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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

fact is due to how def and MR is calculated in this game, physical dmg is superior at large numbers.


taking this enemy for example,
danchou at max at 712*1.2*2.5 = 2,136 atk
sybilla has 870*1.2*1.9 = 1,983.6 atk

2136 - 400 = 1736
1983.6 * 0.7 = 1,388.52

and marnie only makes the difference bigger, since marnie's dmg boost doesnt get reduced by MR on danchou. danchou also has better survivability compared to sybilla.

videos are there to see what is going on at higher level maps and how players clear the tough challenges, especially when skill durations and timings are often calculated down to the very second. also for different strategies players use to clear different maps. watching videos does not necessary mean you must follow them; in fact it helps to understand how some units work and certain unit synergies, although it's better if you try them out yourself. However in this case, you don't see the high tier in danchou so I'm not understanding what's withholding you back from watching videos to understand why and how he's being used.

I believe danchou appears fairly frequently in Petite's list of frequent units used to cleared lvl 15 majin events as well.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Also poor sarasa and azami they can be useful.

Sarasa's skill is great, barring the cooldown, when you ignore everything else about her. If you can ignore everything else about her.

-Sarasa is part of the Bow Rider class
-She's taking up a melee spot
-She is pretty flimsy
-She can't attack during skill use
-She can't increase her damage output
-Conditional passive that is only relevant once or twice a year for one easy mission only
-Even more flimsy when she's blocking
-Very high skill cooldown

Leona, on the other hand, has a lot more going for her. The only fault few faults we can give her is her short range and her losing the ability to globally heal units with her SAW (which also has a higher cooldown).

-Higher negation chance, but has a shorter duration in return
-Decreases own skill cooldown
-Decreases the skill cooldown of other units, while on the field
-Passive is nice when it works (and benefits the whole team)
-Deals pretty nice damage, despite her low range
-Is not a melee unit, will not be blocking anything. Not a burden on the healers
-Global heal on skill activation (Default skill)

It's quite easy to use Leona's skill multiple times in one mission while using Sarasa's skill requires more careful use and planning due to the very high cooldown.

Making a Bow Rider with utility effects is a poor design choice in general.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

2) Just because a unit is on a lower tier does not mean it is inherently bad and that you should not use it. This list is not a comparative list, but a general survey on the viability of the unit in a variety of scenarios, not specific, super niche ones where a unit just happens to be amazing.

3) If a unit is not listed it can be assumed to be a D-tier unit. These are units that can be considered usable but not compelling over other options in higher tiers.

6) To put it simply, ignoring unit aesthetics, this list tries to answer the question: "In a vacuum, if I rolled this unit, how useful would they be to me?"

I see u put a lot of thougth on this but the points I quote are not actually true. This list is mainly a majin usefulness ranking, nothing more, nothing less.
So I suggest you change the title and clarify this points.

Examples to support my claim:
Spika is on the bottom. Almost any player (event premium) would agree she is one of the best units out there, free to get, excellent cost / stats, nice skill and saw that gives her matk in case u already have too much physical ranged dps.
You say all this but she is still on the bottom so....

And no, saying Miruno is better is not a real argument. Miruno has a different class, uses a different deploy slot (which can be either good or bad), it takes her more than 25 seconds (cost+wt) to attack and her dps on a map with continuous waves is not better, she blocks and has to attack that unit, Spika doesn't.
I don't see how a Miruno can replace an Spika or the other way around :S

Edit 2: Hana is on the bottom of the bottom. She has less atk than Waltz but better range and saw (and her skill is faster which is good for rushes) so I don't see how one is so much useful than the other.

I also don't agree with the Sword Master ranking, they are all almost equally useful, just different.

Changing topics a little, I don't like this Miruism that has taken over the forums :p She is great, that's true, but not omnipotent. Just wait for an event with a lot a rushes, continuous waves or very limited slots....

Edit: Mmmm maybe Miruno is attractive to players with all the "tactical" positions covered by really good units (healing, tanking, anti-rush and cost generation), so they just fill in their teams with whatever happens to bring the best dps at the moment :S (or really new players where a little dps can do wonders :p)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If this question already answered , just ignore Me~

So the 90 Cha Orb map that comes with the NPC
Is this pemanent or only for this 2X drop Event?

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I see u put a lot of though on this but the points I quote are not actually true. This list is mainly a majin usefulness ranking, nothing more, nothing less.
So I suggest you change the title and clarify this points.

Examples to support my claim:
Spika is on the bottom. Almost any player (event premium) would agree she is one of the best units out there, free to get, excellent cost / stats, nice skill and saw that gives her matk in case u already have too much physical ranged dps.
You say all this but she is still on the bottom so....

And no, saying Miruno is better is not a real argument. Miruno has a different class, uses a different deploy slot (which can be either good or bad), it takes her more than 25 seconds (cost+wt) to attack and her dps on a map with continuous waves is not better, she blocks and has to attack that unit, Spika doesn't.
I don't see how a Miruno can replace an Spika or the other way around :S

Edit 2: Hana is on the bottom of the bottom. She has less atk than Waltz but better range and saw (and her skill is faster which is good for rushes) so I don't see how one is so much useful than the other.

I also don't agree with the Sword Master ranking, they are all almost equally useful, just different.

Changing topics a little, I don't like this Miruism that has taken over the forums :p She is great, that's true, but not omnipotent. Just wait for an event with a lot a rushes, continuous waves or very limited slots....

Edit: Mmmm maybe Miruno is attractive to players with all the "tactical" positions covered by really good units (healing, tanking, anti-rush and cost generation), so they just fill in their teams with whatever happens to bring the best dps at the moment :S (or really new players where a little dps can do wonders :p)

I have evidence you don't play the game at all.

Here's why:

  • You claim miruno is tactical
  • Saying spica is bottom
  • using stupid situation that is minor or at most amounts to nothing
  • Oh and you also thought that list wasn't for general use
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well Ahia I think you are the one who can't comprehend what Tieskey is saying. You should read through his Wall of Text again before you do tell someone off.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

well. for a more serious response, Spica is one of the best units to AW early on for a newbie and she will contribute much because she offers good stats early on (more bang for buck than most, if you will). However, late-game, her stats are really abysmal compared to the others. Notice how pirates have been buffed eternally while archers stayed the way they are, as well so many units to buff pirate attack that they had to boost archer's bonus dmg against flying units to improve their usability.

nobody compared spica to miruno. you could argue that spica deserves to be of a higher tier (since she's pretty much clearly more useful all-around compared to bashira who really needs dancer synergy), but I'll leave that for another time. C-tier is also not really bottom btw.

You use dancers for atk boost pretty much. I hope that answers why rip Hana.

> equally useful
rip raven, somebody just said your 80% assassinate is equal to the others. don't worry, I still love you and your assistance in assassinating orc hero in subjugation.

btw, Miruno is really high on the list due to insane attack. 951 x1.05 x1.2 x1.4 = 1,677
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This nearly gave me cancer. I pretty much disagree with almost everything in it. Also poor sarasa and azami they can be useful.

Well, can't please everyone. I also can't improve it with these kinds of comments, though.

I see u put a lot of though on this but the points I quote are not actually true. This list is mainly a majin usefulness ranking, nothing more, nothing less.
So I suggest you change the title and clarify this points.

While some weight has been given to Majin performance, this is simply not true. If it was, Rachel and Nadia would be much lower on the list, and most units that are high on it(Anelia, Raven) would probably not be mentioned at all.

Examples to support my claim:
Spika is on the bottom. Almost any player (event premium) would agree she is one of the best units out there, free to get, excellent cost / stats, nice skill and saw that gives her matk in case u already have too much physical ranged dps.
You say all this but she is still on the bottom so....

And no, saying Miruno is better is not a real argument. Miruno has a different class, uses a different deploy slot (which can be either good or bad), it takes her more than 25 seconds (cost+wt) to attack and her dps on a map with continuous waves is not better, she blocks and has to attack that unit, Spika doesn't.
I don't see how a Miruno can replace an Spika or the other way around :S

No one said she isn't worth getting. Remember: not about comparative power level.

Spica absolutely has limited use in majin due to her general squishy elf body and long initial/poor damage, but she also has had a harder time in general to be honest. Her max attack is quite low considering her high base attack and the fact she hits single targets, while the average defense of enemies has been rising throughout various events.

As for Miruno...

She's probably the most common plat event unit in Majin 15 clears. Her damage and range far exceeds Spica's. Her downtime actually frequently saves her and since most events have enemies come in various waves, is rarely an actual problem. In a pinch she can be used as a minor lightning rod. She's even status immune while giving it to other angels. Very versatile and most regular events can be cheesed with her.

Edit 2: Hana is on the bottom of the bottom. She has less atk than Waltz but better range and saw (and her skill is faster which is good for rushes) so I don't see how one is so much useful than the other.

I also don't agree with the Sword Master ranking, they are all almost equally useful, just different.

The much lower numbers are a part of the reason Hana is lower on the list. Dancers are a fundamentally broken class, though, I admit, so I'm willing to listen to people on Hana if enough people really think she deserves to be higher. I have seen her in at least one majin video.

Raven was given a higher rating than other swordmasters due to her cheeseball performance in normal content. Her massive assassination proc chance will carry players starting from very early game if they manage to get her. She is also easy to use compared to Sandra.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well, can't please everyone. I also can't improve it with these kinds of comments, though.

While some weight has been given to Majin performance, this is simply not true. If it was, Rachel and Nadia would be much lower on the list, and most units that are high on it(Anelia, Raven) would probably not be mentioned at all.

No one said she isn't worth getting. Remember: not about comparative power level.

Spica absolutely has limited use in majin due to her general squishy elf body and long initial/poor damage, but she also has had a harder time in general to be honest. Her max attack is quite low considering her high base attack and the fact she hits single targets, while the average defense of enemies has been rising throughout various events.

As for Miruno...

She's probably the most common plat event unit in Majin 15 clears. Her damage and range far exceeds Spica's. Her downtime actually frequently saves her and since most events have enemies come in various waves, is rarely an actual problem. In a pinch she can be used as a minor lightning rod. She's even status immune while giving it to other angels. Very versatile and most regular events can be cheesed with her.

The much lower numbers are a part of the reason Hana is lower on the list. Dancers are a fundamentally broken class, though, I admit, so I'm willing to listen to people on Hana if enough people really think she deserves to be higher. I have seen her in at least one majin video.

Raven was given a higher rating than other swordmasters due to her cheeseball performance in normal content. Her massive assassination proc chance will carry players starting from very early game if they manage to get her. She is also easy to use compared to Sandra.

We agree on most of it but plz notice u keep bringing up the majin maps and whether a unit is or is not in a majin 15 clear strategy. That's my main point.
Majin maps are just a cheap way to make difficult missions. They require a lot of raw power and less strategy (at least before lvl 10). Back on the day there were maps a lot more complicated with lower power requirements (some of Sorano's maps, the first desert and eastern story missions, most dailies)

The Spika vs Miruno comparison is not explicit in your text but u did mention Bashira vs Miruno which implies you are putting them more or less in the same category. Personally I find them quite different (single target physical dps, yeah, not polar opposites either).

About Raven, she has a cap on the amount of targets. 9 is not small but during subjugations and some missions (crystals daily) u need to kill way more than that.

Sorry for the Wall of Text, that's one of my best skills :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

We agree on most of it but plz notice u keep bringing up the majin maps and whether a unit is or is not in a majin 15 clear strategy. That's my main point.
Majin maps are just a cheap way to make difficult missions. They require a lot of raw power and less strategy (at least before lvl 10). Back on the day there were maps a lot more complicated with lower power requirements (some of Sorano's maps, the first desert and eastern story missions, most dailies)

I do frequently mention majin maps because they are a pretty good way to gauge the viability of units in exceptional situations. Part of the reason I focused on them so much in my previous response to you is because you claimed that I rated them almost exclusively on majin viability, though. :p

"Back in the day" arguments aren't really valid because times really have changed. Sorano's original event was considered quite a dick move at the time and most clears involved cheesy black strategies too, as I recall. At least with majin events reaching level 10 is a realistic possibility for advanced f2p players, with Furfur being the exception because Furfur has the worst stage design of all majin maps.

Because majin maps are the modern 'tough' maps, units that perform very well in them simply must be acknowledged - usually the power they hold in majin maps will translate to regular events and subjugations just as well.

The Spika vs Miruno comparison is not explicit in your text but u did mention Bashira vs Miruno which implies you are putting them more or less in the same category. Personally I find them quite different (single target physical dps, yeah, not polar opposites either).

Bashira is best described as physical burst dps. Spica and Miruno are more or less sustained damage dps, but Miruno has a large range and dps advantage and can actually be considered semi-bursty as well due to her superior attack stat during SAW.

Miruno is what I like to call a field control unit - large range and the ability to weaken and contain enemies at very long distances. Ignoring the fact she shoots arrows, she honestly has more in common with Rachel than Spica or Bashira in terms of combat role to be honest. These kinds of units also tend to trample over regular event stages as well as subjugations and this is why I rate them highly.

About Raven, she has a cap on the amount of targets. 9 is not small but during subjugations and some missions (crystals daily) u need to kill way more than that.

It's not that this isn't true - Raven doesn't do everything Sandra does, of course - it's that the situations are very specific.

Did you know Raven assassinates orc heroes?

Sorry for the Wall of Text, that's one of my best skills :p

It's fine, critique is critique. You're worth my time to respond to because you have actual discussion points, unlike our, uh, friend Perpetual from earlier.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

>New Meta

Players have to adapt to the new content. If you're content with regular events, subjugation events, and daily missions, then anything can be used and be relevant to a degree regardless of where they place on the tier-list.

The game has to evolve past old content levels, otherwise it will just be stale every week. Awakening units would be a pointless endeavor. Awakening skills would be a pointless thing as well since it will just make current content much more easier. There would be no point in leveling units because that just makes the game even more easier. Those "cheap difficulty increases" are necessary for the current mechanics in this game. It helps drive the changes we experience in the future. Pirates wouldn't be the way they are today if it weren't for the fact that archers were too simple to use for the majority of the past events.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Going to pop in here and just state that Aigis has changed ever since the introduction of the original furfur mission. (Original Amon made little to no impact due to the ease of completion)

Event missions are no longer the limit on skill-caps, same with god-tier dailies and etc. They are maps to help you get stronger and/or acquire new units, they are no longer the 'main point of the game' per say. (That's relative of course, but devs in Aigis caters quite well to the hardcore and the whales)

At the moment Majin, being the highest difficulty is the defining meta of how good a unit is. Similar to previously how complete mithirl golem used to be the defining unit to be going up against. It was the reason why there was so much discussion around effective hp.

How much weighting should be placed on majin is same as how much weighting should be placed on end-game. We are fortunate in that we have multiple majins to work with instead of just one final boss making more units relevant and shine.

About Raven, she has a cap on the amount of targets. 9 is not small but during subjugations and some missions (crystals daily) u need to kill way more than that.
"Zora > sword masters when it comes to crystal daily. Mine afk kills (I afk the whole map after bringing out zora) god tier with aw thief, which is how I farm the map."
"Subjugation wise, my Margret with 1.8kish attack kills more than both raven's 9 kill and Gloria's aoe with a single skill."

Above are just to make a point that please use relevant situation during comparison and discussion. I don't want to people bringing some very specific case and argue against the general case unless it's the end-game content. Above are imo very bad point to discuss around because how irrelevant it is to direct comparison of units.

They require a lot of raw power and less strategy (at least before lvl 10)
You just insulted Fedora who I found very useful in Amon 15 and the only reason I cleared the map *laughs*
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I do frequently mention majin maps because they are a pretty good way to gauge the viability of units in exceptional situations. Part of the reason I focused on them so much in my previous response to you is because you claimed that I rated them almost exclusively on majin viability, though. :p

"Back in the day" arguments aren't really valid because times really have changed. Sorano's original event was considered quite a dick move at the time and most clears involved cheesy black strategies too, as I recall. At least with majin events reaching level 10 is a realistic possibility for advanced f2p players, with Furfur being the exception because Furfur has the worst stage design of all majin maps.

Because majin maps are the modern 'tough' maps, units that perform very well in them simply must be acknowledged - usually the power they hold in majin maps will translate to regular events and subjugations just as well.
The last Sorano's maps where hell, u re right :p

Bashira is best described as physical burst dps. Spica and Miruno are more or less sustained damage dps, but Miruno has a large range and dps advantage and can actually be considered semi-bursty as well due to her superior attack stat during SAW.

Miruno is what I like to call a field control unit - large range and the ability to weaken and contain enemies at very long distances. Ignoring the fact she shoots arrows, she honestly has more in common with Rachel than Spica or Bashira in terms of combat role to be honest. These kinds of units also tend to trample over regular event stages as well as subjugations and this is why I rate them highly.
I would consider an angel as burst by definition, high stats but only 50% up time at best. Anyway, we mostly agree again, so I don't get why archers get low ranking. What should a new player focus on? wait for a pirate's revival? ignore Spika and lvl the gold ones?

It's not that this isn't true - Raven doesn't do everything Sandra does, of course - it's that the situations are very specific.

Did you know Raven assassinates orc heroes?

Exactly, assassinating orcs is very specific too. SM are situational by definition so objectively ranking them is really really hard.

I think the list has a lot of value for someone with the basics and regular events covered who wants to focus on the best units to face today's challenges. But not so much for someone who still needs to clear the dailies top tiers or get up to date with story missions.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

We agree on most of it but plz notice u keep bringing up the majin maps and whether a unit is or is not in a majin 15 clear strategy. That's my main point.
Majin maps are just a cheap way to make difficult missions. They require a lot of raw power and less strategy (at least before lvl 10). Back on the day there were maps a lot more complicated with lower power requirements (some of Sorano's maps, the first desert and eastern story missions, most dailies)

The Spika vs Miruno comparison is not explicit in your text but u did mention Bashira vs Miruno which implies you are putting them more or less in the same category. Personally I find them quite different (single target physical dps, yeah, not polar opposites either).

About Raven, she has a cap on the amount of targets. 9 is not small but during subjugations and some missions (crystals daily) u need to kill way more than that.

Sorry for the Wall of Text, that's one of my best skills :p

Except, you still have not played the game at all and still fail to understand what you are arguing about :^).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I would consider an angel as burst by definition, high stats but only 50% up time at best. Anyway, we mostly agree again, so I don't get why archers get low ranking. What should a new player focus on? wait for a pirate's revival? ignore Spika and lvl the gold ones?

C-tier units are not bad. C-tier has some of my favorite units in it. :p

Bashira/buying Spica start is a genuinely good way to go for any f2p player and probably always will be - but they fall off and have trouble in tougher content with the higher defenses of modern enemies. Meanwhile pirates are getting constantly buffed and perform very well in modern stuff, but the event ones aren't very good. Such is the fate of a f2p, I suppose. x_x

In this list I don't really account for the needs of minimal/no roll players or newbies but I do try to account for event/free units that are worth mentioning. I feel that Bashira and Spica are worth mentioning, which is why they appear.

Don't forget:

This is opinion based on user experience from fairly to extremely experienced players of the DMM version of the game and assumes the units are both Awakened and Skill Awakened.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

>New Meta

Players have to adapt to the new content. If you're content with regular events, subjugation events, and daily missions, then anything can be used and be relevant to a degree regardless of where they place on the tier-list.

The game has to evolve past old content levels, otherwise it will just be stale every week. Awakening units would be a pointless endeavor. Awakening skills would be a pointless thing as well since it will just make current content much more easier. There would be no point in leveling units because that just makes the game even more easier. Those "cheap difficulty increases" are necessary for the current mechanics in this game. It helps drive the changes we experience in the future. Pirates wouldn't be the way they are today if it weren't for the fact that archers were too simple to use for the majority of the past events.

I say cheap because they are a lot "simpler" than old events or dailies. Subjugations usually incorporate weather effects, paralysis, really odd maps or things like that which add difficulty without the need of a super boss. I really enjoy subjugations the most and find Majins quite boring....

Going to pop in here and just state that Aigis has changed ever since the introduction of the original furfur mission. (Original Amon made little to no impact due to the ease of completion)

Event missions are no longer the limit on skill-caps, same with god-tier dailies and etc. They are maps to help you get stronger and/or acquire new units, they are no longer the 'main point of the game' per say. (That's relative of course, but devs in Aigis caters quite well to the hardcore and the whales)

At the moment Majin, being the highest difficulty is the defining meta of how good a unit is. Similar to previously how complete mithirl golem used to be the defining unit to be going up against. It was the reason why there was so much discussion around effective hp.

How much weighting should be placed on majin is same as how much weighting should be placed on end-game. We are fortunate in that we have multiple majins to work with instead of just one final boss making more units relevant and shine.

"Zora > sword masters when it comes to crystal daily. Mine afk kills (I afk the whole map after bringing out zora) god tier with aw thief, which is how I farm the map."
"Subjugation wise, my Margret with 1.8kish attack kills more than both raven's 9 kill and Gloria's aoe with a single skill."

Above are just to make a point that please use relevant situation during comparison and discussion. I don't want to people bringing some very specific case and argue against the general case unless it's the end-game content. Above are imo very bad point to discuss around because how irrelevant it is to direct comparison of units.

You just insulted Fedora who I found very useful in Amon 15 and the only reason I cleared the map *laughs*

Sensible points as always. Then I remember your team... envy takes over XD

On the thing about Gloria, we were talking about SM against SM that's why the example. Not if SMs in general deserve a better or worse classification.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


I think the issue you're having with the plat unit ranking chart is that you're misinterpreting the purpose of the chart. it's not meant to be used as a guide for players starting out, aside for whether they're first few plats are going to be ones they'll find continuously useful.

Objectively, the chart isn't meant to help new players. It's not even aimed to be useful for them. It's just a subjective ranking of units for the highest tier of difficulty for Aigis. Informing new players of what long-time 'vets' think of plats at the end is just a byproduct. If new players or middling players find it useful, great. If not, oh well, wasn't the point.
Like for myself I found it interesting, but overall the list doesn't help me out. It's informative, but not helpful. For example
I have Saria sitting at level 10 for example, and sure she's broken as all hell and immensely useful for Majin maps, and everything else aside, but so what? I've levelled 5 healers already, and while levelling her would be very good, I still have other areas I need to shore up before turning back and replacing still usable healers with ones that'll objectively be better far later on in the future. Sure I'll eventually level her, and it's great to know she's an amazing plat, but I still have to reach the point where I'm in a situation where she's needed and not someone else I've levelled earlier.
Unfortunately this became a wall of text, but I feel like you were arguing a tangent of the chart, and not on what it's actually representing. Also

@Ahia are you just... trying to be an ass for the sake of it? Or are you actually going to give points as to why you're saying it? You're like that Perpetual guy earlier who said I disagree with everything in the chart but never brought up any points.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ahia is trolling.

also regarding raven vs swordmaster issue, it's true that the 9 target limit is an issue, however her instant kill effect pretty much weighs her higher than her fellow SM.

Gloria's skill is meant more for stopping large amount of ground creeps for a short moment and clearing hoards of small fry at one go; something mages are usually capable of doing. Sandra's cross aoe is simply horrible depending on the map and the flow of the creeps and it's pretty much anti-air only.

on the other hand, raven clears out at least half of the decently tough enemies that are crowding around your tanks as well as any air that might be about to fly past. it is actually not all that common to require more than 9 units to be slaughtered at any one point in time for your existing units to be able to handle things. Try actually using her in orc subjugation and you should find that she pretty much handles things up till 400 kills with relative ease if you hide her behind a tank (I placed her behind AW prince). I highly doubt gloria has the pure firepower to nuke the orcs to death at one go, and if they do not die, a burst of damage coming from the orcs are likely to fuck you over. and if orc sounds like a niche thing, she also happens to assassinate the armored knights in decius subjugation and the trolls in the troll subjugation fairly well.

and regarding subjugations, I'm not sure you realize there ARE super bosses in subjugations. black orc hero was one, and so is AW faa and nezha to some extent during katie's 2nd maneuver, and the big troll in the forest subjugation with 3 ranged spots, and there's also decius and his 3.5k attack.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


I think the issue you're having with the plat unit ranking chart is that you're misinterpreting the purpose of the chart. it's not meant to be used as a guide for players starting out, aside for whether they're first few plats are going to be ones they'll find continuously useful.

Unfortunately this became a wall of text, but I feel like you were arguing a tangent of the chart, and not on what it's actually representing. Also

Remember I mainly quoted the list's description and suggested they change that, not so much the ranking itself. Some points in that description make u thing the list is more "general purpose performance" and not "super long term, end game usefulness".

Ahia is trolling.

also regarding raven vs swordmaster issue, it's true that the 9 target limit is an issue, however her instant kill effect pretty much weighs her higher than her fellow SM.

Gloria's skill is meant more for stopping large amount of ground creeps for a short moment and clearing hoards of small fry at one go; something mages are usually capable of doing. Sandra's cross aoe is simply horrible depending on the map and the flow of the creeps and it's pretty much anti-air only.

on the other hand, raven clears out at least half of the decently tough enemies that are crowding around your tanks as well as any air that might be about to fly past. it is actually not all that common to require more than 9 units to be slaughtered at any one point in time for your existing units to be able to handle things. Try actually using her in orc subjugation and you should find that she pretty much handles things up till 400 kills with relative ease if you hide her behind a tank (I placed her behind AW prince). I highly doubt gloria has the pure firepower to nuke the orcs to death at one go, and if they do not die, a burst of damage coming from the orcs are likely to fuck you over. and if orc sounds like a niche thing, she also happens to assassinate the armored knights in decius subjugation and the trolls in the troll subjugation fairly well.

and regarding subjugations, I'm not sure you realize there ARE super bosses in subjugations. black orc hero was one, and so is AW faa and nezha to some extent during katie's 2nd maneuver, and the big troll in the forest subjugation with 3 ranged spots, and there's also decius and his 3.5k attack.

Well, Raven IS premium, I'm not saying they are exactly equivalent. But since SM are niche units and all 4 are good on slightly different scenarios, the difference is not that big (for me).

Subjugation bosses are hard but a lot more manageable than Majins, in general, less aoe dmg which gives u a lot more options to handle them.