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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anna's Childhood friena is Elsa...I mean Eliza, the Plat drop for that map.

In Els--err--Eliza's event Anna and Eliza totally know each other and are all like "Yo dawg, what up?"

Also Anna's like "My Bro from my homie days makes these snowmen. Its the sh**. Wonder where she is?"

And Eliza's all like: "Yo, what up mah N****! Im all like, fighting an antagonist and cant stop......which I guess means I'll fight you and the prince, too instead of the big scary monsters coming behind me...Go figure, right?"
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anna's Childhood friena is Elsa...I mean Eliza, the Plat drop for that map.

In Els--err--Eliza's event Anna and Eliza totally know each other and are all like "Yo dawg, what up?"

Also Anna's like "My Bro from my homie days makes these snowmen. Its the sh**. Wonder where she is?"

And Eliza's all like: "Yo, what up mah N****! Im all like, fighting an antagonist and cant stop......which I guess means I'll fight you and the prince, too instead of the big scary monsters coming behind me...Go figure, right?"

Haha, that makes sense now:D
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I like your interpretation :D

Anyway, I keep calling her Elsa, it is too obvious they were copycating it :D

@DragonPaladin, if your girls were so high lvl, wasn't it wiser to AW them and then feed during female exp to already awakened girls ? Last female exp was long time ago, we might get one soon... :/ And on the other hand - if I have bad event I don't believe I can get cost reduction, karma etc. So most of the times I try to leave it be until I feel more lucky. It has nothing with game code but it always worked for me...
I am sorry for your bad luck.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

except for the pegasus, dragon knight and iron golem maps i have got the golds and one platinum unit from the golem level. i dont like her skill it knocks her outta the fight for to long, and to make sure i wasnt imagining it does she hit multiple enemies on her basic attack?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

except for the pegasus, dragon knight and iron golem maps i have got the golds and one platinum unit from the golem level. i dont like her skill it knocks her outta the fight for to long, and to make sure i wasnt imagining it does she hit multiple enemies on her basic attack?
Samurai can attack all enemies that they're blocking, which is 2 enemies as a Samurai and Samurai Master, and 3 enemies as a Shogun.

You need a Saint to halve the duration of Momiji's paralysis, or a Healer Liana to cure/prevent the paralysis.

I'm not quite certain of their use after the latest cost reduction buff, but Samurai aren't good until you awaken them. At high skill levels, Momiji's skill is strong enough to wipe out liches and stuff, so the paralysis downtime isn't that problematic if you know she can finish the job beforehand.

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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Feed 10 rainbows fairies which i save up from along time ago to Karma.

Karma still stuck at 4/5 skill.

Do Premium summon 5 times because they have 6x times increase in Plat and 7x times increase in Black.

Got only silvers instead.

Can i trade my bad luck to someone else please :(
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Obvious answer is to take it up the ass painfully, and feed goddess more. Or you can well, get your relative to roll for you and see if it does anything.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@DragonPaladin, if your girls were so high lvl, wasn't it wiser to AW them and then feed during female exp to already awakened girls ? Last female exp was long time ago, we might get one soon... :/ And on the other hand - if I have bad event I don't believe I can get cost reduction, karma etc. So most of the times I try to leave it be until I feel more lucky. It has nothing with game code but it always worked for me...
Those are my alts I use to take videos back in the days, I have Fedora > Iris, Shizuka > Berenice ... or rather I just don't use HA. Never found a need for them.

Min cost gold is hard when you have luck like mine.

6x times increase in Plat and 7x times increase in Black
Aegis doesn't increase gacha high rarity drop chance, you are drunk.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I am allways drunk indeed.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Does that look boosted to you? Petite probably meant that by those girls shown in the picture premium summoning, that they are that much more likely than others of the same rarity.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What he mean is, the chance of rarity is the same, but if you already hit the black rarity the chance to get highlighted unit from the black character pool increase.
Its ok, I'm pretty sure alot ppl make that mistake, specialy there already some complain in EN ver where they wasted $200-300 already thinking its their chance to get black rarity (although i still don't understand why they want liana 21 cost, most of them think as long is black is ok *well black have higher status*)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

did anyone mention that the golem doesnt do long range attacks until it gets hit or did you all just figure this out on your own? I just happened to see this on the gc wiki and it sounds pretty vital to beating the mission
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

But but but. Petite post this so i thought :(
Chance-up means that you only have an increased chance among of obtaining so-and-so unit among its peers.

Think of it this way, you have a 3% chance of obtaining a black unit, and each individual black unit normally has an equal slice of this 3% pie. During a black chance-up, the chance-up black units have a slice that is 7 times larger while the slices of the other black units are smaller to compensate.

One guy spent 1500 crystals, and failed to summon Kikyou despite her having a 7x chance. Why? Crissa daYO!

I highly recommend not caving into premium summoning until they fix it so it's less of a rip-off. I play another DMM game, and the staff have been fixing the premium gacha by removing garbage characters (recently they removed all of the characters that can only evolve to SR instead of UR, and made it so you can do a 11x premium gacha by just spending 1000 points per day instead of 2700 points like normal). Aegis just recently made it so you can gain 150 crystals for 10,000 points instead of 110 crystals, so they're slowly progressing to a state that is less horrible.

Yes, it's in the story description. You can actually damage it a little bit without angering it, but I forget the exact number.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

did anyone mention that the golem doesnt do long range attacks until it gets hit or did you all just figure this out on your own? I just happened to see this on the gc wiki and it sounds pretty vital to beating the mission

It was also mentioned early, after this map was released. You mUst have missed it. People were mentioning this a few times
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

One of the major problems of these premium gachas in DMM games is that the longer the game is active, the harder it is to obtain the girls you want. Aegis tries to fix that by having premium chance up, they even added a second chance up event for it. In the end it's just going to keep getting worse and multiple premium gachas will just become confusing eventually.

So in the end, I think they'll just be forced to make premium gacha a bit more reliable. I can't really blame them for that, I'm sure they didn't plan on their game lasting as long as it has. A lot of DMM games get cut off pretty quickly so they just try to make as much money as they can to keep the game online. Aegis is passed that point though and I don't see it going away any time soon. So I think it's about time they reevaluate some things.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Lol while this kinda off topic what about flower knight girl..
I like the game cuz they keep giving you crystal everyday :D
I think so far i only played for 2 month but i already got like 200++ crystal

As for aegis, the gameplay still interesting and they keep adding more and more stuff like class / gimmick / some enemy type / unit skill etc etc to it i can see all these update will keep the game going.
Although i really wish they take off that kind of game breaking skill from turtle, it felt like if you ever got her awaken + skill awaken, you can clear all map with no planing (no brainer mode) *yes i know the cd is long but still >.<*

The only problem, well i guess they not gonna change it......
Luck !!!! ARGH !!!!! im seriusly going mad cant get the completion of dragon knight (still only magic crystal) and snowstorm map (finaly got plat armour...... (1)).
Already spend 6 sacred crystal on it that make me canceled my plan to farm fran, but i still havent got map completion -.-
Only have 2 sacred crystal left sooo im seriusly crying T_T
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Lol while this kinda off topic what about flower knight girl..
I like the game cuz they keep giving you crystal everyday :D
I think so far i only played for 2 month but i already got like 200++ crystal

As for aegis, the gameplay still interesting and they keep adding more and more stuff like class / gimmick / some enemy type / unit skill etc etc to it i can see all these update will keep the game going.
Although i really wish they take off that kind of game breaking skill from turtle, it felt like if you ever got her awaken + skill awaken, you can clear all map with no planing (no brainer mode) *yes i know the cd is long but still >.<*

The only problem, well i guess they not gonna change it......
Luck !!!! ARGH !!!!! im seriusly going mad cant get the completion of dragon knight (still only magic crystal) and snowstorm map (finaly got plat armour...... (1)).
Already spend 6 sacred crystal on it that make me canceled my plan to farm fran, but i still havent got map completion -.-
Only have 2 sacred crystal left sooo im seriusly crying T_T

Some blacks were cheat buttons since day 1. I agree her skill is a bit much even for a cheat button but the question is, do you really want a cheat button?
Like in the old days, playing Doom was fun AND hard, using cheats would take the hard AND the fun out of the game. (Modern fps are on cheat mode since the beginning so no fun at all).
So, people that roll gatcha not to get and enjoy new girls, but to get a cheat button, probably never enjoyed the game difficulty to begin with. Thats my opinion :)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Final map doesn't have a story... hmm, can't think of anything funny to write as canon; I like to think the pegasus knight map was Carrie's doing (she fed the pegasus tainted sugar cubes that drove them bonkers).

Got the completion reward in 6 trips. Artemis Nanaly and Immortal Queen Karma slaughtered everyone before the first snowstorm began (Karma was there to catch Emilia and distract Flan from Nanaly).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I should try your composition. I catched Rita with Betty and they I don't really remember what I did, except that Elsa is deadly =o

Anyway, my drops for last map right now :
1. Boquet x2
2. Boquet x2
3. Boquet, Flan (no luck )
4. Boquet, Flan (No luck )
5. Boquet
6. Boquet
7. Boquet
8. Boquet
9. Boquet x2, Rean
10. Boquet x2
11. Boquet x2
12. Boquet
13. Boquet x2
14. Boquet x2
15. Boquet x2
16. Boquet x2
17. Boquet x2
18. Boquet
19. Boquet x2, black fairy


Ps. Comment about Carrie and Pegasus Knight map made me laugh :)
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