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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance Update On August 18th:
-Emergency Mission "Second Youkai Taisen" (第二次妖怪大戦) Second Phase Begins.
-Majin Advent Revival "Aamon of the Hard Flame" (剛炎のアモン) Begins (Until Aug 25th).
+Cleared maps retained from original event.
Pick-up Summoning:
-Black: Iris, Aisha, Matsuri, Grace, Kikyou, Towa
-Platinum: Sherry, Adelle, Uzume, Marnie, Charles, Elsha
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.

Daily Revival Link Compilation and Schedule Post:

Emergency Mission "Second Youkai Taisen" (第二次妖怪大戦):
-Item Trial for Black Samurai Hibari (Character Given After Event).
-Cost Reduction Fairies Also Item Trial Rewards!
+Gold (855); Plat (1125); Black (1395)

Hibari (ヒバリ):
Onikiri (鬼切): (30s; attack and defence 2x; attack 1.3x against youkai; AS: ; WT: 1; CT: 50-55)
Onikiri no Shodachi (鬼切の初太刀): (s; attack and defence 2.3x; attack 1.4x against youkai; changes to '鬼切' when expires; AS: ; WT: 5; CT: )
Samurai Spirit (侍魂): samurai cost -1 if a team member; while deployed, samurai auto-retreat when defeated.

Item Trial:
25: Hibari Joins
30: Skill 2/10
50: Initial LV10
100: Skill 3
150: Cost -1
200: Skill 4
250: Cost -1
300: Skill 5
400: LV20
500: Skill 6
600: Cost -1
700: Skill 7
800: LV30
900: Skill 8
1000: Cost -1
1100: LV40
1200: Skill 9
1300: Cost -1 (Mincost -5)
1400: Skill 10
1500: LV50

Additional Rewards:
45: Gold Armour
90: Gold Fairy
135: Platinum Armour
180: Gold Fairy
225: Crystal Fragment
270: Platinum Fairy
315: Gold Armour
360: Platinum Fairy
405: Platinum Armour
450: Black Fairy
495: Crystal Fragment
540: Black Fairy
585: Gold Armour
630: Rainbow Fairy
675: Platinum Armour
720: Platinum Fairy
765: Crystal Fragment x2
810: Platinum Fairy
855: Gold Cost-Reduce Spirit
900: Black Fairy
945: Platinum Armour
990: Platinum Fairy
1035: Crystal Fragment x2
1080: Platinum Fairy
1125: Plat Cost-Reduce Spirit
1170: Black Fairy
1215: Platinum Armour
1260: Black Fairy
1305: Crystal Fragment x3
1350: Rainbow Fairy
1395: Black Cost-Reduce Spirit
1440: Platinum Fairy
1485: Platinum Armour

1530: Platinum Fairy
1575: Crystal Fragment x3
1620: Black Fairy
1665: Gold Armour
1710: Black Fairy
1755: Platinum Armour
1800: Rainbow Fairy

The Broken Seal (20/1) (解かれし封印):
Seal Talisman (x2), Bouquet (),

Hibari Introduction:
Besieged Village (30/2) (襲われた村):
Seal Talisman (x3), S Samurai Sanosuke (), Magic Crystal ()

Youkai Under the Rice Fields (40/4) (田んぼに潜妖怪):
Seal Talisman III (), Seal Talisman (x3), S Bishop Fudou (), S Ninja Saizou()
Gimmick: youkai attack and defence 1.5x while Nurarihyon is present.

Supreme Youkai Commander's Seriousness (50/7) (妖怪総大将の本気):
Seal Talisman V (x2), Seal Talisman III (x2), S Archer Kazuha (), Plat Fairy ()
Gimmick: poison damage terrain effect.

Seekers of the Onikiri (80/9) (鬼切を狙う者):
Seal Talisman V (x3), S Soldier Phyllis (), Plat Bucket (), Magic Crystal II ()

Wandering Fallen Warriors (40/5) (さまよえる落ち武者たち):
Seal Talisman III (x3), S Samurai Iroha (), Spirit Queen (), Plat Armour ()
Iroha: "How beautiful... This must be a place full of memories for Sakuya-san."
Sakuya: "It is. When it turns spring, the cherry tree's elegance paints an even more beautiful scene here. Someday, I hope everyone will also get to experience such a majestic view..."
Sakuya: (Hibari... This azure sky we both shared long ago... Even now, we're looking at the same sky, right? ... I cannot help but worry about you.)
Iroha: "Sakuya-san...? Umm... Did something happen?"
Sakuya: "I'm ashamed... to have my thoughts pour from my lips. To tell you the truth, I have a younger sister. She's tomboyish, but a strong-willed samurai."
Sakuya: "... She has a mission she must complete that has kept her from working with me, but because of her temperament, I worry about whether or not she's taking things too far..."
Iroha: "A mission she must complete? For Sakuya-san to worry about her that much, she must've been given a very dangerous assignment, right...?"
Sakuya: "Yes... My younger sister inherited the venerable katana called 'Onikiri'. And at the same time, she was given the mission to fight against the oni."
Fallen Warrior: "... OOooOO... ... Humans... Hu, maanss... OoooO... DIEee... with ussss..."
Sakuya: "—!? Those... appear to be warriors that passed away who have been changed into monsters by the doing of some Mononoke."
Saizou: "In other words, they're monsters that are the same as 'undead'...? Forcing them to fight even in death, unforgivable!"
Iroha: "For the sake of protecting the place full of memories for Sakuya-san, and for the sake of the souls of the warriors that have been turned into monsters, let's put these monsters to rest... everyone!"
Fallen Warrior: "Th, thank... you, u... With this, we also... to the side... of our beloved... family..."
Iroha: "Subjugation, complete... However, this is beyond bearable, isn't it...?"
Sakuya: "The land that used to be peaceful long ago has become a hotbed for disaster..."
Sakuya: (Hibari... You're surely having these kinds of thoughts as well, right...?)
Iroha: "Sakuya-san..."
Sakuya: "I'm terribly sorry. For making everyone worry... However, I'm fine now."
Sakuya: "I'm not alone. I have allies I can depend on, and a lord that I can trust. So, there's no reason for my heart to go astray."
Sakuya: "Now then, let's go. Let's defeat the resurrected Shuten Douji, and take back the splendour of this land together with the Prince!"

Heavenly King of Heavy Water (70/8) (重水の四天王):
Seal Talisman V (x2), Seal Talisman III (), S Witch Calliope (), Ruby ()
Hien: "I have a report! A new enemy force appears to be heading this way! I fear it's one from the oni clan—."
Heavenly King of Heavy Water: "—So Nurarihyon has passed on? There was also humour in the last days of the Supreme Commander of the Youkai... Reality can be quite ruthless... Kukkukkukku..."
Julian: "Who the hell are you!?"
Heavenly King of Heavy Water: "I'm sorry for not having told you sooner. I, as the Heavenly King of Heavy Water, am the loyal servant of Shuten Douji-sama..."
Heavenly King of Heavy Water: "I have come as I am to show gratitude to the humans that triumphantly slew Nurarihyon, who was an eyesore to us of the oni clan."
Hibari: "You think we'll believe that nonsense?"
Heavenly King of Heavy Water: "Kukkukku, I will not be your opponent. I wouldn't even inelegantly feign to interfere with the destiny of the successor of 'Onikiri' and Shuten Douji-sama..."
Hibari: "Shuten Douji...!? Is he here...!?"
Heavenly King of Heavy Water: "Shuten Douji-sama is up ahead. Is he receiving the strength of us Four Heavenly Kings around this time, I wonder?"
Heavenly King of Heavy Water: "If you don't quickly stop him, he'll become unstoppable. Kukkuh."
Hibari: "... Damn. Anna-san, I'll leave this place to you. I'll quickly head to Shuten Douji's location, and slay him before he completely regains his strength."
Anna: "Understood. Whatever you do, please be careful. Once we defeat the Heavenly King, we'll also head over there!"
Heavenly King of Heavy Water: "Kukkukkuh... Exhausted from the battle with Nurarihyon, it'll be a simple task to lop off your heads."
Heavenly King of Heavy Water: "Now then, prepare to meet your graves... Kukkukkukkuh...!"
Heavenly King of Heavy Water: "—Guhaahh!? N, no way... Impossible... I... have been overwhelmed...!?"
Julian: "Attacking us while we're exhausted from continuously fighting, and that's the best you could do...? Heh, I'm astonished to hear you're one of the Four Heavenly Kings!"
Heavenly King of Water: "Gu, nununu... How like a human... To get carried away by your success... Have you no shame...!?"
Heavenly King of Heavy Water: "... Here, unto Shuten Douji-sama... Concentrate... the power of us Four Heavenly Kings... You humans will... definitely...!!"
Iroha: "... His presence disappeared!?"
Hien: "No, I still feel an extremely faint evil...! My Lord, I shall go ahead, and follow after them!"
Iroha: "Hien-san, please don't push yourself too much! Your wounds from this fight aren't shallow ones!"
Hien: "There is no need to worry! More importantly, you must also take care to not relax your attention! Well then, excuse me!!"
Anna: "Hien-san, please do. Well then, Prince, as soon as we're prepared, let's also follow after them!"

Oni Boss (90/12) (鬼の頭領):
Seal Talisman V (x4), Seal Talisman III (x2), Rainbow Fairy ()
Shuten Douji: "Four Heavenly Kings, you have done well to have gathered unto me!"
Shuten Douji: "The power I split and gave to you in the past will also be returned to my body once again... Everything is proceeding according to plan!!"
Heavenly King of Thunder: "I'm glad more than anything that your strength has returned, Shuten Douji-sama. I was surprised when the 'Onikiri' girl appeared, but she's nothing more than a mosquito to Shuten Douji-sama now."
Shuten Douji: "I know. Sooner or later, I must search for that one... the traitor, ...!"
Heavenly King of Heavy Water: "—Shuten Douji-sama!! The human called Prince that defeated Nurarihyon is starting to head this way!"
Shuten Douji: "The fellows that defeated that damned youkai supreme commander geezer!? They're not all that impressive for humans!"
Shuten Douji: "Perfect time for a warm-up! I'll be their opponent here. ... You, who haven't recovered from your wounds, retreat!"
(time passes)
Hibari: "... Prince, forgive me... Shuten Douji regained his power... It wasn't possible for me to compete against him... Oww..."
Hien: "Hibari-dono...! Those grievous wounds..! Hurry and bring her over here. As for Shuten Douji, we'll somehow—"
Shuten Douji: "Hoh, you're the humans that defeated Nurarihyon? ... Hmm, you have done well to have fought this far with bodies that look like they would collapse from a slight breeze."
Shuten Douji: "Now then, come at me, humaaaAAaanss!!"
Hibari: "Prince, please be careful. Right now, even with Onikiri, I didn't stand a chance against Shuten Douji... Please give your orders with the utmost care."
Shuten Douji:"Guah... D, damniiiit!! Not bad, humansss... If I had Ibaraki Douji's power... Next time, I will...!"
Hibari: "There will be no next time for you! With this sealing talisman, I will put you to rest once again!!"
Shuten Douji: "... Fool!! You thought you can seal me with that smelly, old talisman!?"
Hibari: "No way!? The seal... has no effect? Don't tell me... The power of the sealing talisman has weakened...?"
Shuten Douji: "You thought I would be sealed by that kind of talisman after regaining the strength I split among the Four Heavenly Kings? Your efforts were in vain!! Farewell, humaaans!"
Hien: "......... The negative vibes have completely disappeared... I hate to say this, but he has gotten away."
Hibari: "I can't believe the power of the seal has weakened... It's my fault for not being able to realise it during the times Nurarihyon easily released the seals."
Hibari: "... Kuh. I went to all that trouble to corner Shuten Douji only to have him escape... The gravest blunder of my life..."
Anna: "Hibari-san, please don't lose hope. We nearly had Shuten Douji cornered. Next time we meet, we'll seal him for sure!"
Hibari: "You're right... However, I don't see light in me right now... I must first seek out a way to regain the sealing talisman's power."
Anna: "... Hibari-san."
Anna: "Umm, if you would like, how about you work with us?"
Hibari: "With the Prince... Me...?"
Anna: "Yes, we might find another way while we defeat the monsters."
Anna: "Besides, we have already thrown ourselves within 'Onikiri's' wheel of fate...!"
Hien: "'Once you know, you'll also have to fight with me' was what Hibari-dono said when we met."
Hibari: "... Indeed... Fufu. You're all unbelievably good-natured."
Hibari: "Understood. I'll also go with the Prince. I'll try and carry out Onikiri's task with you! Please look after me from now on, Anna, Prince!"

Two Youko (100/2) (二匹の妖狐):
Gold Fairy (50, 100 first drop), Platinum Fairy (10, 100 first drop), Black Fairy (5, 100 first drop), Completion: Rainbow Fairy
Kayou: "Aw, why did you call me out here all of a sudden, Inari-chan? Besides, why did you gather all of these youkai?"
Inari: "Fufufu, Kayou-san! Our time has come! Look at this scroll!"
Kayou: "Whaat? ... The Supreme Commander of the Youkai will be succeeded by either the one approved by the Supreme Commander, or the one who defeated the Supreme Commander."
Inari: "That's right! Who do you think defeated the Supreme Commander of the Youkai, Nurarihyon? The Prince, that's who!"
Kayou: "Oh my~♪ You're right, Inari-chan. If they witness us defeating the Prince, we'll be the Supreme Commanders of the Youkai, won't we~♪"
Inari: "That's why I gathered all of the youkai together, and declared war on the Prince!!! I think he'll be coming soon!"
Anna: "Prince, this looks like the place. The place Inari-san invited us for the festival. ... Ah! Inari-san and the others are over there—"
Anna: "—Eehh!? It's full of youkai!? Wh, what's the meaning of this?"
Inari: "You did well to come here! Supreme Commander of the Youkai, 'Prince'!"
Inari: "We youkai will be coming at you with our full strength in order to become the next Supreme Commander of the Youkai~♪ Now then, prepare yourself~, Priiince!"
Anna: "I don't quite understand their reason, but it looks like a fight cannot be avoided... Prince, please prepare for battle!"
Inari: "Kyuu~. In the end, the Prince was too strong, Kayou-san."
Kayou: "Aw, that's because you didn't properly prepare, Inari-chan... We only arrived just today."
Anna: "Inari-san and Kayou-san too... You wanted to become the Supreme Commander of the Youkai that badly?"
Inari: "Yep! It's written in this scroll that if I was the Supreme Commander of the Youkai, then I could have anything in this world!!"
Katie: "Wait, please show me that scroll for a moment."
Katie: "Hm~? It's kind of hard for me to read. Hien-san, will you read it?"
Hien: "If it's deciphering scrolls, then gladly! Eh~ what, what..."
Hien: "Author... Supreme Commander of the Youkai, Nurarihyon. Page Four... Supreme Commander's Privileges. Umu, here."
Hien: "'If you have the title of Supreme Commander of the Youkai, simple youkai of feeble minds will be at your bidding. The greater the scale, the more youkai will come to adore you just for that alone.'"
Anna: "Inari-san... Did you read all of this scroll?"
Inari: "No! There was something written at the very beginning, here! I read that and thought I would try and defeat the Supreme Commander of the Youkai, Prince!"
Inari: "But when I look at this, there wasn't much value in the title of Supreme Commander of the Youkai... Haa~aah."
Kayou: "Such a shame. Inari-chan promised that she would turn the Prince into a horse, and let me work him hard for the rest of his life if she became the Supreme Commander of the Youkai."
Anna: "Prince... They were trying to defeat you for that?"

Majin Advent "Aamon of the Hard Flame" (剛炎のアモン):
-Available Until August 25th.
-Cannot deploy multiple units with the same name.
-Player Rank 50+ necessary to play.

Rino: "You're the Prince? Heeh... What's this? You're stronger than Rino thought. Maybe it's possible with this... No, don't mind Rino~♪"
Rino: "I'm Rino. A summoner. Actually, Rino came all this way because Rino has something to discuss."
Rino: "Prince, do you know of the cavern where the summoned beasts of flame lives? It's a cavern that was found recently, but the summoned beasts that were difficult to find until now are living in there."
Rino: "You could easily befriend a salamander in that place, so it became a very important place among summoners, but a monster never seen before suddenly appeared in there."
Rino: "Normally it's no big deal if there's an increase in monsters, but ever since that thing started living in the cavern, the summoned beasts became violent. They're uncontrollable even for a summoner, so it's strange no matter how you look at it."
Rino: "That thing treats the cavern as if it owned it, and in the current situation, the strength of just the summoners is no match for it. So that is why Rino came to your place."
Rino: "Come on, please! Prince, you're supposed to be very strong, right? If so, chase away that thing with your strength! Rino is asking you this sincerely, see? Is that a yes?"
Rino: "... You will? Yatta—! Prince is kind~♪ Well then, Rino'll explain the features of that thing! Listen to what Rino says carefully, OK?"
Rino: "Let's see, umm... Rino's sure its head looked like a bird. Also... its body was covered in intense flames!"
Rino: "... Wh, why're you making that face!? Rino couldn't help it! Rino was scared after taking just one look, and ran out of there as fast as Rino could... That thing... definitely doesn't belong in this world..."
Rino: "Rino knows it's strange to say this after asking you, but don't push yourself in there, OK...? That thing is... definitely strong. Rino's sure it'll be an unbelievably fierce battle..."
Rino: "Make sure you properly train your allies, select your team, and make sure everything else is in order, OK? ... Prince, you must return alive..."

3-Star Rewards:
LV1~4: Plat Armour
LV5: Black Armour
LV6~9: Plat Armour
LV10: Black Armour
LV11~15: Rainbow Fairy

LV10 Event Scene:
Rino: "Majin Aamon's attack... has stopped...? Rino and the others won...?"
Anna: "Prince, the Majin is starting to retreat!"
Rino: "Say, Prince, are you sure about letting that thing get away...? It disappeared into the pitch-black darkness!?"
Barbastraff: "... That fellow has returned to Makai. There's no sense in pursuing him any further..."
Anna: "Merely making that legendary Majin retreat is nothing short of a miracle."
Rino: "... Hm? Aa~hh!? Look, look, Prince! The summoned beasts in the cavern look like they've returned to their senses!"
Anna: "Thanks to this, the cavern has also been restored to its former state. Rino-san's request has been fulfilled as well, Prince."
Rino: "Defeating such a strong Majin, you're amazing, Prince! Rino sees you in a new light~♪"
Rino: "Rino has to go report this matter to Rino's summoner friends, but it would be nice if we fight together again someday!"
Rino: "See ya, Prince! Thank you, thank you, thank you so, so~ much~!"
Katie: "... She's gone. Well then, how about we also return to our friends?"
Anna: "I'm glad we were able to repel Majin Aamon. Prince, you've done an excellent job!"

Premium Summon:
-Premium Chance-up Unit Rates:
+Plat: 6x; Black: 7x.
-Plat Dark Priest Belzetta

Belzetta (ベルゼッタ):
Ex Dark Cure (エクスダークキュア): (30s; attack 1.7x; recovers HP of allies within range same as damage given to enemy; AS: 174; WT: 25; CT: 50)
(): (s; ; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The 12 Sta have 26 drop
Not sure will this be a better map than My currently 9 Sta or not
Maybe I need to start raising AW Thief.....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The fact that I don't need a healer with AWed Theif in the 12 sta map is amazing,just shows how prepared I am now.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The 12 Sta have 26 drop
Not sure will this be a better map than My currently 9 Sta or not
Maybe I need to start raising AW Thief.....

12 sta usually have the best drop rate average, but reminder thats the drop is not guarantee so bring AW thief with you.
i think the drop rate is somewhere around 90%, of coz this just personal feeling from the past item collector event
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'mma just stay over here with my nice ninja map.
Ya'll can keep that 12 stamina monster.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That 70/8 map took me by surprise, I had anticipated where the blue guy would start walking, but not the final spot he teleported to, I also forgot that there is a center spot he can't hit while in the center, cost me the healing I needed to keep Clissa and Sybilla alive, and I didn't anticipate the black ogre.

I made an amatuer mistake and placed my units before knowing what to expect. Also bad placement cost me the 3 star.

2nd run through went rather smooth though, a melee healer (I forgot what they are called) came in handy for the map, allowed me 2 spots to put dps for the black ogre and blue guy.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Double heal on Fedora. Tears of Amon. Skill Faeries well spent.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game



Was looking forward to fighting Shutendoji to play around with the Mireille I lucksacked into. His high attack speed + physical damage is a perfect target for her; she performed quite well in the orc subjugation too. Unfortunately he wasn't quite as pumped up as his subjugation self, but he still kills himself quite rapidly from Miri's true damage counter(she probably did 70-80% of the damage in the images).

And yes, Miri has over 10k ehp here. It's rather impressive. Even if she can't counterattack a mob(against magic) and lacks the strict versatility of Cornelia, she should be valuable as a high uptime 2 block for anyone that rolls her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's not level 14 or level 15, but here is what I was able to accomplish:

I don't need that Saria, B.Iris, Nanaly, or Leone crutch.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Millennium War Aegis: Bride in the Moonlight VI
(千年戦争アイギス 月下の花嫁VI)

Release Date: September 30th
Serial Code: Nezha's Disciple, Lien (リーエン)
Preorder: ; ;

Millennium War Aegis 'Hero's Bonds' Vol.1
(千年戦争アイギス 英雄の絆)

Mangaka: Edo (い~どぅ~; )
Release Date: August 26th
Serial Code: Sapphire Majin Lulu (ルル)
Pre-order: ; ;

Toranoana Tokuten:

Despite a release date in seven more days, the cover for the manga adaption hasn't appeared yet.

Just to give a quick breakdown between shops (Honto doesn't have it for pre-order yet):
Amazon: good for large bulk orders (EMS unit-based shipping; site in English)
Mangaoh: good for small orders (EMS weight-based shipping; registration in English)
Honto: good for saving money (alternate shipping methods; site in Japanese; )
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm that 90/12 map wasn't as hard as expected, Killing the big guy is the issue for me though. 2 starring the map is easy, Just gotta think of a way to kill the boss with the units I have.

Curse my lack of fairies, I have bad luck getting them. Having a high lvl emilia would be handy with her double attack and defence skill
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Fuck me did 6 Rolls hoping for Ingrid, need some decent melee slot range units plus I like her style.

Got 2 gold summoners
The plat vampire with long nail claws
a silver
And the Black Horse Archer....

Well I didn't have her but she is not someone who I was really after.

After a quick look my understanding is she is a melee slot nanally so I guess I got what I needed but not what I wanted.. such is gatcha.

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It only took me 2 SC worth of charisma, but I finally cleared Amon lv15.


Leona was basically the reason why I was able to fully clear level 14 and level 15, but it all came down to negation luck. I doubt I could get past level 13 without her.

It's still better than relying on the crutches known as B.Iris and Saria since it's more satisfying to prove that it's possible to do it without them. Despite this showing, I doubt I'll get through 11+ for the other Majin events due to the nature of the mission design and how it's balanced around B.Iris and Saria.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It only took me 2 SC worth of charisma, but I finally cleared Amon lv15.


Leona was basically the reason why I was able to fully clear level 14 and level 15, but it all came down to negation luck. I doubt I could get past level 13 without her.

It's still better than relying on the crutches known as B.Iris and Saria since it's more satisfying to prove that it's possible to do it without them. Despite this showing, I doubt I'll get through 11+ for the other Majin events due to the nature of the mission design and how it's balanced around B.Iris and Saria.

I had both of the units/healers, too bad I can't optimize their use
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sometimes, I think all my bad luck with the Shrine just gathers up, and then chucks me something great. In a moment of weakness, I threw five SC at the Shrine. I thought it was Gold for a moment, but then I realised, that's not a Gold...


It's like the time I got Aisha only less I-am-having-a-heart-attack. I think it'll take just as long to sink in.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hey there.

I just did a random pull using my remaining SC after I got 1400 seals, and I got Black Iris (which is awesome). My question is this: Does her AW skill stack with defense increased by other skills. For example, I have the following: I have AW99 Nataku at 1200 def. With the prince, Cynthia and Iris her def can go as high as a nice and round 2000. Now, her skill doubles that, leading to 4000 def, which is already pretty staggering.

Here's the question: what would happen if I trigger Iris's AW skill on top of that? Would it use Nataku's current defense, thus boosting her to 10000 [insert obligatory "over 9000!" joke here], or would it use her base def of 2000, thus "only" boosting her defense to 7000?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sometimes, I think all my bad luck with the Shrine just gathers up, and then chucks me something great. In a moment of weakness, I threw five SC at the Shrine. I thought it was Gold for a moment, but then I realised, that's not a Gold...


It's like the time I got Aisha only less I-am-having-a-heart-attack. I think it'll take just as long to sink in.

You get best girl there XD AW her fast XD

Hey there.

I just did a random pull using my remaining SC after I got 1400 seals, and I got Black Iris (which is awesome). My question is this: Does her AW skill stack with defense increased by other skills. For example, I have the following: I have AW99 Nataku at 1200 def. With the prince, Cynthia and Iris her def can go as high as a nice and round 2000. Now, her skill doubles that, leading to 4000 def, which is already pretty staggering.

Here's the question: what would happen if I trigger Iris's AW skill on top of that? Would it use Nataku's current defense, thus boosting her to 10000 [insert obligatory "over 9000!" joke here], or would it use her base def of 2000, thus "only" boosting her defense to 7000?

Not quite sure, I had some test with my AW Prince active his skill and it hit 6K+ def
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You get best girl there XD AW her fast XD

xD I'm still planning on AW'ing Belinda and Miruno first for the SAW map, but she's certainly a priority. She's got dibs on the Black Fairies now, and I think she'll benefit more from that Black CR Fairy than Aisha will.

In the meantime, she's a permanent Buff Buddy (as I call them). I can already see that she's making everyone kill Shuten Douji faster.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

xD I'm still planning on AW'ing Belinda and Miruno first for the SAW map, but she's certainly a priority. She's got dibs on the Black Fairies now, and I think she'll benefit more from that Black CR Fairy than Aisha will.

In the meantime, she's a permanent Buff Buddy (as I call them). I can already see that she's making everyone kill Shuten Douji faster.

>AW'ing belinda first
>for SAW fairy map

erm, AW towa does the same pretty much though...? and probably even better.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hey there.

I just did a random pull using my remaining SC after I got 1400 seals, and I got Black Iris (which is awesome). My question is this: Does her AW skill stack with defense increased by other skills. For example, I have the following: I have AW99 Nataku at 1200 def. With the prince, Cynthia and Iris her def can go as high as a nice and round 2000. Now, her skill doubles that, leading to 4000 def, which is already pretty staggering.

Here's the question: what would happen if I trigger Iris's AW skill on top of that? Would it use Nataku's current defense, thus boosting her to 10000 [insert obligatory "over 9000!" joke here], or would it use her base def of 2000, thus "only" boosting her defense to 7000?

1400 seals already is quite fast and probably inefficient. Maybe slow down a little next time to save more SC?

Anyway, I'm actually not sure how you came to 10k. Nezha's base defense after AW prince/Cynthia with B Iris should be around the low 1700's. After skill uses, her defense should end up around 8500(Iris passive 7% + Prince/Cynthia 33%, then add skill multipliers independently). Base 2k would only occur if you have significantly more defense boosts.

It should be mentioned that using regular prince with B Iris incurs some penalties. Specifically, B Iris overrides his defense passive instead of working with it when using her skill, so the overall defense boost can be significantly weaker.

There are some other players that can probably give you more technical answers, but them's the basics.