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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Clearing revival maps with no issues so far, though I don't know what map I should farm for the stones yet.

So far I think I'm going to be trying to get all 3 revival units but then as for who to focus on... I really feel like I have an overload of mages, Noel is cute and all but there's already a crapload of mages moreover Paula so other than her AW passive I don't see much use for her. Kagura is a definite get but I'm not sure if I'm ever going to want to deploy her either. This new dark priest lowers my motivation further... Hores sounds good but I don't really care about magic fencers considering I've seen Charlotte just rotting in my storage never being used.

Maybe I'll just take a half assed approach and -CR a little bit of both Hore's and Kagura.

Unlike you I thinking to at least get 5 Noel (the only gold that always in my main unit) to CR her (would take 250 RC) and 3 Hores (would take 350 RC) ... getting 600 RC might be too much problem for me.

Considering the SC I would get (roughly 10 SC) from the event I will take a shot :3

If I knew this earlier, I would save more SC. After all I'm free player XD

New Dark Priest is like Feng Shui unit, I think? But pretty much offensive one

EDIT : get 1st Noel ... 4 to go ":3
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hores is actualy nice once you aw skill her.
Her skill duration make her increased atk (magic) and double hit....
I remember someone mention before their Hores has been doing 1.5k dmg x2 during skill activation.
Her aw ability is increased atk at the cost of her aspd, well this pretty much help her to bypass eemy def during non skill activation... afterall 1 of magic fencer role is all around physical / spell / ranged melee and duel class.

This subjugation helped alot if you have ranged melee btw... give it a try in there

Subjugation already 10 mil kill.....brrr and its only been almost 4 hr since server up -.- (i'm scared i pratically can see it hit 375m kill byt 5th aug)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Don't forget to include the cost of purchasing her the first time if they didn't have a copy before. So that's 20 more revival crystals for Noel and 50 more for Hores or Kagura. That's a lot more additional runs to do.

I'm already halfway done with the Subjugation event thanks to leveling up earlier. I should be done in a couple days, and then I can use my charisma/stamina for the revival event. I think I should try to find my old account and do some subjugation missions on it just to boost up the numbers slightly.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is it for the AW passive? She's cute and I do want to use her but there's already Paula, Odette, Melis and a scheduled Moldevort revival. This dark priest also sounds like she may get used, though I'm not sure if her attack is AoE or not. Kagura suffers from a similar issue with enough units already snatching up her role... just how many hybrid clerics do I need, seriously? However her AW passive means that she can constantly be in my team as a cheerleader, in that case I might be able to find some opportunity to use her unlike other units who don't make it into my team to begin with.

Yeah I remember reading about that before which is why she's even in the candidates in the first place.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This subjugation helped alot if you have ranged melee btw... give it a try in there

Subjugation already 10 mil kill.....brrr and its only been almost 4 hr since server up -.- (i'm scared i pratically can see it hit 375m kill byt 5th aug)

When Everyone have same goal, 300 mil is easy.

Unlike last subgation when no one wanna make a certain gunner to go plat (600 mil) since the gold sounds better

@theshadowm : Don't get me wrong. I also have lots of mage like you (I have Paula, Odette, Mehlis too)
In a sense calling Noel a mage is right, but she's bishop + dwarf (like a certain map in Gold Rush that only allowed Elf + Dwarf class)... If you see her AW skill. She could even became healer when needed :3
There's also some maps when certain classes useful or allowed to enter the battle (We know some example for this).

It never a pain to get more mage. For me it's for better + balance team and CUTENESS ! :3
So I won't force you if you don't want one. No one push that for you. You should pick your own choice.
Like me, Most here might chase Kagura for her AW ability. But I'm not because I have no use for her. I have Shino :3
I started developing my male team since I see too much females. NEED some MANLINESS
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

True enough about that, the elf/dwarf only map was one big headache... Thankfully they weren't sadistic enough to make the map too hard.

On a separate note, reading up on Raven... she actually seems like a pretty meh swordmaster unless you can max her skill, then she becomes decent. 7 hit limit cap and 2.6x attack isn't very impressive. Instant death is hit or miss, not to mention when using Gloria and I guess Sandra as well, only the tougher units (e.g. heavy armors, bosses) survive and fodder get annihilated even without the instant death. Meanwhile bosses usually don't get instant killed so... eh.

I'm currently suspecting the dark priest is going to be a single target mage, it would make the most sense. The problem is how she'll compare to witches... if her dps is horrible, it would potentially ruin her as a unit since her skill depends on it.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm currently suspecting the dark priest is going to be a single target mage.

Well true on that she is a single target hitter with purple light like those necromancer / lich do....
You actualy fight her in 2nd last map if you still haven't done the main event quest...

Well currently my thinking is treating her like any other witch type if her cost is low.... if her cost is high cuz of the healer part well...... she will only come out during situational fight
*not on priorty list since i'm about to aw belinda for that 7% atk on witch
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm doing revival as priority since this dark priest event is a star event. Unless the maps are extremely tough, should be able to push through most maps with relative ease when I get to it. Only problem will be the last few maps.

I'm guessing her cost might be around witches? I don't think she can be much higher. Even if she can heal, she can't slow enemies like witches do so it kinda cancels each other out in my opinion. If she turns out to be some 20+ cost monster then off to the storage she goes.

It's all going to depend on her attack power and speed. Though I suppose even if she isn't too great, she might have her uses still. Basically in those situations where I have a tough duelist out but however tough the duelist is, she'll gradually take damage. Characters like Paula are too inflexible to deploy as a part time healer so in this case I could deploy the dark priest to serve the role. Could be pretty good in that sense... and actually putting it into words makes me feel more and more like Kagura is obsolete aside from being a cheerleader...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Just wondering, but is there any drop data for the Revival Event based on the previous iteration?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The last map for the Verdi's event is pretty difficult if you lack a decently leveled up angel that you can deploy first. Any other unit will be burnt to a crisp by the Orthus unless you have good supporting units. The Orthus deals a scary amount of damage because of their attack speed. To top it off, it's magical damage so high HP and/or high MR is more valuable.

I was able to get through by using a CC60 Elen, and then deploying Liana for her AW ability. I would then use her AW skill after a while for the regen and status immunity because Elen is tanking 2 Orthus and the Chimera. The angel will get paralyzed without Liana's skill, so another unit needs to be in the rear to handle the Chimera or it will escape.

Good luck to anyone that attempts it, because I can't think of any other solution other than having really good, and high leveled, Premium Platinum units.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Someone else rolled for Cutie Swordmaster and got Jerry instead?!

I bet I can One Down that!! Julian here I come!!


Man, I'd be great if I got Cutie Master or Altair, but that's not gonna happ--

A Dark Aura Surrounds the Evil Goddess



Oh, Matsuri. Hiya! Black Units. Yay!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

^ Nice, honestly speaking I wouldn't have been as disappointed if I got a silver or something. I took double damage by seeing a platinum aura and getting my hopes up only to be kicked down by the goddess.

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Also, Kanon's AW skill doesn't have a duration, which is weird. It's either a single shot skill, she has that for the rest of the battle, or the staff made an error with its description.


Any update on this? the gif is a second too short so we can't see if the skill wears off after that shot T_T
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think kanon skill is 1 shoot only from that gif since her light went out..

Currently trying to find a good strategy for last map... i just can't find any how to handle the begining part.
the 2 solution i see so far is strong healer + soldier OR angel at begining...

This 1 look doable, but...

Not to sure if able to do with with lower lvl soldier + healer cuz his aria almost died there

Edit: new solution found looks alot safer
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think is 1 shot too but the gif is not clear unfortunately (I just download it and play frame by frame :p)
Edit: noup, the skill aura lasts until the last frame T_T

The hell of a subjugation... everything is fine until Dine comes and the black parade starts..
I'll have to see some videos, the spots on the top seem useful for the later waves if u can handle the small fry with only a few units.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi, I'm trying to recreate a gacha simulator from scratch, but I'm not sure how exactly does the gacha chance up works.

1. Take black units for example. Currently, we have 22 gacha black units. Does the 7 times chance up means that 6 more copies of the unit is added to the list, making it 7/28 chance of getting the single chance up black unit? Or does it directly increase the chance of getting the black unit by 7 times, making it check for (1/22*7), then going back to the remaining 21 units?

2. Then we have two chance up units. Does it split the chance up (3.5 times each), or does both of the units of the same rarity receive the 7x chance up?

3. How much is the chance up for gold units again?

When you put it in numbers, the chance to get a particular chance up unit is really slim, even black units have only 25% / 32% of being the single chance up black unit.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Assuming Kanon's AW skill is one hit, does that make her kinda like a pseudo swordmaster? Activate skill, nuke everything. If multiple hits, even more so. Judging from that skill aura, it definitely doesn't last for many hits at the very least.

I don't know how their damages compare though.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I believe there already gacha simulator...
I saw like 2-3 month ago, its in JP and they also include the chance up spotlight unit in it.
Unfortunatly i forgot the website link for it.... maybe someone here still rememeber the link...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


I know there is one. I'm just trying to recreate it from scratch to pass time. Here's the link of the original if you're interested.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Dam it thats a trap !!!...
I just pressed the very 1st top left button (since i got no idea about this simulator at all)
And 1st roll Crissa pop (again can't remember her spelling)