She remembered there was a balcony, and it seemed the best place to keep an eye on things surrounding the tavern. And to keep an eye out for her companions eventual return. So she opted to join whatever soldiers happened to be posted there help stand guard. Even as it became obvious to her that she may very well just nod off where she stood the longer it went on.
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Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant (17)
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Ione's teasing words would bring a slightly panicked look to Mandragora's face. "R... Right! So... You wouldn't.... Right?" she replied hopefully as Ione cleaned herself with a nearby rag, but then gasped when the other golden alraune reached down and cleaned her conjured cock in the same manner, giving a few teasing strokes before letting the magical phallus shrink back into its owners body. "Thanks," she said, quite obviously relieved to be without the conjured tool despite how thoroughly she had enjoyed its use only a few minutes earlier.

Cleaning up Jezebel took a good bit more work, but after a few moments she would at least manage to get up onto her hands and knees, and then up onto her knees to let herself drain more of Ione's massive donation. The mess would be impossible to miss, but the night elf seemed to prefer basking in her afterglow to trying to clean up the mess of blue seed leaking from her folds. Neither she nor Mandragora would make any effort to get dressed like Ione did, however, and neither would offer more than a grunt to her giggle and accompanying jokes, though when Ione made for the door Mandragora would look briefly concerned. "Be careful!" she said softly, while Jezebel was still too out of it to even offer Ione more than a single opened eye as she walked out.

The people in the tavern had mostly sequestered themselves in the various rooms, but a few of the soldiers were in the hall, standing guard. All of them grinned at her, having experienced her in a very intimate fashion not terribly long ago, and most at least returned her nod of passing. Once she was out on the balcony, however, Ione would encounter the officer who had been her first partner, and his greeting would be a bit bolder in the form of a hand clapped against her backside. After exchanging their greetings, however, he would mostly go back to keeping a lookout with the other two men he had left outside, which Ione would join him in for a while.

She might begin to doze off on her feet, exhausted as she was, but eventually she would see Arthur, Sivi, and Clarissa appear from around a corner up the street. The first two looked fairly haggard, likely having used quite a bit of power in whatever misadventures they'd had looking for more survivors in the town, as their essences were dim and weakened. Clarissa, however, still looked fresh, perhaps even joyous, despite that she was coated in gray slime up to her elbows and had quite a few splatters over her face. No one was with them, but they didn't seem as downtrodden as they might if they had found no one left alive, and when they arrived the very first thing that Clarissa would do was flap up to the balcony and wrap Ione in a tight hug. "Hello my little flower~" she purred softly, though after being close for a moment the demoness would sniff and then quirk a curious eyebrow.

"Been busy have we?" she asked, at which point the soldier commander would clear his throat questioningly. Breaking apart to hold Ione at arm's length, the demoness looked to him with a smirk and calmly reported; "There are others, and your companions are fine. We ended up establishing a second stronghold in another part of town, where they're holed up. There haven't been many of the monsters after that big one left... Have you been alright here?" The soldier would nod, "we haven't even seen any since you lot left."
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione jumped briefly at the officers playful slap when she encountered him and was half tempted to wave a tendril playfully at the man but thought better of it. Taking a position with the others on the balcony as they kept an eye out on the town. It was still quiet as all be, save for a few minor details. She could hear sounds of nature starting to filter back in. Birds, the simple chirps of insects, the simple sounds of the breeze. None had been apparent before when those things had shown up. She hoped it was a sign for the better, and took it upon herself to listen carefully for any breaks in that change of ambience. Tired as she was, she still had enough left to step up if those things decided to return.

She must have completely missed the sounds of approaching footfalls from down the road, or at least couldn't hear them from where she was, for some time after taking guard from around a bend came her missing comrades. A sight for weary eyes. They didn't look to be in too bad of a shape. Arthur and Sivi dragging along slower than Clarissa. While the demoness seemed quite proud of herself. And covered in that grey goo that glinted in a way when the light hit it just right. 'They must have fought another of those slime girl things...' The alraune noted from the sight. 'Where are the other soldiers? Something must have happened. A good something I hope.'

She wasn't expecting the demoness to appear so suddenly on the balcony. That did nothing to stop the plant girl's joy from her safe return though, or the joy from being pulled so close to her in a tight hug. A quiet joyous sound escaped her lips, and she simply melted into the hug, before blushing at the observation her friend came to through smell alone. 'I could say the same to you.' She thought, not getting to air it before the commander jumped in. Ione was glad she had the foresight to put her armor back on. For while the feeling of the slime still covering Jezebel's body wasn't entirely unpleasant where it did transfer over, inspiring pleasant little tings here and there, it did remind the alraune of her state not so long ago during the battle. Which didn't leave her entirely thoughtful of the ooze in a good light, even if it had masked much of the pain she would have felt.

At the heralding of the good news, Ione perked up noticeably. "How wonderful! More lives saved will definitely help the spirits of the people here. The soldiers especially. They could do for some more good news about now. Where is this other stronghold? And do you know how many are there? There haven't been any of those creatures poking around here as best as we've noticed. It's been very... quiet. I only started hearing nature's chirping a while ago now." Turning her attention to the officer, Ione straightened as much as she could. "K-cam... Camrius? Camrius... your commander can hold this other place? If the troubles with these things are over, holding more ground will give us more to work from. But if another assault from those things comes... we'll be fine here. I alone can make sure of that, as I'm sure some can attest." She commented while looking away from the man's eyes briefly. "It's the others I'm concerned about. I don't know their... strength... as thoroughly as one in their company."
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant (17)
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

"They can hold it," Camrius assured Ione, "especially if these things have retreated. Still, they might come back..... I'll wait for orders here." Clarissa would shrug, and just about then Arthur and Sivi would trudge up the stairs and join them out on the deck. "Town's clear," the mage grunted, "near as we can tell anyway." Sivi added; "A lot of the townspeople are gone though."

The faerie seemed upset by that, but there was nothing to be done for it. "Soooo.... What now?" Clarissa asked curiously, "we haven't exactly got much reason to stick around here.... But I think a good rest might be a better idea than leaving right away."
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Hearing the demoness' suggestion the plant girl nodded with a slow bob, holding back the tiredness that was welling itself upon her with each passing moment. "That would be for the best. This day has taken so much out of all of us. So much lost here." She leaned back into the embrace she shared with the demoness, sighing softly and closing her eyes for a second as she enjoyed the simpleness of it. Glad and relieved that she was in fact here in front of her, along with the others. And not trapped by those things in some part of the village as she secretly feared may have come of them. "We'll rest up awhile, gather a few things we might need and be off. Someone needs to be told about these things and about the condition this village is in."

Pulling away from Clarissa, the alraune glanced to the others. "There's another village just up the road I've been told. We'll check in with the people there to see if they can lend a hand, and then do the same when we reach the city. I wish we could do more for this place, to help those people who were taken by that... floating thing. I know some things that could help but right now getting some aid from elsewhere would be the best option to help this village recover. Does your band have any contacts up the road we could know about?" Ione inquired to Camrius, straightening up though obviously aching at this point to simply slump. "There is the Alchemisters in the next town, possibly even in the city. I'm not familiar with guild or bands or orders as of late but perhap if you know of any they might be swayed to help if your group was mentioned?"

Following whatever response to her question the soldier gave, Ione would leave him to continue his duties guarding the tavern, herself parting from the demoness before moving next to give Arthur a similar hug as she had recieved and gave to Clarissa. Making sure to have not spread any of the leftover ooze she might have collected from Clarissa onto him first of course, before squeezing the man lovingly. Once she parted from him she turned toward Sivi and froze. Her eyes unconsciously sizing her up and the slimmer of gratefulness fading on her face. Not disappearing, but fading enough to be noticeable to the nymph observing her. "Sivi... umm... might I speak with you for a moment? We'll be right with you two in a moment. Go check in on Mandragora and Jezebel. I think we can all rest together. Or at least the room next to theirs might be empty." She directed toward Arthur and Clarissa with a glance.

When the two of her companions had left and they were alone Ione continued to stay her distance from Sivi, scanning her with unsure eyes more consciously than before. "How are you holding up? Things went well with Arthur, Clarissa, and the others?" She asked, moving closer and looking behind her back into the Tavern as she did so, before returning her gaze. Continuing only when she had answered. "It's good to see that you are in one piece as well. Mandragora will be glad to see you've return. In case you were wondering, she's fine. A little weak from what happened but okay. She's sure to perk up when you two meet again." The alraune smiled a sincere but light smile.

"There is however a bit of a problem..." Ione started with her smile mostly gone, before taking a breath and letting her arms open towards Sivi, drawing herself into a hug with the Nymph, that is if she should let herself draw into the alraune. And would be speaking against her ear instead of across from it in a hushed tone in such a case. "Your kin here attacked me while you were gone. Warned me to watch myself in your "Queen's" lands. And threatened to pluck flower petals if I recall." The alraune grew very still where she was, either across from the nymph staring at her with very serious eyes or gripping her hug in a very still fashion. "I've already resolved this with her, but it doesn't make me very happy. She may just be one but if more of your kin are going to treat me wrong Sivi..." The alraune toned with frustration, letting the sentence drop off before completing it.

She'd part from the Nymph when her response would come, and after listening to it she'd direct them both to follow in their companions path and make way to the room or rooms they would share.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant (17)
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

(Ione gains 4 exp for punching out the faerie earlier.)

Clarissa would listen while Ione spoke of the next village, and when addressed Camrius would shake his head, "we're from Celesis. This was just a layover while we come back from a contract. I can't think of anyone who would react with particular favor were our names mentioned, to be honest. Sorry."

When the other two arrived, Arthur would feebly return Ione's hug, but when addressed with her request Sivi would look puzzled but ultimately nod to the golden alraune. "Sure, what about?" Led off to the side while Clarissa and Arthur went to pick a room, the nymph quirked an eyebrow slowly at her seemingly casual question, "fine, and yes. Why are we in private? That can't be all that you want."

She nodded slowly when Ione said that Mandragora was alright, seemingly relieved by that but now more curious. When Ione finally got to the point and spoke of what had happened with the knight earlier, the nymph's expression shifted immediately into a frown, and she looked past Ione into the tavern. "That.... Is troubling," she replied softly, "and will no doubt mean further trouble. I am sorry for that, but.... There isn't much that I can do about it."

Returning to the rooms after Sivi's response, she would find Clarissa and Arthur on one bed, the demoness on top of the exhausted man and seemingly about to take a meal from him. Sivi, seeing this, would roll her eyes and go to the next room, where Jezebel and Mandragora were lying comatose on the bed, though the puddles of fluids all over the floor would prompt another eye roll before the nymph simply too her own room. Ione could rest where she liked.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione nodded with acceptance, knowing what Sivi said was likely the truth. She hoped the presence of a member of Autumn among them group would temper any others they encountered. But the attack by the faerie knight here, who only some time ago aided them in the defense, wasn't a good start for that line of thinking. "Fair enough. I may know more about demonkin from my experiences in the past. But I'm aware of how... awkward... fae are about fighting or going against each other. But I'm not a fae. And if need be I have no problems doing just that." She let herself relax then, opting not to let the still tense thoughts of further trouble involving the fae overtake her mind with worry. Perhaps it was, as some might say, just a fluke.

She wasn't surprised to see Clarissa mounting Arthur the way she was, hungrily looking to the exhausted man with that oh so sensual look. She could feel her own chest tighten at the sight, suppressing a giggle as she and the nymph left them be to glimpse at the other rooms. When Sivi peeked into the room she had shared with Mandragora and Jezebel she struggled between not blushing and looking totally guilty of the mess they had left. Completely see through when the nymph rolled her eyes at it and at her. Surprisingly, the nymph opted to take a room by herself. Ione was sure that she would have joined with Mandragora considering their history. It made her blink a few times as she slipped away into her room, but by the end of it the alraune merely shrugged. Pondering where she herself should go to rest.

She could surprise Sivi and join her, briefly imagining snuggling up to the blue skinned green haired beauty to experience for herself that which her plant sister knew well enough, but she just didn't feel as up to it as she thought she would be. Even with the nymph being an ally. And she didn't want to disturb Jezebel and Mandragora if they were indeed fast asleep. A reason in retrospect, why the nymph took to her own room. So there really was only one option in her mind. She walked back to the first door and cracked it open, slipping quietly in and watching once more as the form of sweet Clarissa and Arthur entered her view. Those red crimson orbs perking her own eyes up just a tad, even if they weren't directly focused on her.

"I hope you don't mind if you have an audience..." She slid out in a whisper, unable to hide the tiredness in her own voice as she said it. She took to a nearby chair to rest on as to not interfere with the demoness' fun with her mage lover. The more she watched her form move so gracefully, her flesh welling up against Arthur's, even as tired as she was it left her grinning and feeling like a fool. A desire to just snatch up Clarissa and clutch her all to herself entering her thoughts, and going so far as to enter her own dreams as well. With all the dirty sights of an alraune dreaming of her demon lover could convey.

Ione chooses to rest with Clarissa and Arthur!

Chair-alraune-ing about and watching them like a total voyeur while totally not fantasying about Clarissa while super tired. Which totally probably won't lead to derpy hallucinations or nothing whenever she passes out. *Whistles*
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 38/76, Status = Fine, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 76/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant (17)
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

"I won't go against members of my own court," Sivi clarified quietly, "while I hold no ill will against any of you, I cannot go against my kin when they serve the will of our Queen, even if I don't agree with them. I'll do everything in my power to keep that from happening, but... I wish I could promise more." Her conclusion was solely apologetic, and she looked to Ione sadly.

Once they had picked their rooms, Clarissa and Arthur would glance up as Ione intruded upon them. The human gave her a bashful look, despite that he himself had enjoyed just this sort of encounter with Ione not terribly long ago. Clarissa, on the other hand, would shoot a smirk at Ione and coo; "Not at all~ Feel free to jump in and take a turn.... Though you might need to be quick if you do~ Poor Arthur doesn't have much left!" The demoness then simply removed what little clothing she had on her torso, revealing her full, almost impossibly perky breasts before leaning down upon Arthur once again.

They had started out fully clothed, merely grinding against one another and kissing, but a bulge had already appeared in Arthur's pants and only grew further as his hands were brought to Clarissa's breasts. The demoness would continue grinding her covered flower over that bulge for the next few moments, writhing sensually atop her prey while her mouth utterly dominated that of her former master. Arthur's shirt joined Clarissa's top on the floor all too soon, but it would be another full minute before Clarissa broke away and started descending Arthur's body. The human's cock was freed in moments, rock hard and even slightly bigger than Ione might remember it, though she wouldn't have long to examine the man's tool before it vanished into Clarissa's mouth.

Arthur groaned loudly, his hands clenching into the sheets as he settled back. Clarissa would have her way regardless of his desires in the matter, and there was no point in doing anything but holding on for dear life as the succubus took her meal from his soul in whatever manner she saw fit. That left the demon's rump risen high in the air, however, and while it was pointed away from her the erotic sway that it adopted while she took Arthur's manhood down her throat would be an alluring sight for Ione to say the least. From there, unless Ione intervened and thus changed things, it wouldn't be long before Arthur's tool was being sucked from base to tip by the bobbing mouth of the hungry succubus. Clarissa wasn't actually hungry, as Ione could plainly feel that her energy reserves were plentiful. She was feeding purely for the pleasure of it, purely because she knew that she could, and Arthur undoubtedly knew it too.

For a full half an hour Clarissa would hold him enthralled beneath her using nothing but her mouth and hands, alternating between slow teasing that often verged on torturous and bouts of intense stimulation that Arthur's reactions suggested felt so good that only a few moments more than she offered would have had him spilling a veritable ocean of his seed for her. But, no matter how she stroked, or kissed, or licked, or sucked on him, the mage was never allowed to cum for her even as his essence was slowly but surely reduced to its dregs to feed the demon's insatiable hunger. Only then, when he was wordlessly begging with every sound and motion to be released, would Clarissa slide the last of her garments off and toss them aside.

Without saying a word, Clarissa would climb up and mount Arthur, drawing a look of pleasured shock from him and a low coo of delight from her as his throbbing length disappeared into her folds. The succubus wasted no further time at that point, beginning to ride the man furiously. Arthur seemed unable to even move his hips from their death-grip on the sheets to her bucking hips as she road him, Clarissa's own moans of pleasure rising to join Arthur's groans. He didn't even make it a whole minute before his head was tilted back, his body shuddering as he let out one louder, longer groan as his pulsing member delivered wave after wave of his potent cream into the demon riding him. Ione could see dribbles of his seed trailing down his cock, mixed with Clarissa's glistening honey, and just as before Arthur proved quite voluminous in the amount that he could produce.

Clarissa rode Arthur until the tension drained from his body, a contended and exhausted look suggesting that he was ready to drift off to sleep. Unfortunately, he never got that chance. "Oh no you don't!" Clarissa exclaimed gleefully, "I've told you your training schedule! I'm getting three loads out of you tonight at least!" Her hips, which had slowed as he began coming down, started to rise and fall furiously again, prompting Arthur to let out an almost pained groan and incredulously reply; "Wha... S.. Stop! What.... Three!?" Clarissa, grinning, would only ride him more furiously, "three! By next week you're going to be giving me at least four! And by the end of the month... Six~"

Drained and helpless, Arthur was left to be Clarissa's plaything for the next hour as she never let him out from under her, his exhaustion and his body's efforts to come down from its aroused state thwarted by Clarissa's effects upon his body. Whether Ione interrupted them in some fashion or not, Clarissa would get her three loads out of Arthur that night, leaving her tight folds absolutely drenched in his seed by the end, and only then would she finally slide off of his softening member and allow him to pass out with a contented sigh. From that point on, however, Clarissa would be content to rest, inviting Ione into bed with them if the alraune had resisted the temptation to join them, an effort made easier by the exhaustion to match Arthur's that currently held Ione's body in a stupor.


The next day, the first thing that Ione would wake to would be the familiar pangs of birth taking place in her stomach, the seedlings that the soldiers had so generously impregnated her with fully developed and ready to be spread from her. Clarissa and Arthur would still be asleep, but Ione would be able to hear movement from out in the hallway.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

The alraune slumped back in her chair and watched the two lovers gleefully, even as her tired state kept her from joining in. She could imagine the feel of Clarissa's lips as she took Arthur's, the slipping touches of flesh as they ground against each other in deep writhing. The demoness of course was the one in control and Ione delighted knowing she helped to make moments such as this between them more possible. Arthur's predicament much more suited for him than his former angry lot in life. She loved seeing the man's shirt pulled over him and chest exposed, his lips teased once more as his arms were briefly trapped, before they vanished into a pile and Clarissa made her descent on the man's body toward her goal.

She didn't have long to admire the man's length when it was revealed, as the demoness had clear plans for the thing quite evidently. Though she didn't remember it looking so... plump before. And was it longer now too? It had been a few days since she last indulged in it so she supposed perhaps she was just remembering it wrong. Or that Clarissa had managed to rub off on the her former master as she had with herself. Ione sighed in relaxation as her friends enjoyed themselves, watching happily as Arthur's manhood was mercilessly stroked and pleasured, the bobbing of Clarissa's mouths eliciting fantastic images in her mind, and in phantom pangs in her core where her tendrils kept themselves wound up.

'If only I could have Clarissa do that to me...' She mused, a small seed of jealousy forming at Arthur for having the attention of the beautiful demoness currently. The waving rump did much to distract her away from those thoughts, but she couldn't help but feel what she did at that moment. Though she found it odd to have been raised. She had no problems wrapping herself around either of them. Enjoying herself with either of them. She supposed being tired was not helping her thoughts, though perhaps it was being too out of it to indulge with them like before that made her envious. That seemed more likely the case the longer she dwelled on it.

A nod sent her reeling, a couple of precious seconds keeping her eyes closed as weariness continued to overtake her. Arthur's begging and the lewd sounds kept the deepest parts of her brain excited, but her tiredness wracked her and as time went on her smile began to fade as did her eyes droop to the sight in front of her. Her enjoyment never ceased, but her body became dumber and dumber as it sought to fall to rest. She wrapped herself tight with her arms to make herself more comfortable, and when the demoness pounded Arthur's hips nearly into dust, she managed a grin before being interrupted with a yawn, her eyes closing once to the tide of her exhaustion. Easing shut further and further as she warded it off as much as she could. The sight of the two she fixated on blurring in the light of the room.

The long moment she kept her eyes shut she clearly could hear something being said, but when she finally opened them it stopped. As was Clarissa's moving hips on the man. Everything was still, and very blurry from her tiredness. She found herself confused at how still everything was, and it only became more so when after another blink the scene in front of her changed. With Arthur very breathing very haggardly on the bed, and a curvy figure sitting instead on it's edge and staring it's crimson orbs straight at the alraune. Slowly she watched as Clarissa stood, a trailing blur following her as she eased herself over to the chair Ione slumped in, her tired eyes fixated on the demon's own before she very clearly spoke to her with a voice that sent a delightful shiver through her.

"Oh no you don't! I've told you your training ........! I'm getting three ..... out of you ....... .. .....! Three! .. .... .... ...... ..... .. .. giving me at least four! And by the end .. ... ........ Six~"

Ione could only stare blankly at the gleefully smiling Clarissa before simply exclaiming, "Huh...?" blinking a few times before the demoness lowered herself onto the chair with her, overshadowing her from the way she was slumped. The alraune's arms naturally unfolded, and her head was gripped and raised upward before a pair of lips overtook her own, drawing a moan out from her as another hand wandering into a gap in her armor and snaked it's way downward. The pressure of fingertips finding her folds caused her to writhe under Clarissa, but once the demoness had found them she gave them no mercy, letting the digits slip past and pump the plant girl's folds in sync with her other probing and caressing.

Much as she tried to call out her tendrils the plant girl found them unresponsive. Her arms did what her tendrils could not, wrapping themselves around the demoness and pulling herself closer. Her tongue wrestled with Clarissa's in a fevered pitch, before seperating with a slip of lips and then causing her eyes to be caught in an embrace of their own. Deeply glowing red eyes causing Ione to freeze up all response as she could feel herself surrendering to them. Blinking a few times in succession, the demon's face replaced but only an instance with another from so long ago, but only for a split second inbetween one eye close to the next.

Heavenly delight filled the alraune's being as Clarissa mercilessly drove her onward and further restless, and had she been in her right mind she would have considered the sudden change. But there was no time for it. She gasped wordless when the demoness switched to teasing her neck, and as she felt the onset of an orgasm coming from the constant plumbing of her depths she braced herself as best she could. Her body swept in waves of pleasure as she came, freezing with sudden alarm as what she could only describe as a glass being poured away seemed to happen at the same time. And then those same fingers still buried in her became more furious and she leaned back in shock, only to find herself staring at Clarissa's wonderfully beautiful but blurry face before hearing over and over again.

"Three... four... Six~, Three... four... Six~, Three... four... Six~"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~​

How odd it must have been for Clarissa. Once her training with Arthur had reached it's fevered pace, and the man had thoroughly drenched her with his seed before passing out, should she glance toward the alraune voyeur in the room she'd find her asleep. Slumped in a chair, out cold, breathing heavily and writhing a little as her eyes twitched endlessly behind her sleeping lids. Sighs from time to time leaking out and a blush just as heavily as her breath dotting her face from some unknown thought. Which, wouldn't remain so secret for long before the demoness would hear Ione mutter her name as she continued to writhe ceaselessly. Trapped in her dreams of Clarissa, keeping her prisoner that night.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~​

Groggy and feeling very... plump herself, Ione rose from her slumber the way one might expect a heavily pregnant alraune to rise. Not very fast at all. She was certain in fact that she would still be asleep if it weren't for the parade of seedlings knocking to be let out. She pulled herself out of the slump of the chair or off the bed if she found herself mysteriously there and somehow without clothing, reforming her attire and adjusting it to cope with her bulging stomach. How the soldiers had done a number on her! Despite how groggy she felt, the alraune took ample satisfaction in the seedlings she sired. Which would soon be off on their own to grow into beautiful blooms themselves.

The others were still resting peacefully on the bed, but outside there sounded to be people stirring about. Probably the soldiers patrolling through, or some of the people of the village moving. Going downstairs for whatever reason, most likely to grab something to eat or drink perhaps. So as not to rouse her companions from their sleep so rudely Ione handled the door very lightly, opening it with a crack at first and barring no interruptions or horrible door hinges needing oil desperately would open it fully. Leaving the room and waving lightly at any of the human soldiers she came across as she made her way down to the bottom floor of the tavern. "These ones aren't giving me any time at all! Ooof... Let's not make a mess here in the tavern. Just outside should be well enough. Now if only I can make it in time ahahaha..."