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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm that's explained...
I DEFINITELY saw no drop on the two Blue Armor which drop PA
But I got PA , I thought I probably just imagine it
And... after another God knows how many ran
I got this problem 6-7 time , HELL that's a LOT
So there is the 3'rd PA drop(?)

Not sure, but a friend of mine said he got a plat armor even with the 2 plat armors not showing *GET* notification on death
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What do you guys think about Ingrid?
Was thinking about getting her or Aisha(would prolly go Aisha)
but would like to know more about Ingrid and her role

I ady have B.Iris and she's the only black I have aside from the event blacks(Anya, Hibari and Shino)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What do you guys think about Ingrid?
Was thinking about getting her or Aisha(would prolly go Aisha)
but would like to know more about Ingrid and her role

I ady have B.Iris and she's the only black I have aside from the event blacks(Anya, Hibari and Shino)

that 70% MR reduce within her range is a good stuff for magic DPS specially AoEs like mages.
In a way that she is almost allowing magic DPS near her to deal Almost true damage to enemies with MR

Also gives mage armors a good boost, if you're using one that is.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


DEM NOICE!!!!!!!

Hope Next Year they will give another Black Ticket , coz I'll def get Amanda for dick reason (♡´艸`)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So Rean (Lian) would be the same too? mmmm I strongly disagree. 14% hp to the whole team is no joke and her skill is op while Leona's is just "really good on SOME situations".

Leona's regular skill is actually extremely effective; several players on Discord have repeatedly shown me how useful it is against Majin 11+, even.

I'm not gonna debate how useful Aisha is; I use her practically everywhere and there's no team she doesn't improve just by being in the roster, it's just that you can certainly survive with Leona alone.

Not right now, but 2nd aw of HA or other units could change this rankings. That's my point, Aisha is more "future proof".

It's not something I would mind if it happened; I just highly doubt it. :p

'We'll see.'

Lol, why is she so hated? XD

Hatred for Farne/Harry Potter r63 is pretty memetic. Has awful AW art and has been one of the weakest blacks in the game for a long time.

The introduction of the Demon Summoner class also makes her look really, really bad. A whole lot of other classes look worse because of it, too, but summoners definitely got shat on the worst.

They've been steadily improving her but it's not often in the way that is necessary to make her used. Frankly they should probably just give her a permaskill or something at this point.

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah, shit. I may need some guidance from you guys regarding my pick for black ticket.

If there is a must-have unit I haven't listed (e.g. Aisha), please assume I already have them or have others that fill the niche well enough.

Black Iris: I don't have her. However, I do have Saria (the plat healer, not sure if this is the right Sar** name) and Leona, plus pretty much every other healer in game. Furthermore, I'm turned off by loli, so the aesthetic factor for me towards her is pretty much nil. (Please note I'm not saying you can't be into it, just that it does nothing for me) Is she really so good that she's irreplaceable?

Kayou: Multi-hitter/sweeper extraordinaire. I have Lyla, Inari, Estelle, and Fredericka, though, among others I'm sure I'm forgetting, so I feel like she'd just be icing on the cake as far as utility goes. But she is my pick among picks for aesthetics: mature, refined, haughty, and stacked.

Nanaly/Minerva/Leone: Single target Physical DPS, probably my most lacking area. I was not lucky enough to get any of the premium pirates, and too late for the Beatricka revival to get her to any usable state. None of them strikes particularly hard on any of my aesthetic senses either.

Towa: AW Ability with Estelle. That is all. Aesthetics excellent except for that staff, which makes me feel she's straight out of the Mario series.

Any advice you guys could give on these would be great. Please keep in mind that I am having no real trouble with any of the content that's coming out (short of upper level Majin, and no more so than any other player).

Edit: Ignore the signature. That was back when I played Nutaku version slightly before it was clear that they did a shit job with the game.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just noticed that they boosted the gold reward for the 80/6 armor map from 22500 to 31500 gold/run. Neat.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just noticed that they boosted the gold reward for the 80/6 armor map from 22500 to 31500 gold/run. Neat.

Also change 5 gold armors-2 pla armors to 4 gold -3 pla
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm I'm getting much more headache on clone account instead of main


So far I have Altair - Nezha - Kayou - Sasha - Sienna - Garania

I dun care with content , I probably will never be able to clear Majin 10'th Lv on clone and that's fine~

I probably will dickpick
But who....???????!!! So many Lovely waifu >.<
Amanda , Olivie , Esta , Minerva , Sue , Rinne , Towa

On 1 side I want to freely choose
On 1 side , wish it was random so I will not confuse....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well i think i will take Cornelia for my main, as i already got quite some good blacks on it except someone who could truly be a tank except for maybe Grace/AW prince with my B.Iris. I got already enough healer on it also AWed (Marle, Saria, B./G.Iris and Fedora). Dmg dealers i got plenty i guess with Minerva, Ursula, Frederica and Rakshasha. I will dickpick with my alts prolly either Nanaly, Rinne, Charlotte, Alice or Sophie.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm , so we got Black Choose Ticket
I hope there will be Platinum Choose Ticket too someday
Maybe on All Age Anniversary(?)
So I can finaly got My Julius

My AW Male Team will be completed then~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

is this image real or another photoshop? it would be awesome if it is. this is the first shown pregnancy in aegis that i'm aware of.

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Black ticket? Fine, but Black Unit selection? How (potentially) Foolish ...

Can you hear the army of small marching feet? B.Iris and her kin are about to become the most common units in the game.

Now they'll have to build every higher level map with the assumption the same limited subset of broken units (of which one, short of massive personal preference will be chosen by a huge majority of the player base) will be present or hyper overrepresented.

And if they dont, snooze feast if you now have the broken units.

Also Cypria AW2 artist need a mental check, The lady should sash and sex it up in AW2 graphics, not be a commerical for old age hip replacement.

That aside, bountiful times, thats for certain, no argument there, going to grab my fair share of the loot.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Black ticket? Fine, but Black Unit selection? How (potentially) Foolish ...

Can you hear the army of small marching feet? B.Iris and her kin are about to become the most common units in the game.

Now they'll have to build every higher level map with the assumption the same limited subset of broken units (of which one, short of massive personal preference will be chosen by a huge majority of the player base) will be present or hyper overrepresented.

And if they dont, snooze feast if you now have the broken units.

Also Cypria AW2 artist need a mental check, The lady should sash and sex it up in AW2 graphics, not be a commerical for old age hip replacement.

That aside, bountiful times, thats for certain, no argument there, going to grab my fair share of the loot.

So You say B.Iris alone can carry You to Lv 10 Majin Map?
So You say Lv 11-15 will be so easy now?

You really need to run Lv 10 first to taste it...
I probably can clear up to Lv 12-13 FurFur now that I have Fiore
Or probably not , I dun wanna even touch it~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Black ticket? Fine, but Black Unit selection? How (potentially) Foolish ...

Can you hear the army of small marching feet? B.Iris and her kin are about to become the most common units in the game.

Now they'll have to build every higher level map with the assumption the same limited subset of broken units (of which one, short of massive personal preference will be chosen by a huge majority of the player base) will be present or hyper overrepresented.

And if they dont, snooze feast if you now have the broken units.

Also Cypria AW2 artist need a mental check, The lady should sash and sex it up in AW2 graphics, not be a commerical for old age hip replacement.

That aside, bountiful times, thats for certain, no argument there, going to grab my fair share of the loot.

Aigis has a serious problem in that there's no way to guarantee any unit even if you spend a massive amount of money. A lot of the bigger spenders already have most units, with a few exceptions. A black choice ticket is a fine solution to the problem, especially if they provide others means of getting them in the future(lots of rainbow crystals?).

You don't need to take it as a power pick; you can always just pick your favorite black unit that you never thought you'd get - I know several people are already planning on taking this route. Most blacks are inherently pretty good so you will likely not be disappointed.

Maybe thinking of it as a way to guarantee a certain level of power for newbies/f2p's so that they don't get left too far behind is a better line of reasoning.

As a side note, like Larcx said, though B Iris may be necessary for some Majin 15's, she is not the only unit you need. Most anything else is clearable without the help of blacks, so I do not consider this concerning.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You don't need to take it as a power pick; you can always just pick your favorite black unit that you never thought you'd get - I know several people are already planning on taking this route.

Aside from my initial rolls when I started, every roll I've ever made has been an attempt to get Dina, which have all so far been unsuccessful.

Guess who I'm picking.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Yeah , not many people blessed with Black
Even if am quite frequent to roll in the past , well not anymore though
I got less Black than average I should have :V
Should have had 3-4 more Black T^T

DEM I want Platinum Choose Ticket on future
After I got Julius , I don't see any need to roll anymore...
Whelp probably 5-10 sc if I feel like it~


Also , @nissebrygger
You forgot that there is 15 Unit on the roster do You?

So You have B.Iris / Leone / Rinne / whoever Black You choose
What will You do to those annoying reflecting lighning on FurFur? He is not the only one who can do that :V
What will You do to those fatass - ifrits - dragons - swordie annoying minnions of Amon?
What will You do to those shitty crossbow(?) demons on Agares - Vepar , ETC

Lv 11-15 above

Not even just 2-3 Black could save You
Unless You have like 10 Black "Key Unit" , then yes
Congratulation You probably have no problem~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

There are plenty of ways to make it sensible or absord the huge accumulation of power that ex. B.Iris brings to ANY team in almost ANY situation, but Aigis is not providing any of them currently.

As stated back when AW2 was announced, I am all for it, but they need to provide some sort of meaningful use for the power, otherwise it is simply power creep with a grind attached (no grind on the ticket, obviously).

So while introducing a black selection offers (temporary) relief to one area (people who are technically at or near the end of their time in the game collection wise) the (more or less permanent) effect on all other areas of the game are pretty large.

Also, if those lacking only a few units get to select one outright, what will they spend money on in the future? whats even left?

I dont think it is a wise choice at all.

Having us work for it ex. by introducing achievements, challenges and what not, some sure method, that if you accomplishes these tricky tasks that takes effort and time (and not just, hey, met my all powerful team as the majinn maps to some degree are) and there for this is a sure reward of that level fine, I can get behind that and that'll earn them money too.

Fits the game and we all like to brag a bit and show off shinies.

Win - Win.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Uh, did I miss something? Did they change the drops for the Armor daily?