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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Guess I should finish working on awakening Avenger Roana for her status-ailment immunity if another vampire lord shows up. The last one became pretty violent during its second form and caught me off guard.
The answer to that is a definite yes if easy afk is needed. Otherwise, Liana can carry if you have enough firepower. (1 hit stun was unexpected here as well) You will need a good status Immunity tank for dracolich one of these days. Though Erenia is currently the best status immune tank.

Should i AW my Rakshasha first or another of my black units?
*insert i haz the m3mory of a gold-fish reference*

Rakshasha isn't bad for brainless gaming. In terms of alternative any of the top tier blacks is good for that. Happy max her immediately after AW, and that's some ridiculous stats not dependent on healing or enemy defense.
otoh, farming should be a higher priority as I mentioned before, so definitely spend resources into % ups once your done your brainless clear tool, whoever that happens to be.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

First Sabrina, then Reanbell, a returning Hana, and a new event Vampire Hunter. They must be trying to get Princes everywhere to bolster their multi-hit/volley army. I'm just happy that she's a cutie so I'll be trying to get her to min-cost no matter what.

As for the event itself... time to use my main weapon and her supports once again because it's been a while since I've needed to deploy her. Max DPS Olivia is all I'm going to need.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just read with Google Translate that Altair got as AW ability that when she dies, that she is withdrawn and not killed. Is this true? Cuz that would make her a priority AW unit for me then alongside Rakshasha. o:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Altair makes any soldier withdraw when defeated. Berna and Alice do the same for their classes.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Herself too or only others?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Despite the obvious $$, I approve of the team composition and AWing order.

Farming is always #1 in Aigis, which has the name of farmville online anyways.
Now all you need is to AW your Aisha and Esteru - em, you also need a few witches unless you are ok with not farming challenge maps.

Note, not sure of your barrack, but AW HA (Berenice or Julius) and AW Soldiers (Aria or Jerome) are probably your next goal. They aren't black and shouldn't get in the way of leveling Aisha/Esteru anyways. Not having them otoh ...

I got a couple of CC witches in the barrack for when I need them. $300 so far, got really lucky with the black PS. I do need a HA and another soldier though :(, can't summon a good one.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm the reason for that is probably u are using the current premium gacha...
They already got rid some of the old unit, you need to wait until they apear in limited gacha....

Since You looking for good soldier / HA I'm assuming here Jerome / Julius (plat HA ok not nutaku gold soldier -.-) / Zenobia / Dina
there 2 good soldier from event (Aria / Liz)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Petite, Thank you for Cornelia translation. Glad to see you are well after operation.

New VH: yeah yeah, I AW'd Fran 2 weeks ago so they are giving me another VH. Fortunately I like Fran better than this one. It depends on her stats and skills but I will probably wont bother with her...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm the reason for that is probably u are using the current premium gacha...
They already got rid some of the old unit, you need to wait until they apear in limited gacha....

Since You looking for good soldier / HA I'm assuming here Jerome / Julius (plat HA ok not nutaku gold soldier -.-) / Zenobia / Dina
there 2 good soldier from event (Aria / Liz)

Yea. Probably need to roll some revival gachas next month, as a nutaku player, got tempted with all the new units so I just rolled the regular gacha. No luck with getting a mage armorer either.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I totally forgot erenia was status immune gonna have to bump her up on awakening priority.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Spoilers:
-Emergency Mission "Vampire and Holy Avenger" (ヴァンパイアと聖なる復讐者) Begins.
+Event for Plat Vampire Hunter Lumaria (聖なる復讐者ルマリア)

(Event) Platinum Vampire Hunter Lumaria Illustration (ルマリア):

Rosette Christopher? ... No...

Guess I should finish working on awakening Avenger Roana for her status-ailment immunity if another vampire lord shows up. The last one became pretty violent during its second form and caught me off guard.

oh look a nun i love nuns but i think sue is far superior
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well, yeah a Black is always going to better than an event unit.

First Platinum unit I have gotten from the base summons:

*deposits into the Dark Knight fund* :D
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just saw that someone got SC after reaching lv 210 in the Nutaku Aigis. Is it the same case here in the DMM version?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

First plat from SP summon, dupe Elizabeth.

Half-tempted to CR even though it's probably a waste.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just saw that someone got SC after reaching lv 210 in the Nutaku Aigis. Is it the same case here in the DMM version?

And it should be the other way around :p
DMM 1st and nutaku copied it :D

You get SC every 10x multiplier after lvl 200
additionaly after lvl 200 every lvl up recover chr and stm
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

PS: The JP version for whales = 4 digits USD per month. I am pretty sure none of us here are insane enough to go that far.

Low 3 digit USD apparently are just dolphins. Hmm, not sure if I want the super legend card, but that 15% for a ticket might be the only way I can get a black. Though if I do get it, it just means 'save it for BDR' and then take up more gift inventory.

I've been wondering for a while... why there is an analogy between aquatic mammals and cash players?

I just saw that someone got SC after reaching lv 210 in the Nutaku Aigis. Is it the same case here in the DMM version?

Yes, obviously. Starting from lvl 200, you get 3 SC every 10 levels.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

First plat from SP summon, dupe Elizabeth.

Half-tempted to CR even though it's probably a waste.
CR's fine for early deploys.

Not as high as a priority as Soldiers and Valkyries mind you, but Elizabeth gets away easy with cost reduction priority due to starting cost already low and that first use skill.

I've been wondering for a while... why there is an analogy between aquatic mammals and cash players?
No serious answer, but it did originate from JP.
The rough idea is below:

You see, the JP players who suffer gacha addictions and has the money to burn happen to do it in the level of $$$$, as in 4, possibly 5 digits USD.

^ Of course the above is monthly just because. You know, that's just pocket change to some people in the world due to parents. And parents would much prefer their off-spring to waste money in 4 digits as opposed to 6 digits.
In terms of those people, Elephant the biggest land animal is kinda of not enough per say, so since humans are mammals, they had to find the biggest one.

That's a whale btw. You know, the biggest mammal on earth? Arguably the biggest living entity on earth?

So what basically happens when you try to match up a whale?
PS: For the record, I once used one of my bi-monthly paycheck on another (new) game just to see if I spend enough time/money, would I be able to match the JP top players.
The answer to the above turned out to be yes, kinda, I was under 20/top 10 in the ranking in every event for more than a month.

Top 5 on the other hand is unreachable as always. Though my bad luck counted more than a little for that problem. (I easily halved the drop rate on gacha ~~ or worse)

Then work started to get busy again, and I quit.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

finally awed yuno and on my last aw for my main team that is serra wish it was fermi but serra will do
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I've been levelling this plat fox girl I got. Her name's Inari and I'm curious if she's any good. Right now she's 14 cost and her stats are really low, so I'm not sure what I'm really supposed to do with her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I've been levelling this plat fox girl I got. Her name's Inari and I'm curious if she's any good. Right now she's 14 cost and her stats are really low, so I'm not sure what I'm really supposed to do with her.
Youko can block and attack 2 enemies and have 50% evasion. They're like a samurai version of monks. Inari's strength is that after she's awakened, she has 70% evasion, so she's very good against enemies with paralytic poison, though being a physical unit means that she isn't good against high defence ones like scorpions (someone posted a gif of her getting stung into paralysis by a couple). She also has an easy to level skill that's strong.

The next event has vampires, and if they bring back the green goblins from Flan's event with a paralytic attack, then Inari will be useful against those. Inari's problem is that her role can be compensated by many other classes or characters, and a character like AW Skill Plat Monk Ling (event character) is much more devastating with her nearby AoE attack. Inari and Tamamo don't have AW Skills yet, so it remains to be seen what they give her in the end.

The Youko class probably needs to be buffed in some way to make them have a much more distinguished niche. At first I thought they had a magical attack, or their attack speed was faster than it really was. A cheap-to-deploy 2-block version of True Dragon Warrior Anya would've been interesting, and have less overlap with monks.
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