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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have only one premium black - Cornelia, and list b of characters I consider picking is very low. Ihave 4 girls I really like: Kikyou, Kayou, Nezha and Matsuri. I definitely dont want Aisha, she will make whole game boring face roll.
I do not feel that I need BIris because v of Cornelia and picking Matsuri would be a waste because I have high lvl 2AW Helena. Nezha is coolmbut not s o flexible, especialy when I already have AW Faa.

So I have 2 pocks left: Kayou and Kikyou. I love them both


Leone would be best chpice to compli ent my team. She is super powerfull and I have no bowrider. So I have 3 possible picks and I dont know what to do.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So enforcers are just... super monks?

Leone would be best chpice to compli ent my team. She is super powerfull and I have no bowrider. So I have 3 possible picks and I dont know what to do.

Leone is amazing, If you are purely considering gameplay, she is probably the best choice if you need single-target DPS. Gatling arrows are wonderful.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

There are plenty of ways to make it sensible or absord the huge accumulation of power that ex. B.Iris brings to ANY team in almost ANY situation, but Aigis is not providing any of them currently.

As stated back when AW2 was announced, I am all for it, but they need to provide some sort of meaningful use for the power, otherwise it is simply power creep with a grind attached (no grind on the ticket, obviously).

So while introducing a black selection offers (temporary) relief to one area (people who are technically at or near the end of their time in the game collection wise) the (more or less permanent) effect on all other areas of the game are pretty large.

Also, if those lacking only a few units get to select one outright, what will they spend money on in the future? whats even left?

I dont think it is a wise choice at all.

Having us work for it ex. by introducing achievements, challenges and what not, some sure method, that if you accomplishes these tricky tasks that takes effort and time (and not just, hey, met my all powerful team as the majinn maps to some degree are) and there for this is a sure reward of that level fine, I can get behind that and that'll earn them money too.

Fits the game and we all like to brag a bit and show off shinies.

Win - Win.

Couldn't agree more...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah, so after over 2.5 year of play I will get my first premium black... I wanted Nanaly since the beginning, but maybe need to go for the powerplay of black Iris...

On a different note - silver xp event again?? Wth, it has been so long since last gold+ xp event, my barracks are overflowing with food units waiting for it...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

ITT: people who can't appreciate a nice generous gift for 3 successful years.

No seriously what is wrong with you people.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

ITT: people who can't appreciate a nice generous gift for 3 successful years.

No seriously what is wrong with you people.

lol, ever since altair way back march, All of my rolls from that point to now can be summarized with 5 plats and the rest being golds and silvers, yep, a generous gift, no?

Well, a year playing with 5 prem blacks on main account and around 8-month old alt account with 4 prem blacks, ... not that bad I guess :v

Anyway, time to end my wet-dream-that-doesn't-seem-like-ending-soon and grab Ester for myself, and maybe Berna for my alt account
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Same has Urizithar my team had a big problem with multi heal so i was thinking on getting Rinne with that tikect, but i did a yolo roll (this usually don't work for me) and got Saria... i guess is back to getting Aisha or B. Iris.

Edit: Checking the list of avaliable blacks and cross checking with my units it may be better to pick something more melee orientated, since Saria + Elias combi can solve my healing troubles and Aisha could (will) turn my already AW Leona into a waste... So now it comes to Sarah, Cornelia or Esta. Another option could be Grace and Kayou (desing wise of course) If only Mirelle were valiable his would be and easy pick.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Millennium War Aegis 'White Empire Edition' (1)
千年戦争アイギス 白の帝国編(1)

Release Date: November 30th
Author: Murasaki Yukiya (むらさきゆきや; )
Illustrator: Nanahara Fuyuki (七原冬雪; )
Price: 680 JPY (734)
Pre-order: ; ;
Serial Code: Dragon Imperial Princess of Flame Charme (炎の竜皇女"シャルム")
Class: Dragon Princess
Skill: Fire Sword Durandal (炎剣デュランダル)

Charme's skill has been revealed today (like an hour ago). As opposed to Anya who specialises in defence, Charme specialises in increased attack and range. Her AW Illustration will be unbelievably fantastic (とんでもないこと; I don't know if this is implying she becomes super cool, or scandalous).

Cover Illustration:

Dragon Imperial Princess of Flame Charme Stand-up Illustration:


Illustration One:
Imperial Priest Milfia (帝国神官ミルフィア): "Oh my, sensitive, aren't you?"
Imperial Healer Elias: "Y... You fool! What're you... In front of His Highness... Hahn."

Illustration Two:
Emperor: "... Is this all you're capable of?"
The cyclops launched a number of attacks. Catching them, the man shrugs his shoulders.

High-Resolution Images:




Just to give a quick breakdown between shops:
Amazon: good for large bulk orders (EMS unit-based shipping; site in English)
Mangaoh: good for small orders (EMS weight-based shipping; registration in English)
Honto: good for saving money (alternate shipping methods; site in Japanese; )
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

News Report for Upcoming Maintenance on Nov 24th:
-'New Prince Assistance Pack' (新王子応援パック) Buffed.
+In addition to Plat Royal Guard Alicia and 14 SC, you will receive 200 magic crystals and 30 diamonds.
++Those that already purchased this pack will receive the other items as a present later.
-'Growth Assistance Pack' (育成応援パック) Introduced to Shop for 10,000 DMM Points (One Time Purchase).
+Includes Growth Spirit Sarriette (育成の聖霊サリエット) that increases synthesis EXP by +10% just by being in the barracks or spirit storage.

It seems the staff are trying to deal with this game's waning popularity in the face of the other DMM titles. 2nd Awakening didn't increase its rankings, so now they're trying to get players to come back for a free black unit and something to decrease the tedium of raising all of these characters...

The 200 magic crystals for Alicia helps offset the point difference between getting Alicia and 14 SC for 1400 DMM points (this would get you 21 SC if you save up 10k points for 150 SC), and at rank 200, it would cost 4.23 SC to accumulate 200 magic crystals from the God-tier daily during a 1.5x event with guaranteed drops.

I probably should do some math to determine how long one would need to play this game to make it so the +10% synthesis XP is worth the equivalent 150 SC. She essentially will make it so a plat armour and three same-rarity fairies will give 8800xp instead of 8000. Though, I don't know what I should use as a basis. Farming story mission maps and calculating gold get drops from Rural Gate? Spending them on the Spirit Rescue and Golden Armour dailies for plat armours and spirits during a 1.5x event?

I'll just use something stupid, and not totally relevant just to get a small grasp on this.

Dark Elf Queen (150 SC marathon):
(265*3)+(235*3)=1500 per 71 charisma
427/71=6.014..*1500=9021.126 xp per SC

Dark Elf Queen (Natural Charisma and +10% Synthesis):
1650xp per 71 charisma
121.306 days with Sarriette to receive equivalent xp from marathoning with 150 SC and no +10% bonus.

Essentially, you'll have to play the game for roughly a third of a year farming Dark Elf Queen nonstop before this thing begins to pay for itself (not going to calculate the gold costs for synthesis to give a more accurate figure). I think for a normal player, the only good times to spend charisma on story missions are during star trials, and using the leftovers during a farm-type if you're sensibly using natural stamina, so the length of time you'll have to hope the service for this game lasts to get your money's worth may be longer.

That said, Sarriette does include every kind of synthesis including the new small spirit of blessings. Freude gives 19k xp normally, but 20,900 with Sarriette, so completing this subjugation mission with the three Freude rewards means 5700xp more xp for plat units.

(Alternate) Spending SC power-farming with Sarriette:
300 SC for 1,488,485.915xp Versus 2,706,337.8xp (300 SC Without Sarriette)

900 SC Comparison:
1,488,485.915*5=7442429.575 (with)
1,353,168.9*6=8119013.4 (without)
1650 SC Comparison:
1,488,485.915*10=14884859.15 (with)
1,353,168.9*11=14884857.9 (without)

Whelp, seems one would have to spend roughly 110,000 points to make it so purchasing Sarriette and marathoning Dark Elf Queen is equivalent to marathoning without her. Beyond that, Sariette becomes a good investment if you're the kind of person willing to spend that much money on a social game that has only been around for 3 years.

The most accurate picture would need to focus on Spirit Rescue and Golden Armour dailies, and the potential Small Blessing Spirits and Black Armour rewards the game delivers to find out how long one would need to play before this character pays for herself. The game feels like it's treading new ground in regards to rewards, so trying to calculate these things when it's trying to make things easier like with the 3 plat armour god-tier Golden Armour drops with new (buffed) drop percentages would make this difficult to calculate accurately.

The above is just me trying to wrap my head around this character, since if there was ever a time to spend points on this game for such a thing, it would be best to do it now rather than later. But this sloppy math makes me think that I would have to be playing this game for much longer to get any benefit out of her, and I already have an advantage of already having many characters raised from playing for 3 years, so maybe I should ignore her, and save my money even though I haven't found any reason to spend points directly on this game after my first year of playing.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A question, does excess exp on Capping gold, and plat (also sapph) units gets retained and be carried over on getting 2nd AW?

like my alt's Iris, actually just realized now, because she already became lv 81 (from 80 cap) by time I got her to 2nd AW

If yes, does that mean that If I fed a plat unit with happy/joy (whoever was it) ages ago, and gets 2nd AW anytime soon, will she get to 99 cap right away? :O

aaaand, nvm, just saw this on the wiki,
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A question, does excess exp on Capping gold, and plat (also sapph) units gets retained and be carried over on getting 2nd AW?

like my alt's Iris, actually just realized now, because she already became lv 81 (from 80 cap) by time I got her to 2nd AW

If yes, does that mean that If I fed a plat unit with happy/joy (whoever was it) ages ago, and gets 2nd AW anytime soon, will she get to 99 cap right away? :O

aaaand, nvm, just saw this on the wiki,

Excess exp is actually noted down in game data; plenty of players have manipulated this excess exp option in order to choose the waifu chocos they get during valentine's (girls with top 3 exp will be chosen, assuming they fulfill the 1st criteria of 100% affection). You can feed x3 fairy + plat can into a max leveled unit for the exp manipulation. Take note that pre-CC and CC'd but pre-AW exp are also taken into account, and due to blacks needing so much exp to max level pre-AW as compared to other rarities, blacks have the highest chance of guaranteeing they get to give you a choco.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Def not worth it
But O really??!
Is it 10K DMM just for 1 Fairy?
Kinda doubt it.....

Maybe it will have 1000 MC / 1000 RC / Black Choose Ticket?
Or even better , all of those above >.>

Whelp.... who knows~

Then again , if it really only for a Fairy , MEH!!!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A question, does excess exp on Capping gold, and plat (also sapph) units gets retained and be carried over on getting 2nd AW?

If yes, does that mean that If I fed a plat unit with happy/joy (whoever was it) ages ago, and gets 2nd AW anytime soon, will she get to 99 cap right away? :O

I can confirm that the answear is yes and I'm 100% sure. I used exp max fairy when I started playing to get my back then best healer Yuno to max level and 2nd awakened she's 99/99 from the get go.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is it 10K DMM just for 1 Fairy?

Seriously doubt it, It's probably a SC package that comes with the fairy as the bonus, like the starter pack is an SC package that comes with Alicia.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Seriously doubt it, It's probably a SC package that comes with the fairy as the bonus, like the starter pack is an SC package that comes with Alicia.

Yeah that's why I said I doubt it
You shouldn't cut My comment and only quoted that part.....

Calculating all those half year thing for a profit return is too fast

We will probably informed at the last 2 day for what will the package contains
Like probably "X" BA or "X" PA or X MC - X RC / 50 SC and all that is still haven't revealed yet~

But IMO , just My wild guess
10% is just the beginning
The Dev can lay a bait / make a special case where they just make the fairy goes up to 20% or even 30%:eek:
For a week , like a special EXP Event~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

-'Growth Assistance Pack' (育成応援パック) Introduced to Shop for 10,000 DMM Points (One Time Purchase).
+Includes Growth Spirit Sarriette (育成の聖霊サリエット) that increases synthesis EXP by +10% just by being in the barracks or spirit storage.

It seems the staff are trying to deal with this game's waning popularity in the face of the other DMM titles. 2nd Awakening didn't increase its rankings, so now they're trying to get players to come back for a free black unit and something to decrease the tedium of raising all of these characters...

Lame move.....

Wan't more players? Put more effort into the rpg elements of the game, not in power creeping or stupid "promotions". Or..... increase the ero, that's known to work to a certain degree :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

/\ using seria or not ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

20 ran , 20 Fairy Queen. It seems it's 100% drop for current Event (With Platinum Bandit though)
Unless RNG is being a bitch for Me~
8 Rainbow Fairy
Whelp.... now I have almost 80 RF
Should have been 90 if I didn't fail too much on Mireille 5/5

Back to 30/3 now
Need those Plastic Silvers~





DAT moment when 30/3 ran is better than 80/8 >.>
I should've take ss of previous ran
Currently 13 RF , dayum~

Please spare My kidney.... >.<
This becomes scary...
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