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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No offense, but a brain-dead monkey can clear that map with that team you posted - you're way, way over-prepared. Most people clear it well before they have 15 AW units and without what is generally considered the second-most broken black in the game, B. Iris. Just don't take Louise. In fact, don't take her anywhere except subjugation maps. It's usually not worth it.

B. Iris + an armor or prince can stall Deine while magic damage kills her.

As Aisha moves forward, place a duelist on her to damage and kill her.

For Nagi and Sybilla, just use damage that outranges them, like Miruno/Spica. It's rather hard to tank Sybilla if she starts moving since she deals fairly heavy magic damage at a fast clip, but Nagi can be dealt with using any high defense unit.

Well that's exactly what I wanted to read, so no offense at all .D
I only could give it 2 tries (because of time constrains), on 2nd try I was able to get 2 orbs and only the big badass unit went thru.
Thanks to everyone for the help.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well that's exactly what I wanted to read, so no offense at all .D
I only could give it 2 tries (because of time constrains), on 2nd try I was able to get 2 orbs and only the big badass unit went thru.
Thanks to everyone for the help.

Forgot to tell u on your previous post Louise (the plat princes) is not going to help u much on that map. Remove her to save on deploy cost.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Nanaly All-Age Conversation Event Scenes:

Nanaly #1:
Nanaly: "Umm, Prince, today's..."
I was stopped and turned around to the voice, and there stood Nanaly with a strained look on her face.
Nanaly: "Today's battle, but..."
It sounded like she was trying to ask about today's battle, but her eyes weren't facing my way. I spoke to her as she blankly gazed at a single point.
Nanaly: "Ah, no. I'm not upset, or anything like that..."
Is she nervous before the battle? I rubbed Nanaly's head.
She looked startled for a moment, but then smiled happily. After that, made somewhat less nervous, she reported on the enemy's situation normally.
Nanaly: "Prince, thank... you. Umm, Prince, if today's battle ends safely..."
Is she at a loss for words? She utters nothing else. Not knowing when she'll die, fear must be gripping at the innermost heart of her being.
I brush Nanaly's bangs with my hand, and caress her cheek.
Nanaly: "Prince..."
Her flaxen hair swayed, and her eyes peeked from within the space they left. 'There's still time until the battle, take it easy', I responded while she stood there embarrassed.

Nanaly #2:
Nanaly: "This bow has an exceptionally high strength."
Nanaly explained proudly while showing me the bow in her hands.
Nanaly: "As long as I have this, I can protect the Prince. It's my pride and joy..."
Thinking how cute she was smiling so meekly, I told her that I will be depending on her, and Nanaly got embarrassed.
Nanaly: "It's so strange... For some reason, whenever I'm by the Prince's side, I feel as if I can overcome anything."
Nanaly: "When we first met, I always felt uneasy about each upcoming battle... But now, it's different."
When Nanaly said that, she turned to face me. However, is she at a loss for words? She opened and shut her mouth without an utterance.
Her cheeks were blushing a deep red. Nanaly takes a deep breath, and opened her mouth timidly.
Nanaly: "... Ah, excuse me, from now on, umm... is it alright if I'm by the Prince's side?"
Did she summon up her courage? I responded with a nod as she trembled slightly. Nanaly looked at me, and smiled happily.

Nanaly #3:
Nanaly: "Umm... Prince."
Nanaly asked me, embarrassed just a little bit.
Nanaly: "Umm, you see..."
While looking down, she stands there squirming, making me feel deeply moved for some reason.
Nanaly: "... On, on second thought, it's nothing..."
Nanaly could fight so decisively on the battlefield, but she's so shy and withdrawn during peacetime.
That difference is one of her cute points, and the reason I can't leave her alone, though...
I decided to tell Nanaly that I want her to tell me what she's thinking about.
Nanaly: "But the Prince finally has a chance to rest, so maybe... I shouldn't..."
When I said I won't refuse, since it's a request from Nanaly, her cheeks quickly turned red.
Nanaly: "No way... What should I do...? I'm very happy, Prince..."
Pressing both hands against her blushing cheeks, Nanaly, after a little hesitation, finally revealed what's on her chest.
Nanaly: "Let's see... Will you rub my head?"
'What? That's it?' I say as I gently stroked her head.
Nanaly: "Ah... Haa... Prince..."
Nanaly breaking into a smile and squeezing her eyes shut made her look so cute, I continued to stroke her head even more.
Nanaly: "Before going out to the battlefield... I always wanted the Prince to rub my head like this..."
Nanaly: "Even on casual days like this... I want... to be petted by the Prince..."
Nanaly: "That's what I thought..."
Nanaly: "... S, sorry. I'm fine now..."
Nanaly says as she shrinks her body as if she's trying to escape from my hand.
However, I felt an overwhelming desire to tease such cuteness, so I hugged Nanaly immediately without thinking.
Nanaly: "... Ah, th, this is... umm... what...?"
I whisper into her ear that I wanted to hug her.
Nanaly: "Err... Because... Eh, eehh!? Pr... Prince...?"
Blushing red to her ears in bewilderment and shame, Nanaly resigned herself, and gave her body to me.
Nanaly: "If you're going to be like this... then I want you to dote on me more."
'Sure, I'll dote on you more', I respond gently.
Nanaly: "If you say it like that... you might... regret it, Prince?"
Smiling a shy smile, Nanaly wrapped both hands around my back, and hugged me back.
Nanaly: "Prince... I've... decided that I... want to be spoiled lots, OK?"
To show my acknowledgement, I gently gave Nanaly a kiss on her pale cheek.
Black Iris Scenes; Camilla Scenes (Click!)

Nanaly Profile:

Since there wasn't any event dialogue, I did all of Nanaly's all-age scenes for the Nanaly-loving Princes. Her third event was twice as long as Black Iris's. Then again, the only individuals that have shown interest in these things is Anelai and Silverhunt.

Other News:
1) Gold Priest Warrior Errett was given a silent modification recently to her 3rd Ero Scene. It seems the staff accidentally used an image with jpg artefacts that they now replaced with a proper lossless png version.
2) I stopped taking pain-killers, though certain muscles are still constantly tight and tense, which distracts and exhausts me. Still not going to read any posts in this thread; only a couple people PMed me, and one of them thought I should visit the chatroom, which for me would be like jumping out of a frying pan into an open flame.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

thanks for the translation. I do read them when you translate it, though I'm not particularly desperate for more. easier for me to read in english than in moonrune, but all-ages site blocks me and the edit cookies thing didnt really work out for me for some reason.

nanaly <3

@tieskey well that's a fair point, but such things are rather subjective with the tier system, so unless it's heavily questionable I wouldn't jump at it particularly.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wouldn't it be better to message petite about you thanking him for his translation since he won't read Post in this forum for now anymore?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

First time posting here, been mostly using Himeuta for discussing the game before. Speaking of which, I know you probably won't read this, but we are missing you Petite Soeur. T_T

That said, here's my five cents about this ongoing tier-discussion: Mostly agreed, however there are a few exceptions:

-I would bump Elizabeth up a tier because of her ridiculous DPS. Sure, her range is fairly low, but she is tanky enough to stay close to the action. I often found her to be a better physical burst damage dealer than Nanaly, and not only against the undead.

-Flamel should also go one tier higher at the very least, especially after the recent rebalancing updates. She is arguably the best raw single-target healer in the game at this point, she has the defense to substitute for a heavy armor early in the game (which she can do due to her lower cost) and she can deal a lot of damage to undead post-AW.

-Moldevort should go up at least two tiers. She does one thing, and that is clearing out mobs with superior magic damage, but she does that incredibly well. She is not a game-changer or S/SS material, but she is a sturdy workhorse that I found to be one of my most useful and often-placed units even though I have a full roster of blacks and premium plats.

There are others as well, but these three are the ones that I find to be the most egregious misplacements. But then again, the list seems to focus on the Majin maps to an unhealthy degree, which I don't really bother with, so my opinion on unit-usefulness is mostly about general usage, versatility and patching up holes in the roster none of my blacks can fill, so I might be a little biased.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So with the vast revivals and recent gold rush I'm finding myself with a horde of units, a lot of which I've never seen before and have no idea how good they are. I'm hoping I can get some recommendations on who would be good to level or focus on in general.

This is what I consider my core team right now.

This is what I've collected from revivals/gold rush
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So with the vast revivals and recent gold rush I'm finding myself with a horde of units, a lot of which I've never seen before and have no idea how good they are. I'm hoping I can get some recommendations on who would be good to level or focus on in general.

This is what I consider my core team right now.

This is what I've collected from revivals/gold rush

Rikka, one of the dancers, the rear strategist, Sabrina and the dragon rider (always forget her name, poor thing :p)

Changing topics, what da fu..... the black monk attacks land units in range even when not blocking anything.... so, damn, broken.....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm, well firstly...

There are others as well, but these three are the ones that I find to be the most egregious misplacements. But then again, the list seems to focus on the Majin maps to an unhealthy degree, which I don't really bother with, so my opinion on unit-usefulness is mostly about general usage, versatility and patching up holes in the roster none of my blacks can fill, so I might be a little biased.

I reiterate point #2:

2) Just because a unit is on a lower tier does not mean it is inherently bad and that you should not use it. This list is not a comparative list, but a general survey on the viability of the unit in a variety of scenarios, not specific, super niche ones where a unit just happens to be amazing.

That said, a good amount of weight is going to be given to majin viability. The reasoning? This is the best gauge for how viable any given unit is in the toughest content since it IS the toughest content. A part of being a generally viable unit is being viable in very difficult scenarios.

But like I said to Tieskey earlier, Rachel wouldn't be in the highest tier if I only weighted it on Majin usage.

As for your specific points:

-I would bump Elizabeth up a tier because of her ridiculous DPS. Sure, her range is fairly low, but she is tanky enough to stay close to the action. I often found her to be a better physical burst damage dealer than Nanaly, and not only against the undead.

As someone whose had Elizabeth since near the beginning, I've run into a number of walls when using her - yes, outside of Majins too. The lack of range is a gut punch to her and vampire hunters in general. She'll probably kill whatever units are around her and then a few more walking down the line, but then have to wait as her skill ticks down till more get into range. For normal and even most exceptional situations Rachel will have killed the enemy before they even reach Elizabeth, and the enemies that aren't dead from those long-range sustained damage types are likely ones that Elizabeth can't deal with out of support of her own(Goblin tanks and some other boss types).

That said, I'm not gonna disagree entirely. She really is top of the charts for DPS - but positioning for vampire hunters remains pretty tricky.

-Flamel should also go one tier higher at the very least, especially after the recent rebalancing updates. She is arguably the best raw single-target healer in the game at this point, she has the defense to substitute for a heavy armor early in the game (which she can do due to her lower cost) and she can deal a lot of damage to undead post-AW.

I like Flamel - she's one of my favorite designs - but I think you are arguing the incorrect points here. She is most definitely not the best raw single-target healer, she lacks both range and high burst. In fact, Fermi, a warrior priest further down the list, has the best burst of a healing type(albeit it's one time use). Warrior priests are specialists by nature and their usefulness is very dependent on team composition and map design due to their super low base range, which sometimes even prevents them from healing the next spot over, preventing them from being a 100% dedicated healbot and midrange blocker at points. Flamel has a really solid generalist SAW with attack, range and defense, as well as healing priority and decent uptimes, but she's still really dependent on stage layouts and has very low HP, so you can't place her all that aggressively either.

I'll be leaving her where she is for now.

-Moldevort should go up at least two tiers. She does one thing, and that is clearing out mobs with superior magic damage, but she does that incredibly well. She is not a game-changer or S/SS material, but she is a sturdy workhorse that I found to be one of my most useful and often-placed units even though I have a full roster of blacks and premium plats.

Before mage SAW, Mole was probably the best plat and below mage; after, it's highly debatable as every mage has access to a burst option now(with questionable CD's and durations, but far more utility than Mole herself will offer). Her SAW is rather bad, one-time use is a killer and makes her far inferior to say, Supura, who has comparable DPS, better range, 45s duration, 30s cooldown, stealth and an AoE slow attached to her SAW. Outside of skill Mole is also the weakest mage damage-wise, by a considerable margin too.

Mage-types have issues in the current meta because of their prohibitive cost, increased amount of high MR enemies and the AoE potential of far cheaper units that end up with similar or higher attack stats during skill has vastly increased. If I raised any mage or bishop, I'd probably raise Garania cause her AoE+damage boost is super explosive, or Patra, for having gold get combined with a solid attack boost, 20 additional range over mages and a free global heal stuck on. Maybe even Sasha if someone has a compelling argument and some video footage. But Mole is just a mage with bad base attack and Attack Up IV. A great freebie but nothing really remarkable or interesting stands out outside of a good uptime.

Anyway, welcome, and thanks for the input!
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Rikka, one of the dancers, the rear strategist, Sabrina and the dragon rider (always forget her name, poor thing :p)

Thanks, so I should pick a dancer of the two I have, I have two rear strategists the pirate looking one and the empire looking one, Sabrina the pirate, and the 27 cost dragon rider, and rikka? (still learning matching names to characters and classes on DMM in general)

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The pirate looking one (Helena) is a front strategist/vanguard, as well as an empire unit. They just use the same class symbol.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Just tried the 90/12 map for the Rorone revival. Fuck me how much damage does that Lyla do? She is the biggest threat on that map? she tore apart my Clissa who had a healer on her.

Admittedly Clissa is only 40AW and B Iris is only 50CC40, Still thats a healer with 500+ attack and a unit with 500+ armor
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Just tried the 90/12 map for the Rorone revival. Fuck me how much damage does that Lyla do? She is the biggest threat on that map? she tore apart my Clissa who had a healer on her.

Admittedly Clissa is only 40AW and B Iris is only 50CC40, Still thats a healer with 500+ attack and a unit with 500+ armor

alot 12 stam maps are harder then most but ive seen non aw videos for it on the page for it so im sure you can complete it especially if you have a b iris
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm , gotta Love the discussion~

So I think it is about time I kill / part ways with My paradigm of Nutaku OLD ways <.<


Which one do You guys think need to be retire from My rooster , specially Archers
If I want to replace 1 with Anelia

Should I go with Spica - Anelia / Bashira - Anelia / Claire - Anelia / Rachel - Anelia instead...??

Anyway My current set up is like this
Spica-Katie-Alicia-Bashira-Bernice is not Skill AW yet~


As for Claire - Rachel they are not AW yet. But is not a problem
Sometime I switch Miruno - Odette , or Alicia - Thetis

Thank You~


Anyway , took Me so long to finaly AW 99 Kayou
Today is My first manually AW99 , since Metus aren't. She ate Happy
Now I have the BFx30 , and then ran out of PA. LOL Farmville~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

wow, i go house sitting for the weekend and i miss so much. do all character have revealed ages now and do all characters have pregnancy profile pics too or just black iris? (seeing as that's the second objective the prince is trying to achieve besides fighting off the demons).

"incest baby with Sybilla"

wait, the prince and Sybilla are related o.0? well, incest is a fetish i like so that would be all the hotter.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

wow, i go house sitting for the weekend and i miss so much. do all character have revealed ages now and do all characters have pregnancy profile pics too or just black iris? (seeing as that's the second objective the prince is trying to achieve besides fighting off the demons).

"incest baby with Sybilla"

wait, the prince and Sybilla are related o.0? well, incest is a fetish i like so that would be all the hotter.

Most of that profile is a joke.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Shattering his dreams with one sentence. How evil :v.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wait! Aren't Sybilla and the Prince cousins?? I was sure of that they marry in one of the novels. Heck is that also i lie?? What is true? What isn't?

Nanaly profile is friggin hilarious xD
I could see her praying to Satan to save her while being deploy agaisnt Furfur jajajaja
I wonder did Petit have more of those i could look but i could use confirmation first.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is dmm working for u guys? I can't get into the game from my computer nor my phone.

Btw, I can't see Nanaly as a loli, idk why but she seems 16+ on my age-metter :p