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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No idea about any other event units, but the mage for 70 red crystals is worth 1500 xp.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah it's only Hien that's 750, pretty odd.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Petite said that event units that are traded using red crystals such as Koujiro ( Gold Samurai) do not have exp bonus . The gold mage all so count as event unit.

Nasu has uploaded his Gold and below strategy for the 500 map for those want to clear the event but does not have high end plat/black unit.

Gold Samurai gives 1500 exp. Hien as expected - doesn't. (I have all three from gold rushes, not shop).

btw. I need your assistance. Since I changed my laptop (win8 now, sic!) I can't log into web dmm. In Kancolle I can't get API, cookies also doesn't work. Halp?

Yay! I just made Janna 4/5 skill using only silver gunner and I still have one left!
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Nice, 2 Kojuros took Berenice from 20 to 60 :)

Now I can't decide which of my plats to lvl up (they are all around 50). The only ones I could aw (have the materials) are Imeria, Shuura and Yurina. The most usefull would be Yurina but I wanted to wait for her revival.

Spica, Rin, Claudia and the gold Angel seem to be much better options for aw but I lack most of their materials and a few extra lvls won't do much now T_T

What do u think about the black rogue, is she usefull? Right now I have all female rogues (2 silvers, 2 golds, 2 plats and a black XD)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Petite said that event units that are traded using red crystals such as Koujiro ( Gold Samurai) do not have exp bonus.
I didn't use Kojuurou as an example, since he's not an event unit.

An event unit is one that you cannot summon with the premium, rare, and base summoning. If the unit is event-exclusive, then they don't get an exp synthesis bonus. Currently, the only gold+ male units that are excluded are the Gold Avenger Zaram, the Gold Ninja Hien, and the Black Dragonewt Warrior Drania. The game can't detect—nor does it care—how you obtained your gold+ units so long as they're on the list of units that can be summoned.

The number of female units that are event exclusive is much, much larger.

I'm sorry for the confusion.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That explains it, I didn't know that you couldn't obtain Hien from gacha.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is something wrong with the rainbow fairies right now?

I've used 4 rainbow fairies from the fairy map on Kaguya at 3/10 and they all failed. Is it just colossally bad luck?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is something wrong with the rainbow fairies right now?

I've used 4 rainbow fairies from the fairy map on Kaguya at 3/10 and they all failed. Is it just colossally bad luck?

I failed 2 or 3 for black Karma from skill lvl 2 to 3 last week. Not imposible but highly unlikely -.-
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I used like 5 fairies to get some skills 3/5 and they all failed aswell :) some of them were for shidis
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Such a good time to farm confidence items for males. I would like to farm for affection items, but there are more opportunities to do that compared to confidence items. One run raised Marius' confidence by 15% :D
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In case of further doubt about 'event units', take a look at lists below. Units marked with star are event units and won't be affected by exp up events.



The map you are currently progressing has a random spawn of the black armor. It can appear very early, making the map much harder. The first time I have 3-started this, was without the early armor spawn.

Note, that there are a few points when there is a jump in difficulty and this is the second one (first one being first Bapho map). Many following missions will be even harder and this is a good point to ensure you have strong enough roster to progress further.

At the bottom of this wiki page you will find some low level strategies. If your team is much below level of units in those strategies - time to level. But as you can see, it is possible to do this map even with bronze units alone. Note, that some of those strategies are for early black armor spawn (序盤黒ヘビーあり) and some are not (序盤黒ヘビーなし).

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Okay woah wait, have I been leveling wrong
Am I supposed to use 1 sacrifice and 3 fairies for maximum EXP for the unit? And do I use fairies the rank of the unit or the sacrifice?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It depends. Every additional fairy multiplies the experience multiplier. If you are feeding a unit a fairy that is a different grade, then the multiplier is 1.5x. Otherwise, if it is the same grade, then the multiplier will be 2x.

If you are feeding a unit levels 35 or higher, then 2 bronze + 2 fairies or 1 bronze + 3 fairies are cost efficient if you can farm the fairies frequently. This is important because it is costly to continuously feed low grade, low level units to a high level unit. It can be as much as 2,000 gold a unit to feed for a unit in the 40s. If it takes 2 sets to get a unit leveled up while it costs 8000 total each set, then you're losing 16,000 gold just for 1 level when half of that gold can be used for another level up.

The common method is to straight feed a unit bronze and iron units. For lower level units, between the range of 1 and 35, it is cheap to do this. It is efficient to do this with at least level 10 bronze units. This is what I normally do after I farm higher difficulty story missions. If it is getting expensive or you are lacking gold, then start farming the rural gate map and sell iron grade units for gold or wait for the Monday daily and sell gold armors.

If you want to feed higher quality units that offers a substantial amount of experience, then it is always recommended that you feed 1 unit + 3 fairies. Such cases can be platinum armors and silver-grade or greater units. It is more frequent and common to do that with platinum event units when you are able to farm them from higher-tier event maps.

A couple examples:

Platinum Unit:
Platinum Armor + 3x Platinum Fairies = 8,000 exp (1,000 x 8), 2x2x2
Platinum Armor + 2x Platinum Fairies + 1xGold Fairy = 6,000 exp (1,000 x 6), 2x2x1.5
Platinum Armor + 3x Gold Fairies = 3375 exp (1,000 x 3.375), 1.5x1.5x1.5
1x Lv15 Bronze + 3x Platinum Fairies = 1,120 exp (140 x 8)
2x Lv15 Bronze + 2x Platinum Fairies = 1,120 exp (140 + 140 x 4)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Okay woah wait, have I been leveling wrong
Am I supposed to use 1 sacrifice and 3 fairies for maximum EXP for the unit? And do I use fairies the rank of the unit or the sacrifice?
They changed the base level of the iron and bronze units, so I'm not sure about the optimal feeding strategy right now.

The higher-tier fairies are quite rare, so it's only recommended to use them with high-quality food items. Due to the cost of synthesis rising as you gain levels, it's recommended to initially raise your units with garbage food, and then focusing on better food items as you progress.

Using a Silver Unit as an example, here's an example of how you might want to progress with it to level 50 so you can class-change it quickly.

Feed Iron Units.
Feed Iron and Bronze Units.
Feed Bronze Units.
Feed 2 Bronze Units and 2 Silver Fairies.
*If You're LV38 (Left 418) Female Unit:
Feed 1 LV11 Copy of the Same Unit and 3 Silver Fairies (only recommended for classes that don't have a high class-change priority. Healers, Witches, and Mages are high demand, so don't feed them unless you're drowning in them, and know you have nothing that is going to need them in the future).
*40 (Left 678):
Feed 1 Platinum Armour and 3 Silver Fairies.

*The above information might be out-of-date due to the iron and bronze units being worth more. I personally would never use a platinum armour on a silver unit to raise it to level 50, since silver fairies plus iron and bronze units from higher end maps like the 25 Charisma 見張り塔 (Lookout Tower) should provide quality food with the LV13 Bronze Russels (130xp) being nearly equivalent to a LV1 female silver unit (150xp).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Okay, it's just I had like 20 silver fairies from farming for affection items. Suppose since those seem to be fairly common, it should be safe to use those on my current silvers? That'd be 400exp from iron doing 1/3 or 2/2, and 640 from bronze for the same
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wouldn't use them so freely until you can obtain the higher level bronze units as drops. Just like what Petite mentioned, one of the missions can drop a level 13 bronze, which is valued at 130 experience.

Now lets put some math into it:
2 Lv13 bronze + 2 fairies = 1,040 exp
10x (20 fairies) = 10,400 exp
This will get a level 34 silver unit to level 50

1 Lv13 bronze + 3 fairies = 1,040 exp
7x (21 fairies) = 7,280 exp
This will get a level 41 silver unit to level 50

1 Lv3 bronze + 3 fairies = 640 exp
7x (21 fairies) = 4,480 exp
This will get a level 45 silver unit to level 50

Now this does not apply too well with higher grade units because of the stamina requirements to obtain higher grade fairies. There are other opinions out there that you should take in mind if others will post about it. I may have missed something that I have not touched upon or forgotten.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Bah! Now my 2nd new account is encountering the same error as my 1st one. I thought its just mg comp at home so I tried playing it at my office but i also got the same error! I think its IP related issue since I'm using a different computer and net provider but same VPN program =\ I can't connect directly to dmm because it does not support my country. Does any one here encountered the same issue before? =(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Maintenance on January 8th Between 10:00~15:00:
-Gold+ Male Synthesis 2x Bonus Ends.
-New Event Begins.
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Unit Changed.
-Trading Post Units Replaced.

I didn't try too hard to farm the Tuesday Daily (Got 8 Plat and 4 Black), and then finished the last two challenge quest maps before "Tinies Versus Giants 2" to receive one more plat and black fairy. I'm going to do my best tomorrow to get as many magic crystals as possible, since 83%x6 is a huge difference from 55%x6. Obtaining consistent 5-6 drops would be nice for a change (was getting way too many 2 drop—and not enough 4 drop—trips for my liking).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Finally, I admittedly panicked a little bit when the last wave was two ogres and a black knight. Had my other heavy ready to deploy if Berenice couldn't handle it
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hey guys, I have a question. I'm planning to level up another healer unit but I don't know which to choose between the two. Should I pick Gold Healer Iris or Plat Healer Camilla? o- o

If I also may add, there are two Heavy Armours that I want to choose to level up . Either Jeriusu(? That Plat HA showcased on Summons page) or Berenice ^^;
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