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[WIP - Full] [Acid Style] 銑鉄の探索者 / Explorer of the Golden Planet (RJ204720)

[To Uxot]
[As I said before I think something is up with your game files as due to doing the translation I have been using an nearly complete save file to make sure parts are coming out translated and at no point have I had issues with seeing the translation, it is also the same for the installation as Jesus had said a bit above that it worked for him.
I can pass you along this save file I've been using so you can try it and see if it works or not which may determine this better as to where the issue is so I can respond to future reports of this with an quick solution, would that be okay?]

In other news I have now started to translate again and just a reminder of where I am is the sort of shop, equipment stuff. Progress will be slow to begin with as I get started with it all again but it should ramp up as I get back into it, I won't be setting an deadline for this as I have no idea how long it will take as it will be done when it's done, all I can say is that I hope you guys will find it helpful when this update is ready and out.
Well at least it's working now,but it's just the "Central Colony" that got translated for now right?
Yep that area is the only one that I've translated right now so if your looking for more story elsewhere, you won't find it, currently I'm working on the terminal stuff so you know what you are equipping/buying.

EDIT/UPDATE: just finished the file I left off on which had an monster part to deal with in terms of text to translate due to how it was, I took a look at the next one and well....there seems to be an similar monster there.
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Small update of note is that after my illness period (last 2 weeks) I have gotten back to work on this and discovered that the file I'm on has a lot of text in a few sections which are pretty much the same as an previous stage file so if that is true for a few others and I realize then it could make doing this faster. Making it easier to make up for lost time though a lot has been lost since June was when I last worked hard on this.... :s
Small update of note is that after my illness period (last 2 weeks) I have gotten back to work on this and discovered that the file I'm on has a lot of text in a few sections which are pretty much the same as an previous stage file so if that is true for a few others and I realize then it could make doing this faster. Making it easier to make up for lost time though a lot has been lost since June was when I last worked hard on this.... :s
It´s good to know you are not dead.
It´s good to know you are not dead.
My my, if you want to know if I am around still or not watch the first post as I am updating that when I can instead of posting when small things happen to let you guys know about how my time is for doing the work and how the work seems to me I update the date in it as well. Also I don't hide my last seen so you can see when I was last about on the forums, anyway if you are concerned that I'm dead then go ahead and send me a PM or post on here asking how it's going and I'll reply with what I got, can't promise it will be much but I am making progress like right now the file part I'm doing is atcually changing the screens in the game so you can finally know what it is you are equiping/buying weapons wise.
Heyo, not posted for a while as I didn't have much to say since I was doing the gallery which was a lot of copy and pasting of single words but it was faster to do that than translate the word over and over again. That's done though so now I just have the Red haired hooded girl's shop, shop status (I think it's the selling of materials and buying of them) and then the tutorial of how the terminal/shop works and then I can release the next update which is probably the most useful to those of you who want to know what you are doing with your builds.

As a rough estimate as I've yet to look at the files, this update could be done before Christmas, maybe even before December rolls around if nothing screwy happens though the Window 10 update messed me around for a bit there. Additionally I am interested highly in Acid Style's latest announced game which is an female and male protagonist game with monsters in it so a bit more of movitvation there to get on with this more :S (though I don't think I'll get the translation 100% done before it comes out).
His new game is definitely intriguing! But, I can't wait for you to finish up here. I'm very hyped. I only ever played half of the game and am patiently waiting!
:s I do hope that I end up churning through levels after the shop/terminal is done as I don't recall much text in the levels themselves except at the start and ending or before an boss fight area, so yeah hard part first is what I choose to do it seems by going in order of what you end up meeting in the game. (I still have no idea how to do the cutscenes or the UI text that is like part of the background)
It may be the hardest part, but it's also the most essential. Not understanding what all the equipment does is pretty much the biggest bottleneck in keeping me from playing this game, so I'm looking forward to the terminal being finished the most.
Okay I have suddenly run into a wall block in translating as I have an sexual plugin blocker thing but the description for it is extremely hard for me to make out which is the following:
The additional thing that would help me in this case is I would use my save file which I thought was 100% before the ice zone update to test it out but apparently I don't have it so it was possibly added in said ice zone update. So my question is simply this, does anyone have a save file with all plug-ins in it or can translate the text I posted above to get something more understandable than the following: "Disable the suspension of the resistance function by inserting foreign objects"
It's the final thing in the file I am on before I do the shop/terminal tutorial which I missed the first time I did the base area. Though I need to check to see if anything I put up initally has suggested fixed or things that I missed pointed out for me to do before I do the next update upload.

EDIT: Thinking a bit about making an feedback form so if you guys notice something not translated or has both the translation and the origional text you can submit an report for me to check so I can fix it or get feedback on what you think about the translation and if it is a good fit or not. Also I'm continueing translating after the shop/terminal bit currently so I don't waste any time on waiting for help with one small bit.
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So after looking around the Ice area added a while ago I found the missing plug-in and it was not the one I found which I couldn't translate......as a result I have gone ahead and updated the first post with version 0.2 which also includes the translation work I did when I wasn't looking for the plug-in (H-cutscenes that are replayable in Aperi's room) also I have updated the text file in the folder to have a changelog included.
I have also made an way for anyone to help out by letting me know about stuff I missed translating or noting down that I couldn't translate it and why or if I have messed up with translating by adding to the post two links, one being an submission form for what you find and another being for seeing what people have reported and if I have seen it and fixed it yet.

Enjoy. (y)
I'll take a look when I have time! I'm excited to try it out and i'll keep an eye out for any mistakes.
so outta curiosity whats the status on this is it still being worked on?
I still wish/want to do this however the recent events around the world and my personal issues are mixing badly together. Additionally since releasing the second version which includes the most wanted stuff of GUI translation the has been a lack of positive responses and the downloads for said second version are still trailing behind the first version I did of the base it self. It makes it harder for myself to justify allocating the time I have to it instead of real life issues which I have attempted to communicate in the "Current mood/time availability for this" section.

This doesn't mean I am happy with myself in regards to this progress as it is currently 1 month away from being a year since I created the first post which is horrible progression time and reminds me about how much akin to stuff in development hell this almost certainly is... but yeah in short not much happening due to a compounded effect of personal issues, lack of interest, world virus situation.
Just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time huh 😓
Thank you for your efforts, I didn't think a translation of this game would even exist