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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In terms of how many Aria, around 8 will do for sure. *nods*
Minimal is 4 Aria to min cost her. What's worse is that Aria is a gold unit and requires CC to upgrade her skill without reseting :/

How many silver soldiers will you sacrifice tomorrow?

I agree with cost reducing her, but I wouldn't CC her copies for that skill up, at least not beyond level 2. In the end, all you save are 1 or 2 seconds off that initial cast and recast =/ Surely there are better things to use those silver soldiers, gold fairies, and exp on.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

3 and a half hours to go~ Prepare your bodies/charisma/stamina. I really hope whatever maps pop up hand out crystals for 3 stars, I seriously need them :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

50 more minutes. Let pray for the goddess that she will not screw us this time.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I hope the silver unit drop and drop % was not changed...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Good luck everyone.
Unless I'm misunderstanding the data, the spoiler information for the dragon crystals is 65%x3. So, that's 62.4 dragon crystals with 48 hours worth of stamina.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Good luck everyone.
Unless I'm misunderstanding the data, the spoiler information for the dragon crystals is 65%x3. So, that's 62.4 dragon crystals with 48 hours worth of stamina.

I'm almost more interested in the silver valks there :p Gotta keep my eyes on the prize though, it's easy to get distracted with all the stuff going on in Aegis now. Anya~ Wonder who gets these "spoilers", all those ninjas seem shadey.

Quick strats/info for Dragon Invasion:
Hilariously easy map, just set up a couple of archers near the pit, later on a mage if you want, but you can probably clear it with two archers alone. Aria is in the dialogue for this event, interesting.

Drops: ??, ??, ??, ??, Dragon Crystal

Archer top, Prince, Archer bottom, from there everything else should be simple. A lot of drops early in the map, I had 3 by like 7 kills, so don't let anything pass early.

Drops: Purple Gem (Affection Item), Bronze Soldier, ??, Silver Bandit, Dragon Crystal

Goblins come out in a steady stream from the pit one by one the entire map while others units spawn as well, pretty fun map. You might want to start with a CC'd soldier + Prince on the right side. The end has two dragon knights spawn, but they're fairly weak. A dragon also spawns mid fight, so watch for that. Witches/Archer recommended.

Drops: ??, ??, ??, ??, Dragon Crystal

Goblin rush comes from the right pit, then immediately top left AND bottom right pit. Have some low cost units and archers ready. Honestly not too difficult as you have plenty of time between waves to get sortie from your soldiers. Just watch the dragon mage at the end, the aoe will kill your team if you aren't prepared, first map in this event you'll need healers probably (Two good CC'd ones recommended). Don't use any low hp ranged units near the right pit.


Placing a tank and another duelist type near the bottom before the mage comes is a good idea, it'll protect your ranged units from its aoe that can 2 shot most of them. Maribelle and Charlotte were used for me. CC'd Katie (Soldier) was used right slot next to Prince but isn't shown, retreated for Maribelle.

Drops: Ruby (Affection item), ??, ??, ??, Dragon Crystal (1-3 drops that I found in my two runs)

Archers seem to have some weird delay when killing bronze lizards, so watch for that. My Spica took like 3 seconds to recover after killing one before she'd attack again, it's happened in multiple maps. Probably not a huge concern unless your team isn't very strong.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wait until you use a sniper to kill lich.

This game has a bug where ranged unit need to wait until the end of death animation before switching to another target if that enemy is the priority target. Doesn't matter for stuff like goblins, but for very long death animation lich and such, the delay is noticeable.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

*Wakes up 2 hours after event start*

Good luck to everyone~

Wait until you use a sniper to kill lich.

This game has a bug where ranged unit need to wait until the end of death animation before switching to another target if that enemy is the priority target. Doesn't matter for stuff like goblins, but for very long death animation lich and such, the delay is noticeable.

Ah, I tought this was normal D:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Forgot that someone wanted silver soldiers earlier. The silver soldier Clave is dropped on the penultimate map, and while it's not theoretically superior to the last map, it's consistent in its drops. I'm tempted to switch to it after doing 3 trips on the last map (0 drops, 3 drops, 1 drop).

Great Invasion 2 (35/3):
Diamond, Leo, Gold Fairy, Cecily, Dragon Crystal II (60%x3)
*Trips: 64+45; Sacred Crystals Spent: 10; Average Dragon Crystals: 392.4

Great Invasion 3 (40/3):
Diamond (x2), Russel, Gold Fairy, Clave, Dragon Crystal II (95%x2)
*Trips: 64+32; Sacred Crystals Spent: 7; Average Dragon Crystals: 364.8

Dragonewt King (40/3):
Diamond, Wilfred, Platinum Fairy, Elaine, Dragon Crystal II (65%x3)
*Trips: 64+32; Sacred Crystals Spent: 7; Average Dragon Crystals: 374.4

*This is based on if you used 8 days worth of stamina (192), and used sacred crystals to restore your stamina if you're a Rank 120-139 player to make use of the leftover charisma.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

2nd 35/3 map was so easy x.X You can 4-5 unit it. Used CC'd Monk + CC'd Maribelle at the hole + CC'd Archer and CC'd Healer. I put in a mage for good measure, but not really needed. I threw up a 2nd healer, Prince and Charlotte as well near the end just in case a dragon mage popped out but nope :p Didn't even need skill activation on Monk, Maribelle or anybody else. 1 x3 dragon crystal drops from it, so on the 3 stamina cost maps and up, seems there's already the chance of 1/1 stamina for dragon crystals.

Ah quite a lot of maps, delicious free crystals. I understand why they had to change the requirements for Anya's materials, these old maps are so easy they're laughable. I mean the dragon mages might aoe ko your ranged units (Killed my Spica first run, curse you low hp elves), but you still shouldn't miss killing them all unless you're newer. This event woulda just been "Free Anya's and crystals for everybody~" if it was just off of completion like before.

Makes me wonder how they'll do the 2nd half of it. Guess we won't be finding out for like a month x.X What a tease, making us wait that long for the time fairy.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Makes me wonder how they'll do the 2nd half of it. Guess we won't be finding out for like a month x.X What a tease, making us wait that long for the time fairy.

Don't forget the bronze dragon and the silver dragon~

Still, I love how these maps have such wide drop variety. You get affection items, fairies, bronze food, all in the same maps! They cost less per run too. I feel better throwing crystals at these than the unit farming maps, which give mostly just units.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

But the silver unit drop rate is very low
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Ophis You're right... after doing them a couple times, the drop rate for everything other than the dragon crystals is poor. =(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Final map drops:

1: 2 x1 Dragon Crystals
2: Bronze Archer, Silver Valk, Diamond, 2 x3 Dragon Crystals
3: Bronze Archer, 2 x2 Dragon Crystals
4: Bronze Archer, 2 x3 Dragon Crystals

18 dragon crystals for 12 stamina so far.

Oh didn't see Petite's edit with drop percentages, that's what I get for leaving this page up all day. Seems the second to last map might be better, more reliable certainly. Guess it just depends on which silvers you need (And I need valks :p). Also dem plat fairies, I'm sure the drop rate is terrible for them.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Forgot that someone wanted silver soldiers earlier. The silver soldier Clave is dropped on the penultimate map, and while it's not theoretically superior to the last map, it's consistent in its drops. I'm tempted to switch to it after doing 3 trips on the last map (0 drops, 3 drops, 1 drop).

Great Invasion 2 (35/3):
Diamond, Leo, Gold Fairy, Cecily, Dragon Crystal II (60%x3)
*Trips: 64+45; Sacred Crystals Spent: 10; Average Dragon Crystals: 392.4

Great Invasion 3 (40/3):
Diamond, Russel, Gold Fairy, Clave, Dragon Crystal II (95%x2)
*Trips: 64+32; Sacred Crystals Spent: 7; Average Dragon Crystals: 364.8

Dragonewt King (40/3):
Diamond, Wilfred, Platinum Fairy, Elaine, Dragon Crystal II (65%x3)
*Trips: 64+32; Sacred Crystals Spent: 7; Average Dragon Crystals: 374.4

*This is based on if you used 8 days worth of stamina (192), and used sacred crystals to restore your stamina if you're a Rank 120-139 player to make use of the leftover charisma.

Mathematically speaking, the 2 last maps are equally efficient. Assuming your numbers are right, of course :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

after 9 hours still only got 2 silver soldier, silver unit drop rate too crappy
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The Great Invasion 3 map is easier but the drop rate for dragon crystal is low.
3 run and only have 2 dragon crystal and 1 silver soldier.

While the Dragonwet king map is more risky toward the end because 2 dragonewt mages can mess up your run easily. I have failed that map 3 times because of poor price timing but the rate is very high for dragon crystal.

So pick your poison i guess.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The Great Invasion 3 map is easier but the drop rate for dragon crystal is low.
3 run and only have 2 dragon crystal and 1 silver soldier.

While the Dragonwet king map is more risky toward the end because 2 dragonewt mages can mess up your run easily. I have failed that map 3 times because of poor price timing but the rate is very high for dragon crystal.

So pick your poison i guess.

Invasion 3 is the most stable one in terms of crystal drop.
I guess you're having a streak of extremely bad luck. Try again.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

All maps 3 starred. Looking at 24 dragons atm just from natural regen. So close to 50 in a weekend, so you'll have to burn some sacred crystals to obtain. The question is, what about the time fairy and dragonknewts needed? I don't want to burn for Anya and not get her b/c I don't have the other items. Thoughts?

Oh and I added a link to the chat to the first post.