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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The realization that not even I can pay for 62 million gold.
I am sad orz

Type, no wonder I maxxed her out. Now if they would only buff mages (quite) a bit during the balance patch.
At least I hope no more pirate buff even if wankop goes crazy for pirates.
In aigis by the way, pirate buff is a meme.

Appreciation is guaranteed. Game mechanics wise.
*waits for AW2*
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My result for this week Revival

-Maribel 17 UP 3/5 un CC 38/50
-Rita 12 UP 5/10 un CC 44/50
-Flan 14 UP 7/10 22/70
-Emilia 10 UP 3/5 un CC 33/50
-Yurina 24 UP 3/10 un CC 32/50
-Waltz 4 UP 9/10 32/70
-Odette 33 UP 9/16 49/70

Didn't interested on Maribel - Rita , don't give a damn about FurFur for now~
Lucky on Flan RNG synthesize although I rarely use the class didn't even use a single SC and that by only 100% guarantee drop. For the first time I felt VERY Lucky XD
Dun care about Emilia - Yurina. Prefer Danchou instead >.>
Damn Waltz.... I used quite many SC. Quite Lucky on RNG synthesize , the drop itself is the problem. Got like 15+ ZONK run. 50% drop? LIES!!! T^T
Used 3 SC , DAT 16 Skill Lv.... MEH~

Interesting to see what's the next batch of Revival >.>
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anna and the Snow Beauty (アンナと雪の美女):
-Farm-type Event for Plat Witch Eliza

Eliza (エリザ):
Freeze Spell (氷結呪縛): (20s; attack 1.6x; slow movement effect increased; AS: 116; WT: 17.5; CT: 35)
True Freeze Spell (真・氷結呪縛): (20s; attack 1.7x; slow movement effect raised; AS: 116; WT: 20; CT: 40)
Cold Acclimation (寒冷適応): immune to blizzard weather effect.
Cold Acclimation [Attack Power] (寒冷適応(攻撃力)): immune to blizzards; attack +10% (additional +10% during a blizzard).

Snow Capt Land (20/1) (冠雪の大地):
Silver Ninja Kagerou (), Iron Samurai (), Iron Heavy ()
Soldier: "Report! The forest around the temple is covered in snow!"
Anna: "Covered in snow? Even though it's winter, we've never had snow fall on the forest around temple..."
Anna: "Strange..."
Soldier: "...! Enemy attack, enemy attack! Monsters are heading this way!"
Anna: "Prince, let's prepare for battle for the time being!"
Anna: "I wonder why snow is covering the forest around the shrine all of a sudden. We must investigate the cause..."

Snow-white Assassin (25/2) (白雪の凶手):
Silver Witch Calliope (), Bronze Soldier Atra (), Magic Crystal ()
Anna: "...! This is... It looks the entire forest is covered in snow."
Anna: "However, that's not all."
(snowman appears)
Soldier: "What!? There's a monster that looks like a snowman!"
Anna: "That monster... We don't have time to ponder about it now. Prince, it looks like we have no choice but to repel them!"
Anna: "I knew it, there's no doubt about it. That snowman is the Ice Guardian Eliza's..."
Anna: "Prince, emergency discussion."

Eliza Introduction:
Anna: "There's a mountain in this country that's usually closed off with ice."
Anna: "Towards the end of the Millennium War... There's a story that has been passed down about when the Goddess Aegis sealed the monsters..."
Anna: "You see, among the various places that they were sealed, one of them was that mountain."
Anna: "A clan of witches that manipulates winter live there, and have been guarding the seal for many generations."
Anna: "Although I'm from a lineage of those that served as parliamentary secretaries for this kingdom, the clan that guards the seal also served the kingdom like I do."
Anna: "Perhaps the current seal guardian is Eliza. When I was young, we often played together."
Anna: "The snowman from earlier was one of those that Eliza uses as servants. Maybe the temple being covered in snow was her doing."
Anna: "Whether or not that is the case, we won't know if we stay here. Prince, let's head to the snowy mountain, and check on how she's doing."

Snowy Witch (30/3) (雪嶺の魔女):
Eliza (), Silver Soldier Gustav (), Bronze Hayate (x2)
Eliza: "You're... Anna!"
Anna: "I knew it, you're Eliza, right? Eliza, what's with all of this snow?"
Eliza: "Please flee at once. Due to the monster's revival, the seal is about to be released. Not even I can handle it."
Anna: "In that case, you also get away from there!"
Eliza: "Well, right now I'm preoccupied with the monsters that suddenly appeared..."
Anna: "Even so..."
Eliza: "However, my duty is to protect the monsters' seal. I can't leave this area."
Monster: "Gyaggya!"
Anna: "Prince, monsters! Kuh... I can't see very well in this snowstorm."
Anna: "Prince, please be careful. I doubt you can fight like you normally do. Please give your orders with care."
[Weather: Snowstorm]
[-Enemy Movement Speed Decreased.]
[-Enemy/Allies Range Decreased.]
[-Certain Allies Abilities Increased.]
[-Certain Enemies/Allies Not Influenced.]
[-Enemies Not Influenced Attack Power Raised.]
(Eliza Appears)
Eliza: De... feat. Me..."
Anna: "That behaviour... Don't tell the monsters already...! Prince, she's probably being controlled by the monsters."
Anna: "Eliza, are you OK?"
Eliza: "Forget about me, the seal... We'll have problems if that were released."
Anna: "Understood. Prince, let's go check on the place with the seal."

Broken Seal (40/5) (破られた封印):
Silver Archer Loren (), Silver Healer Alyssa (), Platinum Fairy (), Magic Crystal ()
Anna: "There's... a large fissure in the ice!"
Soldier: "Report! Monsters are pouring out of the fissure in the ice seal!"
Anna: "What... Let's deal with the seal later. Prince, prepare to engage them!"

Ancient Monster (55/7) (太古の魔物):
Eliza (), Silver Mage Valery (), Silver Valkyrie Elaine (), Magic Crystal (x2)
Anna: "Eliza. The seal has been released."
Eliza: "No way... I kept guarding it for all this time, yet..."
Ancient Monster: "It has been many years since I've been sealed within the earth. As I thought, the air outside is nice..."
Eliza: "That monster! It's a demonic monster that trampled the humans during the Millennium War long ago...! Such a thing..."
Ancient Monster: "Hoh. One of the guardians of that vexing seal. I haven't forgotten my grudge over being sealed deep within the cold earth."
Ancient Monster: "I'll have my way with you!"
Eliza: "Ugh... Guu... hh! My body... is moving on its own..."
Anna: "Eliza! What's the matter...?"
Anna: "Prince, we must hurry and save Eliza... She's my precious friend. Please do whatever it takes to save her!"

Great Demonic Invasion (100/2) (凶魔の大侵攻):
Gold Fairy (), Platinum Fairy (), Black Fairy (), Complete: Rainbow Fairy
Soldier: "Report! A horde of monsters are marching toward the goddess's temple!"
Anna: "Prince, it appears the monsters that were released from the seal are coming down the mountain. Prepare for engagement!"
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The Road to the Bandit King (山賊王への道):
-Farm-type Event for Plat Bandit Rorone

Rorone (ロロネ):
Abandon III (捨て身III): (10s; Self: DF 0, but attack 2.6x; AS: 83; WT: 12.5; CT: 25)
Step Drive (ステップドライブ): (10s; attack 2.5x; self: defence 0; physical attack evasion 50% [75%]; AS: 83; WT: 15; CT: 30)
Physical Attack Evasion (物理攻撃回避): 25% physical evasion.

Ambition of the Rorone Bandits Band (20/1) (ロロネ山賊団の野望):
Rorone (?, 100 first drop)
Rorone: "Listen up, you guys! We'll form the Rorone Bandit Band here!"
Bandit: "Hei! Boss!"
Rorone: "Boss... Has a nice sound to it..."
Rorone: "I've finally been able to have my own bandit band. Now that I have my own bandit band, my first goal is to..."
Rorone: "Be king among the bandits, I'll become the Bandit King!"
Bandit: "UoO—hh! If it's you boss, there's no doubt you'll become king! We'll follow you!"
Rorone: "Nihihi. Thanks guys."
Bandit: "Sorry to quickly change the subject, boss, but there's a rich-looking group heading this way."
Rorone: "Yo—sh, first job of the Rorone Bandit Band! Get 'em guys—!"
(Rorone Appears)
Rorone: "You look like somewhat strong opponents. Yosh, guys. Leave them to me!"
Rorone: "The strongest is the Rorone Bandit Band's boss! I, who will soon become Bandit King, will be your opponent!"
Rorone: "Get ready—!!"
Bandit: "Hi—!! There's no way we can win against such strong fellows! Run away—!"
Rorone: "Oi! Guys! Don't run off!!!"
Rorone: "Tohoho... The bandit band I finally formed..."
Anna: "This isn't the time to get depressed. You're the boss of the bandits that attacked us earlier, right?"
Rorone: "Uugh... The road to the Bandit King... My ambition..."
Rorone: "It's your guys' fault my bandit band fell apart!"
Rorone: "Hah! No, this isn't any time to be depressed. This is a trial in order to become Bandit King. However, I must get strong first..."
Rorone: "Yoosh, my passion is burning! Remember me, travellers! Next time we meet, I'll knock your lights out!!"
Anna: "She's gone... What was that about?"

Conrad Introduction:
Conrad: "Among we bandits, we have a custom where we must decide who'll be da bandit's king, da Bandit King, every 30 years."
Conrad: "Da strongest bandit in dat period is da one who'll become da Bandit King."
Conrad: "Anyway, aye'll get to me point... Dis year is da year we'll decide on da new Bandit King."
Conrad: "However, Aye wanted to avoid fighting among bandits in dis time where da monsters revived and're wrecking many countries."
Conrad: "So aye tried to persuade da bandits to postpone it..."
Conrad: "Dem guys wouldn't listen to a word aye said."
Conrad: "Dey were pissing on me old age, and just wanted to end me term."
Conrad: "So aye told the bosses dere dat if any of dem wanted to be Bandit King so badly, den dey would have ta defeat da man who would be me successor."
Conrad: "Ya must defeat dem, so da right of Bandit King won't transfer over to dem."
Conrad: "Ya heard right, yer da man who's gonna be me successor. Now den, yer gonna be keeping yerself plenty busy. Yer gonna be fighting bandits from across da country."
Conrad: "De bandits'll be a great asset in da fight against da monsters. Doesn't sound so bad, huh?"
Conrad: "Show yer strength to dem bandits and save me honour!"

Bandit King Struggle (30/3) (山賊王争奪戦):
Rorone (), Silver Bandit Mortimer (), Iron Bandit (x2)
Anna: "We have been turned into the target of bandits without having any say..."
Anna: "You might not be interested in the title of Bandit King, but we have no choice but to go on the offensive; it's better than being attacked. Prince, please prepare for battle."
(Funes Appears)
Funes: "Prince... Defeat... Bandit King... I... Will be...!"
(Mortimer Appears)
Mortimer: "Prince, do you remember this place? It's where we fought for the first time!"
Mortimer: "Here, I'll defeat you and make a name for myself!"
(Rorone Appears)
Rorone: "That person I fought earlier was the Bandit King candidate Conrad-san spoke of... No wonder he was so strong."
Rorone: "Although I don't have a bandit band, I may have a chance if I fight alongside those guys from the other bandit bands!"
Rorone: "Yoosh, defeating that Prince will put me further along on the road to the Bandit King! Here I goooo!!!"

Among Fairies (30/3) (聖霊と共に):
Rorone (), Bronze Fairy (), Platinum Fairy (), Black Fairy ()
Seria: "Ah... Prince... sama. Found you...!"
Seria: "If I defeat that person, I'll become Bandit King. But... I'm alone..."
Bronze Fairy: "Seria-san."
Platinum Fairy: "You're not alone."
Black Fairy: "We're here."
Seria: "Eh? Spirit-sans...!?"
Bronze Fairy: "Man and spirit."
Platinum Fairy: "Now when we join hands."
Black Fairy: "Let's work together."
Black Fairy: "Bandit King!!"
Seria: "Spirit-sans...!"
Seria: "I, I'll do it! If I'm with Spirit-san, I feel as if I can do anything!"
Seria: "Yeah... I'm not alone...! I have so many allies."
Seria: "Prince-sama...! Together with these spirit-sans, I'll defeat you. Prepare yourself...!"
(Rorone Appears)
Rorone: "Wow—!! Is that Seria-san, the one they call the spirit's friend—!?"
Rorone: "The prince is distracted by the spirits... I won't let this chance slip away!"

How to Fight Bandit-style (40/5) (山賊流の戦い方):
Rorone (), Silver HA Lean (), Silver Mage Valery (), Bronze Bandit Bargun (x3)
Lyra: "Not good enough! Your axe swing is slow! Don't be so weak-kneed! Swing with your heart, with your strength!"
Rorone: "Yes! Lyra-san!! How's this!?"
Lyra: "Yes, that's more like it. Tear flesh, and smash bone. This is how you fight the bandit way."
Anna: "Prince, those two are... What do you suppose they're doing?"
Monster: "Gegyagya!!"
Anna: "Monsters!? They're coming out at the worst timing! Prince, prepare for battle!"
Rorone: Lyra-san! Monsters are showing up!"
Lyra: "Nothing to worry about. The monsters are after the Prince. Concentrate on your training."
(Lyra Appears)
Lyra: "Yosh! Training's over! With this, you too can attack with 'Abandon' just like me."
Lyra: "Well done. Now then, it looks like the monsters are dwindling to a nice number. Quickly, wanna practice what you've learned in actual combat?"
Lyra: "I heard. The one that defeats the Prince will become Bandit King, right?"
Rorone: "Yes! This time, I'll defeat the Prince, and become Bandit King—!!"
Anna: "Prince, I feel an intense killing intent coming from those two. Please be careful!!"

Bandit Princess and Pirate Princess (55/7) (姫山賊と姫海賊):
Rorone (), Silver Soldier Rosalie (), Silver Pirate Giovanni (), Platinum Armour ()
Bandit: "My lady, the Prince has arrived."
Imelia: "Aww! I told you to not call me lady! How many times do I have to tell you!?"
Imelia: "I heard that I'll become Pirate King if I defeat the Prince, so I gathered you guys. Fight properly, OK!?"
Bandit: "Hei! We'll win for sure!"
Imelia: "Yossh! Well then, I'm sorry Prince, but let me defeat you! Let's go! You mongrels!"
Imelia: "I must use my full power if I'm to defeat the Prince to begin with. Here I come!"
Imelia: "Howl! Hell Axe Fasces!!"
(Pirates Depart)
Anelia: "Now then, you scallywags! Go to the front! Please show them the difference in the mettle of the pirate crews around these parts!"
(Anelia Appears)
Anelia: "Prince, sorry. But it's the wish of my cute little sister. So I want to have her become Bandit King."
Anelia: "That's why I'm going to be a little serious, OK?"
Anelia: "My dear gun that hits multiple enemies in a single shot! There isn't anyone who can escape from this bullet storm! Roar! God Gun Brionac!!"
(Rorone Appears)
Rorone: "This is a pirate battle, huh!? It would be dangerous to get caught in that bullet swarm—!"
Rorone: "In such a massive chaotic battle, I should have a chance arise even against the Prince! I shall blow away the Prince with 'Abandon' that I learned from Lyra-san!"

Bandit King United War (90/12) (山賊王統一戦):
Rorone (100), Silver Rogue Cecily (), Silver Bandit Funes (), Platinum Fairy ()
Anna: "Prince, we have been called here for the ceremony to become Bandit King, but what's all this...?"
Conrad: "Prince! Looks like ye defeated all dem bandits! Aye expected no less of de man who would succeed me!"
Conrad: "De others have been called to dis place. For de final ceremony for ye to become de Bandit King."
Conrad: "Ye must show dem all de next Bandit King is mightier den de current Bandit King. Meaning, Aye'm gonna fight with ye now."
Conrad: "Oops, it's no fun fer de other bandits to just stand 'round and watch, huh? Here's yer last chance."
Conrad: "De one dat defeats de Prince in dis ceremony will be named the Bandit King, how ye'all reckon?"
Conrad: "Dis is a festival... we hafta end it with a bang!"
Conrad: "Now den, let's party!!"
Last edited:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Dragon Knight's Oath (竜騎士の誓い):
-Farm-type Event for Plat Dragon Rider Lucille

Lucille (ルシル):
Fire Breath (ファイアブレス): (20s; attack 1.7x; magical ranged [200] attack; AS: 94; WT: 17.5; CT: 35)
Dragon Aura (ドラゴンオーラ): (20s; attack and defence 1.5x; ranged magical attack; AS: 94; WT: 17; CT: 35)
Magic Resistance (魔法耐性): +10% magic resistance.

Dragon Knight (20/1) (竜の騎士):
Lucille (?, 100 first drop)
Monster: "Prince almost here. You... don't slack off. Understood?"
???: "I know. I'll obey you guys."
Monster: "Gegyagyagya! Dependable. Dragon Knight-sama."
???: "..."
(Lucille Appears.)
Soldier: "Report! Enemy in sight! A knight riding a dragon is heading this way!"
Anna: "A knight riding a dragon! A new type of enemy, huh... Prince, attack with extreme caution!"
???: (That's the Prince... I need to make contact after the battle. Should I go easy on them here...?)
Anna: "Prince, the enemies have retreated."
???: "You're the Prince?"
Anna: "You're...! Prince, enemy attack!"
???: "W-wait! I'm not your enemy! Lower your weapons."
Anna: "You're not an enemy...? What do you mean?"
Lucille: "My name is Lucille. There's a reason I'm obeying the monsters. I'm sorry for the fight earlier..."
Lucille: "I came to ask one favour of the Prince while the enemy has me under their thumb."
Lucille: "... "I want you to take back the Shinryuu's egg stolen by the monsters."
Anna: "Shinryuu... I see, that's the dragon that possesses great intellect that's born once every 100 years, right?"
Lucille: "Correct. The Shinryuu's protection is the duty of the Dragon Knights... I won't permit its egg falling into the monster's hands."
Lucille: "I know the location of the egg, but... While investigating, I was surprised by the monsters and captured."
Lucille: "The monsters released me under the condition they'll return the Shinryuu's egg if I defeat the Prince of this county. Furthermore, if I oppose them, they'll destroy the egg.."
Anna: "So that's the reason why you challenged us to a fight? However, the monsters keeping their promise is..."
Lucille: "There's no way I'll let them destroy the egg... I swore I would take it back without fail. To the Shinryuu mother..."
Anna: "I understand the situation. Please let us assist you."
Lucille: "Really!? Thank you... I'm glad we had this discussion."
Lucille: "I'm being watched by the monsters, so my hands are tied..."
Lucille: "Tell me when you have secured the egg. Prince, I would like you to go that way."
Anna: "Now that we know the location, we'll take it from here. Prince, let's make our way there post haste."
Anna: "Ah, Lucille-san, please follow the monsters' orders in a way the enemy doesn't suspect you."
Lucille: "Understood. I shall fight you guys at full power so the enemy doesn't suspect me..!"
Anna: "Eh... Ehhh. I meant to go easy on us..."

Fire Breath (25/2) (ファイアブレス):
Lucille (), Silver Pirate Velotte (), Iron Heavy ()
Monster: "Hey, you. Where'd you go?"
Monsters: "Besides, that dragon. It didn't spit fire. You want us to break egg!?"
Lucille: (Kuh... It's over as soon as the monsters realise. Sorry Prince, I can't go easy on you...!)
(Lucille appears.)
Lucille: "Prince!! Are you ready!? Can you defeat me!?"
Anna: "Lucille-san... you're kind of overdoing it..."

Bomb Squad (30/3) (爆弾部隊):
Lucille (), Silver Magic Fencer Ricardo (), Silver Fallen Angel Niel (), Bronze Soldier Hector ()
Monster: "Gegya! Bombs, bombs. Blow them humans to smithereens!!"
Monster: "Hey, what's keeping bomb squad!? Fight already starting!!"
Lucille: (Bombs!? Oh no, I must inform the Prince...)
Monster: "Hey! You! Where you going!?"
Lucille: (It seems I can't leave... huh? Prince, watch out for the monsters holding bombs...!)
(Bomb Squad Appears.)
Monster: "Bombs! Bombs! Blow them humans with a BANG!!"
Anna: "Prince, monsters carrying bombs appeared. With that many bombs..."
Anna: "If we attack them, we'll set off the explosives. I suggest fighting with ranged units."

Chaotic Battle in the Ruined Capital (40/5) (廃都の大混戦):
Lucille (), Silver Valkyrie Elaine (), Silver Healer Dolka (), Bouquet ()
Anna: "This smell smells like gunpowder..."
Anna: "Prince, I expect the monsters that carried the bombs from the previous battle are coming. Please set up an early offensive as soon as they appear!"

Shinryuu's Egg (55/7) (真竜の卵):
Lucille (), Silver Soldier Crave (), Silver Heavy Bernard (), Platinum Armour ()
Anna: "Here is the cave where the Shinryuu's egg is being kept."
Anna: "If we can clear out the monsters here, we should be able to recapture the Shinryuu's egg. Although I would like to charge right in..."
Anna: "The monsters carrying bombs are taking up positions around the egg, and it would be a bad idea to fight them head on."
Anna: "Prince, it would be dangerous if we receive a concentrated attack from those bombs. Let's investigate the monsters' movements first, and then take action."
(Lucille Appears.)
Lucille: (The egg is caught in this chaos...)
Monster: "Gegyaaaa, hey! You! Don't do anything suspicious!"
Monster: "Defeat Prince at once! If you betray us, we break egg! If you slip even little, we also break egg!"
Lucille: (They saw through me... I have no choice but to trust in the Prince and fight at full power!)
Anna: "Prince, the enemy has retreated. We have cleared away all of the monsters within this cavern."
Monster: "You scum! You came to take egg!"
Anna: "Oh, there's still a monster here...!"
Monster: "Since it came to this, no other choice! It's waste, but I'll crack egg!"
???: "Wait!"
Monster: "You...!"
Lucille: "I was waiting for this chance. I'll definitely take back the Shinryuu's egg."
Lucille: "Take this!"
Monster: "Gugyaaaaa...!"
Lucille: "The egg...! Thank goodness... it's safe."
Anna: "Lucille-san! We did it! However, why didn't that monster break the Shinryuu's egg? He could have broken it anytime he wanted to..."
Lucille: "The Shinryuu grows into a great being possessing power and knowledge."
Lucille: "Perhaps the monsters were plotting to send the Shinryuu's egg to hell to create a Shinryuu imbued with evil..."
Anna: "I see... In that case, it's a good thing we nipped that plan in the bud."
Lucille: "Yeah... Thanks to you, I was able to keep my promise to the egg's mother. Thank you so much..."
Lucille: "By the way, I heard from the monsters information concerning the real culprits who stole the egg. I'm going after the true criminals."
Lucille: "We had to fight this time, but please let me fight on your side next time, Prince. Whenever you wish... give me a call."
Lucille: "I'm looking forward to the next time we meet, take care."

Shuriken Dance (90/12) (手裏剣乱舞):
Lucille (100), Silver Ninja Kagerou (), Bronze Ninja Hayate (x2), Platinum Fairy ()
Anna: "It looks like here is the base of the criminals that stole the Shinryuu's egg... More importantly, where's Lucille?"
Jounin: "Are you bastards friends of that knight!? She already fell to our technique, and is incapable of moving!"
Anna: "Humans...! Are you guys saying you're the monsters' helpers!?"
Jounin: "We merely serve the ones willing to pay the most for our talents."
Jounin: "We just received instructions for your erasure. Perfect. Prepare yourselves!"
Anna: "Prince, it looks like we have no choice but to fight them here."
(Jounin Appears.)
Jounin: "Secret technique... Concealment Jutsu... Ranged attacks will pass through our vanished forms..."
(Flying Squirrel Appears/Defeated.)
Jounin: "Nuuuu...! Well done. We'll have to push ourselves to the limit the way things are!"
Jounin: "All members, go! Tear them apart in a wild frenzy!"
Anna: "Wild frenzy...! I would rather not have to deal with that... Prince, be careful!"
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Alchemist and the Philosopher's Stone (錬金術士と賢者の石):
-Farm-type Event for Plat Alchemist Corinne

Corinne (コリン):
AoE Attack II (範囲攻撃II): (25s; attack AoE 2x; AS: 142; WT: 25; CT: 50)
Force Sword (理力の剣): (25s; AoE changed to single target; attack 2x; AS: 142; WT: 22; CT: 45)
Range Up I (射程アップI): range+15.

Philosopher's Stone (20/1) (賢者の石)
(Gimmick: Defence -50%):

Corinne (100, ?)
Anna: "Prince, the place the alchemist is staying is here according to the report."
Corinne: "You've made it. You're the Prince, huh? I'm Corinne... Yes, Corinne."
Anna: "You're... are you the alchemist from the report?"
Anna: "Why must you turn the kingdom into a testing ground...?"
Corinne: "As an alchemist, I want to see the truth in this world. It's necessary to use the Philosopher's Stone and turn this kingdom into a testing ground for that to happen."
Corinne: "However, Prince. Your existence is a nuisance. I'll defeat you for the sake of realising my ambition."
Corinne: "Go! Monsters! With the power of the Philosopher's Stone, I'll lower the defence of the Prince and his allies."
Corinne: "Now's your chance!"
Anna: "Philosopher's Stone...!? If it does what she says it does, then we must go about this carefully, Prince!"
Corinne: "Cheh... So it's not going to be so simple."
Corinne: "However, this power I was granted by 'that one' is... marvelous ... The day I'll see the truth will also soon come..."
Anna: "What in the world is her problem? She said something about the Philosopher's Stone earlier... In any case, we better follow after her."

Uncanny Researcher (25/2) (魔の研究者)
(Gimmick: Defence -50%):

Corinne (), Silver Rogue Cecily (), Iron Archer ()
Corinne: "I was waiting for you, Prince."
Corinne: "Now then, Philosopher's Stone. Lend your power to us again...!"
Anna: "Again, our defence is...! Prince, please be careful!"

Shadows Wriggling in the Earth (30/3) (地中でうごめく影)
(Gimmick: Defence -70%):

Corinne (), Silver Soldier Rosalie (), Silver Archer Soma (), Bronze Pirate Mauro (x2)
Corinne: "Kukukuku... I got it... A way to demonstrate the growing power of the Philosopher's Stone...!"
Corinne: "With this, I can control the shadow monsters... Fuha... Hahaha, hahahaha..."
???: "Corinne. It appears you can fully utilise the Philosopher's Stone."
Corinne: "With this stone, the truth..."
???: "That's correct. If you can utilise the power of that stone, you can see the truth you desire."
Corinne: "I want to see the truth... For that, I will do anything..."
???: "Hmm... Can't even talk sensibly anymore, eh? It seems you're losing your sense of self."
???: "... After all, you're human. It appears you're close to your limit."
???: "This is where it will get interesting. Now then, show me your wretched form as you toy with power beyond your comprehension."
Corinne: "I want to see the truth... The truth... truth..."

Power that Controls Minds (40/5) (心を支配する力)
(Gimmick: Defence -70%):

Corinne (), Silver Mage Valery (), Silver Gunner Persis (), Magic Crystal (x2)
Corinne: "Kukuku... I'm a genius... With this, I can control humans..."
Corinne: "The Prince's soldiers... Will be Our... Puppets..."
Anna: "You mustn't use that dangerous stone any further."
Anna: "Corinne-san, please cease this at once! Who knows what will happen to you if you continue...!"
Corinne: "Shut... up... Don't... inter... fere..."
Anna: "Her mind has been taken over by the Philosopher's Stone...! However, we should still be able to save her. Prince, let's follow after her!"

Truth's Cost (55/7) (真理の代償)
(Gimmick: Defence -90%):

Corinne (), Silver Heavy Lean (), Silver Samurai Sanosuke (), Platinum Armour ()
Corinne: "Maximised... Philosopher's Stone... With this, the Prince's defence power is also... Kyahaha... same as paper..."
Corinne: "Prince... Prince... Once I defeat you... Truth..."
Anna: "She has completely took leave of her senses... Prince, it looks like we have no choice but to separate her from the Philosopher's Stone to save her."
Anna: "Let's fight back so we can free her."
Corinne: "..."
Anna: "Are you OK!?"
Corinne: "..."
Anna: "She responded absently... First of all, to the royal castle..."
Greater Demon: "Fuu... So it wasn't something a human could handle. Such a shame..."
Greater Demon: "Well, I saw something interesting, and it was worth it if only so the Philosopher's Stone could drop to the earth."
Anna: "You...! What did you do to her!?"
Greater Demon: "Hm~? I granted her wish to know the truth."
Greater Demon: "It was truly funny to see her losing her self to the Philosopher's Stone."
Greater Demon: "What is she seeing now, I wonder. The truth, or just a mere dream? I'm deeply intrigued..."
Anna: "How horrible..."
Greater Demon: "You want to save this woman? ... I see. Fight with me at the specified place. I must have my revenge for the embarrassment from earlier."
Greater Demon: "I was looking forward to fighting with you for quite some time. I'll prepare the most magnificent battleground."

Makai's Military Power (90/12) (魔界の軍勢):
Corinne (100), Silver Valkyrie Mischa (), Silver Healer Alyssa (), Rainbow Fairy ()
Anna: "Corinne-san!!"
Corinne: "..."
Greater Demon: "It's useless. This woman is completely under our rule. You have no choice but to best me if you wish to free her."
Greater Demon: "Now then, I prepared the most marvelous formation for your destruction. Let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?"
(Greater Demon Appears)
Greater Demon: "Oops. I forgot to tell you. I didn't tell you the reason you weak humans have no hope of winning against me."
Greater Demon: "My attack is 5000. How's that, does it fill you with despair? Now then, I shall grind the lot of you into dust."
Anna: "F, five thousand... An attack power completely removed from common sense... I guess that's to be expected from a high-ranking demon."
Anna: "Prince, this is the crucial moment. If you can defeat that demon, you should be able to free Corinne-san."
Corinne: "Uugh..."
Anna: "Have you come to your senses?"
Corinne: "... I see. I was..."
Corinne: "I'm ashamed of myself. All of this happened because I wanted to know the truth... The Philosopher's Stone is also no longer in my hands."
Corinne: "Well, but the genuine truth is not a truth that humans can simply know. As a scientist, my quest for the truth is not over."
Anna: "It looks like she's somehow back to her usual self. What a relief..."
Corinne: "I caused you and the Prince a great deal of trouble. My apologies. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm the Alchemist Corinne. Remember it if ever we meet again."
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Pupuru where art thou
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Monk's Training Ground (モンクの修行場):
-Farm-type Event for Plat Monk Ling

Ling (リン):
Qigong Jutsu (気功術): (20s; attack and defence 1.5x; AS: 58; WT: 17.5; CT: 35)
Qigong Rasenha (気功螺旋破): (10s; 1.6x attack; attack speed raised; attacks all nearby ground units; AS: 38; WT: 12.5; CT: 25)
Monk Attack Up (モンクの攻撃力アップ): monk +7% attack if Ling is a team member.

White Belt (20/1) (白帯):
Ling (1), Magic Crystal (50), Bouquet (50)

Shodan (25/2) (初段):
Ling (5), Silver Rogue Cecily (10), Magic Crystal (100)

Jūdan (30/3) (十段):
Ling (10), Silver Heavy Armour Lean (10), Bouquet (100)

Acting Master (35/5) (師範代):
Ling (27), Silver Soldier Rosalie (10), Silver Soldier Crave (10), Crystal (100)
Gimmick: Cannot Deploy Ranged Units.

Ougi Awakening (60/7) (奥義覚醒):
Ling (50), Silver Soldier Rosalie (12), Silver Bandit Mortimer (12), Magic Crystal II (100)
Gimmick: HP Degenerates.

I couldn't find any posts with translations for this event. Some part of me thinks I did this, but had to remove the translations to make room on this board, but that would mean the translations would be on Himeuta (it would be during Swordmaster Sandra's event on May 7th~14th). The search function on that board is broken, and I'm not going to visit that place to find out if it has been fixed.

If someone can confirm whether or not I ever translated this event. That would be great.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Holy Sledge Hammer Champion's Challenge (聖鎚闘士の挑戦):
-Farm-type Event for Plat Heavy Miranda

Miranda (ミランダ):
Sledge Hammer (スレッジハンマー): (25s; 4.0x attack; attack speed slow; AS: 144; WT: 25; CT: 50)
Jet Hammer (ジェットハンマー): (20s; 5.5x attack; attack speed slow; self-paralysis after skill ends; AS: 144; WT: 25; CT: 50)
Heavy Armour Attack Up (ヘビーアーマーの攻撃力アップ): heavy armour attack +7% if Miranda is a team member.

Proud Holy Sledge Hammer Champion (20/1) (誇り高き聖鎚闘士):
Miranda (, 100 first drop)
Miranda: "It's an honour to meet you. You're the prince that was chosen by the Goddess, are you not?"
Miranda: "I'm one of the holy warriors that has been guided by the voice of the Goddess. My name is Miranda."
Miranda: "This is sudden, but Prince... I will ascertain whether or not you're a suitable master for me to serve...!"
Miranda: "There's nothing that won't be shattered by my hammer... I challenge you!!"
Miranda: "I see... I heard the rumours, but you're as strong as they say..."
Miranda: "However, it seems there's an immeasurable strength lurking within you. Please show your true power to me!"

Swift Red Armour (25/2) (迅速なる赤鎧):
Miranda (), Silver Archer Soma (), Iron Heavy (x2)
Miranda: "A heavy warrior is slow and clumsy... do you believe such? However, the march of the heavy warrior who acquired speed after intense training is different from regular soldiers."

Sorrowful Spirits (30/3) (哀しみの亡霊):
Miranda (), Silver Rogue Cecily (), Silver Heavy Bernard (), Bronze Heavy Russel (x2)
Miranda: "Here, long ago, is the place soldiers, who died regrettable deaths from the poison from the swamps, rest... Their wandering spirits have no need to follow any roads!"

Iron Wall Formation (40/5) (鉄壁の陣形):
Miranda (), Silver Soldier Gustav (), Silver Pirate Velotte (), Magic Crystal (x2)
Miranda: "You appear to possess plenty of power. This time, I shall have you show me your strategic insight."
Miranda: "In this scorching land, I wonder, can you break the iron hammer formation of these heavy warriors?"

Magic and Armour (55/7) (魔法と鎧):
Miranda (), Silver Healer Alyssa (), Silver Gunner Persis (), Platinum Armour ()
Miranda: "Here, I'll deploy heavy warriors capable of manipulating magic. Can you endure their severe magical attacks?"

Armoured Legion (90/12) (鎧の軍勢):
Miranda (100), Silver Witch Calliope (), Silver Valkyrie Mischa (), Platinum Fairy (x2)
Miranda: "I shall have you show me your true power by making these heavy warriors—myself included—whose defences have been strengthened your opponents."
(Miranda appears)
Miranda: "From here, I shall also be serious. Prince, if you can defeat me, then I'll acknowledge your strength...!"
Miranda: "My certain kill attack is filled with all of my strength! Will you be able to receive it all without falling...!?"
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oni-Inviting Miko (鬼招きの巫女):
-Farm-type Event for Plat Shaman Shiho

Shiho (シホ):
Healing Prayer (癒しの祈り): (15s; attack 1.8x; focus healing; AS: 119; WT: 10; CT: 20)
Chirei Oroshi (地霊降ろし): (10s; attack 1.4x; focus on recovery until next skill activation; AS: 119; WT: 7.5; CT: 15)
Chirei Oroshi Release (地霊降ろし解除): (10s; attack 1.4x; focus on attack until next skill activation; AS: 119; WT: 0; CT: 15)
Quick Chant (高速詠唱): shortens time until an attack.

One-eyed Oni (15/1) (一つ目の鬼):
Bouquet (30), Magic Crystal (20)
Anna: "I heard some unfamiliar monsters showed up around this area recently."
Shiho: "The person over there! Run away, run away—!"
Shiho: "Who are you?"
Shiho: "More importantly, normal people can't withstand a single strike from that oni!

Shiho Introduction:
Shiho: "It's nice to meet you, Prince!"
Shiho: "My name is Shiho, I'm a miko that has been guarding a shrine from a far away land for a very, very long time to keep the oni safe. You're the descendant of the hero, right?"
Shiho: "Eh? What was that thing? That's an oni. The oni are beings that have been slumbering beneath my shrine. Sorry, but I won't let you lay your hands on the oni!"
Shiho: "Though I believe they woke up probably in response to the monsters' revival..."
Shiho: "I was told to protect them, so I must protect them. The oni weren't supposed to wake up, so I don't really know, but I was told to protect them, so I probably should keep on protecting them, right?"
Shiho: "There'll be problems if you upset them, and make them go on a rampage... So, it would be best to wait until they calm down. Everyone should hide quietly until then..."
Shiho: "... Eh? Fight? Wa-wait, are you serious about what you just said!? I'll get in trouble if you do that~! My order is that I must protect them~!"
Shiho: "S... So don't! I must follow the rules! If you insist on fighting them, then... I'm sorry, but I'll get in your way!"

Oni Extermination (25/2) (鬼退治):
Shiho (5), S Archer Soma (10), Iron Archer (100), Bouquet (50)
Shiho: "Uwa—h, you really came to defeat the oni... I'm sorry, but I won't let you do that!"
Shiho: "Ah, but I'll tell you just one thing!"
Shiho: "The strength of the oni is far greater than your monsters. So you shouldn't fight them in close combat, OK?"
Anna: "... Somehow, that girl sounds like she's having fun."

Oni Counterattack (30/2) (鬼の逆襲):
S Mage Valery (10), S Rogue Harissa (10), Iron Mage (100), Magic Crystal (30)
Shiho: "Oh, oh no~! The oni are going into people's houses..."
Shiho: "Aww, someone stop them~!"

Oni Advance (35/3) (鬼の進撃):
Shiho (9, 100% first drop), S Soldier Phyllis (10), Iron Heavy (100), Bouquet (50)
Shiho: "As expected of the descendant of the hero, so heroic! I wonder if he'll also let me join his party."

Oni's Wrath (60/6) (鬼の怒り 極級):
Shiho (50), S Heavy Bernard (15), B Mage Roy (100), Magic Crystal (30)
Shiho: "Mmwell, this is the final battle! Give it your best~!"
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I am quite safe this week~
Will use SC on Shiho
Probably on Ling , probably not
As for Eliza Miranda Lucille(Already Limit Value and AW) Rorone Corrine I think I'll skip~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Definitely gonna aimed for Shino, Ling ... still thinking, not many people use monk these days
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Too much. Aigis loves me, I can see it now. Her love~

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I couldn't find any posts with translations for this event. Some part of me thinks I did this, but had to remove the translations to make room on this board, but that would mean the translations would be on Himeuta (it would be during Swordmaster Sandra's event on May 7th~14th). The search function on that board is broken, and I'm not going to visit that place to find out if it has been fixed.

If someone can confirm whether or not I ever translated this event. That would be great.

Thanks as always for posting all this information. I dug up your post on Himeuta, but there are no story translations there either.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Bug Report:
-Bug Concerning weather effects 'Anna and the Snow Beauty' Daily Maps '雪嶺の魔女' and '太古の魔物'.

Supposedly, during the original event, the blizzard only decreased range by -30%, but it now decreases it by -50% due to them using a fierce blizzard. They haven't announced how they'll apologise to players, but will fix the above bugs next time Eliza has her daily revival (like Azami).

Ling's AW skill is as strong as Black Rogue Berna's in terms of damage. Ling's regular attack is also comparable to Berna's, so the staff had to buff Berna by making it so she can attack air units. At 11 mincost, Ling is a very good unit to have for some of the difficult 4-star challenge maps. She doesn't share the same problem all of the other monks face because she has an AoE AW Skill (with healers and a lightning rod backing her up, she can solo the final rush with the lich trio in Undead Monsters with this thing active; that's how strong she is).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

There was a later post on Himeuta (around Sandra's revival) that mentioned that Ling pretty much just had a line of text and the gimmick or something like that.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

just combined 4 rorones into the one i already had. only got a -1cr
so she is now 19 cr and 1/5 skill. this makes me sad.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

i just saw this banner. what does it actually say?


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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sorry if this has been asked before, but this tidal flood of Plat revivals, how long does it last?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

lol , funny story of this Bandits thing...
Now reading it after cleared the last mission feels funny
Since My Prince only standing on further heart icon without doing nothing but wins the title , lol....

Oh well , Keep 1 Rorone copy just for collection. The rest , Off You go
Hurray for free Rainbow Crystal~