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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just now noticed B Iris has an "attack stiffness" reduction, from what a friend translated it as. Does this mean she has an increased healing speed?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just now noticed B Iris has an "attack stiffness" reduction, from what a friend translated it as. Does this mean she has an increased healing speed?
Yes, she's healing at 8 frames faster than normal priest, 74 frames vs 82.
...while Saria heals at 52 frames and multiple targets per heal.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

To be precise(this is a bit nerdy) she has a -18% reduction to 'delay' frames. That is, the idle animation in-between her animation. It goes from 45 > 37, making her total frame count go from 82 to 74.

There are some abilities that modify animations themselves though. Usually, skills that increase the time it takes to attack target animation frames instead. Also, the haste passive that some units get(Minerva, Sue) targets animation frames.

It may seem innocuous, but the math makes a lot more sense when you are aware of these distinctions. (Also important to know if you have Towa, whose skill and passive both reduce delay. And the reason why Despara is bad with Towa.)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

hm. A Wendy to join B.Iris.

How ironic, best healer in game and a black that cant be healed on the same day.

Guess she'll get the buffs though since they are range based. Unless healable is a qualifier for getting the buff of course.
Will have to test it.

Edit : Yep. Gets def buff.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks for the explanations guys.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wendy's self-resurrect (AW). one time event only or does she continue to get back up again and again?
(didnt see anything on it and would prefer not having to spend resource to AW her to find out)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

wendy is same as raqua when they die they get ressurected when their hp is full again

and they get ressurected as long as you dont retire them
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

wendy is same as raqua when they die they get ressurected when their hp is full again

and they get ressurected as long as you dont retire them

Is Racua good? I got her awhile ago but haven't raised her yet.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

raqua is good her saw attack x2 and 70% damage reduction on physical attacks
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


News Report (13 Hours Ago):
A bug has been confirmed while playing the game where certain system features can make it so players are unable to play at any time. They'll deal with all of the users affected by this in time.

Something that should be noted about Keraunos is that she has 1k defence and 80% magic resistance. However, the thing that needs to be taken into consideration is that she has 1k magic damage, and as soon as she drops below 50% HP, she'll gain damage multipliers from 2x to 7x, meaning she can deliver 7k magic damage if she's low on health.

Unfortunately, the best kind of character to deal with this on the last map would be Jelius with his Skill AW, but the evil spirits prevent his like from participating in battle, so murdering her outside her range, or using token might be the only thing a normal player can accomplish.

Not exactly looking forward to fighting her, unless Adamas gives the team a buff during the second phase.


Hm, perhaps with Eden and Charles. I can buff Nanaly with Waltz and burst her down after Eden cripples her. With Charles and Waltz, Nanaly can deliver 53,056 damage in 15s at 500 defence.

In any case, I finished rough translations for the first phase of this event. Click my signature to read them.

I'm going to hope that the new rainbow crystal unit is Lapis, even though it's most likely Decius. Would kind of suck if Lapis is next week's premium chance-up unit.

Dec 8th~15th
Dec 15th~22nd
Dec 22nd~29th (Christmas Related Event)
Dec 29th~Jan 5th (New Year Gold Rush)

Dec 17th~24th (Santa Obaa-san Sasara Farm-type Event)
Dec 24th~29th (Gold+ Female XP Event and iOS service)
Dec 29th~Jan 7th (New Year Gold Rush)

Dec 18th~25th (Anna's Frozen Parody Eliza Farm-type Event)
Dec 25th~Jan 5th (New Year Gold Rush)

We have a nice 2-week pocket before the Christmas and New Year's events. So, there's a chance we may get an item trial within that slot unless the staff decide to do something new this time around. Was there an instance of them doing 2 star trials in a row without a break?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Something that should be noted about Keraunos is that she has 1k defence and 80% magic resistance. However, the thing that needs to be taken into consideration is that she has 1k magic damage, and as soon as she drops below 50% HP, she'll gain damage multipliers from 2x to 7x, meaning she can deliver 7k magic damage if she's low on health.

No Problem

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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

3rd Anniversary Campaign 2nd Phase Spoiler:
-Imperial Premium Summoning (New Characters) Begins.
+Imperial Premium Summoning will also be held occasionally in the future.
Rainbow Crystal (Trading Post):
-The following will be added:
1) Legend Summoning Ticket (レジェンド召喚チケット).
2) Time Fairy (時の聖霊フルール)
+Only possible to trade for units/items 3 times each in a month.
+Every time you trade for one, the rainbow crystal cost increases (but this resets on the 1st of each month at 4:00).

(Imperial Premium) Black Imperial Princess Angeline (アンジェリーネ):

(Imperial Premium) Black Imperial Swordmaster Sigelinde (帝国剣士ジークリンデ):
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Can someone recommend a black unit whom I should exchange for with the ticket?

I personally don't know much about the game as I'm just reaching story missions costing 30+ charisma.
I'm mainly looking for a staple black unit people generally need.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The name romanises to Sieglinde actually. Thank you Nanoha Vivid. XD

Thanks. It's weird then that the name uses "Ji" rather than "Shi", but I think there are a few names in Aigis like that.

And I see Petite's settled on Sigelinde. I think having the extra e in there is more German-sounding, but a bunch of names in this game can be romanised in different ways, which are all correct.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

any black friday deals tomorrow? can i get the dark knight and conrad tomorrow?

I doubt it since Japan doesn't seem to do Black Friday (it originates from America's Thanksgiving, doesn't it?), plus it's already Friday on this side of the world.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Youma Queen and Tactical Genius (妖魔の女王と戦術の天才):
-Farm-type Event for Plat Front Tactician Helena

Helena (ヘレナ):
Basic Tactic 'Position Defensive' (基本戦術・陣地防御): (20s; self doesn't attack; all allies' defence 1.2x ; when skill expires, changes to attack up skill; AS: 0; WT: 20; CT: 40)
Basic Tactic 'Reversal Offensive' (基本戦術・反転攻勢): (20s; self doesn't attack; all allies' attack 1.2x ; when skill expires, changes to defence up skill; AS: 0; WT: 0; CT: 40)
Applied Tactic 'Impregnable Defence & Strong Offence' (応用戦術・堅守強攻): (25s; self doesn't attack; melee unit defence 1.25x and range unit attack 1.25x; AS: 0; WT: 45; CT: 90)
Fire Support Command (火力支援指揮): while deployed, attack of gunners, pirates, and merchants +10%.

Genius's Infantry Tactic (20/1) (天才の集団戦術):
Iron Heavy (x2), Bronze Fairy (), Bouquet ()
Anna: "Prince, here's the place in the report where the goblins are gathering."
Hector: "Confirmed the goblins up ahead!—Wha, what is that masterful marching in ranks...!?"
???: "So you've come... Prince. Time, weather, terrain, and positions, everything is as I predicted. The time has come! All goblins march!"
Goblin: "Gyagya—! This time, with this, victory!!"
Anna: "Prince, the goblins are starting to head this way! Please prepare for battle!"
(first wave)
Goblin: "Column file! Column file!"
(second wave)
???: "Next, proceed with the second formation! Formation 'Horizon' roll out!!"
Goblin: "Single file! Single file!"
(third wave)
???: "It's not over yet, carry out the third formation! Formation 'Scale' roll out!!"
Goblin: "Phalanx! Phalanx!"
(fourth wave)
???: "Now for my trump card, force them back with the fourth formation! Formation 'Crescent' roll out!!"
Goblin: "Sharp! Sharp!"
???: (Prince... eh? He's as strong as the rumours... With their strength, perhaps...)
Anna: "... The enemy has started to retreat. However, the goblins movements were most unusual..."
Hector: "They were like a military force that could take orders. For them to change their formations so elegantly, I just couldn't think of them as mere goblins..."
Cecily: "Is it my imagination...? Earlier, I thought I saw a human... leading the goblin forces, but...?"
Anna: "Whatever the case, we cannot leave them be. Prince, let's begin pursuit!"

Genius's Maneuver Tactic (25/2) (天才の機動戦術):
Helena (), S Valkyrie Mischa (), Silver Fairy ()
Goblin Queen: "Helena, I can't believe you lost. Is your second name as a genius tactician a decoration, I wonder?"
Helena: "..."
Goblin Queen: "I'm depending on your tactics, so please give me satisfactory results, OK? Now then, I'll be taking my leave... Ufufu."
Helena: (... How humiliating... pretending to be under her control, how long must I continue living so ungracefully...?)
Julian: "We caught up to you, goblin bastards! There's no escape—G, Goblin Queen!? And who's that woman by her side...?"
Bernard: "The Goblin Queen excels in the art of manipulating humans. She must have hypnotised some talented human to lead her army."
Helena: "Formation check! All soldiers with high mobility to the front lines! Use your swift feet and confuse the enemy ranks!" (Now then, Prince, I'll have you show me a little more of your strength...)
Anna: "For fellow humans to be fighting one another... But... we have no choice but to fight. Prince, prepare for battle!"
Helena: "The purpose of this battle was to calculate the enemy's fighting potential. We gained the necessary information! All goblins, retreat!"
Goblin: "Gyagyah! Retreat! Retreat!"
Helena: (Amazing... The Prince is stronger than I imagined... If I have this... I'll surely win...)
(time passes)
Bernard: "They escaped... However, that woman looks like she has a keen eye for tactics. To make such low-class monsters as those goblins display such disciplined movements is..."
Hector: "I thought I could get used to the goblins fighting based on real tactics compared to what they displayed in previous battles, but..."
Anna: "There's a danger we won't be able to recover from if we leave them be... Prince, let's follow after the goblins at once!"

Genius's Firepower Tactic (30/3) (天才の火力戦術):
Helena (), S Soldier Gustav (), Black Fairy (), Magic Crystal ()
Goblin Queen: "Ufufu... You dug so many holes, what do you intend to do with them, I wonder?"
Helena: "Many vacant houses are scattered about the area. It's possible to connect the ruined homes and their grounds via holes to surprise attack the Prince and his army."
Goblin: "Surprise attack! Surprise attack!"
Helena: "If our ranged attack squad draws the enemy and lures them to the designated area, then we'll be able to finish off the Prince in one fell swoop."
Goblin Queen: "My, what a wonderful strategy. As expected of Genius Tactician-san. Well then, I'll leave this to you as well, and take my leave."
Helena: "... Is she gone? Don't think you can control me indefinitely..."
(time passes)
Hector: "Goblins sighted up ahead!"
Julian: "Looks like we managed to catch up to them. But aren't you throwing caution to the wind, Prince? Surely they're preparing some scheme..."
Anna: "The enemy is taking battle formations! It looks like they're making some disquieting movements... Prince, please ready yourself for battle!"
Helena: (My suspicion has changed to conviction thanks to this battle. It's about.. time.)
Hector: "The enemy is starting to retreat! I think it'll be difficult... pursuing them in these conditions."
Russel: "A splendid retreat... Without giving us a chance to pursue, choosing the right moment and a planned route to let her soldiers escape..."
Anna: "The enemy's tactics are gradually increasing in diversity. It is clear a much more difficult fight awaits us. Prince, let's brace ourselves!"

Genius's Central Breakthrough Tactic (40/5) (天才の中央突破戦術):
Helena (), S Samurai Sanosuke (), S Archer Soma (), Bouquet (x2)
Goblin Queen: "Ufufu... Goblin riders! Ple~ase move to your designated positions."
Goblin: "Gyagya! Positions, finished! Hero, defeat!"
Goblin Queen: "Those goblins are moving so energetically. They're like a real army, I'm so happy... Ufufu. So, what's the plan this time, I wonder?"
Helena: "With this peculiar arrangement of the goblin riders, whose purpose is to disable the ranged attack forces of the Prince's army, I'll make the specified forces fall into disorder."
Helena: "Against the enemy army whose ranged attacks have been sealed, I shall corner the Prince with a dense formation, making full use of our army's advantage in numbers, to force him into surrender."
Goblin Queen: "Ufufu... what a marvelous strategy. However, please remember we almost have our backs to the wall. I'm kind, but when I'm angry, I'm angry, you know?"
Helena: "... I understand completely... This time... This time for sure I'll seize victory with these hands, and I shall show you."
Goblin Queen: "... Ufufu. You have a nice face, Helena... Well then, I shall be going soon. I'll be watching over your battle from afar..."
Helena: (... At last, she's gone. Hmph... No one said it's going to be your victory. Just watch... Goblin Queen.)
Helena: (If it's the Prince, he'll definitely break through this all-out attack. The goblin army will be finished with this battle...!)
(time passes)
Hector: "Sighted the goblin army! It looks like they're setting up an ambush!"
Anna: "The enemy is starting to head this way! Prince, prepare for battle."
Goblin Queen: "No way, the goblin army has been destroyed!? After all that organisation and training... Helena... What is the meaning of this?"
Helena: "... It's as it appears. This is the limit for me..."
(time passes)
Helena: "With such a crushing defeat, I couldn't possibly call myself a tactician of the goblin army... I'll take responsibility, and resign from the army—"
Goblin Queen: "—I won't allow it."
Helena: "... Eh?"
Goblin Queen: "I absolutely won't allow such a thing, Helena... If you're a tactician, then you must whiten your name in battle. For what purpose do you think I recruited you?"
Goblin Queen: "There shall be no more mercy... We'll take the latest warbeast tank, and tear the Prince and his army apart... Ufufu..."
Helena: "—!? The warbeast tank... has been completed!? Don't tell me... you intend to use that here?"
Helena: (... Not good. With the tank in this situation... The Prince's army will be destroyed the way things are...!)
Helena: (I need to change the battlefield somehow... No... Wait. Instead of a change of battlefield, if I were to change the terrain of the battlefield, then...!)

Genius's Engineering Tactic (55/7) (天才の工作戦術):
Helena (), S Rogue Cecily (), S Bandit Mortimer (), Plat Fairy ()
Goblin Queen: "Why are you rolling all of these obstructive boulders!? They'll interfere with the warbeast tank's march! What's the meaning of this!?"
Helena: "Why did I do such a thing...? ... It's truly a mystery. This talentless tactician hasn't a clue."
Goblin Queen: "Well, it's fine. If we use this state-of-the-art tank, then tactics are unnecessary. We'll trample the Prince's army!"
Helena: (Prince... I leave the rest to you... Do whatever it takes to win...)
Hector: "The goblin army has been sighted! ... Wh, what's that!? A, a tank!?"
Anna: "The goblins have unleashed a new weapon! Please give your orders with great care!"
Goblin Queen: "The latest warbeast tank has failed... The number of goblin soldiers has decreased too much as well, and we have no choice but to leave at once. —However, there's one thing I need to do first."
Goblin Queen: "You imbecilic tactician! My goblin army has no need for a useless tactician like you."
Helena: "..."
Goblin Queen: "It's your fault both my goblin army and state-of-the-art tank has been completely destroyed... Do you understand? I suppose an imbecile like you can't comprehend my words."
Goblin Queen: "I don't want to see your face anymore, but... I don't like dirtying my hands, so... please commit suicide."
Helena: "Yes, Goblin Queen-sama. As you command. Now then... —!!"
Goblin Queen: "Ufufu... Good girl. Helena. I'm glad you were brave to the bitter end. Farewell, Imbecile Tactician-san... Ufufu..."
(time passes)
Helena: "—Is she gone? Foolish queen. I already broke free of her hypnosis long ago."
Helena: "Now then... shall I go introduce myself to the Prince, who's the descendant of the hero—oops, they're starting to head this way?"
Hector: "Prince! I found the woman that was in the goblin army!"
Julian: "Oi! Don't approach her carelessly, Hector! She might still be controlled by the Goblin Queen!"
Helena: "Hm? Me controlled? What are you saying? Did you think I'm that dimwitted?"
Helena: "I'm the genius tactician Helena. Everything is as I predicted. You've all done well! Go ahead and lavish me with praise."
Anna: "Ehh!? You weren't being controlled!? Are you telling us you resisted that queen's hypnosis...?"
Helena: "I was forced by the Goblin Queen to lead her goblin army as its tactician."
Helena: "As you can see, I'm now free thanks to you. —Nex... Damn... my wound."
Anna: "Helena-san...! Blood is gushing out of her arm...!? Let's move her to a place so we can heal her at once! We'll question her for details afterwards."

Helena Introduction:
Helena: "My name is Helena. People call me the genius tactician."
Helena: "First, let's talk about the Goblin Queen. She has been trying to increase the strength of her army by acquiring tacticians as her subordinates."
Helena: "Even though goblins are a low-ranking monster, the Goblin Queen seriously thought they could function as soldiers if they have the strength of an excellent tactician behind them."
Helena: "And that was when I fell under her eyes. Unfortunately, I was captured by the Goblin Queen, and was forced to spend my life as the monsters' tactician."
Helena: "Day after day, I was hypnotised... Even then, I thought of a way to escape from them with the little self-consciousness that I had left."
Helena: "And that was when I thought of a solution... That is this knife. Whenever I stab this into my arm, I was able escape from her spell through pain."
Helena: "While keeping my senses through pain, I pretended to be the Goblin Queen's servant, and was waiting for the day I would meet a strong warrior..."
Helena: "And the one I met was you... Prince."
Helena: "After several fights, I was convinced. If it was you, you would be able to free me..."
Helena: "And while pretending to be controlled by the Goblin Queen, I manipulated the whole situation by having you reduce the fighting potential of the goblin army, and return my freedom just as I expected."
Helena: "Now then, this is some kind of fate that had us meet. Why don't you welcome me as your tactician? You might be thinking what's up with this tactician that was your enemy, but..."
Helena: "I was forced into a long life as the goblin army's tactician. I know more information about the monsters than any other human."
Helena: "I would be quite an asset to your cause. ... Agreed?"
Helena: "Well then, please look after me from now on. Now that I'm your ally, I won't tolerate failure, OK?"

Queen's Wrath (90/12) (女王の怒り):
Helena (100), S Mage Pales (), Plat Armour (), Ruby (x2)
Helena: "Formation roll out! Second formation, deployed! Maintain your ranks... yes, that's it! Umu. After all, a human army is nice. Everything's in tune."
Helena: (All that time living with the goblins was worth enduring... This is how a tactician should be! Now is the time of my glory!)
Goblin Queen: "Ufufu... you look quite happy, Helena. I never would have thought you could smile like that."
Helena: "—!? Goblin Queen...! Kuh. Let go of me...!"
Goblin Queen: "For me to be deceived by a human. Your sins for pretending to be controlled, and then scheming against me, are very grave. Now then, how shall I kill you, I wonder..."
Hector: "Helena-san...! Damnit..."
Goblin Queen: "So you've come... Prince. Good... Today is the day I go to blows with you seriously... You shall despair beneath my power... Ufufu."
Anna: "What's this overwhelming feeling...!? She's clearly different than she was before now... Prince. Let's do whatever it takes to achieve victory, and rescue Helena-san!"
Goblin Queen: "—Gyaa... Kuh, not bad... you've become stronger... I'm not as young as I used to be; I could only get a little serious."
Helena: "A little... you say? I have never seen such a difference in power..."
Goblin Queen: "That face is so nice. Ufufu... Enjoy it while you still can..."
Goblin Queen: "I'll let you go for today... Well then, may we meet again... Ufufu..."
Hector: "The Goblin Queen has started to fall back. Helena-san, are you OK?"
Helena: "Of course. No need to worry. Goblin Queen... As expected of the queen of the goblins. She knows no bounds..."
Helena: "Prince... I have decided. I shall make your army much stronger. Strong enough that it won't lose even to the Goblin Queen..."
Anna: "She'll be reliable, Prince. The war with the monsters is only going to get much more intense. Stay sharp, and don't get careless, OK?"
Anna: "Prince, you've done quite well. Well then, let's return to the castle."
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

News Report:
-All Princes that reached a certain rank affected by stamina recovery bug between Nov 24 15:00~Nov 25th 12:10 will receive 1 apology crystal on Dec 1st.

Aegis Illustrator Black Ticket Selection:
Yasuda Suzuhito: Rinne, Nezha, and Leone
Sally: Aisha
Kinnotama: Leone
Itoryusei: Rinne
Kedama Gochou: Sarah, Matsuri, Esther, Fredrica, and Sophie
Inoshishi: Iris
Fujiyama: Aisha
Shirosuzu: Iris
Makirin: Fredrica and Rinne
Narumish: Grace, Estelle, and Sarah
Sprite Artist Onee-san: Fredrica
Moritan: Towa
Katou Itsuwa: Aisha
Chiri: Nezha
*Some illustrators have multiple accounts?

Hopefully these names mean something to people without me listing the characters they did (i.e. Narumish did Healer Elias).

Though, the only person whose choice matters from a gameplay perspective is Moritan (he was debating between Rinne and Towa and decided upon Towa; he has a lot of high-rarity characters but he mainly challenges himself by using specific groupings of characters instead of face-rolling all of the time).

Aisha Fanart by Sally (Hibari and Khuri's Illustrator):

Nanari Character Generator:

Enter your text under 'input' and click '七里文字生成' to have Nanari (Nanaly's name if she was a Japanese middle schooler) enter it into her laptop.

This thing is very fun, and everyone who loves Nanaly should try it.

An interesting bit of trivia is that the iOS version rose from rank 150~ to rank 22, finally surpassing Granblue Fantasy (rank 23). Curious if this is just going to be a very temporary moment, like the time this game surpassed Kancolle for a short time.

Iris by Shirosuzu:
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