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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Got my Kayou,and completed my fox girl collection.I got Inari,Bashira,and Pippin(I know its a costume but kinda counts).

So glad I had enough matieral to awaken her already except 1 samurai orb,which is luckily today.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


I also rolled Dorothea from the banner. I think she may be worse than Farne taking a look at her skillset? They really need to fix her(especially since I now have her...).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

sorted by rarity, berna at bottom lol

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Dang this Angel mob in the 3rd Map is freaking strong. She one shotted my Grace lol. I admit I didn't use her SAW when I placed her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Dang this Angel mob in the 3rd Map is freaking strong. She one shotted my Grace lol. I admit I didn't use her SAW when I placed her.

That's not an "angel mob", that is a literal Goddess. What did you expect to happen? :p
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Really? Didn't know that as she looks more like an Angel to me due to the wings.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I tried to tank her with my alt account,

few frame difference between the pics, lol that hurts

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

instantly picked B.Iris ...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So that's a Goddesses??
Whelp... Kayou burnt her allright
There is no drop item though~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

oh wow
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Can someone translate this? G-translate says sth with Ticket and Fleur for Rainbow crystals u;
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

From what I can make out, it seems that the Legendary Ticket and Time Fairy will be added to the Trading Post in exchange for Rainbow Crystals. You will be able to exchange for three of each every month, but after each exchange, the price will go up. It will them reset on the first of the next month, at 4am Japan time.

I think I saw something as well about a limited gacha for Imperial units. I should have a closer look at that.

Edit: For the second half of the Third Anniversary Campaign, there will be a Imperial Premium Summoning where you can summon new Imperial units. The pair pictured are the Black Princess Angeline and the Black Swordmaster Jekurinde (I have no idea how to romanise her name. Jeklinde?). 多数 makes it sound like there will be a lot of new units. They will only be available in this summoning, but it will return at fixed intervals.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Chuu-chuu~! Quick everyone, the whaling-ship is leaving town to hunt for new pastures filled with unsuspecting wallets!
Seriously though, unless that ticket will have some exorbitant price, like 2000 RCs, it is going to be exploited to hell and back.
[Edit]: I just realized it is not the black ticket but the "standard" plat one. In that case hopefully it will cost around 400-500 RCs.

On a different note, the new black princess looks meh as far as the artwork is concerned, but that swordmaster looks amazing! I want her already!
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Someone help test dorothy's skill if it's bugged.

I activated it against sybilla in 70/6 yet she died as if the skill wasn;t activated.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Really... My deepest sympathy to Emperor kun

More of his faction like the Imperial Princess and Swordmaster
Sapphire Dragon Princess , Sapphire Healer(?)
Only to please Prince dick~

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Black Swordmaster Jekurinde (I have no idea how to romanise her name. Jeklinde?).

Jaqueline or in english Jacqueline?? english in not my native language so i woudnt know how to spell it correctly.dunno if there is another unit with that name i only know the names of the girls i have only XD
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

...the Black Swordmaster Jekurinde (I have no idea how to romanise her name. Jeklinde?). 多数 makes it sound like there will be a lot of new units. They will only be available in this summoning, but it will return at fixed intervals.

The name romanises to Sieglinde actually. Thank you Nanoha Vivid. XD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Guys do u know if the spent crystal count for the stamp cards is taken at 00:00 of the first day of the month, or some hours later when the login bonus is given?

I was planing to roll 100 crystals so already spent 50 during last week...
but this pick up summon only policy is horrible... I don't care at all about those blacks... I don't hate them but I want a bigger pool...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Started getting back into agis just in time by the looks of it.

Out of the couple of black units I didn't own my choice was between Black Mage Esther and Rune Fencer Ingrid.

Chose Esther I like Ingrid better style wise but Esther has more usefulness to me as an actual unit.

The plat rune fencer I have that sacrifices 1/2 hp for more dmg and range was a pretty big factor in not getting Ingrid as I already have a good RF.

Kind of funny that the imperial emperor? is joining the princes Harem army has it been stated any where why? does he figure if he cant beat the prince having imperial women land on his dick he may as well join him?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have some accounts on dmm to giveaway, so if someone want to start play I can just give it.

Each of them have:
  • exactly 10lvl prince
  • 2x Meteor
  • black ticket who allow you to CHOSE black unit relesed before 21 may 2016
  • Leona
  • Refill stamina anna's chocolate
Ofc they have all events and mission sc open

  • Monica
  • 68 SC
  • Some silvers

  • Some silvers
  • 68 SC

  • Some silvers
  • 68 SC

  • Some silvers
  • 67 SC

  • Cuterie
  • 71 SC

  • Bashira
  • Cuterie
  • 58 SC

  • Clarie
  • Bashira
  • 63 SC

For more information you can join to IRC chat #[email protected] (channel: #aigis server: quakenet.org)

You can connect via webchat: or (eg. )

Or download normal client like kvirc, hexchat, mIRC, irssi
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