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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh wow that God-tier. In Thetis I trust for UP generation, I guess...

And that inoshishi artwork is <3.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance Update On November 24th:
-3rd Anniversary Emergency Mission "Seal of the Goddess" (女神の封印) Begins.
3rd Anniversary Campaign on Nov 24th:
-Login Bonus Present Between Nov 25th~Dec 1st (7 Spirit of Small Blessing Alegría [Gold]).
-Rank 10 Bonus: Black Ticket
+Can only summon black units implemented before 2016 May 31st.
++This pool won't ever increase in the future.
+Those that reach Rank 10 will receive black ticket during first login after maintenance.
-Rainbow Crystal Present for Premium, Revival, and Pick-up Summoning.
+Silver: 20; Gold+: 10
+This feature will continue even after the 3rd Anniversary.
Pick-up Summoning:
Black: Alchemist Machina, Archer Ursula, Druid Fiore, Puppeteer Wendy, Dark Priest Dorothea
Plat: Druid Maple, Witch Prim, Magic Fencer Sienna, Dark Priest Belzetta, Demon Summoner Livre
-'Growth Assistance Pack' (育成応援パック) Added to Shop Contents:
1) Spirit of Growth Sarriette.
2) Spirit of Blessing Happy (XP Max).
3) Spirit of Blessing Joy (XP Max).
4) 500 Rainbow Crystals and 150 Sacred Crystals (iOS has different number of crystals).
-'New Prince Assistance Pack' (新王子応援パック) Buffed.
+In addition to Plat Royal Guard Alicia and 14 SC, you will receive 200 magic crystals and 30 diamonds.
++Those that already purchased this pack will receive the other items as a present later.
Trading Post:
Magic (200): Healer Sedis
Magic (150): Samurai Akane
Magic (70): Ninja Hien and Witch Ryuryu
-Rare Summoning Discontinued.
-2 SC for Golden Armour Mid-tier Map Reward Bug During Next Maintenance.

Story Mission & Daily Revival Link Compilation and Schedule Post:

Charme (シャルム):
Fire Sword Durandal (炎剣デュランダル): (10s; attack 2x; block: 0; magical ranged [] fireball attack; AS: ; WT: 30; CT: 50)
Fire Sword Durindana (炎滅デュランダーナ): (0s; attack 5x; magical fireball attack to all enemies within a wide area []; AS: ; WT: 78; CT: 130)
Original Text Mama (原文ママ ): ???

Affection: 300HP (AW: 360HP) and 120AT
Cost: 34 (Initial Mincost)
Ability: Health Up (身力アップ); same as Ada


Dragon Princess Stats:
HP1758; AT352; DF369; MR: 0;
True Dragon Warrior Stats:
HP3066; AT435; DF504; MR: 0

Affection Dialogue:
0% "I'm hungry—. Are there any baked apples?"
15% "I'm an ancient fire dragon. I'll have you know I'm strong!"
30% "You're called Prince, huh? Hmm..."
50% "Prince is a nicer human than I expected."
60% "Will you cherish me?"
80% "If it's for Prince, I'll get serious."
100% "Prince, you'll never leave me, right?"
Adjutant "Guess I have time. Prince, let's go play somewhere!"

Trading Post:

After December 1st, Rainbow Crystal Line-up Updated; only a new unit will be added!

Please, please, please let this be Lapis. Though, more likely than not, it's going to be Decius...

Emergency Mission "Seal of the Goddess" (女神の封印):
-Star Trial Event for Black White Emperor.

White Emperor (白の皇帝):
Sacred Treasure of Adamas (アダマスの神器): (30s; attack 2x; ranged true damage attack; once per battle; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
(): (s; ; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )

Star Trial:
5: White Emperor Joins
6: Skill 2
7: Skill 3
8: Cost -1
9: Initial Level 20
10: Skill 4
11: Skill 5
12: Cost -1
13: Skill 6
14: Initial Level 30
15: Skill 7
16: Cost -1
17: Skill 8
18: Initial Level 40
19: Skill 9
20: Cost -1
21: Skill 10 (Max)
22: Cost -1 (Mincost)
23: Initial Level 50
24: Initial Level 60
25: Small Blessing Spirit (Plat)
26: Onyx (2AW)

5: Gold Armour
6: M Crystal*3
7: Gold Armour
8: Gold Fairy
9: Plat Fairy **
10: M Crystal*5
11: Plat Armour
12: Gold Armour
14: Rainbow Fairy
15: Gold Armour
16: Plat Armour
19: M Crystal*7
21: Plat Fairy
22: Plat Armour
23: Rainbow Fairy
24: Plat Fairy
25: Plat Armour
26: Spirit Queen
27: Rainbow Fairy

Labyrinth of Evil Spirits (20/1) (悪霊の迷宮):
Iron Mage (x2), Bronze Fairy (), Beer ()
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Heavy Armour.
Anna: "Here is the 'Labyrinth of Evil Spirits', Prince. Messenger Dirk-san from the White Empire told me that several days have already passed since the Emperor entered inside."
Bernard: "However, I can't believe the White Imperial Army has set foot in this dangerous labyrinth..."
Bernard: "There's no way they don't know about the countless adventurers that have gone missing in this labyrinth, right? Dirk-dono."
Dirk: "The seal of Goddess Adamas-sama... That is what we knew about this labyrinth."
Bernard: "What... The seal of the Goddess Adamas...!? I see, since your country is deeply devoted to Adamas, even the rumours encompassing this labyrinth couldn't deter you."
Dirk: "Yes. We of the White Empire have been seeking out the seal of Adamas-sama for hundreds of years."
Dirk: "We settled on the full might of the Imperial Army, and challenged the investigation of the labyrinth, but none of our teams have returned from the labyrinth. Furious at the news, His Imperial Majesty himself went to the front, and..."
Anna: "—And, no exception to the many adventurers, you've lost contact with even the Emperor..."
Soldier: "—Report!! Monsters have appeared! They're heading this way!"
Bernard: "The monsters showed up fast, huh? With this golden armour, I'll single-handedly catch the enemies' attention—Hm... Strange... M... My armour suddenly feels heavy..."
Lean: "... Kuh. Mine too, Bernard. It's like I'm losing all of the strength in my body... So sorry, Prince, it doesn't seem like we can help you."
Anna: "Prince, all of the 'heavy armour'-sans can't go out to fight! Please give your orders with care."
Katie: "There's no signs of the enemy in the surrounding area. Prince, that was excellent leadership while bereft of our heavy armours."
Bernard: "I'm terribly sorry for being useless, Prince. I deliberately polished my armour more than usual, yet... yareyare..."
Lean: "However, it's strange. Why did we suddenly lose our strength? Now it's starting to gradually return, but..."
Valery: "It's the doing of the evil spirits... probably. In this labyrinth, they say there's a mysterious statue that harms adventurers from long ago."
Valery: "Those that entered the labyrinth to investigate it haven't returned, so even the cause is unknown... Furthermore, they started saying that evil spirits are living here now..."
Valery: "That is why this place is called the 'Labyrinth of Evil Spirits'."
Anna: "Evil spirits... You say...? Prince, please consider your teams for this expedition carefully."

Labyrinth's Baptism (30/2) (迷宮の洗礼):
S Alchemist Thelma (), B Soldier Dirk (x2), Bouquet ()
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Soldier.
Phyllis: "It's no use... Even here, there doesn't seem to be any important clues to figure out the Emperor's whereabouts."
Julian: "Same here as well. Not a single footprint..."
Soldier: "—Commander Julian, I have a report!!"
Jullian: "What happened!? Did you finally find something that'll lead us to the Emperor!?"
Soldier: "No, we discovered signs of monsters!"
Julian: "Typical... Haa. I knew it would be like this, but can't I be just a little optimistic?"
Phyllis: "More importantly, something's not right, Julian. My sword feels heavier than it did before... I have no strength... in my arms."
Julian: "Oi, oi. You're also freaked out about some evil spirits? That's no way to be before... the, battle... Hmm!? N, not good...! I don't have any strength either!?"
Katie: "Ku... Me too... Somehow, all of those of us that are 'soldiers' seem to be in the same state. Prince, I'm terribly sorry... Please be careful...!"
Anna: "Thank goodness... It looks like we somehow made the monsters retreat."
Phyllis: "However, there's no sign of either the Emperor or the White Imperial Army..."
Dirk: "Imperial Tactician-sama was very upset about the Emperor not returning... Aside from me, I fear the soldiers have gone deep into the labyrinth to search for the Emperor..."
Julian: "Furthermore, it's the lone ruler of a country standing at the forefront of battle and fighting. If something were to happen to him, both his vassals and people would surely go crazy."
Dirk: "Julian-dono, I take exception to those words. We of the White Empire have been ruled by 'strength'. There is no succession to rule based on bloodline."
Dirk: "In my country, it's because he's the strongest warrior that His Highness is the Emperor."
Dirk: "Standing at the head of battle, risking his life more than anyone else, we soldiers and citizens are following that figure who protects the Empire!"
Julian: "My bad, Dirk. No need to be so serious. It was a figure of speech. Besides, I also understand Dirk's feelings."
Anna: "Everyone, let's proceed onward soon. We're still only at the entrance to the labyrinth. Let's hurry!"

Sealed Goddess (40/3) (封じられし女神):
S Monk Mao (), S M Fencer Cassis (), Black Fairy (), Magic Crystal ()
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Healer; Keraunos doesn't affect star rating.
Dirk: "—Wh, what's that statue!? There's no mistake, it's Adamas-sama's goddess statue! So the legends were true!"
Keraunos: "Fufu... You've done well to make it all this way, filthy humans."
Anna: "Ah, you're... Keraunos-sama!? Why are you in this kind of place...!?"
Keraunos: "The reason is simple... Fufu. In this vessel, the one who sealed Adamas was none other than me."
Dirk: "A goddess sealed a goddess... You say!? Impossible...!"
Keraunos: "Save your grief after you've perished, humans. Now then, if you wish for the release of the Goddess Adamas, betting on the slim possibility, try and defeat me."
Soldier: "—UwaaaaAAAH!? R, report! Minotaurs...! Minotaurs have appeared at the front lines!"
Katie: "Prince, quickly prepare for engagement! Dolka-san, Alyssa-san, to the rear! Please prepare your healing arts!"
Alyssa: "Katie-san... I, I'm so sorry. Umm... My magic... For some reason, I can't use the power... to heal everyone..."
Dolka: "So it's the same for Alyssa-chan as well, what a bother... Somehow, the evil spirits on this level are maligned against us healers."
Anna: "No way... The healing arts of our 'healers' have been sealed... Prince, please keep a steady eye on our soldiers' health!"
Dirk: "W, we did it!! Keraunos is retreating...!! We won... We won———!!"
Julian: "Releasing the seal of the goddess can't be this easy! Ha... Haha, what!? More disappointing than I thought!"
Adamas: "Ugh, uugh...... Wh, where am I...? What happened?"
Dirk: "It appears you have awoken, Adamas-sama! I don't believe it... Right now, we're witnessing a shining miracle...!"
Keraunos: "... Truly foolish humans."
Katie: "—Wha!? Keraunos-sama... I thought you fled...!"
Keraunos: "You believe you released the seal with your own strength, right? You really are self-conceited humans..."
Keraunos: "I was the one who released the seal. I did it to show my foolish little sisters, Aegis and Adamas, the tragic figures of humans on the road to ruin."
Adamas: "Nee-sama... You're still thinking about that!? So, this time with my divine arm, it looks like I'll have to cut through that wicked heart along with your body."
Keraunos: "Don't make me laugh, Adamas. Your divine arm, and its wielder, are now in my hands."
Keraunos: "Also, you may not have noticed, but what I released was just your spirit, Adamas. I separated your flesh and sealed it in another place."
Keraunos: "... That's right, you're a silly god that can't exert any power in this world. Fufufu."

Maou's Second Coming (50/5) (魔王再臨):
S Heavy Dwight (), S Witch Merone (), Plat Armour (), Crystal ()
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Healer.
Adamas: "... No way. In the end, it's not possible for me to stop Keraunos Nee-sama..."
Keraunos: "Fufu... I wanted to see that face. Could there be a more pathetic goddess? Fufufufu."
Adamas: "Nee-sama... Why are you treating me this way...? Please open your eyes, Nee-sama... If you do it now, you still... still have time..."
Keraunos: "... Talk won't get you anywhere."
Keraunos: "Why do you hesitate to destroy the foolish and filthy humans, Adamas? You spoiled my fun... I'm leaving now."
Keraunos: "I shall leave my servant to be your opponent, you filth. Now, please show yourself... Loyal servant of darkness, and embodiment of my will... Maou!"
Adamas: "No way... Don't tell me you summoned Maou!? Maou should've been sealed by Aegis Nee-sama... So why...?"
Anna: "Maou is a servant of Keraunos-sama!? So the gods are really trying to destroy us humans...!?"
Adamas: "That figure... There shouldn't be any doubt... However, it looks like Maou doesn't have a complete body yet. This is your chance, maybe you can somehow repel him!"
Keraunos: "Ku... Damned hero's descendant... I thought you were as insignificant as the protections of Aegis, who lost her power..."
Katie: "Prince, Maou and Keraunos are starting to flee!"
Dirk: "He had such tremendous magical power, yet even then, he wasn't revived completely. I cannot fathom the strength of Maou once he regains his true strength..."
Julian: "It took all of that effort to defeat Maou. Let's stop thinking about such scary stuff. More importantly, our first order of business is to rescue the Emperor."
Adamas: "Keraunos Nee-sama said she had the Emperor in her hands. Nee-sama should know his whereabouts."
Adamas: "Let's follow after Keraunos Nee-sama. I'll guide you. Please follow me!"
Anna: "Prince, let's follow Adamas-sama, and quickly chase after Keraunos-sama at once!"

Battle with a God (70/6) (神との戦い):
S Bow Rider Miguel (), S Mage Maja (), Plat Fairy (), Magic Crystal II ()
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Heavy Armour, Soldier, and Healer; Keraunos doesn't affect star rating.
Leone: "Prince! I caught sight of Keraunos! I'll disable her with my arrows! Haa—h!!"
Keraunos: "Fufufu. You intend to corner me with that? Honestly... This is why humans are so incorrigible. I shall show you the difference between us."
Leone: "—!?"
Leone: "......... Prince. Can't be helped... Since it's so troublesome, I... shall pierce... that body..."
Adamas: "Keraunos Nee-sama... What are you!? Playing with the minds and bodies of the children of man, is that something a goddess would do!?"
Sybilla: "... I thought... of a good idea... Around here, I'll... You... Fufu."
Anna: "Even Sybilla-san is being controlled...!? Please check right now to make sure no one else is acting strangely!"
Lean: "Anna... So sorry... that includes me; it seems the power of the soldiers on the team that are 'heavy armours', 'soldiers', and 'healers' are being sealed by the evil spirits...!"
Keraunos: "Fufufu... Surface-dwellers tainted by despair. This is the power of a god. While cursing your own foolishness, please die in obscurity."
Adamas: "That's... Maou...!? You summoned him yet again...!"
Adamas: "His shadow is much more opaque than before... It feels like his power has grown much greater than the last time you fought him."
Adamas: "Amazing... I can't believe that, even in such a perilous position, you made it out alive... This is the power of the current generation's hero."
Prince: "..."
Leone: "Wh, what, Prince!? I, I couldn't help myself, you know? Kami-sama was our opponent. When I noticed, I was being controlled... ... But, umm... thanks."
Anna: "Sybilla-san, too, I'm glad you're unharmed."
Sybilla: "Unharmed... far from it. My heart suffered a grievous wound."
Adamas: "... Keraunos Nee-sama. A god shouldn't be toying with people's hearts..."
Adamas: "Speaking of exercising such a power without restraint, we can't assume the Emperor's body is safe, either..."
Anna: "... We don't have a second to waste. Prince, as soon as preparations are complete, let's resume pursuing her, and go rescue the Emperor!"

Subjugation Mission "Rural Great Decisive Battle":
-Enemy Movement Speed Increased.
-If you slay 100 enemies, then all of your units are healed to full health.

Single Map Rewards:
100: Spirit Queen
300: Platinum Armour
400: 50 Magic Crystals
500: Small Spirit of Blessing (Plat)

Multiple Map Rewards:
Every 100: Crystal Fragment
1000: Small Spirit of Blessing (Gold)
2000: Gold Fairy
3000: Plat Fairy
4000: Black Fairy
5000: Spirit Queen
6000: Small Spirit of Blessing (Plat)
7000: Plat Fairy
8000: Black Fairy
9000: Rainbow Fairy
10,000: Small Spirit of Blessing (Plat)

Anna: "I've received a report that a large army of the enemy are expanding near the rural area."
Anna: "The enemy already has established a line in order to attack the rural area. Invading the enemy's camp will be dangerous."
Anna: "With our knowledge of the geographical features of the rural area, there is no way we can meet and defeat the enemy."
Anna: "In order to keep casualties to a minimum, I already prepared our forces in the residential districts that have been abandoned."
Anna: "The battle this time will be a 'Great Subjugation Mission' where the goal is to just defeat the enemy."
Anna: "Great Subjugation Missions are different from regular missions in several ways, so please pay attention."
Anna: "First, the goal of a Great Subjugation Mission is to 'defeat the enemy', nothing more."
Anna: "Defeating the enemy is much more important than preventing casualties on our side."
Anna: "You'll clear the mission even if your life reaches zero, and the number of enemies you defeated will be tallied in the results."
Anna: "Please focus on defeating as many monsters as possible without fear of being wounded."
Anna: "The enemy is launching the assault this time. The enemy's movements will be faster than usual, so please be careful."
Anna: "Finally, even if you defeat the enemy, you won't receive any EXP, gold, or drops, so keep this point in mind."
Anna: "Prince, please announce the 'Great Subjugation Mission' in order to protect the rural area!"

Beginner-tier (15) (田園の大決戦): 100
High-tier (30) (田園の大決戦): 300
Extreme-tier (35) (田園の大決戦): 400
God-tier (40) (田園の大決戦): 500

Premium Summon:
-Premium Chance-up Unit Rates:
+Plat: 6x; Black: 7x.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks goodness for a moment there i though that the emperor would be a collection event, that would a really suck considering i spend most of my SC in the x1.5 week gathering resourses >.<
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's up and running, and the cancer that is Black Rarity Iris has spread!

Feel to drop by for a bit of post-patch discussion - warning, there are whales, bring pitchforks, torches, and harpoons:

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

to many blacks to select with that ticket >.< there are like 8 i really want
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

WTF the map freeze, I can't even run the map at all
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hahaha, after what happened with Camilla, I have not made the same mistake with Black Iris. 5/5 with all seven Rainbow fairies I had in storage. Post-CC.

to many blacks to select with that ticket >.< there are like 8 i really want

Did you see the guide a few pages ago? It's really informative.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

And my money was saved now that emperor is star trial.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

damn that 5th map.
by no healer does it literally mean all healer classes?
I'm beginning to think I need to just use lots of range units since most enemies are melee.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

decided to waste my 100 SC and I get 3 plat (Livre 2 and 1 Plat magic fencer), VERY BIG number of Gold and less than 10 silver. I'm happy here

Gonna get that 150SC stamp next month :D
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm , so this is not Item Collection(?)
But Star Rush?? 15 Star and I didn't see the Emperor....
Damn have to ran twice , so no Soldier and Healer allowed

Hahahahah , it's amusing that Rion is DED with Mireille Counter XD


DEM , I LUV Rachel
DAT range of her is so amusing~


Hmm so it's Star Rush allright
Just load the new picture , before it still have the last week banner

Gotta buy the fairy next week
Have to wait for New Stamp , or else.... to itchy to roll and broke the SC limit >.>
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The army of Iris healers walked under a sky full of rainbows.

Later that day an iron soldier and cyclops both looked amazed, the soldier at his shield and unexpected pulse, the cyclops at his club, maybe the gobbos smashed had dulled its edge?

(investigations later showed that clubs do not have edges, a minor fact that escaped the surprised cyclops)

As disbelief settled over the scene they decided that this was a good as time as any to give up and grab a beer (it was pick your own beer day).
Both planned to vote Iris in the next elections, she clearly delivered on her promises and the babe hugging prince's act was growing stale, Humans and Cyclops for Iris - 2016.

聖女の結界 for all.

The end.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I already have B.Iris so I picked Nanaly ... Petite Nanaly's posts influenced me XD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

i already have b iris so i picked aisha though nanaly was a strong 10th place
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I picked Cornelia as I needed sth strong enough to Tank Majin Maps u:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

the part were iris gives units armor. is that an awaken thing or her regular ability?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I actually did pick Black Iris because I wanted a strong Healer, and she'll buff Jelius and Palfy nicely (and probably others), plus she'll synergise with Aisha and benefit from Towa's passive.