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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I knew it they're totally going to make completely unkillable golems now that they don't let you spam tokens

also I'm realizing I can use farune to obliterate both dine and sybilla at the same time with her new 260 range I may not have even needed to awaken a 2nd healer thx to this change

Edit: nvm farune shes useless not quite sure why but she only managed chip dmg on sybilla maybe I should use the skill awaken fairy on spica afterall
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That's the closest I can match your team.

Here are some notes:
I deployed Liana early when it's not needed.
You don't have Olivia.
Your Maurette doesn't have her AW skill, but she should still do similar damage to the princesses and should still do area damage in a smaller radius.

The total cost between Liana and Olivia is 38 points. You can deploy Chloris and Patra/Farne with those points. Those two and Yuyu should be able to kill Deine.

My strategy uses a ganker and a deployment heal to kill Aisha. You don't have those units awakened yet, but it would be helpful for this mission if you do get them awakened.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

... These story missions make me lose confidence in my team.

Managed to get the knack of overcoming mummies, Lian proved quite useful and Saki/Cypria were quite nice since their large offensive power at low hp is meaningless if it doesn't hit. Thanks to that combination, mummies were relatively easy to handle and I could 3 star 拠点争奪戦・前. Then I went on to 拠点争奪戦・後 of course and using a similar strategy as before, the mummies and all were handled relatively well... until that damn demon at the end appeared.

As my heals can't catch up with constantly being blasted while handling 2 black demons, I noticed that it seemed to stop firing and cut down whatever is in front of it so I decided the solution would be to gank it with some tough duelist. I threw Chloe in with two healers backing it up since she has the highest def in my team. She died. What now, really? Reading wiki on the mission, apparently that stupid demon has 2200 attack and I don't think I'm going to be able to tank that without some tough HA with a def buff skill up.

I think it may be somewhat more manageable if I only had to deal with the boss but the two black demons and rush of fodder right at the end leaves me with little resources to handle the boss with. Maybe it's time to grind some more before retrying.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@shadow I dont think you need to press too much I believe the 焦熱のオアシス 30 cost map gives almost as much unit exp as that map your trying to beat just without the ridiculous demons/ etc that is hard to kill without some stronger units just go back to it when your good and ready

and thx for trying to help exkale I actually can 3 star it if I let deine move away from the archers more before slowing her down with witches took a good 3-4 tries to have this happen unintentionally. really glad I dont have to actually tank sybilla chizuru wasn't working because the princesses just waltz on through and murder her
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

At least you're getting there. It's good that you found a way to clear it.

If there's one thing I overlooked about the balance update, it would be the bishop range increase. I've only thought about how good it is for them offensively, but I never thought about their healer aspect. The range increase would put them at the same range as healers. This is actually good for people that want Marius'/Noel's Skill AW. As far as pure healing power per second is concerned, it's not going to overtake dedicated healers, but it's still good enough to be used because their heals won't be in sync with the other healers. This is a far better buff than I initially expected. Marius having 275 range after awakening can let him heal from positions other healers (other than Saria) can not reach. I'll probably push him up the list as far as prioritizing awakenings is concerned because +15 range is too good to pass on.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I was researching for tomorow aw map (sunday)
And just notice isn't that that sapphire premium unit they used there :eek:

Looks like a robo rider :p

Edit: since when they changed Sorano AW picture ?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Edit: since when they changed Sorano AW picture ?
Same time they added the Pheonix to Farne's AW illustration along with the complete revamp for Dahlia and Spica last Thursday (these two got new bedroom illustrations with Spica's being by a known illustrator who decided she needed an even bigger bust to spite people like Hybras).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Same time they added the Pheonix to Farne's AW illustration along with the complete revamp for Dahlia and Spica last Thursday (these two got new bedroom illustrations with Spica's being by a known illustrator who decided she needed an even bigger bust to spite people like Hybras).

Lol as soon i see this i checked both CG (lucky EN ver still have the old CG) in their scene and yes i can see a big difference in their bust (like 1.5x increase in bust size)
So what other illustration change do we have that clearly shown ? Not just sharper and better quality picture i mean... this kind of interest me now :p
PS: even spica pre-aw picture changed o_O (for those spica whos already aw u can check it from giving gift button)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So, though it feels like something quite far in the future, was reading wiki for more information and came by Despia's page. There's the light review of Despia which I've already read but on it writes that her skill is somewhat situational with less range, higher CD but around 15~% more DPS.

However with this revamp, wiki is fairly active all around and there were people in comments going on about whoever wrote the review severely underrating her AW skill. How is it in reality?

On a somewhat trivial note, I found it funny how Chloe's AW ability got buffed from 6% -> 7%.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Lol as soon i see this i checked both CG (lucky EN ver still have the old CG) in their scene and yes i can see a big difference in their bust (like 1.5x increase in bust size)
So what other illustration change do we have that clearly shown ? Not just sharper and better quality picture i mean... this kind of interest me now :p
PS: even spica pre-aw picture changed o_O (for those spica whos already aw u can check it from giving gift button)
It's not sharper and better quality. They modified a ton of images. Way too many for me to mention. I posted a comparison between old Zora and new Zora, and small details like her stockings are different.

The completely revamped characters are Dahlia, Spica, and Moldevort. They have new stand-up illustrations (though Dahlia's AW illustration is the same), and bedroom illustrations. The rest of the bedroom illustration modifications are subtle, like Mia's illustration changed the ghostly Prince into a transparent Blue Man. Other bedroom modifications: Janna1, Mia1,Mia2, Miranda2, Erenia1, and Erenia2.

When you commission an illustrator to do an illustration that's turned into a CG for a game, the illustrator will send you line-art that you then send to a graphicer to colour it into the CG. A lot of the changes are from the graphicers redoing stuff, but some of it could also be from the original illustrators redoing the lineart.

Example (Hores):
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Spica :(

She didn't deserve this. Both her new illustrations are terrible and whoever contracted that artist should get fired. If it's WankoP, then fuck him.

Spica's original illustration was the very reason why I wanted to use her. I'm going to find a new archer to raise that's not Spica just because she looks so weird now. I guess I'll look into raising Rita as a replacement since I don't want to begrudgingly use Spica.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

She just became HEALTHY.

Does she really look that bad though?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

90% of the time it's Illustrations > Ability/Stats for me. The 10% only happens when I have no other option but to use them.

I've made plans to stop using Mehlis. Since I got an abundance of options, she can be phased out over time. She's just around because she's the only leveled up mage I currently have available.

I begrudgingly used the cow healer when I first started the game, but when I was able to get better healers, I immediately used the cow as an AW material. She was min-cost too, but there's no way I'm using her again. I hated every moment I had to rely on that cow healer. It made me regret not learning the game better since I 30CC the other healer.

I'll delete a unit if it offends me *cough*Pupuru*cough*. I have not regret it once since I did it. There are some black-rarity units that I will feed to another unit immediately if I ever get them. It doesn't matter that they're black.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

having 20 SC should I waste it on Gacha with a chance to get Nanaly or just save it :/

Maybe I should save it to get 2nd barrack.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I can understand why, although my requirements are a bit loose. Frankly as long as they aren't ugly like the cowtits or are flat out men I don't particularly mind. To begin with, I bothered farming a copy of Lian only because I liked her AW image (dat back), wasn't quite expecting her to become one of my main archers though so consequentially it was a good choice.

Kinda funny because the first thing I did when CCing was also getting rid of the cowtits healers, and Daniela's as well.

I don't think I'd go to the level of eating plats/blacks just because they're ugly though, at most just not use them unless necessary.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That's pretty much it. People have different tastes and requirements. I won't be deleting or feeding on Spica, since I've already invested a lot into her. :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I like Spica better now. The "size up" is not the best but her previous "old british fairy tale" style was really odd considering the game style. Hope Shidis get the same treatment.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

having 20 SC should I waste it on Gacha with a chance to get Spicaor just save it :/

Maybe I should save it to get 2nd barrack.

I believe Spica is trading post unit only.
and well i still say u on luck, next month is spica turn *usually* after Sedis, of coz it cost 200 crystal
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

For a citizen of Boob Empire like me, a "size up" is always a good thing :D

The only thing i could complain about Spica new AW illustration is her pose which is commonly used in a lot of anime style artwork. With that kind of pose, her spine would be twisted and broke in half.

I understand the idea of that pose is to show off the charm of character which are both her frontal and back assets however.


They removed Fee from Sunday mission orb map.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Next month Spica huh... assuming it really does happen, sounds pretty good. Isn't Spica considered one of the best archers? Though I'm not really worried about archers anymore with Lian and Rita... Would have to dump one of them if I actually got her since 3 archers is a bit excess for most maps.