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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

At first glance I would say raise Charlotte and zenobia.
And for the golds I think G.Iris would be good for you since you only have a silver cc healer and war priest.
And maybe Juno? But I can't say for sure if you want to raise her.

Ah, sorry I didn't include it but I have a B.Iris as well, currently sitting at 50cc56.

with that, should I still raise G.Iris? (Charlotte<->Zenobia -> G.Iris?)
still have some of those 18k exp gold fairies tho(3pcs)

Thanks for the suggestions :D
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If you want to use the gold spirits then do it, since she is better then the silver healer.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Zenobia for sure. Reduced wait time for 15 UP over Katie is great. I'd get G.Iris up as well, as you'll need 3 healers sometimes. Next would be Claire, personally, since with Themis and G.Iris, you'll likely have a couple gold CR fairies available, and she's pretty popular as a GRush comp reward if memory serves. Lastly, Charlotte and Kaname are really good units for a ranged melee unit for magical and physical dps, respectively, and there's the plus of Kaname guaranteed -1 CR and 2/5 skill.

Edit: On retrospect, as I look at what units are available for you, maybe Nielle (Niel? Whatever, the Silver Angel) should be first, unless you want to wait 16 days for Chloe's revival to roll around again. They function well as lightning rods, duelists, boss fighters, or even anti-horde, all to less degree than specialized units, but their versatility is great.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My units as a veteran free player (shame cost reductions and skill lvls can't be shown so easily)





As always my focus is variety, balance and efficiency.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Zenobia for sure. Reduced wait time for 15 UP over Katie is great. I'd get G.Iris up as well, as you'll need 3 healers sometimes. Next would be Claire, personally, since with Themis and G.Iris, you'll likely have a couple gold CR fairies available, and she's pretty popular as a GRush comp reward if memory serves. Lastly, Charlotte and Kaname are really good units for a ranged melee unit for magical and physical dps, respectively, and there's the plus of Kaname guaranteed -1 CR and 2/5 skill.

Edit: On retrospect, as I look at what units are available for you, maybe Nielle (Niel? Whatever, the Silver Angel) should be first, unless you want to wait 16 days for Chloe's revival to roll around again. They function well as lightning rods, duelists, boss fighters, or even anti-horde, all to less degree than specialized units, but their versatility is great.

Prioritizing Zenobia now then.
Then G.Iris and Claire together.

Didn't think much of Kaname before, thanks for pointing her out.
I now have 3 golds to use the 18k fairy then.

would raise Charlotte after the 3 above and/or after Niel.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Keep screwing up on the nunully 3rd scene map.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks for that, would use all my SCs to hopefully mincost her then.

I wanted to answer about Miranda but it took sometime for my account to get activated.

Miranda is actually amazing. At AW90 she has over 4k effective HP with only prince buff and no need to activate skill so she can tank 4k golems for as much as she wants. Many other event tanks require extra defense or hp from passives and/or skill.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I dont know how to post links, But I decided to buy Alicia cuz she's frickin' adorable. With my shine rox, I decided to do some rolls....

I got Estelle, the Black Mage, then thought, Hue hue!~ Awesome...then....

I rolled Miraelle...Kay, Done rolling. Not pushing my luck anymore. Aigis-sama is giving me love to start some devious plot....It may already be too late for me....

Edit: Not "links" but pictures....otherwise I wouldn't have beleived it myself!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A link to a platinum unit tier list by exkale and myself with input from various ULMF Discord members:

Format is:

unit name[class]
+: Summary of unit upsides.
-: Summary of unit weaknesses.
Synergies: Ideas for unit combinations; not all-encompassing. Feel free to suggest additions.
Majin Viability: Usage in high-tier majin events; not all that many platinum units are viable in the higher levels - the notable ones are given high scores, but there's still no guarantee it will be useful unless it's rated 5/5.

A few things to note before complaining to me about xyz:

1) This is opinion based on user experience from fairly to extremely experienced players of the DMM version of the game and assumes the units are both Awakened and Skill Awakened. If you think a unit is stronger than graded, see note #4, but please also keep in mind note #2.

2) Just because a unit is on a lower tier does not mean it is inherently bad and that you should not use it. This list is not a comparative list, but a general survey on the viability of the unit in a variety of scenarios, not specific, super niche ones where a unit just happens to be amazing.

3) If a unit is not listed it can be assumed to be a D-tier unit. These are units that can be considered usable but not compelling over other options in higher tiers.

The exceptions are Sarasa and Azami. These units have no redeeming qualities that anyone on Discord could discern.

4) Productive criticism and suggestions for changes are encouraged, but the latter must come with credible evidence.

5) This doesn't follow the same format as Draa's black tier list as the intent isn't the same. The pool of platinum units is much broader, with many more specific idiosyncrasies and weaknesses/strengths to account for than blacks. Remember: not about comparative power level.

6) To put it simply, ignoring unit aesthetics, this list tries to answer the question: "In a vacuum, if I rolled this unit, how useful would they be to me?"

Updated 11/15/2017

Some (Not all) change notes for 11/15:

Zenobia to S: Zenobia finally got the buff she craved, combining her holy awakening skill with UP gen. She is now an effective ramper with great stats as she ramps.
Ramii to S: She may cost a ton, but she immediately does tons of magic damage while idly sitting around. Perhaps her most significant downside is her inability to stay in the air with Leora if you prefer that.
Prim to S: Long time in coming really. She's always been the best plat witch since AW2, additional buffs and Towa's resurgence as a stron deploy herself further make a case.
Phonia to S: Extremely high melee support magic DPS + angel utility.
Loretta to S: Her tokens may be short range and magic damage, but they are capable of dealing extremely high dps with only a modicum of rational thought. Her new SAW provides her a proactive means to contribute to the fight, so she cements herself into S tier.
Nadia from S to A: While still strong, her unique role has been supplanted by other options. Nadia's long initial seems overly harsh in light of that, but she still offers the most-balanced perma sweeper/sub stat combination.
Fuuko to A: A surprisinly good event unit. Frequently used as a tankier but lower dps Nadia.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A link to a platinum unit tier list by exkale and myself with input from various ULMF Discord members:

Format is:

[unit name]
+: Summary of unit upsides.
-: Summary of unit weaknesses.
Synergies: Ideas for unit combinations; not all-encompassing. Feel free to suggest additions.
Majin Viability: Usage in high-tier majin events; not all that many platinum units are viable in the higher levels - the notable ones are given high scores, but there's still no guarantee it will be useful unless it's rated 5/5.

A few things to note before complaining to me about xyz:

1) This is opinion based on user experience from fairly to extremely experienced players of the DMM version of the game and assumes the units are both Awakened and Skill Awakened. If you think a unit is stronger than graded, see note #4, but please also keep in mind note #2.

2) Just because a unit is on a lower tier does not mean it is inherently bad and that you should not use it. This list is not a comparative list, but a general survey on the viability of the unit in a variety of scenarios, not specific, super niche ones where a unit just happens to be amazing.

3) If a unit is not listed it can be assumed to be a D-tier unit. These are units that can be considered usable but not compelling over other options in higher tiers.

The exceptions are Sarasa and Azami. These units have no redeeming qualities that anyone on Discord could discern.

4) Productive criticism and suggestions for changes are encouraged, but the latter must come with credible evidence.

5) This doesn't follow the same format as Draa's black tier list as the intent isn't the same. The pool of platinum units is much broader, with many more specific idiosyncrasies and weaknesses/strengths to account for than blacks. Remember: not about comparative power level.

6) To put it simply, ignoring unit aesthetics, this list tries to answer the question: "In a vacuum, if I rolled this unit, how useful would they be to me?"

thx do you happen to have a link to the black list by chance ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A link to a platinum unit tier list by exkale and myself with input from various ULMF Discord members:

Thank you very much for putting this together, it's extremely useful.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

People that hate advice request please move on :rolleyes:

I want to beat the SKILL AW orb map, so I'm posting my AW units here and maybe some people may propose which class I have to AW in order to success. I will be checking some videos, but it's sleep time and I have few hours before the map ends -_-
I have AW prince and rank above 200.
Thanks for your help .D

/edit: darn, the 'unit in team' text cover most of the unit's class icon, but I guess you know anyway .P
Eterna, Metus, Iris, Themis, Spika, Miranda, Liselotte, Louise, Arrow angel, b.iris, plat shaman?, plat valkyrie, plat witch, 9-tail fox lady (can't recall class)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Given the no doubt bursting to the brim barracks of most of us due to the revivial rotations, I was wondering,

- If anyone had some thoughts on turning them into Rainbow crystals.
- And thoughts on Rainbow crystals and their usefulness in general (ex. the 2 blacks for sale at 1K do not look super interesting given that 1K is an awful lot of crystals investment wise).

My own thoughts was along the lines of pruning the plat overflow by selling off all except 1 copy of the units I "never" intend to use.

This will of course not give much in terms of crystals (event units giving 3 pr. Plat) but it'll add up to a bit regardless.
To this a random smattering of PS units, which of course adds much more pr. sale (non-event units gives a lot more crystals, ex. a gold gives 20).

All good and well, should land me in the 300-400 range. But this then leads to the question of how useful Rainbow crystals are in general?

There is every now and then a special unit, like the current Dark Stalker and then the usual suspects Dark knight and Battle Spirit.

- The Dark Stalker is a bit of a cutie and seems to be a decent MR assassin. But not sure how useful that is and cost her down is going to be atrocious (as for any non-farmable unit really).
- The Battle Spirit (DP : Low tier), well, not bad I suppose, but for the investment and that +5 Sortie cost its a bit hard to see her use outside of teams that a pretty effective already, also seems like she really needs a SAW for that 1.7x hp to really be able to slog it out. Massive buff though, stacks with Prince?
- Dark Knight (DP : high tier) I'll admit to not quite seeing why this gentleman is high tier, even after reading DP's post. I suppose the SAW and adding up of his class ability (hp for +def) does the trick?

Edit : SAW skill map, its Aisha that drops the orb, dropping an AW dps on her and simply sacrifice units to stop enough of the others mobs should do the trick. thats how I got my first couple of orbs until I could clear it.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Given the no doubt bursting to the brim barracks of most of us due to the revivial rotations, I was wondering,

- If anyone had some thoughts on turning them into Rainbow crystals.
- And thoughts on Rainbow crystals and their usefulness in general (ex. the 2 blacks for sale at 1K do not look super interesting given that 1K is an awful lot of crystals investment wise).

My own thoughts was along the lines of pruning the plat overflow by selling off all except 1 copy of the units I "never" intend to use.

This will of course not give much in terms of crystals (event units giving 3 pr. Plat) but it'll add up to a bit regardless.
To this a random smattering of PS units, which of course adds much more pr. sale (non-event units gives a lot more crystals, ex. a gold gives 20).

All good and well, should land me in the 300-400 range. But this then leads to the question of how useful Rainbow crystals are in general?

There is every now and then a special unit, like the current Dark Stalker and then the usual suspects Dark knight and Battle Spirit.

- The Dark Stalker is a bit of a cutie and seems to be a decent MR assassin. But not sure how useful that is and cost her down is going to be atrocious (as for any non-farmable unit really).
- The Battle Spirit (DP : Low tier), well, not bad I suppose, but for the investment and that +5 Sortie cost its a bit hard to see her use outside of teams that a pretty effective already, also seems like she really needs a SAW for that 1.7x hp to really be able to slog it out. Massive buff though, stacks with Prince?
- Dark Knight (DP : high tier) I'll admit to not quite seeing why this gentleman is high tier, even after reading DP's post. I suppose the SAW and adding up of his class ability (+def) does the trick?

Edit : SAW skill map, its Aisha that drops the orb, dropping an AW dps on her and simply sacrifice units to stop enough of the others mobs should do the trick. thats how I got my first couple of orbs until I could clear it.

yes, battle spirit buff stacks with prince.
not sure how you fail to see dark knight's usefulness when he's being used in so many majin high tiers. draa even posted a video of his lvl 15 bifrons clear, you can see how he is used and his stats in it.

SAW fairy map: to be exact, all of the aura units has a chance of dropping the fairy, so that's 4 units. aisha is easily taken out by a duelist (I used AW40+ lecia with a drop-heal from iris). Deine is easily taken out by 2 magic dps (or 1 belinda + ranger's traps), or you can skip her. Sybilla is easily taken out by having spica shoot her to death (simply avoid slowing deine until spica is out of range, and she can weaken sybilla in between waves before she starts moving). Saki is even easier: pop a heavy armor with a healer behind while spica finishes the job.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

People that hate advice request please move on :rolleyes:

I want to beat the SKILL AW orb map, so I'm posting my AW units here and maybe some people may propose which class I have to AW in order to success. I will be checking some videos, but it's sleep time and I have few hours before the map ends -_-
I have AW prince and rank above 200.
Thanks for your help .D

/edit: darn, the 'unit in team' text cover most of the unit's class icon, but I guess you know anyway .P
Eterna, Metus, Iris, Themis, Spika, Miranda, Liselotte, Louise, Arrow angel, b.iris, plat shaman?, plat valkyrie, plat witch, 9-tail fox lady (can't recall class)

No offense, but a brain-dead monkey can clear that map with that team you posted - you're way, way over-prepared. Most people clear it well before they have 15 AW units and without what is generally considered the second-most broken black in the game, B. Iris. Just don't take Louise. In fact, don't take her anywhere except subjugation maps. It's usually not worth it.

B. Iris + an armor or prince can stall Deine while magic damage kills her.

As Aisha moves forward, place a duelist on her to damage and kill her.

For Nagi and Sybilla, just use damage that outranges them, like Miruno/Spica. It's rather hard to tank Sybilla if she starts moving since she deals fairly heavy magic damage at a fast clip, but Nagi can be dealt with using any high defense unit.

There is every now and then a special unit, like the current Dark Stalker and then the usual suspects Dark knight and Battle Spirit.

Dark Stalker is an anti-angel specialist/duelist. She's extremely expensive to deploy for the value she outputs. She has a magic resist passive when there are not yet any angels that deal magic damage. We will see what her SAW brings whenever that comes out, but I highly suggest avoiding this for now. It's worth noting that Gretel counts as an elf for the purposes of Olivia's passive(+15% HP for elves/dwarves).

Battle Spirit is for min/max with endgame teams. All % passives stack in some form or another. Tiering aside, she's an ideal anti-magic tank and I get a good deal of use out of her.

Dark Knight is basically a guaranteed 2-block Sybilla, just with physical damage instead of magical. He had substantially higher attack during SAW than her before the recent patch; he's probably still somewhat higher unless you are a lucky owner of Sarah. Physical damage has had something of an advantage during the high-tier majin maps so he has been getting a lot of use since he's a reliable long-range source of it with solid ehp.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The Dark Stalker is a bit of a cutie and seems to be a decent MR assassin. But not sure how useful that is and cost her down is going to be atrocious (as for any non-farmable unit really).

Well she(Gretel) gives decent melee damage and not effected by Miasma (map that halves attack and defense)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

A link to a platinum unit tier list by exkale and myself with input from various ULMF Discord members:

Format is:

unit name[class]
+: Summary of unit upsides.
-: Summary of unit weaknesses.
Synergies: Ideas for unit combinations; not all-encompassing. Feel free to suggest additions.
Majin Viability: Usage in high-tier majin events; not all that many platinum units are viable in the higher levels - the notable ones are given high scores, but there's still no guarantee it will be useful unless it's rated 5/5.

A few things to note before complaining to me about xyz:

1) This is opinion based on user experience from fairly to extremely experienced players of the DMM version of the game and assumes the units are both Awakened and Skill Awakened. If you think a unit is stronger than graded, see note #4, but please also keep in mind note #2.

2) Just because a unit is on a lower tier does not mean it is inherently bad and that you should not use it. This list is not a comparative list, but a general survey on the viability of the unit in a variety of scenarios, not specific, super niche ones where a unit just happens to be amazing.

3) If a unit is not listed it can be assumed to be a D-tier unit. These are units that can be considered usable but not compelling over other options in higher tiers.

The exceptions are Sarasa and Azami. These units have no redeeming qualities that anyone on Discord could discern.

4) Productive criticism and suggestions for changes are encouraged, but the latter must come with credible evidence.

5) This doesn't follow the same format as Draa's black tier list as the intent isn't the same. The pool of platinum units is much broader, with many more specific idiosyncrasies and weaknesses/strengths to account for than blacks. Remember: not about comparative power level.

6) To put it simply, ignoring unit aesthetics, this list tries to answer the question: "In a vacuum, if I rolled this unit, how useful would they be to me?"

This nearly gave me cancer. I pretty much disagree with almost everything in it. Also poor sarasa and azami they can be useful.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

not sure how you fail to see dark knight's usefulness when he's being used in so many majin high tiers. draa even posted a video of his lvl 15 bifrons clear, you can see how he is used and his stats in it.

Never commented on his usefulness. I said I did not quite see why he was considered high tier and speculated on what did it.

That he rocks in the elite end of Majin maps is nice but thats niche seen from the level on the power ladder I am at.

I'm more interested in general use and being in need of a different set of powers would actually field a Sybilla over him (have oceans of healing, lacking a powerhouse princess, unit cost at a premium, not facing anything that will overwhelm her stats before healing picks her up).

That preference is obviously not what holds sway at the higher power levels or more perfect team compositions, but at mine, it is what it is.

But then, I did not dispute that he was high tier, at Dra's level, I said I simply that did not see it and speculated that the SAW etc. did the trick (which seems to be a correct guess).

As for the video, didnt see it. I rarely see any video on Aigis as I enjoy slugging my own way through maps.
Obviously a preference that costs a fair amount of resources, but to each their own.

I usually only see Videos the last day of events if I am stuck (and Bifrons is still around, so havnt watched any). As for any use of the Dark knight against older Majinns. Didnt see that either, didnt rock the power to advance far against them and was satisfied with doing a few levels of them for fun. (My current advance in Majinns is an entirely recent thing, courtesy of Plat revival power resouce creep).

Could have seen some older videos with him being used against older Majinns I guess, but since the list was being linked that didnt cross my mind & decided to go with the question instead.
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